News Scrapbook 1958-1961

' THE SAN DIED& UNION b4 , ::\Ion~ Od. ~A-ttt;; 9 , SAN Ole •titP IA.

EVENING TRTIUNE SAN Dll!(;O, CA.LIFVl!NIA __ . }' Tues., Oe,-t, 27, 1969


Governali Sees- R·ay of Hope For Aztecs AgClinst Fresno

,------------ FOOTBALL s_S_CO_R_E_S _ Local MCRO 40, USO 14. Col We~tern J8, Colfe

UN 0110.0, CALl"OltNIA 'l' Mon., Oct. 26, 1059

Of Hope

Paul Gowrn.i Ii, San Diego • (C?ntlnued from Pa,re B-'7) Grossmont High team, "still La Jolla tled Mllslon Bay, State College football coa<'ii, hai;n t .~appened at USD In two has a chahce" In the wide- 7.7, last week, while Gross- .sec. a ghm me, of hope for years. open Metro League race. mont dHlbbed .$J Capitan, 32. hi~ Aztec·, against Fr e .!! 11 0 USD _will meet South1>rn "Our offense has been rolllng O. This week's sc:hedule pits , , CYallforma Bible College at Or- r al w 11" ,. 'd l'N 1jth v·kl State s California' Coll giate ange Saturday. . e • oe 961 · ,


By • IEJ, ZIKES Ju t to look at Capt. Menlll (,Jake) Jacobson you wouldn't think he had a worry in the world. As _an assistant football coach with a team which has won five straight games you"d think he'd be setting on top of the worltl. • However. Jake. who is scheduled to take over the coaching reins at Marine Corps Recruit Del?ot when Bull Trometter's tenure ends, is a horn worrier. Jake worked the press box te'f'phones for !llCRD Sat- urday 111ght in Balboa Stadium as University of San Diego was holding the De, ildogs scorele s the first qual'l{'r. The l\Jarlne~ took the "ollei;1ans Into camp later, 40-lt, but Jake was watching is 1960 team, the B and C units, in action in the early part of the game. Things weren't quite as bad as they looked to the captain !or it was a 1ired-up bunch of Pioneers which made the gyrene reserves look bad in the early going. USD's defensive line, seven-men strong a d led by guard Gray Elliott :from Chula Vista, made the highly, touted Marine reserves look pretty sad at times during the tirst haU. The Marines figured out a way to stop Elliott's diving at halftime • uerem.hc i.tandout tor the Pioneer \\Ca~ halfback ,Joe Gray. the :swift ~ophomore from St. Augu5tine. Gray made more individual tackles than any other man on the tield. Actually, the ~loQ of the game wa n't MCRD winning its !ifth in-a-row, but USD finally getting on the score- board after three years of trying. USD lost to the Ma- ines in 1957, 41-0, and \\as "skunked" again last year, 35-0. Strong Al Hall bombed the USD line fo what ap· peared to be a touchdown just afte~ the g 1 sounded ending the :first quarter. That one wa · called back but he repeated the trick a .soon as they changed ends o! the field for the next quarter. HnJI, the workhor~e ur the ~Iarinc bad,ficld for the past three season!;;. carried the ball only se, en timE"s but gained 51 yard::. to take honor~ In that department for the Devildogs. ' Veteran quartc1·back Jan Chap.nau completed 10 of 19 pa s11s for 130 yards from the Pioneer punt formation, \\hicn was designed to sa,·e wear and tear on his in- jured shoulder. Two were completed for touchdowns, one a 66-yard pass-run play to Gray, the other for 18 ~·ards to end Jim · l, another sophomore. MCRD's other to M!S.~ll'er,~ cm a one d plunge by quarterback Bob , a :ard run by. a 16- yard pass irorn :Myron .orenz to Bob Wrigh es' one-yard plunge and a one-y ungc by in. U D travels to Orange for a Hallo" ecn date with Southern California Bible College Saturda' r 1ght. The Marines ha\"e a return date w lb, o Carson (Colo.) Aimy Saturday afternoon a . lCRD s Hall Field.

~ ~~arterb~c~ s;1ub yesterday. chine," said Schutte. "They I m optim1st1c 'ror that rea- are bl" stronu a"nd fast a son " "' t-- · . really fine team." Only probl~n. according to the Montezuma mentor, is left Reneg-ades •• 1

half Jimmy King, th<' Ar.te,•s' No. 1 ground gainer who was injured JO rla, s ;,go.

