News Scrapbook 1958-1961
CVPJU:Ss 6 •4671 CYPRESS 8•7711 ( EXT . 45)
(J)ffir~ of 1Jublic 3lufonnalimt
May 8, 1961
The press clippings, programs, pictures and fragments of historic press coverage of the University of San Diego athletic activities represent the combined efforts of several workers in the USD athletic news bureau, It is hoped that these pages will be read and apprec iated by all who will follow i n our footsteps. The following pages give the complete history of the early development of USD athletics - - it is our hope that the future continues to bring national recognition to the diocese of San Diego and those who founded Alcala Park.
Respectfully submitted, ~.dh~ Bill Thomas Director Athletic News Bureau 1957 -61
Ralph Fear Statistics and Records Athletic News Bureau 1959-61
Volume II
ir. 1 t 0
.......... IS 14 ........... ,2 33
A'ugu1tlne ·::·.:::::••
..:.: ·:::::.:·::.12 •••• ,••••••. -'6
Mary •. , .
1, Clolr!Fi.t ............ 0
••, •• • / O Son
Georo• Wo1hlntfOll ... 13 Mlufon V ..... .. •.. ) tR~~:i : .. :·::.:::::: # 1~• Jolla .............. 6 Vlroln,o Tech .. • 12 17 111
271 2,3
42 CGlllornlo 6 10 ~1a..~::~te$fate n ~l w,,con,on
... •... , 12 :• ..... 2,
ALAloAMA J Geortio ••.••••..••. J ~g~iin, .... ::::~:::: 1l Challanaota ....... 11nn1ssee 10 MJss ISIPPI Stott 1' Tulorte , Georgia Tedi 1, MemS)hla Sto11 10 Auburn f5 ,. 7
7 ?3 N. C. Stolt 15 31. HIiitop ?l 27 Gro,smonl ..... 1 Mt Mlouel ~fl1,' Fo.l:"'~orv ...... g ,8 c1or1~7i' Stal• ... :.::·. 1! 21 ~~:~-:!?J:r .:::::::::::. .......... 12 7 :·:::::.'.131 n lo 1t 2,
lt c-- • Notr1
20 12 Duke
.. ,. •
21 J 0
Jo 0 Furman Georolo
.. :.:.::: o 1
....... ......
21 ~ 3
20,, -
. .. .. , .... " ,1 t ~r:.:,~arol,na.. :::::::. 19 •2 Mar~land 4 .. l~ 3 ] Miami (Flo.) .......... Vlro nia
~~ir.ceton . ::::::::·::: ~gr; 0 tron •:::· .:::.:: s{
~fr':,. rol/llG ... ::..
i!;,w iy 1 t:~r,.-- :: :·::·.: .,, •• •···•··" •
Stele ~.-.-. 00 i~ U Minnesota ............ o ::::: 11 1_,_ :.·:•
irg 1110
•1 Wak• Fores!
• • • •• • • • • ··~;·;·::::::·~r ?/ ~Mapllan.:::::::::::.· O • •.. • 0 27 Mar Vista ............. 12 1 24 21 E.I Ca1on ............ . . 7 7 1-4 8 3
7 0 6 26
·. ·• ·. ·• ·. •. ·• ·••. ·· ...... 24 VIiianova 2~ ~I ~ 1cri nd
•• •.... ::·
•• •·
'Uram, e(Fa.1 ..:
! w:!,
rowi,y I·:: · 37 14 Son Diego .......... 3, 13 alo Ve,..,' .... ·.... .
,1 Virginia
............. o 12 N.c.• State ............ 7 1
~~":~~!vanlo ..::: ..:·.•·
50 Duke .. . .• . .......
O 20 Wok• Forest ... ...... 43 12 V.M.I. (of Roanoke
178 ii;-
- -,69 222
175 -
,ow• STATt
u ~~r~~nl~.l.~f~ :::;· 0 Cleroson ••••••• U Wokt Forest u••u••••· ,~ »:rs 0 ,rs~1~pl Southern 11 ijl~ 15 Duke . ... U
COP '1 Drake ::·,T 2i CJ.t~~rl :;:::::::~: :? Woahinuton Sfot• ......20 .fl South Ookota .......... , 2 Mll~ft ..... . lJ 17 Colorado .. . . . . . . 0 U CJ 'I ......... 21 26 Kansas Stale ........... O 6 I-lo .•••.. •••• O O Kansas .......... 7 ~= ~~'1::0 Slot, ·:::::::: a lf ~etJt: Sfolo·::::: ... • g 20 Son Jtse Stof• ....... 7 12 Oklahoma • ...... 35 132 117 ;;.- - 80 . .. . .... 0 lj ' fl:~g~ Stote u..... CORNELi. KAN SU 201 20 Col~alt ...............15 7 Texas Chr;,J;on ll Lehigh . ................ 6 71 Svrocu,e 20 Horvord ........ . .. . . • 16128 80, ton U. ............... 23 10 Nebraska ............ J O Princeton ., .... .. ...... 20 33 Ko,·a, )toft .......... .,,. i~ ~~~u~b10 •:·:::::::.. : ' ' ?o~ihosrr:., • • ::.',",',',','.°• 6 12 Dartmouth ........... 21 1' Colorado ... .. ... 27 13 PennsvlvanJo ~... .• 21 2:8 O'•lahoma State ....... a• 105 ~If Ml$SOUrl ........ 13 l74 I ..... " ........ 35 ......... 7 0 Yale 92
,, 0 ' i~ 1• '
EL CMON 8 i-:n:•woter .:.. ::::::: : 1 & 2~ vrimo ::::::18 6 Escondido ...... ....... .2S .,n 1r 0 20
IL CINTRO eel'Wt .......... .
g 21 Florido Slot, O '1.7 Virginia Tech t Tulane
.. .. u
~r1mnr.SJ 01 • ....:::::: 'wvo~1h1"'1on .......... lS Ohio Stole ......
6 ~t. Miguel ............. O u B~o°wt,v .,:.. :.':: .•::·::. 0 2~ t/alremont ............. 13 27 HoUvllle :::::::::::U O Calexh;o ··::::::::::::: 0 1 0
........... ' . . ... ... .. .
tonford ............... 28 1,-. Marv land
\, ~ s 'i 1• iin .......... M 1, Hr,Wgp Vlala .. 8 3• v1%1n10 oro O • ;:;:::· 12 7 Groumanr ............. u
66 Sqn Dleoullo .......... • O iraWIIK 12
12 UCLA South Carollno :::.::. 12 3 u!tr . :.::::::•::::10 1 0 I 6_!_0tr1 Dome ......... 16 21 B 1 rJ. .S-01 Marvland
12 ;,o 121-
·~ ...
1~ to.4
27 39 El C U
op an ............
