USD President's Report 2002
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A152 2002
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. of Discovery Journeys of Discovery Journeys )le of Contents Table of Contents Table of Content covery Jour,ntents Table of Contents Table of piscivV Journeys ?,~, Di cov r f [ s Table of Conte s T. ble of Cont nts T. ble of Con
JOURNEYS OF DISCOVERY Introduction/Letter from the President ................... ..... .............. 2 Tools of Discovery: The Donald P. Shiley Center for Science and Technology ............. 4 Experiments in Education: Undergraduate Research .............................. 6 ANew Link for the Food Chain: Graduate Field Work .. ......................... 8 Shore Patrol: Science in the Community .......................... . .......... l 0 Fun with Physics: Science Alumni ......................................... 12 Science Alliance: USD and Biotechnolog; .................................... 14 2002: The Year in Review ......... ........ .............................. 16 2001-02 Gi~ing Summary .............................................. 20 Financial Operations .................................................. 22 2001-02 Leadership Donors ............................................. 23 The Gift of Education: USD Fund-Raising Programs .......................... 30
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Board ofTrustees/Executive Officers/Deans . ..... ......... .............. ..... 31
From Cover: Kathy Reed '02 (left), who works flt
San Diego's Nereus Phnrmacemicn/J, and
biology Professor Lisn Baird examine fl
culture ofbnrrerin that could be med ro comrolplanr dimues.
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ear Friends, University visitors and freeway drivers passing near campus have noticed a new academic building rising on the western hillside. This building, the Donald P. Shiley Center for Science and Technolo � , is nearing _ complecio � and will be open next fall. Facul ry in che departments of biology, chemistry, phy _ s1cs, and _ man � e and environ mental studies are eagerly anticipating their new facilities. Several hundred SCience maJors w1l _ l spend a great deal of their academic time in the building, and each year more than a thousand students will use the cen ter's classrooms, laboratories and research areas as pare of their general education.
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" US D science graduates have myriad career opportunities. Many choose to become teachers and share their excitement and love ofscience with the next genemtion ofscientists. They also takejobs in science and technol ogy companies."
resident Letter fram the President Letter from the Pre C3sident Letter from the President LE h r m h nt L � � r fr o m the President Letter f
lists USD as one of the top colleges in the country for graduating students who complete science doctorates within six years of earning their under graduate degrees. The new Center for Science and Technology is named for noted scientist Donald P. Shiley, who conducted pioneering work on the artificial heart valve and made many aerospace science discoveries. In giving the university their generous gift of sup port for the center, Donald and his wife, Darlene, a USD trustee, spoke not only of their support for science programs, but also of the importance of the values and ethics caught by the universi ry . I hope you will join me in expressing our gratitude to the Shiley family and all the individuals, foun dations and corporations who are making chis beautiful building possible. I have notified our board of trustees chat I would like to retire in June, and soon you will hear reports of the search committee for my suc cessor. I would like to take chis opportuni ty to thank all of you for the support you have given me over the years, and cell you how much I have enjoyed leading the outstanding communi ty of USD. le has been a privilege to be your president.
In chis President's Report, I am pleased to share with you some of the activities of our sci ence faculty, students and alumni. Their work will be greatly enhanced by the technology available in che new building. We will have twice as many lab oratories for teaching and research, and more room for students to work with facul ty advisers on undergraduate research projects. The building's state-of-the-arc equipment includes an electron microscopy lab, nuclear mag netic resonance spectrometers, a hydrodynamics lab, geographic information systems, a laser lab, a molecular modeling lab and many ocher excep tional resources for teaching science and conduct ing investigations. Aquaria, an astronomy deck, a greenhouse and ocher facilities will provide a won derful learning environment. Students also will continue to be actively involved in field work, using university collections and library resources to support analysis of their ecological findings. USD science graduates have myriad career opportunities. Many choose to become teachers and share their excitement and love of science with the next generation of scientists. They also take jobs in science and technology companies, and there is great interest in USD interns and graduates among the growing number of biotech nology companies in the San Diego region. Although USD does not offer a doctor of medicine or a science doctorate, our graduates frequently pursue advanced degrees at ocher uni versities and go on to become physicians and sci entists. In face, che National Research Council
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Alice B. Hayes President
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' i ", A . , , �-- '1 -' /; ., ' . f('' 1 -. I fl' , , , 1 ' I ., · I Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer A k ey compo11em 10 every biorech compa11y i11 rhe thera pttrticsfield, researchers wr rhis powerful roof i11 the design and rymhesis ofchemical compounds as potr11tial 11ew dn1gs. Ir rrfleals the strucmrt and purity of organic mo/m,les, prorrins and 11urleic acids, and canfollow the progr,ss ofchemical reactio11S.
High - Performance Liquid Chromatograph Studems who go 011 ro work in biorech11ology compa11ies will wr equip111em idenrical ro this machi11rry, which allows researchers ro sepamu, ide11tifj and qua111ifj molemh
Interactive Art Exhibit The b11ildi11g fearum science in Smsurro1111d- rhe atrium will house an imeractive public arr projecr titled "Thr frptri111mr," desi g, 1ed by USD art Professor David Smith. Through 111otio11 derectors , cameras and LCD rouch-scrmr displays, visirors will see infor111ario11 abow rhe four science areas housed in the b11ildi11g-biology, dmnistry, physics, and marine and ,11vi ro11mmtal studies.
Geographic Information System ( GIS ) Laboratory Thr ulrimnre collaborarive roof, rhe GIS gear will be employed by scimce s111de1m ro plor ecospre,115 and layer rheir componems, showing where rh ey overlap and how rh ey affect each orher. 8111 rhe rysre111 easily can be used by polirical scimcr profeisors map ping political or socio-economic changes, bwiness s111dmts track ing supply rourrs or urba11 srudies studmrs a11alyzi11g rhr impacr of co1utrucrio11 and roads.
