News Scrapbook 1958-1961

Bishop Buddy spoke briefly



sy tem


(C"ontlnued from Page a-ll

thP Honor- "more students ret·eivP bet- o! Nixon and thP church's ef- in any forts for tliP peact> of man1d1:d. N i x o n, ter educations than

and Country b~ able Richard M .

He also commended Mr1. N1x- on and ga..,.. her a univer~ity

LL.D, The Vi<'P P1e,1dent of oth"r countn ." th" wnited States. June J:S, . • Then the academic proPes- alesld N~xon 1 , 1959 _ urmng to




,,,. gra u- award.

1 t ,,.

th ~~-

1 ~

At the commencem~t f'X• iscuss ercise~ attended by 2,000 per-

~~Id t

. 0



stopped wou

h a d

sion, which

m~l!tary strength in this big sons Jud ,. James Carter of that the U.S. Olst!·lct Court here llle military ef- . tressed tht> need tor loyalty • g

d d ' . t·



briefl~• moved

e ica ion, military center and to talk of economic 'strength



into Alcal1t outdoor tl!E' theater for lhl' program com- is back of

among graduates.


men<'ement cPremonles. Tiw Ven· RP, Wilson rPad lhe c1tat1on of Nixon for the • - · . ·

Clll' l'C ·1r C':O'l 'J"Nl)" D "" ..,, ,., H1• c·ommend<>d the Catholic to l<'aVI' ChL11·eh, whkh hP said ){epl iod:I\" ali!:;lit lhr lamp of know!Pdge " j

imp or I ant there JS another ·



phasei;, bul





begmnlng theme J would Like


oc• ora e

,ou g,·a !uates

w1_th a skekh of his educatlo~, will,

record and public Nixon said. ·•rt i~ 1'ela1Pd ";o through the Dark Ag<>i;


l!P lold thP graduatrs that fr<>Pdom to learn I~ not uni• v,,rsal in this world. lie urged


the nicknaJiw of the a ~hletic




team~ of



El ~ORT'l l•OR PEA(E "Hi· forthright, opposition to eommunism re- llnd unswerving adherence to who truth," the citation said. "No wondPr the people ot thE' llel'lrd genuine patriotism tilt>

dynamic the Pion@ers.


"Through 0111· histo1·,· runs that they streRs loyally

p•onePi-s ally to print•lples on which J\mt>rka Amerka was rounded. Bishop Buddy hPld a recep- INl


lhemP of

ha,e made

what il 1s. Keep America in


forefront of

the bishop's

the Unit<"d :-;1al<"s in appre- ship or the \\orld. Avoid our Mrs. Nixon Jn lnclUdE'd acter and ability, elected .\Ir. Jeade1s who seek world dom- cl<'rlc,al, military and civilian :-ixon to the oince or \7 i c Ination, Ne\ E'I' be just ~al I • JeadPr. in a non-d,,nom!na- Presidenl. fi(•d. Ah\ay1, lakP the lf'arl in tion1tl , group. "All assembl!'d here ma v ',·011omk progrPs~ With Ire••· G IU~l\:'l'I N(;S IHVEN see the golden horizon. We dorn Greeting.~ o! the C!ly of San rPjoic,. and thank th<' goodness 1•10. ·1~,1t,n 'il'IIO'I' Di,·go were eKtc>ndt>d to the of_ God fo: the i1mui·e of ou_r "NP\ Pr lorget that thP Vi,·,• ~;esident by Vici- M~yor Vice PrrMdent, noted for um- Communist, b<>lievl' llwir Ro~~ J harp, who gave Nixon fori:n intl'grity and loyal (l<'Prs, mg for Whittler and La EvPn in the midst of huma11 1who are not salisfiPd with Habra. La_ter the Nlxons le!l ,•Jcissitudes. vacillations and things as th<'Y at<'. then we tor Washmgton, wht>re the deficiencies 11olhing evPr les.lwm prov id" frrP

G Un\orv 1 iven Diocesan Citatio11 :rv-""- 11,., 1'16'1 Br UE 'E Y Vice PresidPnt Richard M, for Women. where she re- 1'.lxon wasn't the only one re- celved more flower. and gifts cei, Ing an honor at yester- from the teaching stall. day' · commencem~nt e>:_,er- In reviewing plans for her clses at the University of San . . Diego College for [en. forthco~mg_ tnp ne~ mont~ Mrs. Nixon, who ac!'ompa- to Russia with the ·ice pres1- n!ed Mr to San Di- dent, Mn Nixon aid s h e ego for the impressivP ev~nt, hadn't had time to think of received the Dloce. an Cita- what cloth!'S sh!' would take. tion from The '.\Cost R e v. 'Tm told the weather will Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of be typical of a European San Diego, for her "beaull- ·ummer," she said, "so at r u 11 y intregrated devotion , least I know that what I'll genuine humility, charm and take will be summer things." abidmi: trust." .'.\!rs. Nixon seemed mo st The vke president's wife, enthusiastic ab o u t the pt·o- after a. hectic day at Disney- posed Russian trip, liut stat- land on Sunday appeared rest- ed most emphatica y that ed alter the drive from Los no place is as nice to come Angeles, 1 back to as Southern Caliior- Wearlng a periwinkle blue nia. hat of organdy petals and _an The. ·ixons· daughters, who alternoon d:ess or matching accompanied them to Cali- blue • Ilk. with a fused white fornia from Washington were and black floral design, Mr~. with their grandmother Nix- Nixon received a corsage of ort in La Habra yetitllrday, white orchids from a g-t'oup .Mt". Xixon, who retumE'd to of students from. the San Di- Washington last night, will be ",1:9 Colle_ge ,!o~ \' omen . Joined by his family in Den- Th group included M1sse_s ver, Colo. on Wednesday for at ene Curren, Joa KreJ- he meeting o! ffle Young lhl, Anita Dolan, Anne Wil- Republicans. ,Mrs. Nixo11


stow the degree of doctor or Boot~ o!flciatcd in_deg1 pu pi es- Jaws on Rirhard ;',!. NI x O n, entalwns Lo the SIX law grad- 1 Vice President of the United1,u,..a_t_e_s._____ State.."

Voicing hi~ appreciation ot the honor, • ·1xon also lauded the people of this area f o :r support of USD a support ht> said had bc>en extend<>d bf representatives of all denom- inations. He «aid th<' e1ght-million- dollar response to one t·am- paign 1or ;) • 1nillion dollar - for buHding projl'cts ,, as proof that the great dream of Bishop Budd,' was sh11red by many otheJ' -. 'AXOTJlER TIIE:IIE' Nixon Pmphasized t h a 1 there i• a real place for pri- \'ate universities suc·h as l'SD. Private nniversitlPs. he said, leaven the big public

son, Patricia Gannon, C o J. leen Lynch and Sandra Cas- U. llg the commencement erclses in the open-air Al· cala Theater Miss Krejsa, president o! the student body at the Women's College, gave Mrs. Nixon a bouquet or white carnations and pi n k roses, , Mr. Nixon pinned h l s wile's medal to her lapel. "It was most unexpected," '.\frs. Nixon said latei: a~ she displayed the silver medal during a visit to the College

G th/of ....-,,resident Nixon

Has Busy Day At University

-San Diego Unror, Stott Photoa The Vice President dedicated the hall and received an hoaQrary doctorate of laws degree.

Hundreds of p ·rsorh, many with cameras, )ester- day g1·eetect Vice President Nixon, shown at left

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