• .... . ........ 33
EL CAPITAN ~nr~r:ater...... ::::::::·?J ~t O ~roun,ont ............ 32 6 iol1xlco JconOlda ............ 34 0 1' Mor Vl,fa ....... 13 j f.\'.~:;fa~
165 195
90 211
::::::::: 2
iMU ii ~;;~:::ll•~~.::•.· 2), c,.0010':'oa::HIN ..GTON•·••••••120 1~
~~f~r~e~.:::::::; 2 ,•....•• , .••. 32 I Centro , ............ 21
?~~~homo ....::::::•• 1~ 2 3 ~i~~~s.g~a ·::·~:;:::•:· ,, R: ,g m:~:::on .~'~'~ .::;::·: ~; 3IJ N t 58 1,,~fa'na " wr,consln O 2
1 . 2 om•·::~:::·::: 1:1 2~. 1 i:::: Tech :::::::::::.d1 3 rn ice
••• .... .. :, ~1 Utah
........... 6 20
0 0 hula v1,1a·:·.:·.::·.:·.:·. 20 lg ef 0~'•Y ...............JI B f,t. ~i'g~el .. ::::::::::· l~ 33 co~lo~lrla":.::::::::.:: 13
r~:!f~ 1
Co1Horn1a--··:·, -::::::::l: }) g;tfin ;;;~;~:::::::::::: g 7-3- 133 20 W 0 ,a~/';,°oron Slat•·:::::: 0 12
....... 2' • Tem A&M ............ 11 13 Oregon
l9o ,'1
..... 17 1 i i~!'g.\',1l°"!\Om•~... : 3~ •·;! 20 reqttr Ariz.......... 18 ......... 3 7 1. c,nrro 41 :!::~::::2s 6 rcwtev
,s 11 89 Moun! Mlouel ~rossmonl
1 J ·~:::::::::.l! O :.'·::::.-·3f n Colleve 00 1t ~gf:a rd ,','.'.',',',',',',-;,',','.'.':. ~g:~~ria .: :::::.. ··:: 1~ 11 Pr,nctfon •...... ¥1 I ~inc:pnat~ ........ n ow njll reen ...... ·· o Holy crou ............ • 32 O Xavier CO.I ............ 31 o 13 Vi.llanovo ......... ..... 22 7 11 Oe1rolt . •·• ..... • 33 22 o 6 LOUISVIile U I 8 . 7 f g '°' 29 9' DAYTON 6 Rlchmo,,d
Wl~~t~SAS STA.TR ... 1t 21 North Corolino
•••• 8 ·•... •·"• 28 ~! of~~~consln 0
1 Pu rd ue · 2 g ~,~l~fo~~a stCJf,..:::::~: .. 33 ? 45 NN"'a,tyhwestern .....• .. ·.·.·.·.·.·.•·,30 ,:12~
2!i Cl falon .. .. ...... ... • ~& ~~~l'a Vista····•···· ..
• 12
.. " • the Pacific 1 t 219 Washington Stolt · :::·_-36 J'crt. sf01e 0 r.~~ •.'.'.' 38 1; g~rn:;nl~lat.1.::::::: •;: ~i 28 S th C llt I 30 ss .........
Soulh Ookoto State g:/g~d~ St~.t~......:·.:
. .
30 6
on Jose Stote
6 3 ,, El Capitan .. . ........ 20 14 Holtvflle . ...... ........ . 13 14 1 Sweetwoter .. "··.. · .. H , Colexlco .............. 13 1 92 19 Sen Bernardino":::;::: 27 " -
20 $loo~1gor•d of th , Pacific 1 14 greoon Slalt .......... 0 1 ll4 l~ahO
1o°w~ 0 1tat1 ·•.::::::•.:·.:· .. 2, .. 3~!~:';:vo .::::::::::::: Iowa .............53
..::::::::: ~; 54
.. " ........ S 39 Hillloo ................. 7
20 Iowa
........ 1, 13 UCLA
UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO BASKETBALL 1959-60 (Homt tames begin at a :OO p.m.) o,tt
.... 1' 16 Southern Collfornla •.•. 6
Wa°,'l:\~ofan :: : '. '.: '. '.: '. '. 2~
m 232
o 3: v~~i':.r.1tv ·":::::::::. 2 ~ arltl)od ............ " 27 1 amono ............... JJ .... , .. " .. 2J O g1~nore •••·•. •·•.•·••• .15 ..... :: ... : 11 21
1, ~•llx 1, hu a Vista ........... scindlda
103 13
35 Konso,
eorglo Tech 1sSi$slppl
...... 1'
•. •••• . ... 21 ........... ~3 ::i2 lg~ 0 0f::o Stale Frolh 3 i Z Morrland .............. o ~g~v Cross' "·::::::::::: I 10 10 0 23 We-st Virglrilo .......... O Pllt1bun,i1 .••...•• .... 0 Hancock Ci1rus 14 19 JS
21 1 Crowford 1 51. ~I CapUan ............ 0 7 eaumont
Morvlond Richmond
16 20
'" ,'4 ,. 11 I 11 ,,
. .......... 21 •::::::::;:::·n
•··· ··.. 7 ·::::::::•33
1 li
Oppontnt Un11ed Brethren Mir•m•r N.A S Ph,btrap•c Wh,11,er !.!2.!! North lsl•nd Azusa Col NIVal T,.,n,ng LJ Vern e
loutlon Munic,pal Gym Municipal Gym Coron•do Whi11ier
........... 32 o uburn
ieorge ))'oshlngton ..... I 1\
......... ,ll 14 P!:r:i~t
st 1
· · ouu iona eorg10
• ..........:: 1 [ 1, ~ 0 't"ci1o~ls,ue. 1 .. ~:::::::. 2 V 1{ Son Jacinto ............20
9 "
N ov 13 Nov 20 D c I Dec l 0 C S D c 9 0 C 12 Dec. IS Dec 17 0 c.18 O c.19 o,c.30 J•n S hn 8 Jan . 9 Jan 12 J•n 15 hn 16
o • .. •.....
t:ro~,• .stot~.. ::: : : :::::: :1g ~f"u~i.A ............. o
ln,~eriol Vallo- • W Antelope, Vollev •....• 22 "6 Palo Verde .......... :21 o. I J~7~':n 0 ~orbaro :::~;:::·:
...........1, l3 Miami {O.) ............ 0 6 ~~~lrb1\rla:~ •. :::::::::1f 1: 11 Wichifo .............. 13 41 Xavier (0.) ............ o I ,- 1~- 20 Tennessee ......... .... o ,
0 10 8 ~~~n~~i;;tj,'.'.'.'.'.'.::.::::,:;: 1:4 Sweetwotar ~y~~t':i~n -r:~Of'.nl?••:·: ll Clladtl .... .... ... .20 O G
........ 1' 113
12 •
" II 74
f 204 0 efor~,:
ni 1 35'
/l El CoJlllan ............. o clfian ldo ........... ... 2• 21 Detroit
107 177
Kearney High North lsl•nd (5 p m.) Mission Say High
13 12 0 17 12 " 0 12 " 0
......... 9
7 2311 CDheltcraovta 8e·a•rs·. ......... ·.·.·· .... 22 46 J ti.·1 v1to ............. 1' 21 ChlCOQO Bears ......... 7 MWt,1·::::~:... '..!Ji13Jf (.Glr,e,e,",oneday ••..·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·-;2a' ....... h Ii 1!
..... I
U Duke
..... ,3 ..17
.~.'unlool Stat• ··•.. · 6 3? VNo"••tlnro
....... 2 o 15 HsJ..' 0 °•wot,·r•··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.•.·.•.·.· 0
.. O
Texos Christian
0 Sovthern CoHfornla
tgla Ttch
•·"u •
9 20
0 lllino,. l!. Purd e 3 Wisconsin
....... 7 "Vlronlo T•ch .... :::::20 2
(Flo.) .:::::::::
Choftg'~ .. ,....... rolina , ....... • 11 .l,.t:r,o;:DIStale "·::" Norr~ 1
VF.uMrm_,.on n h ~1~d~f Washington
................21,• 7 Mot~t
.:.. :::::::· t, ......... 21
.. " i: ~~~h~n,tg~ ···:::::::: i~ .f5 San Francisco .. ...... 1" . . , ,.. 21 1 35 L.os Angeles
:::.3l 104-
0 H t •
Center N T .C. NT.C . La Jolla High S•n Fern•ndo St. Momon Bay High Un,ted Brethren Municipal Gym Nani Tr.,nong Center N .T.C. Tourn•ment : Cal Poly Puadena Westmont, Pa1•dena Ph,blrapac B,ola AzuH College Pomon.i Coron•do La Mirada Azusa