Strata Plaza Using rht scimce cemer garde11S, professors ca11 take m,dems 011 afi,ld cripjusr outside rhe door. A prehisroricgarden will show case plam ,volurio11, while natifle la11dscapi11g will provid, an obstrvarory to study relatio11- ships amo11g plants, a11i111als and imms. The Scrara P!112A, which il/11strates local geology using co11mre and natural marerials, will acr flJ a g,ology guid, and a primer 011 rhe regions rocks.
Modular Laboratories Fltxibility is k ey to th, scienct ctll/ers labs, desi g, 1,d in fl mod ularformat thar allowsfor easy rrconfig11ratio11 to accommodatt 11t1v activities, progra111 changes and uch11ical advanw.
L,iser Particle Sortcr This i11Scr11mmt a11alyus particles mspmd,d in sta wartr, and will b, ustd to txami11, stdimnus col/medfrom 11earby sires such flJ Mission Bay and San Diego Bay. a11dfar-fl1111g artflJ like th, Salton Sta and D,uptio11 Isla11d, Amarcrica.
Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Biow gy st11dt1mCOIi gtt up dost ,wd personal, ar tht wbullular ltvel, using a tra11Smission ,/,c tron 111icroscope (shown hrrt) to pm inside er/ls and srr changes in stmcturt and growth. A scan ning rleccro11 microscopt will be ustd to examine and phorograph r,:ttrior surfircrs ofbiological and g,ological specimens.
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Faciug page: }1111ior Jessica Ratto (left) mm- " tor,dJreshmau Sarah ;. ·:. .Peitz 011 DNA research. • Fr,01i1 left: Ratto a11d Profe'!~,. Deborah Tiilm111ssebi c_ollaborattd
Q z ::, arah Perez spent the past summer in the basement laboratories of Camino Hall, researching the hydrogen bonding properties of DNA alongside chemistry Professor Deborah Tahmassebi. Such experiences are nor unique among students, bur Perez was an unusual case, because she had yet to attend a universiry class. Perez, a freshman chis fall, conducted her research as ~art of the Pre-Undergraduate Research Experience, an innovative undertaking chat encourages firsr-generanon co!lege students to pursue science careers. PURE and its sibling, rhe Summer Undergraduate Research Expenence_ (SURE), are focal points in the universiry's promotion of original research among undergraduates - ternrory char formerly was rhe exclusive domain of graduate students. e Research Undergraduate Research UndergraduE graduate Research Undergt [ ate e ndergrad~,~te Re~e8ifh Undergrac .. $- . •,11_&, •JI-~ ..... . I ~ 1- - . '., , , 1nm
''At many colleges, students don't even see the inside of fl lab until theirjrmior yeflrs, but that is not the cflse flt USD. Our undergmduates have the advantage of extensive hands-011 !fib experience. "
"Ar many colleges, students don't even see the inside of a lab until their junior years, bur rhac is nor che case at USO," Tahmassebi says. "Our undergraduates have the advamage of extensive hands-on lab experience." Each PURE participant is paired with an older student mentor who provides a great deal more than science training. "She took me to the bookstore before the semester started and showed me how to find my books," Perez says of her partner, junior biochem- istry student Jessica Ratto. "She helped me get my student ID card, showed me where to eat, and even went with me to check out my dorm so I would know exactly where to go. I am a lot more comfortable starting school because of Jessica." The professors believe increased comfort leads to elevated confidence and improved chances for the students to succeed. One of their shining examples is Jaclyn Torres, a 2001 PURE partici- pant. Torres worked with biology Professor Marie Simovich on research involving fairy shrimp, an endangered freshwater crustacean native to San Diego's vernal pools. Lase spring, she presented her findings at an academic conference. "I discussed whether the size of the shrimp eggs affects survival," Torres says. "There were professors and graduate students at che confer- ence, and most of chem were blown away chat I was only a freshman." Torres says the research experience also helped her figure out what she wants to do professionally. "I was leaning coward marine mammal behav- ior, but chis experience really got me interested in conservation biology," she says. "Getting involved with chis research changed my life."
"As the academic qualiry of our students increases, we must find ways to challenge their intellectual abilities," says Provost Frank Lazarus. "PURE and SURE allow students to exert more control over their education. The reacher is col- laborator and colleague as students learn to ask original, scholarly questions, and devise and con- duct their own experiments." PURE, launched in 2001, is rhe brainchild of chemistry professors Deborah Tahmassebi and Leigh Plesniak. The duo designed the program as a springboard for students who traditionally don't consider advanced work in the sciences. "There isn't a lot of diversiry at the upper lev- els of science, so we want to increase the number of women and people of color at the undergradu- ate level, and prepare them to pursue postgraduate work," Tahmassebi says. "These are students who, in many cases, don't have role models to prepare them fo r success in a universiry environment. "PURE gives them a chance to meet fellow students and faculry, and get acquainted with the campus," she adds. "Ir gives them a head start on their freshman years. " Tahmassebi and Plesniak work with the regis- trar's office to identify local students who meet PURE criteria - those from under-represented groups who are interested in a science major, and are the first in their families to attend college. They contact the students with program informa- tion before they finish high school. Perez, who graduated from West Hills High School in Santee and intends to majo r in chem- istry, was one of five students accepted for PURE's second class. The students worked on several dif- ferent projects - analysis of animal environments in Mission Bay, studies on how climate change affects am nesting patterns, and research on the double-helix structure of DNA.
