News Scrapbook 1958-1961
SAN Dl!GO, CALl~ORNIA ~ioneers May Win The Rest -McCutcheon (Co11tl1111ril) that we dicl \\ <' roulrl win lhP rest of our games,'' McCutd1e>on said. l3Psid<'S Kc yes, halfbark Tom Gates, a goorl "bread and hu1ter" runnrr who p1clm up 11H' :,:ardag<' w h 'n lt ,·ounts; f11l!bark Avalon (On- nlrl Wright ;u,d <1t1a1·tr1iiar Jan Clrnpmnn will rompldc lh<' ha ckf!C'ld. Chapman has s<-ttled do onwwhat and has hrrom thrl'nt as a passe1· C'. Jy witl1 such recrivC' s s Merle ll<'<'d, Ray Yon l aid C. G. Walker around. Walker, Incidental!:,>, s I' f<'Clrd to s<-e limit d ijrr e. ~1s will he his Ji pp<'aran<'r" Ince the ontnna State gam Colorado Wrstr-rn is due In town 1omorro , pos- ihly In 1im<' for a workout bc•f,nc S1.1lt1rday nighl's con- le~t. 11,::alnst th<'rc's a and Clark, good ehancc that
Ore. ::,1. by 6 usc---.-,-,:c"'""--~-- bv J Slonford by I
M~-=bs-',:-'1l~~1_ •• _1__ 1 M~stnippl lexos A·M :..,c=--=----, Ri~~:~''-----: -=R-,,-.---- bv b\l 'l
Georsaio by 3
Kc-nluckY by 3 by 7 bY 15 Ullnols Iowa Mlch1gon
Mich. Stof•
Iowa By 1 Mlf:lror, Pt•rd e By 1
bv 7 by l
bv 6
Notre- Dcmt
Nofr~ Dome
bY 9
by 3
onlo s1. bv 12
Ohio SJ. by 1
Novv Army
by 1111___
by 6
by 11 Ol ick-lt Line ao• HARRY MACHI Gl!ORGI! HERRICK URL KILLU CON5 • NSUJ ORTMA" RADIO PROGRAMS ,ATURDAV 0( 1'. 25, 1908 • USO b._, 12__ US!> by 12 USD by 7 I, D USO DY USD __ I b __bv •-- .airmv by 12 Arm'f bY I Mich St. by 6 t'urdut bv • Mlchkla" ., D on o st. bY 12 Arrnv bv 1 I 1ro,.ra.m1 are br•adtut en KF. D-nt (Di.I~ and KITT Arm.-;i bv 11 Mich. St. bv 7 No1re Dome ., ' MlchiGOfl by 12 I05.S a nl KOWJl CB• KFMB /\BC KBAB (910) KFSD KSON KUDE KSDO <11301 KCBQ 1111'0) Men. st. Mich. 5!. by I Mich ~I. by •-- __b_v_,__ l l':10-')____<_1_3_:t_D____( f3GO) I 8:45 A.:11. KBAB,Bob McLouohlln KGB-Record Rev,ew 9 A.:11. KFMB-Contact K FSO-M\Of'litf r KSAB•Bob Mclcughtin ~lg8:~n KUDE•Georg1 Hayes K.SLR•News. DOT kGB-Sacred Songs 9:30 A.:11. l(C'MR-G••n~""10k., KGB·FOO!boll: Army VI. P ithburgh 10 A.!\I. KFMB-Record Show KF=c.n.~weet Music KBAB-Bob MCLOUS,hlln SDO-AI Hunter KSO'l•T.N. I C':R~-Don Howord UOE-Geor«e Haves GB-Football 10:tS A.:11. 9A.B-Football: Purdue vs. N. Oakolo (10:20) ll A.:11. FMB-R:ecord Sholif FSD-Monitor KBAB•Foolboll t ~-1- 6 A.'.\[. KFMB.Contoc:t KFSO-He-re's To V P.:'11. KFMB-Rec:ord Show KFSr>-MOl"itOr KBAB-Foo!oll KSDO-Wolly Me-od1 Norlin KUDE-B 11 Adam KGB-RKord Re¥1ew 1 :15 P.:IJ. KGB-Footboll• U S.C. vs. Washington 1:45 r.~r. ICFMB-Footboll: UCLA vs, Stanford 2 P.