News Scrapbook 1958-1961
For Relea~e 6 p m. Sa.trudJ-:ty 0
tar J onlan SMU
Sept . 5
!I 9 A.\:..l.-_J\laer can A .:..~eraic ?te-s ..., son Fillt~!nlL~1A
Con 1 ting .-,f Play r
W,10 s t:i.r loth ,n tl.e Gr1d ir<.n and ..n the Clauroo~
( e ecte !re ra nomlnatlon~ wul.e by 11 e,..oin~n, snort.seas ers, rui'1 nu.bliciata.) Lei Mickey Har.gham of LSU >lber Witch r of Baylor (11 (13 in eW!l engineering) ln geology) G or gf' 11 1 ,rklny of :la,y·Lon (5 A's first semester last 3ear) • The new football season is only a couple of jumps away and everything is Devine in Missouri. While Harry Truman plays Chopin in Independence, Dan Devine and his Missouri footballers play Penn State ih Columbia. No odds are quoted on HST but Penn State is favored by one point. They used to rc>serve the opening weekend of the season for "breathers." Now the coaches fear to take a deep breath. 1 Pf' t '!'nck' - - Gnr li'i Benn of Oklrho~:i ';tat (A- in ed 1 ie1itlnn) Alt . cr~tn1n 1urry WagnE'r of Van!vrb1lt (Bin business a~min ~tration) J1>.rry Mfl,Ya of ~HU (11 1 in engineering) Cntitf in H'>ward Bronson of Air Force Ac·-tdeey {B or better in a l of tndiar.a t5tral,~t A 1. st fall in buaineirn a.dr:11nhtH1t1on) G rnld Kulc1nski ci:! Wisconsin (A~ 1.u chemical engineering) Or.n Hoon L • Guard . ub,1ects) UCLA jumps in head first Fri- day night against Purdue. It's feared the Bruins will get lndi- 1estlon from swallowi a Boil- ermaker. The Purd e fav- ored by two touchd d it's Southern Cal leads off against Oregon State Saturday night in Po1·tland and the Trojans a r e supposed to win by a touchdown. But Don Clark, the USC coach, possible they'll b on if an. 1 to play Bowl. C n C ut"'in Tom Swan
both sPrnesters laqt year in businesa a 1 ~~~n.) Mike ~cK ever of SfJut.hern Cal (Bin business admini~trat on) Czw.rleu ~tr!'.!lge of LSV (~ in e eering) D?n Jasli:ins o1 (:B ln 11.rts and sc!.onces) Gcorgp 5chmelzle of Br~dley (E· in busineos administration) • o-. 'h I!' r of U of S'ln Diec:o (A-- wl th philosophy a.s maJor·) _rlln 0lr,en of Utah St~te (A- .n business administration) , bTey Currie of W!lke Fore"t (B in u~sical education) Tommy Pro t bro isn't so sure. The Oregon States have become exceptionally troublesome under the leadership of Tommy Prothro and they hope to bring luck by knocking on Wood in Saturday's inaugural. Wood, first name Willie, is the USC quarterback and just about the most exciting football playc>r in the wrst. If he stays healthy, the Trojans probably will earn their pre-season ranking as one of the elite of college football. But Prothro, one-time aide to the late Red Sand- ers, is ambitious, too. His philosophy is reflected by a statement he made early this year when a news- man asked if Oregon State would have a good team or a bad one. Ball (Bobby) Takes Bad Bounce "We never expect to have a bad football team at Oregon Statc>," said the tall, amiable gentleman from the old souU1. Prothro's record bears him out. In four seasons at Corvallis, his record ls 27-11-1 and the Oregon States hope he'll stick around a long time. But college football isn't an easy game to figure. The ball takes strange bounces and the coaches get up every morning dreading the worst. Any coach belonging to an Optimist club is operating under false credentials. The late Grover Whalen defined a pessimist as a "female who's afraid she won't be able to squeeze her car into a small parking place." An optimist, he added, "is a male who thinks she won't try." An optimist is a fellow like Paul Governali, the head coach at San Diego State, who