~rg;ild~kv Mi~s•ssipS)(
. :::::::::.·::. ............ 3
3~ ~~~~goon S1at•..: ::·:· 2~
...... 1" MlsslHippf Stot, ....... 0 Tulon1 ............. ,
174 Mlow1cha 100 n .· .. ·• ·. ·•·.·.•.·•·• ·.•• ~63 0o VKa'"nd,uecr~b,,lf .• • ,I.
... . 201 • 2S Oovld!.on
........... 7 • • Florida Hott .......... O 12 Ch 1 -'If
.,.:.::.:J1.8: 1~:.:; .:::::.:::.i 20 1295
•·•·••~Jo Eluc.a tro
123 112
12 Richmond
155 11 r, 0
29 83
l "tJ.rtd~u•I 13 Ne ....... ,s 20 Nebro,ko 12 26 Morylond :::::::::19 sJ C.aliforn1a ........ O WISCONSIN I~ ~•llx ............. . O 16 Stanford :•·:::::· • 4' Marqutlf• ... .... ..1•1 l2 Erorrl ..... ,.. ..... .......... 6 0 swe!,~ , ............ 1, t Baltlmore DETROIT LIONS SI .......... 21 ........ t.... !1 · Jf 10 Green BOY . .... . • . j8 H ~~ 0 gr;if~co.:::.".~·:,•.·. 24 f?altlmore 11 1~ ~Yt11tiu~~~c :.;c~.. 19 23 LPJ Anotles . .......17 1a 14 cn1eag0 Bears .........2 .13 17 Green Boy ......... 2' 8• 6--Chlcogo Cords .'.14 . 13-ol Chlcaoo lear, :::::::::ti , O Purdue ............... 211 7 Esco ...............16 ?~ Z~bi,g~t~t• ·:::::::·::. 16 ,,- 2J7 Mis,ourl ............... o 19 Oklahoma ............12 Kansas ................. 6 13 ~)~,on~•......._. ... ·•·.·•·.•11, ?S Iowa ~:n's~ 1 sk 0 stota"::::::·.::· 2 t n Southern M•thod:st ... . o ::::::::.fg 1 i .Pe~~~rChrhtlan ·• ·:::::31 2 : 17 Oklahoma Slat• ........ 7 20 Texos A&M ., ........ .17 11 Mlnn•solo ., ........ , ll fcf~Y Stott •• ...::·:.::· . .-.. 1 ; ... •· • UYLOR ........ . 7 ~':t:1= 5to~~.:.·.·.:·::. t::~: Af~ ··:::·.::·.: .. Texas Chri,:tlon •... 14 Texas ..• 13 Southern Ccllfornla ... 17 Southern Melnodl!I ...30 Rice 21 Colorado 15 0 7 ,. 13 0 12 a NT 7 21 Esi;lclo -- 1 en 105 20 HII Vista - - 23< -- -- 146 202 73 "' ••• TEXAS A&M ~1chf;g~ Jr;,~ H 7 Mlulsslpp/ Soulh•rn O ~I 1' !-twa ro GordtnQ /f,l! Ion •....... WYOMIN• OKLAHOMA STATI 1; 23 104 • • )9 3S .. t j'« , Cincinnati n ff i~~~ton • ·.:::::::::::: 1~ 2 ........ 22 1i 2~ *~~~~••stat•" .... ::::: ·:::.2, 5, Monlono ........... O :::·.::: 2 i 2~ 1 n i~',~h~~ ~tgu~g 0 ·.:::.:·. MARQUETTI! l!AGLIS 3 23 ~l~hF!!\gfe .:::1 Oppon•nt Cal hptist location Ri"erside Miramar : ~~~iionChriStlan ·.;::::~:.: ~::gNrgtl······:::::::: e )C WI sin ......... "3'3 34 W/chlla ........ . ....... 1' 07 BOY or • .............. 11 21 Ulah 0 of •p·a·c·111c--:.·:: 22 18 Morq"ert• .............12 11 ArKonso1 • j ,. ... 12 16 NC State 16 1.0 Deriver ................. 12 2 :rcu~h~~~ ..~ .•t~~ ~t.. :::·'# lf on Colleg • 0 • .... , ........... 7 lJf O J•n . 29 Feb. 2 Feb 4 Feb. 10 Ftb 12 Feb. 13 F b. 16 Ftb 20 Miramar NA S J,::x,JJo•~.:::;::·::26 ~:~~:ma ··::::::::::'.::·n 17 Texas ... ••• .. . • 20 45 Denver .... 1 ............ 0 1~ ~! 3~ 1i Cal 81phst Kearney High Los Angeles San Diego Los Angeles 4:°b'gko~bo~r,~•,~·::·::·~1t 1; ;.t,, ·::::::: ::: ¥~ 181 ~; 1 n11: 0 rs;- 16 21 " 7 ,, Los Angeles St. Ohio State L,fe Loyola University 151 101 "' OREGON 1' TIXAS CHRISTIAN 2i 3 r•t~/slano $tote .. :•. 1t T:::: ~m : ... .. ::::: • 12 39 XAVIER ie lt-5,'- ~~broH 214 }! tlanlord ........ MARYLAND t• w~°1hlngton Stotlt' ""::: 6 1~ Trkonsas ........ 3 49 vfNo~"avo •·~:·::.· 162 We-st Vlrglnlo . . . . . 7 ..... .•... 26 Texas Syracuse •. •.•••.•. 29 Woke Forest ....... , ..10 Nor:h Corollna .. . .. .. 7 South Corollna •.•••••. 22 c~~~son . :·: ·:::::::: i? Virginia ........ 12 S-N. C. $1alt San Fernando St. S. Fern1ndo High San O,ego Marines Pt. Lom1 High 35 Son Jose State 20 A,r Fane H t~i~lngton 20 California 7 Mlfiml (0.) ... , .... . ..;:::•:: 3 13 Pitlsbur • h .............. 3 l 8h o U................ S/11, 237 ·:::::;::;:::1/ \~ ~oylor .......11 35 R~Meos o h ;tEARS BOSTON U. Geor e Wo5h ns, l(On!i.0.1 West V1rOin10 Pe.1n ~.o,e Connecticuf MouadWS-etts Holv t.ros~ Boston Col'e;a Syracuse . .......... elrtilt ·.•..•.·.•.• ! i ~~~otl ........ _.,',',',' 1 ·,8 o 21 D•1anlico Marines • 21 ............. .lR 1' 7 7 6 Ut 21 1~ Mission Say High Cal Wutern ,~,::::::::·2T ............2a lsco·::::'.:::J~ .::::::::::n 5 ADO LEAGUI! 7 Washln9ton Slot• ..... , 19 South•rn M•thocllil Fcb.2S ·6•7 Cal Poly Tournament Pomona Home game, art underlined, a// begin 8 p.m. 17 a 2) a 26 0 102 11 1' 0 • ' ta • 8 ,. 101 ' 0 0 9 t 0 16 " 51 CARLH4D 7 Oregon Star, .........15 0 Kentucky .... '1 52 E1mrano "·;;;;;;;jf }3 /;~~et' 113 162 2 09 TEXAS TECH ..•1 '°,• TDerxeoaons AloM- I lj Qli/DrOOI< ............. 21 ,. San Francisco ......... 3 160 SouolhReE,nC.OCNallSITor•nTiol 20 VALi • .. .• u 6 151 . .......... a f' 31 Chicago Cards ........ 7 8: 13::~~f~~Nrg~ '1a1. , • , ~!"""""cul •D 1 ........... 18 24 Detroit .. ~of~bfa .. ::::::;,···::. Oi 1•3 on \evu to ........ . n 1" 1Ne•!o,as•k'a"h. ·.· . .· •• ·•·•·.·• 157 'a Tru.(soas Chr/•11 MIAMI 6 I 7 "·•....... " 26 ~rJ~Pc,'o l)IOte ·"··:::::: Lovi51ona Stat, ...... 27 .::::::::::::·::. 13 ,~ ~~~~~,.?i~tohnla ..::::::::: i,_ 91 31 Prlncetor, ............. 2n 1 6 Harva rd .. " .... .... ·:::::::::::::·a 1~ " " " J M Vista ·:·::::::::::'.25 = 20 _. 200 ~~~faikvoo••---::::~-:·::: 11 X North Corollno ......... 7 Sovth Carollno .. .... . .. 