He said the Reneaadcs are the top-ranked junior coJJege club in the country and the No. 1 contender for a berth

.Horris 'hift l'o,~ihl

"The last time J ~aw him 111 the Junior Rose Bowl. which was Thursday, he was Al Lewis commented that not running." said Governall. his Cal Western elub will be If King can't play. Dick facing perhaps Its toughest Morris will shift to left half I foe Saturday when It squares and reserve quarterback Jlm' off against Pepperd!ne here. Symington will tllrt at right He stated_.that the Western- half. ers turned 1n their best team The Aztecs , Pl II i!l.ltt I st effort In subduing Caltef'h, weekend. 38·12, last week. "Our offense Bull 1 •ometter, c·oa h of jPllPcl_ in the Iourth qual'ter," J\farine ;i>rps Recruit Depot he said. unbeaten De\ lldog . paid La. ,Jolla Gi-ts 1,1ft


tr i b ll t e to tJSD', under. I manned Pione<'rs, who lost to :'\ICRD, 10-14. Saturday

Harry West of La J o I la High said the division or the city Into two !Pagues "has given us a lift." "We feel now that we pos- sibly can win the leaguP," he said. Ken Maynard predictl'd his

~n~a~'6fu ~?ml! 2 .c,


"ii1T1hnoi!'·19~ 0 f1W~~ Purdue U, Iowa 7. Iowa State 2~, Kon!-os Stat, 0. Cincinr,ati 11. COP U. Beloit 7, RlPOn 6. Wisconsin 12, Ohio State 3. Mis~ovrf ,, Ne-broska. o. l\.\iomi ~Ohio 2-4. Oh'O u. G.

• ISO Prui~l'll

"liSD turned in a 1·Pai rme team effort." ~aid Tromet- ter. '"It's a complimen1 to USD and coach Paul Platz. They never gave up, never quit." Trometter said Fort Carson, which plays the Marines here Saturday, has loaded up since dropping a 42-2 decision to J\rCRD several weeks ago. ·'Their general didn't Ii k e" ' hat beating. said t11e Bull. "We'll not be playing thP ,amp t!'am 1111., time." IH• ·1ctd<'i1 P tz ,a,d "a, prot11 at he Pio11Pr•1· "•ta, ed i r 1ere and kept fighting ,\-Ji; (Cont. on Page H-9. l'ol. 6)


Soutt, Ookota 27, wosti,n9ton (Mo.I 21. Cornell (lowal 33, Knox 0. Butler 2t, Bo! St. 0. Oberlin 16, Kenvon 1'. Denison l7, Frnnklln ,vor::.JiaU I. fllic:nigon State lA, Indiana 6. Evonsvlll!' 3. DePou.-1 0. P~nn St. 20, llllnols 9. Bowl!ng Green is. KeM ST. a Jamestown {NO) 40, Ellendal • Normal Carleton 24, Monmou1h o. St. Cloud St. 16, Moorlieod State 0. Gustavus Adoh>hus i~, St. Johns o. Bethel (Minn, 7, Milton (Wis) 6. St. Olof (Mlnn) 16. Grlnn•II (Iowa) ,. Southwest


SMU 21. Texo! "Teen u. Ol

Oil it '.Jo U 'D closed to :;3.14 on t;rn long nnd then .MCRD late in the final quar- 11 Bo Austm went over 0

$t, O. I

• l4 ' 24J


First downs .R:ushlnq yardo,e Panin• rurtlo11 Paut PH$ s nferce,tM bv Punts Fumblo lost Yardt penalillcf

1H4 1 s.n.,

s a

THE a22

I 19 14 7---40

four Pioneer Players Ailing 'I11e University of San Di- ego will be minus four first stringers - two backs and two linemen- when it fa ces the Southern California Bible Col- lege Saturday at Chapman College. Hallback Joe Loeschnig, the club's 8econd highest ground gainer, will be unable to play becau. e of a hamstring injury and fullback Jim De- santis. the third best gainer, is ont with a bad angle sprain and a twisted knee, according to coach Paul Plat Center Jaek G, ofono and Jen guard Bob HU:?hes are other casualtil' . Garofano re- injured his ba& agatt1•t the . r a r i n e s l week while Huge. 1, bo1J1ered b' injury P I a t z ha a,sign Cllc1ppell to rcpla,• nig, inserted Chuck "illiams in place of Desantis moYed Bill Clarke to center for Garo- fo110 and Gray Elliott to guard for Hughes. Jan Chapman. still both• ered _by an injured collar- bone, will get the starting call at quarterback w hi 1 e Joe ' Gray \Vi!l be at right half. Other line starters named were La,·on Baker and C. G. Walker at ends. Jim Gabriel and Joe Varley at tackles and Wayne Bourque at the other guard po,;ition. OPP. USO Yardage gained running 819 501 Yards lost running . 48 148 Net yardage gained ronninv . 771 353 Posses otie;-npted . 67 S4 Pc~se, completed . • . •. 36 38 Total vords gai,~eschnlg, hi) •. 21 ,11 DeSan1is, fb 16 S4 Cnoppell, hb 9 ,o BourqJe, Qb·hb 18 70 Cox, <1b n 30 WUliam:s, 10 13 •J Kell'/, hb 2 3 Chopmal'l, qi) ::?4 J.t PASSING Atl Comp Int Chapmon, qb 63 3J J Sourqi.;f:O.nb•qb 16 5 2 Cox, qb 'j o 2 R!oCEIVING Ne, Avg. TO 122 U 0 108 5.) 0 48 3.0 0 39 4.3 0 J9 2.2 0 20 1 .8 0 17 1.8 0 J 1.S 0 ~sa -2.s 1 PCI Yds TDs .523 477 .5, .312 lOJ' I 000 0 0