goes to the practice field secure in the knowledge that he has an unusually gifted halfback in Bobby Ball. Then Ball becomes hors de combat with a knee injury and 1 hobbit$ t on crutches. •Gove deprived of about 50 per cent of his of- fense, goes home a pessimist. : Before the athletes got down to work in the sweat pJts a couple of weeks ago, somebody was idly speculating on what would happen to SMU if injury shuck down quarterback Don Meredith. · A lot of com- p:etent observers believe Meredith is the finest pass- er produced in the southwest since Sammy Baugh. And he's the principal reason why Bill Meek is hope- ful of winning his first Southwest Conference cham- pionship at SMU. ; "If anything happens to Meredith," said one of l\Ieek's assistants, "we'll have to change our offense. We'll resort to the confused T with the unbalanced first- rate football team heWd by backs Bobby Keyes and Tom Gates. : Then the school was ~.PJ2ed by a malady known its de-emphasis. Scholarshfps ~came less attractive and football players bee ~s numerous. Keyes enrolled in the U.S. Marin Gates fled to San l1ernatdino Junior College. P ams went flatz. : It will be no particular surp Mr. Clark of ~e Southern 0,.lifornias is saying ~tings Gates" w .. M footbal player of the same name a year hence. MayQe Pla~ can find consolation in tbe philosophy of Andrew w: Wni.te, co-founder and first president o(£omell. White was ..asked ' ~ElJ:mission for the Cor- nell team to travel to 1 dif! AtintmP!l At\Qroo1', Mich., for a football contest. With great 1') · 1,•hf ret,.ised. "I will not permit 3 ftlltilji;:lNftrel 4tloGiles," White said, "to agitate a bag of wiru:I." It's a fascinating game, thddifr. ~f a publlclS- release here from a chap name ~ll,:fiqoW, Patil propagandist for the University of Plttsburgh. Cook notes that the Air Force Academy is a minion dollars over its budget. "If Pitt were,? J!e adds, thoughtfully, "the Panthers would be undefeated, , too." There's capitalism for you, Comrade Khnishehev. .,All Cook want& Pittsburgh is the b teammoneyc :KIWAN/AijS HEAR COACHES Aztec 'First Team' • .~ Pleases Governali • San Diego State's f i rs t coach in motion." Even Gates ·• Governali und pleasant but unlu Diego. When Pia tpe USD drillmaster, . So does Paul Platz, the ch at the University of San cceeded Bob Mccutcheon as thought he had a Texns MM {l3 ' in engineering) {:B in enGineering) of lutn,•r (:S in nrc-metl. coureP.) tunr rbnc • Colort>,dri l'i P. Cap a :r. Tom Hoore T {:B tith ~ology as r.mjor) Da.r:•ell Ho.r-per of i 1 tchlgo.n \Strl!ight A lnst se!:te ter) Phil L\ll ?f Air f<>rce Ac>n.l ey (On Sunt.i mer!t list) Vnnrlerb!l Floyd l-'nucette of 'rl:''relu Tech (13 Jac'c Hnr1lon of Penn (B Jlm.,iy Caruenter of 0:l lH h ~ ITnlfb 1n engineering) in maeketlng) ot."14 (Din sc ence) "hit Bo ,,f Ohio StntP (l> in <'duc~~tlon) :Ful . ~ck Pr nticP Gnntt nf Oklnh ,r a. (.S • D le ChambP.r!ain cf •·, of~ .o - c~ence) :.iciP.ncea) 1 n arts and .11» JA,4/( / C ~,r / I eads Pi neers 1 Against Tough Cal Polyl s,ttial,. !EVENING TRIBUNE •cPntPr Jack Garofono and end SAN LUIS OBISPO - Cal C. G. Walker arp the most Poly' s Mustangs, being louted dPpPndablP stalwa rts in the for an ullde!eated campaign. Pioneer line. open thef1 football s Pas O n Jan Chapman is back for here tonfihl against Univer- n:iore quarterback duties for sity of Sa:n Diego. USD but .he's the_only famil- It kicks oU USD"s Iourth l 1 '.1r face In ~he Pioneer back• grid year, but the first with field ..Mannm~. the other ball Paul Platz as head man. jcarrymg positions_ for USD Platz, former 11 t t 1 e AJJ. are sophomores Will Chappell American and ex-pro back and Joe Gray. both halfbacks, was assistant to Bob Mc'. a1_1d fullback Chuck Williams . c h Lmeups: utc eon for two years. uso Pos co, Polv Cal Poly's line one of the Walker pssl LE Hill i1s11 \ best in small c~llege ranks i~ 0 i•~,.t'.