6 Mlchloon Slot• ........13 l6' Cal.fornla •• ·•••• 20 1 Tulane :::::·U 11 ~~il$ro~ :·: n ttonfof d .... ••· ....... !3~ 1 Arkansas .. __ 139 . S1a.,~.. regon · · CORONADO 'G~h~EN •:v PACKERS O 28 Oel~~fl 0 eori . : : : : ;:; : : 13 .. . ... •: : 13 21 Son Francisco ........20 ... ......... , 3 No m~rek ........... _ 8 ,1 1 Mor vi sta ......... ... 6 24 ea1f1~gre ears .. , . ·I~ .............. l 3 21 \o'/oshlns,ton ··· ··· o stn>,ower , ............ O 2, D I ____________ lj Son Dleoullo .......... , 2 f ~01 151 1.S9 TU LANI! 171 GEORGIA Florida ......• 2J "° PALOMAR JC Florida . ....... 30 ....... 26 ..... 0 ........... !" . . ........ ~J b 2i ¢ 10 nd 0 mb9I ......... : 1 1'0 0 Pierce 28 7 Miami (Flo) tAN DIEGO EASTERN I LEAGUE 1.1 s~u, elor~lfna ····:::::·30 MICHIGAN ,,. Son Diego Stole Frosh O 6 Woile Forest 6 25 Oetrplt · .. 20 1 Mississippi •••• 20 13 Georgia Tech ...... , •. 21 u 17 Teicos Tech ... ....... 7 ;:: 20 26 Realond Frosh 36 Santa Barbara 3S H d . • or JM•~immons ....... 6 •~ Missouri PPt ~tote ...... o7 1 s .. ... ... ° e ......... .. :.~·::.·:.:· . CRAWFORD 'f ... 347 11 Palo Verde F 114:, 1 M0 ichl;ansts1 1ote regon 0 13 1 s ............ o 161 ·:~::·::·: ·:1l • -a on ronc sco ••••••••••• .:::::::::·,i 1! V 77 8 Oceonsidt•Corlsbod 00 .2~ 22 !mS)trlol Volley ....... 12 telapenl• V.olle . • Y•• •• ·••••• •• · 02 APhn 00 7 Keornv :::::!:: 1 : 2! &~~~s~o~1t . tl 1or!t U Auburn l :!~~n~rt ... 6 Lo1.1islono State st ota I.MR VISTA 154 :212 ...•• 1' 2! Hoover ................ 3-4 1:, 1 i~ Lo Jolla 7 PITTSBURGH STEELERS J: @!~~/~~fem ... ... ..... .. 2 ~ :::;;::::::20 'f!~,!hiQJJ~C .... .... 21 ...........13 10 W1scon1ln ..............19 ... ............ 15 "aeeu"m"o'n'"tn .... ·.•.•. ·. ·.·.·.1,, 3 ... ......... 1, 21 G~glo TKh .......... J.4 20 llli,:iois ... ._. I -- --- 7 Indiana ............. 26 124 176 u Lincoln .'. ... ::::::::::·.3a 20 V11fa 12 St. Augustin• ......... 26 13 ~an D1 1 176 9' BASKETBAtL SCORES 214 19 j2~hlo Stolt ......... TULSA ':f.ullo ........... o 24 Phllodelph/a .. GEORGIA TECH 1 • KenluCKY 10 Southern Methodist 122 1" tf MlssoPuEr~N STATI! C ~~~n~o:xlco Slal•··•... ·2287 13 Sen Diego , .•....•.....60 2i cg~nn~do• ::.'.'.':.'.',',',','.,[ MICHIGAN STATI! 12 ............ 8 28 T •--:::::::::: 2 g T h 191 " Helix ........ .... 27 24 Chicor,a Card, ........,s .............. 1:l 10 Oetrot .,. · ··--·10 12 Chula Vista ........... .:27 u New York·· · ....... : 9 :::,~1 l~oachello ........... 19 21 Cleveland :::: .•• :::::.20 b' r~?dE~~b~o·e~;;·--.. 0 2~ Cnrlsbad 8 107 ....... :::.•:::2/ ::::· •.2J 12 7 T exos ' ER n 9 21 V.M.I 1l u: .. :::::::::::::12 ~, Detroit .............. fir~c:~~~glnla .. :~::::·1i \j orlh "rexas Stote ., ... . 6 3 llllnoJs ............. 9 13 HOOV 6 2 g 0 ~~~~nJ~rronc~...... 134 16 Clemson ......... 6 3-' M~~fga~8.M ...... . ..... I 58 Colgate le~~SH .:::::::::::::· 1 8 Iowa 1 : . .............37 19 Nolt Dome ........... \! ~~~~rec}~,ri~) ·::::~:::: CALIFOAN~ 1 Point Loma ........... 1'.l 150 ·:::::::::::JJ 7 st. Augusllne ......... -, ~l~s,2~t1fov :::::::::::. 5 } 3~ 2 f.J~~i rd 21 Tulane 13 f 2 ~~~Jngton 510 '• .::::: 4~ Duke .. ....... 33 1 # ~~~m~oma ........ .. 9 15 u:~ue 0 1 · ...::::::::;:: V 2j ~h .ion~t I · .......... . . 30 11 D 13-Chlcogo Cords.. 164 a ---16 • >Ne • o Texas :.::::: :::::. O -4~ Holy Cron .. .. ....... o 21 Wichita ,. l~ 7 Pittsburgh .........:...._ 21 1J1 . ...... , .. 26 OCEANSIDll ~~1l°C~rd• ..:·.:.:·:.:·.: 1 i SAN FRANCISCO 4tera 169 7 Noire Dome ........ 28 14 Gt0r 9 io .~ •.:·::.::·.:~ g~~on State 2~ 129 ::: 107 149 112 UCLA -- Coronado .......... 2 24 F>hllodelphla ........ J(I ............ 2ll3' Los Anqeles ........... o ........... 12 20 Green Boy ........... 21 1~ 7 So:Jlhern California .. u HARDIN•SIMMONS ·. Jg U North Texos Slate 111 PENNSYLVANIA o Purdue .. .. O 99 157 2I ~oor'i .. U T,,.,tln 1i g~ff~lt I~ W'c~~~fon u Stanford MINNESOTA 20 Lafoyeltt O 21 P1t1$f.,lrgt) : ..:::::: .2s LINCOI N \? I"' 17 11 ~ chlto ••• 27 2 ~ Nebraska ....... 35 0 ~dlana t .. . ..... 32 lJ oortmou1h •••·.... ··.. 1: 18 Princeton . .. •.. .. .. ... i Wi~l:an .::.·::::::::::.\~ 22 Novy ................ orrnwes ern ........... 3:', Brown .. ...... . ... ·:::::::.. o 1'1 Lo1,for,.10 ........... 12 13 Pacific (Sn~ ,ernardlno) Ou Vlsto 77 ~lorsh{ngfocn• •.. •···... , 2203 4(1 Mission Boy .. .. . .. .. 0 1 6 Son Ofegufto ........... o 1 33 Oetroft · ·::::::::::: : o 0 Bears .......... .. Auburn 6 (ie-orgia a 11.11:.0 .' :: : : :: 7 35 i:r; ........... . 13 J,t uo1re,nonr •· ...... o - -- 2, Los Angeles ...........16 54 3 Chlcat=io Beers ........ 14 1' Baltimore- ............ AS 203 11' ... •••·.. :::·• 15 .. .... .... 12 O San Diego ..............32 110 , ~5 West Texas Stole ...... 0 20 Vanderbilt .. , . ........ 6 ?OR HYaarvlord .......•...... 12 10 SoUthern Cal1fornlci··,·.· .. 3132g CH~aowveto'rd . , ..... ,,., .. 1~ 2 1 i~ 1'Leni:·1tate ··:: l~ 23 Purdue ...:::::::::.::. 29 2 • Columbia ........... " 6 .It S-SyroCU!it ... ,,... 6 Steor;y ' 1 uos Western ...... 14 fl Iowa ~, e •. ..... .... . . 11 Uloh 6 0 K ........... 20 SAN DIEGUITO 21 Cleveland 20 ti ......... 21 19 Avlotlon (Manhotton 0. 5-Boltlmore ........ .. 8 Arizona State . . U 7 Wisconsin ........... 