~J KSDO•Wolly Mead~ KCBQ-Rolpn Jomes K~nN-T N.T Kur'lE-B111 Adam, KGB-Footboll P.\f. KFMB-Fcotboll KFSD-Mor'lllor KBAB•len Eo!if KSOO·WOIIY M@Od~ KC80-Ra1Dh Jame:s KSON-T NT KUDE-GeorQ• Haru KGB-Footboll KFMB-Footboll ~~ii~g,';;'~~dd KSDO•Wolly Moods KCBO-Oon Howora '< "-ON~T N T KUDE-G!OfQf Hans 4- P.1\l. KFMB-Football 1-: , I< BAB-Len East 5 P.!11, KFSO-Moriilor KBAB-Som Todd KSOO-Wolly Meads KCBQ-Don Howora l(IC:t"lN-T.N T KUOE·G~rge Hayes KGB-Sanford Marshall 5:1,i P..U. KBAB,Joh Ooley KGB·GIJflSt Stor :j:30 P. .!\f. KFMF3-Scor·h C::fnal KBAB-Som Todd KGB•New,i: 5-is r.~t. K~N\A-~ror,k Goe• KGB-Record Review 6 P,.!\l, KFMB•R:~ord Show K F(;O-Monllor K BAB-Sam Todd KSOO·DOUV Best KSON-S.O. After Dork 1 (CRC'.l-Rolch lome1 KUOE-Alan Wa1k1.1I KGB-New, 6:13 P.J\f. v cu•-~--orlnt Show KGB-Hawad Calls 6:30 P.111. KFM8-Soturdal' at I K~~~R~ord Revle.i, KFMB-su,penu, KG8-Footbal • U S.D ...,. Colorado Wiest (7·H) N !',JI KFMS·City Ho~p1tol KFSO·IY\001f0r ~AfJ-l=•rf's•de Revt,~ KSOO•Coliente- R:e.!ull1 l(CSQ-Jerry Welker K50N 5 D. Alter Oar~ KUOE' Alon Wa~lcul KGB•Footbal! 8:30 P ·"· KSDO-Dau; Best 0 P.ln. KFMB•Nlohtboot ~~i 0 a~rri!?J, P.~VlJ. KSDO·DOn Brownrl•• KSON-S D. Atter t.Jark: KCBO•Jerry Watker k OE Alon WOskul KGB-Football t rst er KBAS·BOb KSOO-AI H KSON°T.N I KCBQ,Horrv KUOE·Bil Ada J crt .. Ol"llo 51. by I 6:15 A.. I. OW'Cl --·,---··-·--- I( FSO-Rod Fotey 1 lo.,...a bV Iowa by 6 N we fern IONQ by ! CH.TICII bv 6 Ori. !t. by I Wa,n. 9', bY 4 IOWCI bv 1 ' G T Cl'I Ga Tten 5'\\U bv 1 Clo Tee:" 5MU b_Y_7____ b_Y___ -~•~y~•~--l·-~b~Y~l'--- Or~ St. On St. Or • St. -- ---·· ,___ ---••_,__ -~·~•~Z--·I o,. jf., by l Wash St. ..... Wo1h St. U!C Wosh. St. bv 12 Wash ''• bv_?____b_v_<__ by 7 1: ucu. by 12 UCLA ~•~•~1'___ I{.$ UCL_. UCL UCLA __bv_•__ l/:30 P.~1. O•Oonn T•m• 10 P ~I. __by ! __ 1 __ 1 __ b~•~l2~--,---~-- o,,...., by 6 Ore ,~n by I Oretot1. bY 6 Ctttlffl bY 5 Oftl!OII b, t Or.-aOft t)y L!U SU LSU L5U ,__b~v __ ro____,__~bvl2__ --'b~•---'--1·--"b~y~1~•-- --~~--•--="--="---1--'::.'..'---I TM01. R: c. • Texaa J--=~--ll--'bc,Y;...;::___ 1 ___ bY_2__ 1__~•~v~•~--I oar1mo1nii. Ha,vord Har"Vor4 l--~~--,__ hv_2____ bv5__ -,.,.=-b7Y~•.,..,.-·I Armv Armv Michl901'1 to 1-......a=----- ~L-"--1--~u~s~o___ ,___U~C~L~"--·--'==--- --~~--,--~='----I 10--'"1 11-4-1 I ~l l • l n•____ 51_1__ 1 __ ...a::.n:..:..__ 1 __~.~~~'-- ;s.u.1 ... ?&-t .Ul .m I 6 1 .m KGB-News cr:d 8 A.. l. ICFMB.Con act K FS tor KBAB·Bob Wesl KSDO•AI Hunter 6: 45 P.~J. KFMB-Nlghtboot :rt8:~ 1ire~\de 5 ~g,!