° (200) tb L~ei~ tm f tu 1 Gorofono {205) C Max !230 ea res guard Carlos GolJZa- Gurrolo ms) RG Gonzoles 230 Jes (2301, center Rich Max x~~Vffiti U ~~~ill r~ (225) and tackles Sylvester i~~~~::'.'1P 1 \iW Kl 0 • t t~'i'noe~ d~i Cooper (288) and Pat Lovell W;~r, 0 ,1,(85/ 1801 RFHB Von Horn r2on (240). __ • _ Bowser (20.l 'first Team' Pleases SOS Grid Mentor (Continued) l Los Angeles State in the Rose Bowl. Robert (Bull) Trometter, Marine Corps Recruit Depot coach, indicated he will be weaker than last year. "We lost 29 men from last sea- son's squad," he said, "and most of them were good men. We'll know more about our squad after JliN:lng the pro Rhinos Sf.Rt; 27... Other iiif:ches' comments: Paul Platz, U ty of San Diego - "We ave some definite problems with only Z7 men on hand. Cal Polyj will be rough there Saturday] night. They have three men in one of their backfields- 205, 210 and 210 - that we would use at tackle. We have a fine end in C, G. Walker and a good kicker and passer in Jan Chapman. We prob• ably will throw the ball a lot." Al Lewis, Cal Western - " After three drills daily for two weeks at Camp Pendle- ton, we're in excellent physi, cal condition for our game with -ands U. at MCRD here Saiurday. Our quarter. back, D!l:k Eshbach Is a good boy but another one of our quarters, Jake Garcia, has a knee Injury. We have 37 boys on the squad, and all want to play. Maybe we'll surprise a :few people - at least better our one victory of last season." George Schutte, San Diego Junior College - "Our per- sonnel problem is boys go. ing away for a semester or so, then coming back to us with eligibility and other problems that must be straightened out. Sometimes Fullback Tom Gates. a valuable piece or remain• a question mark at the Univel' Gates, the top rround gain- er at USD last ye11r 'fldlov,. USD's line appears to have \ a little more experience than its backfield counterparts, but still doesn't figure to do much against the huge Mustang for - war ds. Tackle J. T. Tr ily, Evrfllbl Santa Rosa, and Roger Ing a tri;mendous s ea s on Kelly, halfback up from last l wlth the Hawaiian Marines, year's frosh team. Is still undecided whether to According to Poly coach rejoin the Pioneers or enroll Roy Hughes these are wel• at another institution, It was come additions to go with !urned yesterday. veterans Claude T u r n e r, 1 Thi' Lo~ Angeles sophomore Gary Van Horn, Willis Hill pickl'd up 622 yards and and Bill Jones. scori-d 11 o! the 26 touch- Platz said he plans an 111- downs for the Pioneer! last tra.squad scrimmage tomor• srason. Gate.~ and B O b by row in hopes of getting a line Keyl's, now at the Marine on his starting club. Corps Recruit Depot, were So far, the USD mentor is th,. 