11 28 Cornell ............ 13 _:___ -- __. uvus ne ....._ ..__ Beach) ...... O O. U-Green Boy - - 74 161 ,,. 1'0 99 o ~•llxico ........... 1' t ,.,\'~~a_yl~fo ·;::::::;:::::H WASHINGMN REDSKINS ICB 9I MISSISSIPPI PITTSIURC.H SAN DIEGO 3t '2 Long Beach Wll!o11 . .. 1S9 USO u,i{ S?f~Jbad ..::::::::::::: Z 21 . .......1; 0 Oceanside ::::::::::::::' 21 6 23 U ~gj ~g\t ~i~~ana) .. PeDoeruine "•::.::·,f 3 g~ 0 ont~~ ,mi: College O . • 21 " MCRD HARVARD o C&rdlnals ... -49 .... .. 17 9h 16 Houston 16 Kentucky t ~~;,'J~~b,u51a1.~ ......::·.: 21 Arkansas ....... .... .. O J ~~~1~an"~v~tot•.. :·:.·.::·: 37 Tennessee 42 Mississippi State .. .. 53 Tulor.e .. ......... 7 ......... O 2l M50 aurrqnuce,ntt•coi·,torn·,a .•. 12 s3 i 25 UCLA ......... 0 O 0 Beach Poly ......13 o El Centro ~1 1.,, .. .. : 40 2~6 L~r· yeoos ds ....... .:::::::::.. 34 .......... 30 .::::::::::J1 ...........21 . ....... .. 45 tc~i11ust1n·e"::::::::.12 BJ olnt Loma ..... .. .... O .::::::::::::.UI ~~:,;~rd 122 ll Vlr9lnlo J lver~J~rl5flo~.:::::::. 31; b 22 Boston Coll•~• ......... 1' 8' ......... 7 28 Notre Oome ............13 ---;; 7 CINCINNATI 17J fl 22 Oklahoma Stale i2 ~~;~gn 6 tllcrth Texas State' ... UTAH VISTA 13 28 1' 34 Chula Vista ......... .. 14121 Follbrook ........ 7 O 22 Penn Stott ............. 7 f Oregon ....... 21 .. : ... :. 51 215 - -- 1• Hemet ....... ., .. I 81 6 Washinofon 16.f 20 Bnghom 'YOiung , •• 120 Denver · 92 118• CMar 1 sbV/slo ... ...... • or Od O Coachella g 50n Dj~gulto ....• ..... •• ..... . IPhlo 2 w,ch,ta 101 3 _ f th p lfl 21 UI rk C II I O 1?-9e O 7 ,1. ~l oc c o r~f5~tr co., .. ::::;., . 1-4 .31 Dartmouth , 1 1 MM910rqmu 1e11 1 e0 .I .......• , •. 357 2 80 vDaiJ~ 00 • ,. HOLY CROSS MISSISSIPPI STATE 12 ST. AUGUSTIN& 292 •...•.. 11 1! Florido ...... 14 ........ :22 . . . ..... 15 ,RINCETON 7 Wyoming ..•.::::::. 21, 31 Browley ......... 7 no1,1o ...... •••.·.·.·•·•·.·.•.·.o0 , 9 Tennessee 6 Rutgers ....... 8 ........... 0 17 C a1 o fJl~ona ........... 1• 12 Serro L. A.l .... 1' c~~~~doe .... •··· ES RAMS 13 Point Lomo . .. ... ...... I f' Coronado .. .. ... . .. . .. 0 } ~~~lego.. :::::::::::::1}1 21 Llncoln ... ............ . . 6! New y i Gconuo Slate ........ 1.f 22 Columbia .. ... 23 21 a orado State U••.• ..2'I IJ Mission Boy ........... lo 87 - O PennsYIY"an10 ...........18 JS " Son Fl'llnclsco ......... :1 4 1,.1 8~~t Bay .:~::::::::'.,~ 16 San Fronclsco ::::::'.:'. 24 28 Chit:a90 Beors :2 6 J, 1 • ::»vrocun .... .... .. . .tl ... 34 Colvmb a ....... '.21 O ,1.0 MemS)his Slot, ..... ... 23 (12 ColAo ........ 7 Utah Stai. 193 ·~::::::: J~ 29 i1 :l'h~':;'o 3 6 UCLA U. ·:·:·:•:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:1j 00 .".'.:.'.'.'.'.:.'_:_..:_.. 21 • CITADEL '! ~r:r:~ryStote 13 Davidson .0 Wofford • :icnma.,d 18 Furman 0 Penn State .: ::~~::.·_.i 12 Mar'Quetfe '":::: ::::: 30 0 Mississippi (15 Louisiana State ......• 27 0 Harvard ...•......... lA 224 195 26 Crowford ........•..... 12 SOUTHERN PREI' Ll!AGUE 2l CtliCOPo Bears ij ......... (12 21 601, UTAH S.TATI! th ............. ··:::::::::::il ........ 35 ... .......... 7 o 8o$ton Colle-ge 14 96 198 124 or mou ............ '17 ~r~~gno State . ··:·:::.3211~ --.,. ,, A:i':c".;:F~~Y ACADEMY 12 i,t1 ~~trof~IPhla f lt2 .... .... , ·•••· , ........ ... J60 MISSOURI 2 Wyoming ........... :21 13 Coronodo 7 Caplstrono ., .... 3• D 8 ......... 13 D. 12 ore ti n Bay ore .. •·••• .. 1• HOUSTON 210 MP~,cnhn.,oSafnate ·....... 11's . ...... .. 0 PURDU. 6 New Mexico , ......... 28 SAN DleGO WESTERN 16 1 I MlSStsslPPI St t 0 UCL.A ....... 23 28 Notre Dame ... •·:::::; 7 22 Montario Stote ...... .. 13'1 O 28- MOiltDno ·• ... , ... 0 ' LSAGUE 14 Raocho del Com~o .... 0 32 Mountain l;:mplre ..... 20 196 5:2 Brown MIiitary ........ ; 60 Etslnore N&M ......... o 6 ,118 Unlver.UV ............. o 23 . g Alabemo lJ William & Mory ..... o 8 Prrsbyterion ~::·::.:; J S~waMe1gc!t1st 21 w· . o~?;~~~1. .. •··.... ·· .......... 232 ...... , 2 13 ci.....i ti • ... .. .... Cl,AIREMONT 12 0 O Brh;;iham Young ......18 15 7 Colorado State U. . ...10 0 H t 21 Denver . . •.... 1,. C or 8 VMI . . ... .. .. ... .... o 6 Te:Kas A&M 12 O 10- amo ~rote •.. •... • O o,dahomo . . . ... . .. . . 23 0 1 1:l d 20 West Virginia ......... :28 9 Nebraska ... 19 20 Co1croe10 prlh Texas Sfote •... 7 13 Air Force ............. 0 14 .. ,......... 21 ........... o ......... , ••. • l.f 261 I Iowa 1 llllnols ....... ••... 7 21 Utah 7 ........... 351 0 01 r •••...... ••· • 19 6 Ramonl- ..... .......... . . .. 21 --;ii 1~ Phil ~o,dhl ............. f o e P a ., .• , ••.... 21 PlltsbU'if.h ........... 16 ghfM a; $ .......... 5 .... 12! 9 Pll~h or ·.::::::·,, 21 30 Ch(cili;1cords I 20 j 32 2i ......... 7 0 11-ot Hawaii inco n 206- ll5 6 13 El. Colon :·.:::::::... :.2s 212- o Point Loma ........... 14 I 13 Mission Bay ........ 2Q I . .. .. 13 26 Kor,sas ~tote .......... o O Mlchl 0 an State ....... ,,s _·_ _ 22 28 t:1/so CLEMSON chlto ......... 13 13 Kcn~as . . 9 29 Minnesota ..... ... 2 1 133 179 th C r 3~ ~?[ginia oro ma ·:··:: 0 87 ?. ' :>outh Ccrolino ....... O ,·c G . Tech 6 2! N1:S1Sfo:e :::::~.:. 