Home Trends From Marguerite Poulin

MARGUERITE POULIN Real Estate Professionals Inc.


Do you remember when you first bought your home and it came with paperwork such as a property deed, land survey and copies of permits and inspections? Or maybe you built a custom home and received contracts, invoices and warranty information along the way. If you’re planning on selling and you’ve held onto all of this documentation – good for you! For a potential homebuyer, knowing the history of a home and the fine details can help them feel more comfortable making an offer. If you’re worried that giving them too much information will make them shy away from the purchase, know that it’s best to be up front. It’s much better for a buyer to have all the information from the get go rather than running into surprises further into the purchase process.

m.poulin@shaw.ca • www.MargueritePoulin.com • 403 | 815 | 9513

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