News Scrapbook 1958-1961

SAtl DIEC..>, CA\.IFORHIA sat., o,·t. 21. 9,;9 •q



Trometter Moans, But Depot's Still Heavy Choice Over USO By )U-:J, ZIKt:S sick and ailing mo. t of th( sPason hut he plan~ to tan

M DTo Try up (< ontinurdl • d<'Z and center D o n l"arno ak Trometter ad- rn,tted. WI h ome or the to gher opponent! IJC'Mnd, ICRD I In an excellent po itlon to come up ,, Ith 1t fourth 1 rt r hallb ck Al H<1ll \\ hit o,


o Face U I

the De\'ildog. ' b1g;;rst wcak- n and USO ·has shown lit- tle but an aerial attack this >ear. Th<' Pioneers' stock went up a few point yestnday with the announc ment that vl'teran quarterbark Jan Chapman was a ''trntative starter" and would <<'P ac- tion for ~ure. Chapman's to ~r to ends Lavon Baker and C. G. Walk- er po. e a thrt>at to any team the Pioneer fac-e. Howevr1, they haven't mounted a f. ficient running attack to keep the oppo ition loo e thus far in thl · campaign. However, two of Pioneer coach Paul Platz' he t run- ners have hPen on the II t of

Bull TromettPr !• wi~hing :omeone would cut out his tongue Trometter made the ml~- take of praising hi~ tarlne Corp~ Recruit Depot football- ers ea rller in the week and now the ally mentor i~ scared to death of an upset tonight. "We're prime for an upset and University or San Diego could furnish the team to do it. And it all Is because of what you guys rarried in the paper. "D1d I ·ay it? Sure I did but you guys didn't have to print it," bellowed the Bull, who really -got the nickname Jrom hi. 'bull like" charges during his playing day . l '. D may be in th<' • pot for pulling oU an up ·pt hut on paper the :eioneers' rhance don't look too i:6'>d t h e Coliseum tilt t . The Pi- oneer are 0-3 tor th while D has a 4-0 r oi'd In pretty h

halfback Joi' Gray and fu J. back Jim DP ·antis, both of v. i,om arP in good hf' Ith now. Trometter plans on st a,t- lng hi B-umt. '"fhllY'",C r a r n e d this shot. I don l know but what they ar!' my A-unit now," aid the Bull, "the e guy h· vr a m~ch better attitude and tarting them I our way of howing our appreciation " probable starting lineups· USO MCRO POI. Walker (116) Getmonos (111) • te Bonago (221 l ';._~I: ~2(1~2) • • •• w BOUrclVf' l''7\ Collin, (201) c Gorofono ~) ..~~ 1 >,236> ~f ~~t~f:, cfs:l , Barrett (18') r • ChOBPa~~~ (170) , Lile 080/ ob •• ChoPP II (175) M• rdock 178) lh .. Grot (1M) Chopman (191) \"b OtSont C185) Roll (2001 I

1 •ular unbcaten C pt. El1U1;'.r-,1;;,.-ua J0-0 C


'Big Football Slowly Dying In Our School

M I sCrush Pi neers, 40-14, Before 4,200

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1_•··,!I_T_HE_s_AN_D_IEG_o__ u-=-NIO_N_,Mar'1nes

LoJnla their annual ta

(~)rt~- 2-_;, S~N DIEGO, CALIFORNIA

!oo ball game

Pioneers, 40-14, Before 4,200 11 011tl11ut•·,ll h1ltling: t·olk~1a,


Ith U today at Spaulding Field In Westwo d. K1eknff Is e for 3 pm. UC' \Ion la t 1thout reg, termg a dov.n. Lornla 1s out to right that \non today. As \le used to hou In da) s of yore, at old -Gllmore- "Roar you Lions!'' Score, too. • • • :SF' pioneered a football r r-fun program se\·eral ears last ummer Coach

\ compan .