0 ll O Texas TKh .......... 27 -- MOUNTAIN EM~IRI - - 10 lndiono ..... , ....... 7 -- 12.5 110 109 VANDERBILT 19 Lo Jolla ............. 19 13 Groumont JV ......... 2111• Kearny ............. 341 0 San Diego JV MOIITANA STATE U. 138 II • Georg/a IDAHO 19 NOf1ft Oa",ota CJ W'Yam n; RICI! 07 AIOD!)ma .... 2.6 IJ Mls 5t s.slPPI .. · ........ · 33 66 ....... ,. 7 -- --- 12 Rancho del Compo 156 20 Armv-Novy I 6 Rom·•a 21 58 3 Loulslono State . , .: : '. 32 4,; wo~hlngton . •.::::::: u: 5 1 5S San M111uel ::· :~::··• 6 8 o O Utah State ••• ,. ::;::·:;~ O O WoShir,tton .......,~ ;JI 14 -Ar,:z~ f }Yirk~o~o:~5.1..:::::~ .)..£3~ 1; ~re•o.?';iate ·--·--::·· i O~ke-e 2 '-"'arvtond . ....... 14 l'. Br,·oham ~O\Jn" •n••• 23 112 Denver ' ·•...... · 16 u U on State l~ U ~:i:r~;xi~~te ... O 7 D k • ........ 2/ 13 F~or~da 2.. F10r1d ····.::. 15 33 Vl_r;lnl 0 6 Cl I nd .:::·::.'.".'.'.'."••. O 1 Mmne..c..1o ••·••.... ••• 20 D Crawford KEARNY ........ 11 - · 1!::0te~a~hln " 2J lJ so ,tnern M~thod'.st u.'·-:·:·:·: ff 8 l1~:on .... :.::::::::..{: • 13 t 1 ......... , 14 1 , 1 t U ~g,~inoGr~~~~lto~ .. ::::. 4\ f".~1~'~iky 2g 122 1d8 212 CHIC GO CARDINALS 173 6 4P Washington ........... .21 I A ·:::::::::: 7 ~osh,nglon State ••.•. 2/ 6 Montana State . . . . .. 4n 10 Arn.v .s.... s orence Stott ......... 7 1:2 Pqln( Loma ............ 7 1 IIAMON.-. 3 20 Elsinore ..... .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' •1 • 1 7 Cleveland B rt~t(~t'ook ............... ti 1; ~"f~-~~m~bon 96 lS u~~hoo 1 Texas A!.M , Texas Christian ~2 : : :::: ~7 ' Idaho ' ... "... 2 __ennessee . ....... , . o 13 M1ss1on Bav .... ....... o 111 CaP:lstrano - :::::.21 as 35 :20 Lo Jolla ··.. ··.... ·· 1 ........... 37 ::::::::::::fr COLGATE 1: ~o~~~Qof -~~~-'~'.c NAVY 270 21 Baylor . .. ..... 23 131 VILLANOVA 106 . 13 El~~~~ont :::::::::::::141 Jg 7p 1 ~ Cornellst t ~~ira'r Empire ..... 1 193 24 Boston Colle;e I 16 197 / west Chester Stolt D Santo Ano ............. 47 1 "6 Rancho def ComPO ::: : O 2,1 hlladelS)hia ...........28 1 N~~lbu{,~~k ·:::::::::::: 2 ~ g 2J ~1~:i:i:jf'.'.'.::::::'5~ 1 '3 o· 13-ot Plftsburgh 3 4 Pittsburgh 1& 3 Chlcogo Cords 1 ,t ~,~1~1t!: 0[~rd•·:::::::· 7 13 Ital! more • .. •.. ••.. • ~! whll~relphlc, .......... l~ . 13 2o P11tsbG~~<;:1 :::::::::::.211 .. O f SOn Froncr~o ........ 21 n1is· ~t N~ ork 1 t Ph lade/S)h o __ 17 16 -- 3t Woshlnglon 71 7'J. 8 1 •.. •···.. • 3 1 • -·- -- 2'7 19• CLIEVELANO BROWNS 12 ?2 :~.~en o • ....::~:::~:. U () Pnnceron ........... ,. 42 2' William & Mary ... ::: 2 i t~i~e.J' 5~ Me thod ls~.. .. :j~ 6 Glendale SAN DIEGO JC :20 Xavier (0,) . .. . .. 48 1:26 3~ ~g!r ILLINOIS ...... O 0 fr'c5J1tege .:·:.::: ~! l;\?.irra LA JOLLA A~ YPmo JV ... ::::::::::: O 18 Phllad•IPhla ........... .~7 ::::::::.J }i 'p~~~~,i~~fa 1 !! 1} ~~~ant~~riico : ::;;: /~ g~~i1!~• Crawford ' .......: ' U Hlt~rios•'.::;:;:::::·::.U 2 ~ f*",,n:lale .. O Syrocu:.e •·· ...... •.. •· 71 1-4 p~....esso,. 0o 1 • .·.·.·.·.·.·.·•·.·.·.·• ~l~YP~~:l . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .. .':.;·::.. l? Notre Dome ·.., ·.... 2 .:i 50 Ea5t Los Angeles .... o 0,1. ov on ·······•• ·•·••• · 0 7 Moryla nd .,.. 14 6 so· 1 Mi5slon Bav ·"·.. ·.. · 1 236 . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.·1, ... ::'.:·.:: 19 2ft 33 Brown .. ..... •• • 14 9 ""'"' 7 P ,co '"ll llS 268 15 M ch an P WisCOri!ln ,'.','.'.'.',','.'.'·: :21 43 Armv .. · RANCHO DEL CAMPO .......... 6 199 6 Polnl Loma 1, 21 Mountain Empire 166 ~2-Long Beach ........_.. O 121 215 :!~ COLORADO ST. 28 Northv.eslern .......... 0 NEBRASKA 179 VIRGINIA g ~~::,~n & Marv ...... 17 99 66 93 1 fg I ? I,.~~~~sota 1' College of th • f>ocific 8 111 ······ SAN DIEGO STATE MISSION BAY 36 Son Miguel :·:····· u OI IMPERIAL VALLE't J\. 7 Ore"on Stat• ........ · . •.•.· 6 3 Las Anoeles Stat• • Fl d 55 1• P C thollc .,,. 15• DNeenw,eMrexlco O Wvoming 57 ., 21 10 v,~r1 i o ... ·.·.·.·.•.·.·.·.·. 19 .. omona a .. ... . ..... 29 16 Alumni .. 12 3 Kansas .. 22 7. ~dlono ............. 10 6 Cal PolY , .... 13 12 '"' O Lincoln ........ 4(1 18 Redlona Frosh fi : ~~1e1~~p:e·~~~1~ 0 d..::.. •..• ........ . 23 6 Lo,1~ ~each State , .... 1(111-4 V,r, 1110 Tech ......... .fO o )t. AU~ustlne ......... 13 1~ i~~~erit~e5t ·::::::::: 3J.l i R~r~: lo :·::::::::::: 1/ 26 Harvard JV SAN MIGUEL SCHOOL 9 Ar1Z0:)0 State •. , ....• 2 51 2i i~f~~~CI ":·:::::::::: :2r ,~ ~~s~~d\tote ,: t':fano .:::::: ·:::::::::: 10 Utah State . .......... 7 U Po:o Verde ' I Urta10ham Youno •.·.•.... . . ·.· 11~ 1122 SPoanlo10t'>o8r 0 rbara •.·.•.·.·.·.•.• 22 2 U Colorado 3 B 3h 4 123- -,.71 .;;- 195 lW ........ U 6 Iowa State ............ 18 7 Santo Barbara ..... 29 20 South Carollna ...... 32 20 Clalremon1 ........... 13 1 ..... 14 O North Carolina . ...... . 41 1 Hoover 20 Ramono Jov~ets .......... 12 1" Pepperdlne 7 Point Loma . ...........lj O ~incho dil ComP0 . ... ....... .:.:.:.2_ 6 ~. EmS) re 8 14 Kansas Sta1e ......... 29 6 Son Otega MCRO ...... 6" 12 Maryland ........ ... 55 ..