~r .i• (Murdock..

RUSHING TCB YG YL Net AV9, Td 1.0 ••. 00 3 lo O 50 16.7 1 •• 5 J6 l 35 7.0 1 2 11 o 11 5.2 O 1 51 0 5, 7.J 2 9 39 0 39 4.J 0 6 20 0 20 J.3 0 7 31 J 28 4.0 0 ... 1n&HHY 6 13 0 13 2.1 0 2 o o ,.o o 112U428fUS TCB YB YL Net A••• TD Qb t I 5 -n -J.1 0 D 10 3.3 0 9 1 I V 0 -~· 33627390 6 8 0 I 1.3 l O 15 0 341 70 42 21 IJ., t 110 b 1



Vaid cri~•n Mr:Gulr Totals. u,o

J Chapmoi, a. Bo rq1.Je Totals

,~ .. FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Dari·ell Smith second from left, expounds city schools' athletic policy hi tal~ before Union-Tribune Quarterback club yester- ~-a) • He was guest at weekly luncheon. Left to _ ught, Gene Gregston, executive sports editor of

~vening Tribune; Smith; Jack Murphy, sports ed- · 1toi: of The _San Diego Union; coaches Paul Gover- n.all, San D1~go State College; Paul Platz, Urliver- ~1ty of San D1~go, and Al Lewis, Cal Western. Other 1 eg_::1Iar panelists are not shqwn.

r a '4 CD Fri.. Oct. so. 19.;9 THE SAN DIEGO. UNION SAN DIEG , CALIFORNIA Pio'ms FACE TOP PASSER /~J_J Severan. an abJ~~ua!~~Pwit~~NTfST j passing average. will be th h. f a oo p_er cent of San Diego footballers toe c. 1 _e co~cern of Umversity ~~fi~;!~e Southern Californi~o~:i;; gJ~g:V~~nc~:%m~~ .~everau. a_ former Los Angeles has to>,sed fl\·e touchdowi - . - Valley JC ~tanctout, 7.'50 yards on oHense in fou '. ,;'asse_s an,d has picked up fly-T formatio1J. 1 ,,ames. He 11 operate from a The Bible College gl'idd . . h· , games while USD seeks . _ei ~. a\e . won one of tour The Vanguards lost to L is fnst victory in five starts. 39-16, and Azusa Colle / erne, 3 2-2_2, Claremont-Mudd, over Occi~ental CollegegFr:ih. 1 ~ 0 1~e1r only victory was Meanwhile USD has 1 • • :16-14 to Cal 'Poly -of Sa Jtayed s~rong ms but fell of Pomona. 19.g< 'o Pl'~lObispo, Cal Poly Corps Rl'ttul I)enn,,,. rr•--,ne al)d Marine USD' · ,--,. l h again will rely on quarterb \I 10 as C'Ornpleted 33 f 6 five touchdowns.· ' 0 3 passes for

r,o. ~fl· TO~

WolKec. 1 Boker, e

••••••••.• 1,

20.& •• 33

Cray, hb . Wlll1om,. fb Gabriel, t Chappell, hb Bourque, htKib • O!!Sant1s 1 fb Loeschnlg, tib

2 3

I It l 'f 2 6



t 3 , •

d1. A't'I, <'85 373 J71 J76 f'AT1 TP 1



T~ 2 ' I

Baker e Chogmo11, Jib W1ll1om, fb Vol er e Gcibrlel t Grav hb

I< 1 • • 0 • I) 6 I 2

: I 0


rque, hb-qt,

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