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id you ever wonder about the journey taken by the fish that's sitting on your dinner plate? It may be amore interesting trip than you'd think. If you' re eating apiece of white sea bass,
that tasty filer may have enjoyed an infancy during which it was almost as well cared for as a cl:ild. Its ado- lescence might have been one of careful nurturing, guarded dev~lopment and even hearty exercise, all under the watchful eyes of caring guardians. And your fish at one nme may ~av~ passed ~hrough the hands of Gabriel Buhr, a marine science graduate student and the grow-out facil1t1es coordinator fo: the Oc~an Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program at San Diego's Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Insutute. WhKh is a long, fancy way of saying that he's sort of a foster parent for fish. Id Work Graduate Field Work Graduate Field Work ate Field Work Graduat [ ield _Work Graduate Field Work Graduate Field We I. ~t~-·-· . '1 "'?.,, . ', - 'ti-I'"". "'... - ."·· ' ' ,. . ' . •4-·~1-. ,,,.· ' ·:,,i, I.. ..., ....,~ . ·t,, ,·. 'f} . '·~ ··• __, ,.~
"There are a lot of implicatio11s for hatcheries in Gabe's work. A large-scale approach to this idea would make a huge difference hz the 1rnmber offish that can be released, and increase the potential to grow fish directly for the consumer market. "
More than 100,000 fish , in fact. That's how many white sea bass Buhr in the past year helped breed, hatch, grow, tag, release and track in a unique effort to replenish the ocean's increasingly depleted resources. The Hubbs hatchery eventually will release 300,000 fish a year, but the program is contributing much more than its sea bass. "We're a model for marine stock enhancement programs worldwide, because we're backing up what we do with science," says Buhr, who explains that the hatchery, which opened in 1995 and is fu nded by fishing license fees , selected white sea bass because it's a local species, it adapts well to cap tivi ty and the population is severely depleted. "Most hatcheries just grow fish and mass release them into the ocean, not knowing what happens to them. We're trying to justify what we do, and to see if it is making a difference." To that end, the hatchery tags every fish it releases - a minuscule, coded wire in the cheek provides a unique identifier - and works with commercial and sport fishermen to reclaim the rags when the fish are caught. One encouraging res ult came when a 16-pound adult fish was haul ed from the ocean more than seven years after its release from the facility, showing that the hatchery fish can thrive in the wild. The science doesn't stop at tracking. For his mas ter's thesis, Buhr analyzed the potential to accelerate the growth of the fish, allowing them to be released earlier and with a better chance to sur- vive. He constructed a raceway - a makeshift liquid treadmill with water constantly flowing from one end - and studied whether the exercise conditioning made a difference. The results were astounding. ''After 30 days, the fish had doubled in weight and were 30 percent longer. " Buhr says. "Unlike
mammals, fish can grow new muscle tissue, the part you eat. So they weren't just healthier and stronger, they had increased commercial value." Such studies have been done on fast-swim- ming river fish, such as trout, but Buhr's experi- ment was the first to a use moderately active species of ocean fish. "There are a lot of implications for hatcheries in Gabe's work, " says biology Professor Sue Lowery, who oversaw Buhr's research. ''A large- scale approach to this idea would make a huge difference in the number of fish that can be released, and increase the potential to grow fish directly for the consumer marker. " Buhr's coursework is finished, but other stu- dents are taking his findings in new directions. He proved that exercise increases muscle in white sea bass; now marine science graduate student Anita Cepuritis is investigating why and how such growth happens. Cepuritis is analyzing a blood protein called Insulin-like Growth Factor, which is common to fish and mammals, to see if it inter- acts with growth hormones to cause the muscle development that Buhr discovered. "There's a lot of research on IGF, because sci- entists hope it might be used in humans to regen- erate muscle or deliver medications to specific pam of the body," Cepuritis says. "My work is more biotechnology, but in any research there's a lot of crossover. Which is good, because it helps fill in the big picture. "
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Fnci11g Page: Michel B011dri,,s collects samples ofoce1111 water in Mexico far n study 011 bench pollutio11. From Left: Boudrins studies wnter samples i11 n Mexicn11 lnb; sen lettuce, nfarm ofnlgne, thri1•es i11 polluted wnm,; }nmes Bolender n11nlyzes phos- phates i11 11 water snmple.
:i:: 1- z he stench of rotting fish guts hit Michel Boudrias from miles away, and as he approached abeach covered with three inches of fish scales, the marine and environmental studies associate professor almost became physically ill. Ir was his first experience with a fish cannery in Baja California's Puerto San Carlos. For 30 years, rhe cannery dumped tuna and sardine byproducts into Magdalena Bay, turning a portion of rhe once pristine area into a wasteland. Since 1998, Boudrias and his graduate stu- dents have studied rhe pollution's effects on marine life and worked w1rh the cannery to c!;an up the area. "People ear fish and clams from char water, so I knew something_h~d to be_ don:, sa~s Boudnas, currently on sabbatical in rhe area, where he's analyzing data and building relanonsh1ps wi th Mexican Community Science in the Community Science in , unity Science in the Community Scien [ ci~nce in the Community $ci~nce in the Gommunjt~ • - , . .. • c,. • . ·- •. .• I r ti .... •· . - ' "' ,t • • .· • , • S' . •·"" , . t • . . ,I I• t, . :,... • ·, • -.
"Before I got involved in this project, I was a (ypical chemist who worked in a lab and didn't know what it was like to work in the field. Now, I'm making 11 difference I can see."