~~!;• KSON•S.D. Aller Dork KCBQ-JerrY Welker KUOE-Akm Woskul KGS-News Wheet :\IIDNI .-HT KFMB-Nfghtbeot ~G&i:it/~~~sk~rllinl I KFSO-Not Farm and KFSD-Jazz NocturllClt MBI"tln KUOE-811 Adams KGB-News 11:15 A.:11. KGB-RKord Rev ew 8:30 A.:IJ. Home 7 P.~I. KFMB-Upboot Sol KFSD-Monltor K8AR.-Flru.idr R • vu• ~~g~:~.'B'."'A~~~tDork Nlllht KGB-Football ~tJi 0 E\ 0 i!:tw'a°s'ri1s K~ON,T.N 1 K8AB-UnHy KG8-Ne-w1 ~--------- \11ewpatnt 4:45 P.!\I. ICGS-Take .:0.;;ff;..T_;_m.;;•___ K_.G-B_•R_ec_ o~rd~R-•_v_••_w ___ <_C_ BQ-JOCk \/1'-nc_on_ •~---• Classified Ads lni Contlc:s Editorlal:r. O Paqe b-1 ATURDAY MORNING, Oct. 25, 1958 Recruit Rejoins null Tromcttf'r !er sch('duled o! the THE SAN DIEGO UNION 66 @ Sun,, Oct. 26, 1958 S"N DIEGO, C"LIFORNIA MCRD'S TROMETTER BACK ON PANEL AT QB LUNCHEON Robert (Bull) Trometter, Marine Corps Recruit Depot coach who has returned with his team trom Hawaii \\ill rejoin the coaches' panel for the weekly meeting ot the Monday Quarterback Club ln the Rumpus Room of the San Diego Club at iaoon tomorrow. Others on the coaches' panel will be Paul Governall, n Diego State: Bob Mccutcheon, University of San Diego; George Schutte, San Diego Junior College; Al Lewis, Cal Western, and Chick Embrey, Escondido High. Jack Murphy, sports editor o! The San Diego Union, will be toastmaster for the lunc~eon, which ls open to the public. The meetings are sponsored by the Aztec Club, Oregon I· San Diego U. 46, Colorado Western 14. ton 12. Trometter ha~ been ln Ha- , II w th his , Iarine Corps RI! r',lit Depot tootball team whkh b at Un ver ity o! Ha- 1' uil and Haw il Marineq dur- ing II~ thr \\E'ek junkf't, ::luck Et;nhrl'y of Es!'ondido l!igh and Al Lewi. of Cal WP tem o will peak, along w th rrgular pan 1st Paul ,ov rnalr, n n ego Sta: e Collrge, Bob .McCuteheon, ~er lty of Sii.n Diego, and San Diego USC 14, Wash. St. 6. Calif. 23, Oregon 6.. Stanford 21, UCLA 19. EAST Boston (Fla) 2. College 6, Miami Syracuse 14, Penn St. 6. Pittsburgh 14, Army 14. Navy 50, Penn 8. Harvard 16, Darmouth 8. Holy Cross 16, Boston U 8, Cornell 34, Princeton 8. Yale 14, Colgate 7. Michigan 20, Minnesota 19, Illinois 16, Michigan St. O. Ohio State 7, Wisconsin 7, Purdue 29, Notre Dame 22, Iowa 26, Northwestern 20. Marquette 27, COP 18. Kansas 14, Tulane 9. Missouri 14, Iowa a l:ndiana 12, Miami (Oh.lo 7. 0 k 1 a h o rn a 40, Kans s State 6. SOUTH North Carolina 26, Wake Forest 7. (Continued on b-8, Col. 1)
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