Pass de!en e is admlttl'dly

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t. '!.l, 19 4 SAN 01£00, CALIFOR

B ·,JOH•. '\' The powerfu




ootball bal le b11C1ked far Oct. dubbed the ow that

Fi1 ', i-,, t , l r i n g quarterback rnsf'rted 111to lh<' l11wup and MCRD be- v,an Io mo, e !'hr Lea tlwr- nPck dl'O\ e :)8 yard 111 11 . .. . STATISTICS MCRO 20 187 Fir t down, wuwi,ng ,ardage PGISll19 yart1091 Passtt Posus ntercrpted by PU'l'lt~ F um Diet 10,, Yards , •• 100 • -16 3 3-32 1 7S .. * • USO ' 2~ 143 13-26 , 2-31 s 10 µlay· with Hall plungrng over 1rom till' one tor the first ·econd prriod 'I Ile 1\l,1ni <"• \\f're on lhe \"aldPZ \\as




hru !\es \11th Bronco hall teams, the Dons have been gPt• tmg \\alloped Santa la r a eems su:-pr.smgly , ror; for a ne'\\romer to the cene and Don unde grad John Coa es confe es m a letter to The T1d ngs- "I hudder tn think llhat th,. outcome Ill be'. Appar- ent!, the have ome real goo,! boys out for footh II, ron lderably be t t e r than ours. "They are re a I I y gung-ho about the whole thing. ' • • nlver I y of San D1~i:n. still ee mg 1•s 1n1t al m, 'I\ on't f1 d It his ,1 ekend. ThP unclerma"necl PlonePr m fa e th nugh San Diego larlne Corps Recruit Depo Saturd y night, a squad sePk• Ing it• 11th straight \\Ill, Vorse, the lar'nes \lalloped far ro.,ger San Dlego teams 35-0 in '5!! and 41 0 in '57 Ju~t to make the


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, baske ball and black ink

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aces USO Today

MCRD (Continued!


DGoes After



complete the. USD backfield . This will be the third_ meet- ter from Alameda H[gh. "Ill at right hal1 and lullback, re- 1~g between the tv.·o mstltu- be a igned the halfback spectlvely. t1ons. ~fCRD won the last rosu while Loyd Roll, a !or- Chapman, howe\'er, has two while USD was unable mer All-Bia: Seven fullback been thro"ing sC1me In prac- to put over a touchdown. from lis~ourl, rounds out tlce th!! week and may see G•~'.~~. 0111 "°' 11} the starting Leatherneck Jfmited action. At any rate, Cole 12101 hi backfield • lCRD's secondary Is expect- 2~fl?n~• 1~ 1 tllr e I t• The collegians, beaten in ed to get a workout by USD' ~~~~•:.;: !ffil ab has e- their first three starts, \1.111 aerial game. ~fl'' 01 1,~Mi h ad d by have to go most o! the way Trometter said he would Mu,_,, l1m to open with a 'patch d•up lineup. ,ubstltute by units and that ~~f1°'i'l'o'.1/ 1 '°> 1 neers. With aoe q u art er back the A and C clubs will see

Moor ead


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MCRO Holl 1 plunge (kick failed) MCRD-Llles I run (roll kick). MCRD-Wrigf'\t 16 s,ass from Lorenz CP~~lJ~_!~)cill 20 run (Laak5onen kickJ. MCRD Ke,re1 l plunge (LaaK5onert kick I. USO-Grav 6' PO'l! from Chapman (pass folled) USC Gabriel ll pen 'from Chapmon ( O\J rque run l Ckl. MCRO Austin p/una• (Murdoc lck).


Al Chapm n, a conv~rted Jan Chapman still ailing, Bill plenty o! action before the from • an Jo e State, Bourque ha een moved game I~ over. n Murdock, a pc •<.I- trom left half to till In for The 'A' backfield includes (!'ontlnue,I on ·19, C'nl. 0 tonlght;s tussle. \"ern Valdez at quarte1·, Bobby Will Chapp!'U, a Keye . an ex-U D player tar at aval tr Al Hall at halves and Bo ha been lr e1ted at le!t MiUM-stln at tullback. The C unlt in pla,;e of the irtjured eludes quarterback Jim Lo· Loescl\nlg, the club lea..d re1.z, halfback Walt Kelly and ground gainer. Sophomore Art Breakfield and fullback Jo Gray and Jim Desantis Charlt>s Laaksonen.

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