"Before I got involved in chis project, I was a typical chemist who worked in a lab and didn't know what it was like co work in rhe field," says Bolender, who now is studying sensors char could detect the presence of pollution and heavy metals in water. "Now, I'm making a difference I can see." The professors and SFS representatives con- vinced cannery officials to begin cleaning up the surrounding beaches by rilling rhe sand, removing debris and improving facilities inside rhe cannery. Boudrias and Bolender currently are writing a grant proposal to fund research into how the can- nery can further reduce pollution, and they hope to find engineers to implemenr proposed changes. "They don't have the resources for a large-scale beach clean-up," Boudrias says, "bur they're doing a lot more now than they ever have before. " Two years ago, Boudrias and Bolender brought USD undergraduates inro rhe equarion. In 2001, they turned rhe project into a summer honors course, which will be offered again in 2003 . Fifteen studenrs went to Mexico for the three- week course, assisting in research and analysis of the area. Among the students in the inaugural course was senior Renee Umbdenstock, who collected water samples near the cannery, and reseed water temperature, salinity levels and rhe presence of various chemicals. "I love chemistry and the work that's associated with it, bur I always hated lab work," Umbdenstock says. "Bur down in Baja, we'd start in the lab at 7 a.m., and the professors were dragging us our at midnight. I was never more excited to see results and get more samples. "
researchers. 'Tm working closely with rhe cannery, and all parries are doing what they can to make rhe bay a better place. " Boudrias was hired in 1999 as a consultant to rhe School for Field Studies, which offers college students field study opportunities around rhe world, including in Puerto San Carlos - a town of 2,000 people more than 120 miles northwest of La Paz. The organization asked Boudrias to study rhe cannery's effect on nearby beaches, and compare the results to ocher beaches untouched by pollution. Boudrias found char while sediment-dwelling organisms, clams, crabs and stingrays are abun- dant in the clean waters on the far side of rhe bay, they don't live in the contaminated muck near the cannery, which is dominated by bacteria-feeding organisms and covered by mars of green algae. While Boudrias studied marine life, USD chemistry Associate Professor James Bolender, who joined the project in 2000, cracked chemical levels in the waste. Phosphate and nitrate levels in the water are higher than those in raw sewage, Bolender says. Phosphates and nitrates are nutrients, and not normally considered pollutanrs, but in the bay their ultra-high levels cause a vicious cycle - the nutrients cause an overgrowth of sea lettuce, and the decay of sea lettuce when it dies creates more phosphates and nitrates. The beaches near rhe cannery are turning black. Congealed fish guts choked the oxygen out of the sand and produced high concenrrarions of hydrogen sulfide, a toxic chemical char smells like rotten eggs and attracts bacteria. The bacteria feed off the sulfide and multiply uncontrollably, dot- ting the beach with pink and white parches.
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Flldng PaF Lisa Cas,p- O'Brim '95 uses a /Qw- frinio,r air track ta ,hour Newtans IMut'f motion. From left: Tding aim at the scientific __,, of velocity; tu"- ride an elevator to discover how {orce affects weight; Profmor Dan Shuhan inlpi,rd Casry-O'Brim
hen you hear the phrase "high school physics class," what comes to mind? Pocket protectors, geek squads, lectures so boring that Ferris Bueller would need more than aday off? Take a sear in Lisa Casey-O'Brien's class, and you'll likely change your mind. The 1995 graduate do~s for the obscure laws of physics what MTV did for che music video - she makes science fun, fast and fun- ous for students in her five daily physics sections at Poway (Calif.) High School. Casey-O'Brien uses humor-laden lectures and hands-on activities to convey esoteric cheo~ies. On a given day, students may shoot dares - soft-ripped, of course - out of crossbows to study velocity, or cake
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"Students will tell me they were so 11fi'11id to take physics because they heard it 1V11s boring or hard, but they say by the end of the year they leamed 11 lot, 1111d now they b " want to e 1111 llStl'OllllUt.
O 'Brien urged her advanced classes lase year to enter four reams in USD's Walk on Water compe- tition, in which students attempt to walk across che Spores Center pool with homemade flotation devices on their feet. Theories of buoyancy are not required in high school physics, bur Casey-O'Brien tutored students in her spare rime so they could cake pare in the competition. "Noc one of the reams made it across the pool,'' she says, laughing at the memory of her soaked students. This year she plans to have her kids work with USO students on che project. Casey-O'Brien's efforts make her a role model for the next generation of scientists. She helps her charges gee into elite science universities such as Harvard, Massachusercs Institute of Technology and Harvey Mudd. Of course, she also sends some to USO . While not every student displays the same burning passion for science she had as a teen-ager, Casey-O'Brien says the occasional spark is enough to keep her going. "Students will cell me they were so afraid to cake physics because they heard it was boring or hard, but they say by the end of the year they learned a lot, and now they wane to be an astro- naut," she says. "I guess if I can spark their inter- est and gee chem to consider a career they hadn't considered before, then I've done my job."