__ . I w j 160 7< 201 BO 393 5-9- 1,2 S2 10, ;Lo Fives% THE SAN DIEGO UIHO !See Act;on P The University of San Df. b;~lce~:!n California Western h squads w e r • to nf;~t.out-of-town quintets to- The Pioneers of USO tack) Co!Hlege at 8 In the W ay lgh fl'III, whfle the estrrners meet Cl . Mudd C a1remont• 8 In the ::~ squad at San Diego U. boa!~m~ 4 2 record a I 1 • ,.o ng nto tonight'• engagement, while the West erners a r e tt . c•ome b cJ< a empting to two star~s in a 4; e;Airof:~t' tourney urder In the week and are 2-5 for the season. USO Cagers Host Azusa o,·er counttt Island 83-75. THE SAN DIEGO UNIOII, Poets Whip USD Wi Ease, 74-46 The dul Ka,·al Tr111 its next g p.m. at :N Al Pad rewski rP aces Pioneers 1 Westerners, USO Look or Victory aval T1·ain- GFPT 'l l 3 0 0 l O 3 1 J 8 IO I 2 0 0 1 0 r 3 t 11 0 SAN DI EGO, CALIFORNIA !\Ion., Dec. 14, 1959 Y BASKETBALL SCORES Wt'ltnuruter (Mv,) a A..,Jt 60JdW1n-Wot1oce 75.l.Addon &7 Northr.rn ISO) S1 a.DUX F•lls S.S SO ta@> 1, St Clcud F ncllar ti, 'Oetrott TKh 6'. Southwest M:om~ 'i'Z, HcM.l!.ton ~. Ok.lo T.- as Tech Texas art.ft TUIIO 71. ~~~:Sta1~ 01 foi~••~•x~fr,=r~/ 1 • Wett Te.1 N DIEOll UNl8N M estern, ·Pioneers Set l~,~.2:, 0 .,~!1:=~., California Western appear stepping up in class this week a.s both schoo)s put winning records on the line against tou~ basketball opponents. lJ , wll,lch trlmmec;i Azusa Co!Jege ove the w~kend, 63-41, plays aval Training Center tomorrow night. The Westerpc,s travel to Pomona WedJl,esday after whlplll,na Claremont-Mudd in thelrSiturday outing, 58-48, Little Jire Takahashi ra tl.,. the nets for 22 points the Westerners Were winnin& elr third ef five cage out'i lngs. Al Paderewski matched Takahashi's output !or USD whlch ls 5-2 for th ea~. ' Pioneer Rally. Beats Airmen " -. •• Naval Cent r Five Edge Pioneers, 66-62 THE SAN DIEGO UNION bb Wt~. Dre HI, !I, AN DIICO, CALIFOIINIA BASKETBALL SCORES 62. • 9. Moines c. Wical Copvto A. Wical Fltltning Padski Boren • Patrick Totals Arkansas st,, L1m1r Tedi, 16 H f1 U 16 11) 20 UTofols HQlftjme KOrl~ U~D 24, NTC Jl. c.F!iJ1~al"t 0 1.~ :~~rt ~1!~~ 0 J"'JaJ: erewskl 1, Boron 2. NTC-Hostermon 1, Willloms 5, Meodows 2~ Moore L Bethel t Jowa T Mlssovr CPntral Dayton, OubUQUr, Mlch1gen evertlme-}. Lawrene:~ 1ch, 105; Ortrolt Trch, U. Cod • I Marine Quarterback ~i~s Ram- Contract S IEGO, Dec.17-San Diego arine Corp Recruit Depot quarter])ack Vern Val dez said he,e today he ha signed a contract to play k> the Los Ang-eles Rams. Val dez, 24, said he w:ould at- tempt to make the ,Rams' squad as a defensive half- ])ack. Before entering th~ service Valdez, who weighs 190, p1-fed at Antelope Valley JC ana the Univer.sity of San Diego. 70 t To'-'gh r Squad eioneer Eteven Ii ces · ttier lnHom&Home The er 1t o! • an Di- a11110un ed yesterday It n~ a home- all pact with \\'hi ·er C Ii e g e starting S pt. 17, 1960 I San Diego. Th Ploneen are scheduled to :meet tae ~ts at Whittler Sept. 16, 1961, Rev, Wal he J i u r a USD athletic moderl\tor, Id. • ·egotia- tion , e mpleted wlth Aubrey R He,ma.m, athletic director o! 1i ttier College. Thi• bl"ir\g to Ix thf' um- r o! games signed :for the 1 campa g , Fr .I rray said. 0th~ i t:lUdP • e ' :l\lexico :\"1$tem here Sept. 24, Hum oldt tate there Oct. il, al Poly of Pomona here Oct. 8, PepperdlnP College there Oct. U and Azu.a Col- lege here, Oct. 29. The P i o n e e r s al o are scheduled to oppose Montana Stat.- College there Oct. 22 but the Bobcat are trymg to fill the date with another op- ponent. Fr. :\Iur ay aid he eek• Ing a nine-game ·chedule wi 1 !i\·e game at homP. O th e r game po ·slb!lltle. would be with uthern Cal • 1ornia Bib! t it II t e, TCEyes • 1n Over USO • aval Trainl c•eking 1h<'ir Sl'cond ha kcfball v, in of th!' ·<'a•on o, <'t \hr! ollc<>ians. u::;o, whkh drol)ped a 66-62: d<'cisln to the .Tac t boast a Lion Coach Gives Game Back to Boys al2 ' Tu .. Jan. 5, 1000 THE SAN DIEGO UNIO SAN DIEGO. CALIFOR_ N_ I_A______________, Pomona Colleite Cal Wet•,-...... =~.... -=--===~- _,, ern and !arin Corps Re- cruit Depot. "selling Job" 11 be ore they can Pioneers, NTC TangleTonight ra s job.not Id enjoy grid reunion with old shipmates Pete Rozelle, partners of his glory days at (t) J ()Ill sr (5) SADE EET OPENS USO, Pomonan5· Tou ament Fo s S~1al lo Thfl "on 01eqo Union I PASADl•:NA, .Jan. 7 Uniw1·.-it • of San Di<'go's hash:etball team m<'Pt.· Cal Poi of Pomona tomr-rrow night in the op<'ning gam,. Qf 1hf' Cal Poly-Pas;,,dpna lournpy on the Pasadena Collcg<' floor. Tipo[f is ,•i,Prlttlf'd for 8 o'clock. Pa,-adPna Colkg<' oppos 0 sl Wl'slmont CoilPgP in thP 10 o'clock contest. BASKETBAtL SCORES Saturday night thP acl ion will l'Wing- to th e J<..ellogg. Voor ~arnpus 1n Pomona --'-------~-----; where thf' of tomor- 67:"1llame11 (Ore.) ;7, Call•o• of,_ roµ s garn<'S pla) for 1he con- 6~" 11 '"~ c~,\~d.7~·, ,Ytj~~a"t~o~Wfp 11 sola1ion titll' at 8 o'<'io,·k a rl fie i re.1 J . . ld0h0 (late- 61, Rt>gis J.7. 'hr winnrors w11l lHng]p a iQ s1 Lou" 76, Houston •6. Crt-i!lhl~H1 91, SI. Ambros~ 69. Pion~Pr coach Le~ l;nT0y B~cir:vsl~P 'o~tnat1e;6;1itt1~ 13 will start .Jim Yl<'ming /l n d :t~r,~·•1f't'a1tci·s~klnhoma Cijy,l Roh .MainPs ~t guard$. Russ cir\, ))i''" • l['o.) 82, St ms C'rav,.ns l r·Pnter anrt Art c,nclnnoli ,6, w1 1,\10 69. Wic11! anrl Tony Caputo at ~~oi~o"n5~i.'H2mfol,''trory 71. forwnrcls . l· Irming, ;i form<'r Miami, Flo. 69, Iona 11. lTnivC'rs1ty of '(ln Frc1n(•isPo ~g~rg~e!1C:oGW~~;gr~ 0 ~,he~7. 