1·2 offensive punch tor Impressed b)· the speed of I USD last ~l'ason. halfbacks Will Chappell, a Ml'anwhilP head c O a h fo~mer Naval Air St at ion Paul Platz ha~ 26 playerscin gr1ddPr, and Joe _Gray. in his uniform and hopes to have 33 second season with the P10- hy the timP. he laces tough inecrs. ('al Poly at San Luis Obispo Quarterback Jan Chapman. Saturday night. who. completed 54 per c en t C 1 p O I y 1 ·id t ll ,of his passes last season, has might represe~t thnc 1 en ah Yt• !bP?n throwing real well in e oug es drills opponent on t h e Pioneers' v · schedule 1'he Mu t h eteran center Jack Garo. . s angs, w o f d 1· F lt po ted a 9.1 season record ono, an meman e on , la~t year, have several out. Kennedy, a 6-5, 240-pounder Mandlng perlormers Jncludlng/rom San Mateo, .were ex• Little All-American g u a rd· p~cted to report mto the Carlos Gonzale . P1~neer camp today. Th End Lavon Baker and back e Mustangs have 12 ex- Joe Loeschnig have sustained cellent halfbacks bidding for the only Injuries thus lar both asslgn,uents, several hamstrings. They, shouid be college":r O Junior ready tor tomorrow's scrim. N' mage, however. • ewcomer1 wlll be arsh- By ,JOHNNY n,,DO!li'AJ.D The Union•Tribune Quarter- ~ back Club will kick of! its sea, son Monday noon at Mission Valley Inn with its first week• !y luncheon, to .-bich all of the area ·.s ioot 1__,.,__,,_. invited. Meettngs will r o 11.f i n u P throughout. the .._, with coaches Paul Go\·ernali, San Diego State ollege; B u 11 Tro_metter, :Marine Corps Re. cru1t Depot; Al Lewis. Cal Western ; Paul Platz. Univer. sity of San Diego, and George! !Schutte, San Diego Junior ,College, as regular panelists. Gene Gregston , executive sports editor of the Evening Tribune. and Jack Murphy sports editor of The San Di'. ego Union, will serve as mod. erators. Invited high schools also will speak each week. Duane Maley, coach of San Diego High's City League champs and Tom Parker of Sweetwa'. ter and Bob (Chick) Embrey of Escondido, who s h a r e d Metropolitan League laurels last fall , will give their esti• mates of the. upcoming prep 1aces at the kickoff session. Lewis and Platz will have games today on wbicla to re. port. Governali. TromeltPr and )';chutte all will sPnd their IPams into action for the first time nPxt Wf'<'k<'nd. team "will hold its own : any in the S:alifornia,.Cllll ail Klllju, a halfback f r o m Dlablo Vall~ College; Joe Wom,u·k, hard-hitting runnrr from Los An,:eles City Col, iege, non O':.fna, • fullback , 'Tackle to tackle," s a Id lil!OSllon, Governall, "we are ·stronger • Governali than a year ago but our em~s ego Kiwanis may be -weaker. We m i s s • but he addep entls Jim Romig and Braxton e firsf 14 men, Pinkins from last year. ,ate Athleti -head co told the Gate-- •, · of Club yestall t!Jat "past at',; The we are ve~y inexperienced." too Gove_rnali was one of five early to tell if and when hr ~an Diego college and serv- rejoins us we have as goo( ice coachPs who made up a kf' Id b d · "1959 f tb 11 k. k ff" I a bac Jc as any o y m ou1 00 a, ic O pane league. The others are Joe at the clubs weekly 110011 Duke, Dick eris and Jirr luncheon at S.n Diego Club. · II- tt ere 11 me, Jack Murphy, sports edttor a:f~st 11 men, I would be The San Diego 'Union, was very optimistic." panel moderator. Governall said \oss of swift The \Aztecs open their eight halfilllck Bobby Ball (knee game season Sept. 26 agains Injury), and injuries to other (Continued on a•2:S, CoL S) "With Ball-and It's Pi · leading g u n d gainer of last fall ha~n•t made up hi mind whether to enroll at mm or another school. Cates scored 11 of the 26 US!J touchdowns in 1958 and roll 622 yards, Co,ell Paul Platz pla.yer11 in camp. Th eers the sea~on atur- day t again t Cal Poly at ·an Luis Obispo. r we feel like we're a Rescue Mission. Our 50 boys are com. ing along in fine shape and we're expecting a tough scrimmage later this week at MCRP. I believe our Met. ropolit'!\,: (lQnterence Is the toughest JI!:' eague in the state."
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