a 30-story ride in an express elevator while stand- ing on a bathroom scale to learn about the effects of force on mass. "I usually gee two reactions from the elevator experiment - 'I almost threw up' or 'Wow, I really got something our of char,' " says Casey- O'Brien , in her seventh year as a physics reacher. "Mose students are intimidated by physics, bur by usi ng jokes and hands-on experiments, I find they really take an interest." Casey-O'Brien's reaching technique is an amal- gam of her experiences at USO, where she majored in biology and minored in physics. She borrows liberally from her mentor, physics Professor Dan Sheehan, whose unorthodox experiments brought physics to life. "We'd drive a car down a screec on campus, slam on the brakes and measure the skid marks, " Casey-O'Brien recalls. "I can't do chat with high school students, of course." Sheehan prodded her to consider a career in physics, a field dominated by men. Casey-O'Brien says she had plenty of female role models in her biology classes - her intent was to attend med- ical school - yet no female physics teachers. After a positive experience as a math tutor, Casey- O'Brien opted for the less glamorous and less lucrative life of a high school science reacher. "She is as smart as a whip and has great cre- dentials, yet she decided co forgo advanced degrees and teach in high school, and I admire her for char,'' says Sheehan. "Lisa devotes herself to her kids and cries new, innovative things. She represents the best of what USO has to offer - she chose co serve, rather than be served." Her devotion co reaching shows in the way she encourages her students to cake chances. Casey-
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Facing Page: Futur, doc- torJason BarksdA/e '02 110w works at Sa11gar~ whm products i11clutk an innovative test that the pmmce of HIV 11nd Htpatitis in blood supp/in. From Left: Biology Pro- fessor Lisa Baird brought studmts like Kathy Reed '02 into the mtllrrh arm.a; USD science grads art1 among those searching/or new drug treatments; Jeannie Aruda '98 experi- mmts on pain tr,ahnents.
ason Barksdale '02 is taking ashort detour on his way to med- ical school. Heavily recruited by powerhouse universities like Harvard and Dartmouth, he's spending ayear doing microbio- logical research at a local biopharmaceutical firm, Sangart, I~c., b~fore he begins training to become a pedi- arrician. Barksdale's unusual path might not have been possible without the synergy between USO and San Diego's biotechnology community. The principl~s e~phasized in campus lab~ classro~ms - hands-on
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analysis and cross-disciplinary learning - are pnzed man arena wh_ere ~ers~nlity 1s e~senn,~ for success. "The number of labs at USO is probably the most of any university 1~ San Diego,. says Barks~ale, whose experiments center on new blood transfusion products. "That has paid off for me m my work. logy USO and Biotechnology USO and Biotechnol 1:echnology USO and Biotechnology l ;o and Biotechnology USO and Biotechnology US[
"Knowledge ofstandard business practices is very relevant forfuwre biotech workers. They may enter the field at the beuch, but they could eud up iu a business area like project nw,wgement, marketing or sales."
Sangart is just one example of the many regional biotech firms that look to Alcala Park for interns, new employees and faculty collaboration. Another is Gen-Probe, a San Diego firm that builds diagnostic products for clinical laboratories. "Science education at USO has a solid reputa- tion for excellence," says Henry Nordhoff, Gen- Probe's president and CEO, and a USO trustee. "I want to bring more students to intern with us, and have more of our scientists make presenta- tions on campus." Science faculty collaborate with many compa- nies in the local biotech community, while researchers often come to campus to share their expertise. In one case, biology Professor Lisa Baird's close association to biotech firm HMV Associates - where her husband is a researcher - allows students to join the company's agricul- tural research, through which they isolate and study compounds that prevent disease in plants. "Through faculty connections to industry people, we can set up internships and circulate resumes ," says Deborah Tahmassebi, assistant pro- fesso r of chemistry, who affiliates with the biotech wo rld in her role as education chair for the American Chemical Society. "Employers are responding enthusiastically. Once they've hired one USO student, they tend to hire a lot more." In 1999, Tahmassebi and student researchers worked on organic synthesis of compounds for the La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company, which is developing drugs to treat lupus. This summer, her students synthesized molecules for TargeGen, a bi opharmaceutical company developing drugs to treat cancer, stroke and arthri tis. "Students get stipends for their work, and the experience is invaluable," Tahmassebi says. "They see that the lessons we teach are relevant - they understand why you really do need to keep a detailed lab notebook. "
Jeannie Aruda '98 says her on-campus nuclear magnetic resonance experience landed her a job in pain management research at SIBIA, a local biotech firm. She continues the work for pharmaceutical giant Merck, which acquired SIBIA in 1999. "Life in biotech is full of changes," Aruda says. "You have to be flexible, and USO taught me how to do that." In response to burgeoning demand for skilled biotech workers who can translate their research to the marketplace, the university launched an innovative program that spans biotech's dual worlds of science and business - a new business minor specifically geared toward science majors. "Knowledge of standard business practices is very relevant for future biotech workers," says Sue Lowery, associate professor of biology. "They may enter the field at the bench, but they could end up in a business area like project management, mar- keting or sales." The university also partners with the regional biotechnology trade association, BIOCOM San Diego, to design science courses for biotech busi- ness administrators and executives who need to refresh themselves in science and business funda- mentals. In addition to the intellectual rigor of science courses, another USO tradition, incorporating ethics into the curriculum, is a definite asset for graduates working in biotechnology. "USO showed me how to put science into a larger context," says Ken Yoshitomi '93, a research microbiologist with the Food and Drug Admin- istration's Seafood Products Research Center in Washington state. ''I'm doing applied research that has a direct impact on public health. To me, that's one of the most rewarding aspects of science - you see the fruits of your labor, and you know you have made a difference."
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0 n your next visit to USD, you'll see a changed , campus, as new buildings crop up all o~er Alcala Park. Even the landscape is different, with con- struction of the Donald P. Shiley Center for Science and Technology nearing completion on the hill next to che Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice. This fall , more than 300 students moved into Alcala Park's hoc new property, che Tecoloce Village residence hall, in which most apartments have full- size kitchens, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The demolition of Harmon Hall - one of the oldest buildings on campus and former home to the School of Education - was completed in November. The site is being cleared for the three-story, 28,000 square-foot Degheri Alumni Center, which will be finished in lace 2003 . Construction also is progressing on a six-level, 783-space parking structure ·near the west entrance, slated for completion next spring. Here are the year's highlights: January - March The School of Business Administration hosted its fourth annual Tax Boot Camp, Jan. 7-11. The camp caught new accountants the fundamentals of tax preparation through a simulated "shoe box" experi- ence, in which chey were handed a box of tax records and receipts and had to cum the jumbled mess into a professionally prepared tax return. The School of Education hosted a statewide confer- ence, "School Choice, Charters and Vouchers: Critical Issues ofToday and Tomorrow," on Jan. 18. Discussion centered on charter schools, vouchers, private schools, teachers unions, racial and economic diversity, and the impact of school choice on school finance reform.