75 idloe 1 freshmfln, h;is avPra 17 CN.M.l 66 Covertlmel. I Kentucky Wesleyan porn ts per game. A&I 101. _ ---- coaching a pro team v. ith title potential, free from the front office interference, penury and oratory of that mo t colorful of all NFL owner , George Preston :.larshall. (If t rshall were a fictlonal character instead of for real, he'd go rtngmg do\\ n the corndor of hterature with Huck Finn, Mr. Mica-.. b rand )fa Perk1M) (6) The undercover fight for more football scholarships \\0Uld b• °' er. Joe do~sn·t hav a f ncy pro record because he coached rln .y-dlnk dubs like the Cardmais and Redskins. But Mr. K can handle men admirably and run a happy ship. Intelhgent, lndu rious, ded1 ated, acid-tongued Sid Gillman, for all his pro!IClency m football theory and !i!nl-pro1ectin;z, clea,-1 • can't. * * * ALONG THE SPORTS FRONT a\'enge a them b Decem of 10 games. Hane~ expects 1o open with Bob laine and Tony Caputo at 1ornard , Art Wi- ical at center Jim Fleming and Ill" Wical at guards. ITC w.1 aded by Do f Padow . harlP Henry and Oliver Williams, all o! whom it in double figures against t e collegfan~ in the first m etmg. j THE SAN DIEGO UNION Sun., Jan. 10, 1960 (j) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA BASKETBALL SCORES San Diego St~~L~GL~ng Beoch State 6\oJC n, san1a Monica cc~ u. Southern California 69, Washington 68. Pasadena College 69, USD 58. ~g!~m~~r~t 1 j~e ?f,• JC 16 GS. b-4 EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Wed,, Jan, 6, 1960 l' • 1oneer BASKETBALL SCORES Far West b. cuy a· liair e~n-llutter tioys o Dr p To od ilors G.on~. and another mus from otre Dame The S ,a;A,....., 1111:l Scholtz for ·so-s ar ne thousand agam n f>ody reca w'hen huge Harry Ohvar was an All-C.L. -,.0 tarred as Othello, the oor of ice. m a h fling at Sh~e~I'II~ Well, the Z3 lb. son of All-East f:le; e.n A l,atin and Greu clfalar at Lo) ola, Harry was on the Dean·• n tbil at Yale ;IJ'd n plans to pursue law • tu at-h '15Y'-H!l'.rnrd. (Could this cost Jordan, jg Job?) With a 10,so 5- record, Notre Da wont place anybody on the All America team But the. pn, who sh know, d George lzo (Chi Cards) and Monte Stickle!!- '49-ers) fir t nd of the. player draft. fbac Tom Gate1, afted 18th by the Rams;: as San D1eio s star galloper in 8. l fan re rnvtted to tn Fuotball Writers' final weekly luncheon at the Sheraton- e l fonday noon. 7. 'l'he college and .iro "players of the ,, eu- wlll take bows. The tariff I S5 fhOlle UP 0.~484 tor reaervations. S ra se which fliUre.s to wat}op UCLA by two or three TDs, on 1 add :n Dame to 1t gnd slate. Army and Oklahoma mg up tno The school apparently b sensiti\'e to tho~e r, eated slaps at its ~ort schedule. It sh d be quite a football battle royal whe the Orangemen a eensh1rted Irish et together In the early 60's. , ·orthwestern Coach Ara Parseghian and Stap Iusial, 'II.hose son ls an lri5h sophomore, spoke at rsotre Dame's fabt• ball banql!et Wednesday night. * * * * B d Furillo, \\ho co,ered Loyola U. football until the blowup m '50, and who now conducts the Herald's controversial ' team Room" column, tried to steam up the TroJan offense for otr Dame He quoted Irish backf~ld coach Joe (Scooter) 5~udero as blowing off lll-adv11edly (1f not illogicatly) after I 0Utln SC n I 5 lo to UCLA. o r Dame '-' II lick outheru Cal1forn1a at South Bend. r Datne whtppfd. the best college team m the coun- try ln fowa. Dcsp1t i ?~¢Ord, IO'fli has the best mate I in the nation The Haw re th Rams of college f Iowa hird 1trinc baeu lllllla~1an sc·s first set." If that a ftlbt talk or e powerful 'l'roja rote and l:d (Km• -Tell) McKeever n " quoth Funilo. .an. hand I.oyo a Hie CO, h Jordan 011\ar hu It made t.h!,,eff Pasadena 76, SQ/1 Oi~o Sto1" 67. St. Marys 61, Son Francisco 62. ~Zb~~po&~Lo lege of Poc~1c 57. f3~~ira~! 0 Jt 'i°a1.egler 8 ~~~z~~e7~,. Western Montono 09r Ricks 77. Westmlnlster (Utohl 72, Carroll (Moot) 64. Whittler 14, Pomona 63. San Jose State 81, Son Slate 57 Santa C!oro 51, Lovo1a -46. Col Wes1ern 68, Laverne 57. Air Fore• 63, ~oyola 1111) 50. E~1'grc;;J~ 0 {Jr1eJ~"lrd~l •crn State 59. SOS Frosh- 51, Chula V a. H1;h School ~6. Oregon 68, Woshlng1on SI. 6A. Idaho 56, Montana Slate AS. Fresno State 65, UC Santa Barbara A9, Nevada 72, Humboldt E.tote A7. Sacramento Stat,- lJ'i, Cal Aggies JI. Michigan State 89, Michigan 58. The Citadel 7A, Virginia Military 53, North Corollno 62, Wai mary: USO (6') A.Wlccl Cravens Cocuto C. Wical Rttd O'Ne I Maines Potrlck Au5herman O I' p T NTC (7') 1 2 3 4Meodow1 It 1 3 13 Jones 2 1 4 5 Williams 2 0 0 4 Font 1 1 1 3 Moore 2 0 1 H-loorf'heod 0 -2 15 Cravln O l 1. Henrv 1 GFPT 12 3 2 27 0 0 2 0 5 2 11 0 2 2 5 '" 1' 5 2 3 12 I I 1 3 2 ' 1 2 1 Phlldelphia 126, Minneooolis 111. New York 121, Detroit 110. Svracuse 145, Boston 143. ~~~;~!sk' t f 1 { Toial, 1t 1' 2 24 21 2l O Tolals Halftime score: USO lJ, NTC: 30. ..
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