experience in student affairs, and previously was vice president for student life at Carroll College in Helena, Mone. and vice president for student affairs at Mount Saine Mary's College in Maryland. April - June Professor Gisela Sulzmann, who caught German at USD for 20 years before retiring in 1997, passed away April 9. T he School of Business Administration in April hosted 31 teams of students who competed to create che most successfu l company at the 38th Annual Intercollegiate Business Strategy Competition. A USD undergraduate team received an award for the best business plan and annual report in its division. The teams each managed a mock manufacturing company, and responded to simulated business dilemmas such as higher production costs, declining earnings and global crises.
Tht 2002 award winnm wtrt honortd at a black-tie gala in May.
'94 (M.B.A.) and David Garza Herrera '97 (M.B.A.), co-owners ofXignux Corporation; Lynn Schenk '70 Q.D.), chief of staff to Gov. Gray Davis; and Judy Rauner '95 (Ed.D.), USD 's director of community service-learning. The School of Business Admin istration opened the Information Technology Management Institute with a May 14 seminar on computer security issues. The institute plans to work wi th information and biotechnology firms to test computer security and, through its network security certificate, help net- work administrators ensure their computer systems are safe from attack. Program offerings include: network management; network implementation; Web development; programming; and an MS Office certificate. Basketball forward junior Mace Delzell was selected to represent USD at the 2002 NCAA Foundation Leadership Conference, May 26-30, as one of 300 student athletes picked from 1,183 nominations nationwide.
Inamori Foundation of Kyoto, Japan, to celebrate che lives and works of chose receiving the Kyoto Prize, given for lifetime work to improve society. The winners, who hailed from fields as diverse as science, technology and the fine arts, hosted forums explor- ing che role of science and the arcs in promoting peace and justice. The Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science's 14th Annual Lectureship, "Strategies for Advancing che Profession of Nursing," was delivered on Feb. 20 by Carolyn Knigh c Buppert, president of Better Life Health Care Systems and director of student heal ch at Sc. John's College in An napolis, Md. The 11th Annual Walk on Water Contest showcased engineering students from USD, region~ universities and high schools, who attempted to defy the laws of nature by walking across the Sports Center pool on self-propelled buoyancy shoes. The sixth annual real estate conference, sponsored by USD's Real Estate Institute, was held for the first time at the San Diego Convention Center to accommodate che increasing number of participants. This year, 550 people in commercial and residential real estate: urban economics and regional development met to discuss issues affecting their industry. The West Coast Conference Basketball Champion- ship Tournament was held in che Jenny Craig Pavil- ion for che second year in a row, Feb. 28 to March 4. Conference officials voted to host the tournament at Alcala Park again in 2003. The women's competition will run from March 6-9, with the men's tournament scheduled for March 7- 10. Bob Pastoor joined USD in March as vice president for student affairs. He oversees all aspects of student life, including residence halls, orientation, student government, athletics, dining services and extracur- ricular activities. Pastoor has more than 25 years of
The annual Social Issues Conference, themed "Prac- ticing Peace and Justice," was held April 18-1 9 in conj unction with USD's first American Indian Festival. Keynote speakers were Gregory Reinhardt, University of Indianapolis professor of anthropology, Winona Duke, a spokes- woman for the rights of indigenous people, and Albert Smith, a World War II Navajo code talker. The event included a market- place, a Kumeyaay Indian
blessing, a workshop on California Indian legal issues, displays of Native American art and jewelry, and music, storytelling and dance. The Sixth Annual Sister Sally Furay Lecture, co- sponsored by the TransBorder Institute and the Social Issues Committee, was given on April 30 by O livia Ruiz, professor of anthropology at Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana, Mexico. In May, the baseball team won its first West Coast Conference cicle and advanced to the NCAA regionals. More than 500 people attended the 2002 Author E. Hughes Career Achievement Awards on May 11. The eighth ann ual celebration honored the follow- ing alumn i: Bill Gore '69, special agent in charge of the San Diego FBI; Ruch Grendel] '81, '91 (M.N .Sc., D .N.Sc.), nursing professor at Point Loma Nazarene University; Andres Garza Herrera
The San Diego Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame recognized eight end Matt Guardia as USD's 2002 Scholar-Athlete of the Year, and named offensive lineman Josh Elkins the 2002 Willie Jones Mose Inspirational Player. Elkins overcame numerous injuries from a near-fatal automobile accident three years ago to return to the USD football program.
The Rev. Patrick Cahill, director of athletics from 1979 to 1988, passed away Feb. 5. He was 69 . Rev. Cahill guided the transition of USD athletics from Division II to Division I in 1979 with the school's acceptance into the West Coast Conference, and was responsible for adding men's and women's cross
Rtv. Patriclt Cahill was USD athktics dirtctorfor
nine years.
Ton:ro Josh Elkins inspirtd thefootball ttam by rtturning to play.
country, men's soccer and softball as intercollegiate sports. He was inducted into che USD Athletics Hall of Fame in 1995 for his tireless work on behalf of USD athletics. The inaugural Kyoto Laureates Symposium took place at che Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, Feb. 6-8. The program was spurred by the
John Ronchetto '82, a marketing professor in the School of Business Administration since 1986, passed away May 26 after a valiant fight against can- cer. He was 57. Recipient of a University Professor-
Review The Year in Review The Year in Review T h ar in Review The Year in Review The Year in Revie , Year in Review The Year in ew The Year in Review The Year in Review The Ye ' iew he Ye r in Review The Y r i Review The Ye R e vie w The Ye r in Review The Ye r in Review Th
The o ldest and l argest program of i ts k in d, the awards h o n o r creative achieveme n t i n architectur al desig n and l and use pla nnin g from 1 4 Wester n states a n d a ll countrie s bo rderi n g the Pacific Ocean. The onl y ocher fac ili ty to receive the specia l award was the I n cheon Airp o rt Termi n al i n Seoul, K o rea. The Universi ty of the Third Age, a three-week ser i e s of exercise and ed u cati o nal sem i nars for pe o p l e 55 years a n d o lder, wa s he l d in J u ly. G u est lecmrers di s c u ssed bu si n e s s, rhe arts, s c i e n ce, medici n e, rel i g ion and ethic s , hist o ry, p o lit i cs a n d c u rrent affairs. Each d a y ope n ed with a sessi o n of Ta i Ch i Ch u an, an d the pr o gram inc lu ded fie l d trips a n d art events. USO h os ted the F i r s t I n ter n ati o nal C o nference o n Qua n t u m L i mits to the Seco n d Law i n J ul y, b ring in g t o gether 1 2 0 sc i entists t o de b ate the va l idi ty o f the sec on d law o f therm o dynamics, which scares that thi n gs tend to degrade fr o m order to d is order o ver rime, an d that e n ergy re n ds t o degrade i n to less u se able forms su ch as he a t. Their disc u ssions have imp li cat io ns for a host of app li catio n s, i n cl u d in g cre atio n o f renewa b le energy sou rces. W o rk b egan in J u ly on a n ew s ix-level, 783-space parking str u ct u re n ear the west e n tra n ce. The struc t u re is slated to b e comp l eted i n Spri n g 200 3. Te n Italian w o rks fr o m the Timke n M u se u m of Arr at Bal b oa Park were h ou sed in F ou nders Ga l lery a n d the F in e Art s Ga ll ery in rhe J o an B. Kroc Instit u te for Peace a n d J us tice thr o ugh N o vem b er, s o the p ub li c c oul d co n t i n u e viewing them while the museum w a s re no vated.
a n d campus programs, a n d i n terviewi n g students.
e n ce r oo m a nd h os pita l i ty ce n ter. Ir wil l house the o ffice s of al u mni re l atio n s, parent re l ati on s, fu n d r a i s i n g, a n d c o mm u nicatio n s and marketi n g. The USO Symph on y performed with the Mari n e C o rps Ba n d b efore crowds at the MCAS Mir a mar Twi l ight Air Sh o w, Oct 19. Fami l ies o f USO stude n ts were we l comed to Alc a la Park for Family Weekend, Oct. 2 5- 2 7. Parents sat i n on cl a sses and attended seminars on trans i tioning to c oll ege, career services, l eadership and smdent devel opment, camp u s l ife, gr a d u ate school, smdy a b road and fi n a n cial aid. The weeke n d i n cl u ded an i ce cre a m social with ac a demic de a ns, a foot b all g a me and t o urs o f the ci ty .
sh i p i n 1998 for h i s s erv i ce a n d reachin � - w _ hich always empha s ized c o mm uni cati o n, cnncal rhmking and ream ski ll deve lo pment - Ronchett o also was d i rect o r o f market in g and strategic pr o grams for the bu s i ness sch oo l. Halrn Scho ol o f Nurs in g and Hea l th Sc i ence Dean J an et R o dgers retired i n May after 15 ye a rs of prepari n g registered nurse s for l e a dersh i p r o les in the health care fie l d. U n der her guid an ce, the sch oo l trained nu mer ou s grad u ates who n ow are hospita l and clinic admi n istrat o rs, ed u cat o rs, re s earcher s and nu rse practit i o n ers. Nearly 2 , 000 students walked acr o ss rhe st a ge d u ring chis year's c o mmencement cerem o n i es, May 26 i n the Jenny Craig P a v i lio n . The un iver s i ty gave out 1, 201 undergraduate degrees, 42 0 law degree s and 335 master's a nd d o ctora l degrees.
M o re tha n 3 00 stude n t s moved i n t o the Tecolote Vi l lage re s idence h a ll, the first new h ous ing faci l i ty bu i l t o n campus i n 14 years. The 1 0 1- u nit residence hal l , o n the east e n d o f camp us near the C u n n ingham Base b a l l Stadi u m and the Manchester Family Chi l d Deve l opme n t Ce n ter, mai nl y contains un it s with full-size kitche n s, fo u r s ingle-resident b edr oo m s an d tw o b a th r oo m s . The reside n ce hal l hosts the new "Wisdom for the Real W o rld" program, i n
Fres hman and transftr stu dmts were introduced to campus on Move-In Day, whichfeatured par- mt seminars, a reception with USD President Alice Hayes and a Mass at The !111m ac11lata Church.
wh i ch smdents, fac ul ty and staff j o i n t o perform service pr o ject s , rake c ou rses and participate in "wis d o m worksh o ps" o n t o pics s u ch as c a reer planning, faith bu ilding and re l ationship s . T o remember the victims of the Sept. 11 terr o rist attacks, the u n i versity u nveiled a mem o rial de s igned b y Dav i d B. Smith, he a d o f the a rt department, in the pl a za i n fr on t of the J o a n B. Kr o c Institute for Peace a n d J u stice. The mem o rial lists the names o f al l the v i ctims, and is surr ou nded by tw o circles of b e n ches made from the same sc o ne u sed t o bu ild theW o rld Trade Ce n ter. In addit io n, the student-r un E n v i ro n me n tal Acti on Gr ou p dedicated a nat i ve plant g a rden as a l ivi n g memorial. i n trod u ced three n ew master's degree pr o grams a n d a new min o r chi s fa l l. The Sch o ol of N u rsi n g bega n a m a ster' s entry program i n nursing, the Sch o o l of Ed u cati o n introduced a master's degree in n onpr o fit l eadership a n d man a geme n t, and the Joan B. Kr o c I n stit u te for Peace an d J u stice kicked off an arts and scie n ces master's degree a n d a min o r i n peace and j u stice smdies. Pre s ident Alice B. Haye s g a ve the Eighth Ann ua l State o f the U n iver si ty Address, speaking t o Sa n Dieg o c o rp o rate l eaders abo u t the imp a ct USO has had o n the c o mm u ni ty , regio n a n d the w o rld. October - December Dem ol iti on b ega n i n N o vem b er o n H a rmo n Hal l , one o f the o lde s t b u ildi n gs o n campu s , t o make way for the Degheri Al u mni Center, a three-story, 2 8, 000 - s � u are-fo o t bu ildi n g, made possib l e by a $5-mil li o n gift from Bert Degheri '61. The center wi ll i nclude an alumni l ivi n g r oo m, o pen-air c o ur ty ard, co n fer- The un iversi ty
Alumni remrned t o campus for Homecomi n g Weekend, Nov. 8-1 0 , and enjoyed a tailgate parry, a T o rer o s footba ll game agai n st Souther n Orego n University, c l ass re u ni o ns a n d a Mass th a t i n cl u ded presentation of the a nn ua l Mother Ros a lie Hill Award to R u sse l l Cai n e '85 in recognitio n o f his service to USD as a past a l umni bo ard mem b er a n d pre s ident, Homecomi n g c o mmittee mem b er a n d chair of 50th an nivers a ry c o mmittee. In N o vem b er USO remembered its r oo ts duri n g Founders Day, which ce l e b rates the feast of S a n Diego de Alca l a, the patr on sai n t of the Di o cese, and the memory o f USD fo u nders The M o st Rev. Bish o p Char l es Fra n cis B u ddy and Rev. Mother Rosalie Hil l . USD parents, st u dents and a l umni came together Dec. 7 at Fo un ders Chapel t o ce l e b rate the a n n u al Alumni Mass, which i n c lu ded present a tio n o f the Bish o p Char l es Fra n ci s B u ddy Award, give n a nnu al l y to a n a lu mn u s or a l u mn a in recog n iti o n of c o ntri bu tion s t o h u ma n it a ri an ca u se s .
In J u ne, Pre si de n t Al i ce B. Hayes ann oun ced p lans to ret i re at the end of the 20 0 2 - 0 3 academic year, wh i ch wi l l b e her eighth year a t USO. "Of all my years in Catholic higher ed u cat i o n , the s e years at USO have b een the m o st rewarding for me person a l ly," H a yes s a i d in her anno un cement t o the facu l ty , adm ini strat o rs an d staff "The ach i eveme n t s a n d s u pport o f tru s tees, fac u l ty a n d s taff have bee n except i o n a l ." The F o urth A nnu a l I n ter n atio n a l Ce n ter for Character Ed u c a t ion C on ference was held June 2 4- 2 6, b ringi n g t o gether ed u cat o rs from thro u ghout the w o r l d to discuss h o w r o raise chi l dren of g o od char acter. The pare n tal r ol es i n devel o ping character edu cati on plan s was a theme at this year' s c on ference, as educators lear n ed to i n vo l ve p a rents i n drafting action pl a ns c o set a chi l d' s m o ra l c o mpass. July - September The J o an B. Kroc Instit u te for Peace a n d J u stice i n J un e w o n a G o ld N u gget Spec i al Award for arch i tec t u re fr o m the Pacific C o ast B u ilding C o nfere n ce.
V t ronese'.r "Madonna and Child with St. £/uabeth, the !,,font St. John the Baptist and St. Justina" is one ofIO Italian worksfrom the Timk en art colkction displayed in Foundm Galkry thisyear.
The Pri n cet on Review' s l atest stude n t guide l is ted Un i ver s i ty o f San D i ego as one o f the b est colleges in the United Scares. The guide, which gives the l owdown on pr o fessors, maj o r s , res i de n ce halls and eve n the be s t parries o n camp u s, added USO a n d 13 o ther co ll ege s t o its l ist after researchi n g academic
'nary Giving Summary Giving Summary Giving Sum ·Giving Sum~_ary Giving Summary Giving Summar~ nmary Giving Summary G Summary Giving Summary Giving Summary Giving Givin Summ r Givin Su m r Givin umm r ·.io Summ r Givin Summ r Givin Summar Gi,
Philanthropic Commitments to USO (in millions) •
Sources of All Cash Giving, 2001-2002
Designation of All Cash Giving, 2001-2002
·.· ~ ... ' " 'inf Parents 8% Faculry/Staff 2% Cor orate 20% --
2 %
Foundations 38%
Financial Aid Awarded (millions ofdollars/number ofstudents)
0 20 * Includes $25 miLlion gift for theJoan B. Kroc Institute fo r Peace andJustice. 5 10 15
Grants and Contracts (in millions) D Federal
D Other
$81.45 /4,645 75
0 50 Enrollment (based on fall semester) 2001-02 25
$5 .0
0 2 *Breakdown imavailable
0 1000 Degrees Awarded
Endowment Fund (Market value of the endowment fund at fiscal year ending June 30, in millions)
$108 .6
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