News Scrapbook 1958-1961




Sugar Bid Sought By Wash. St. Pacific Coast Conference Pol led On Sanctioning Dote With LSU NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 2-f rA>J - Clc>mson's Atlantic Coast Con[ere1we champions look<'d lik<' ,1 shoo-in fol" the Sugar Bowl until Washington State's Cougars s1art- cd to roa1· today. . The Sugar Bowl is looking for an oppon('nf for Louisi- ana S1ate, the nation's No. 1 team. It's no sc<·1·c>t the · Sugar Bowl would dearly Jon' to have the Air J<'oree ~cademy in the other corner, but Louisiana's s<'grc>ga• twn la~ may be 100 tough an obstacle for the unlwatC'n but one -tied Fakons.

IT'S OFFICIAL: CAL NAMED LO~ ANCJ•;l,ES, Nov 21 xl to last Ros<' !3owl in whi<'h 1he Paclfic Coa,t Conf!'renr,. as now <'onstiluted will be reprPsentt'd The c·onleren<'e voted unanimously today to send California to lh<' bowl. on 1he basis of the Bl'ars' 6-1 leaguP rPcord, ll was Ill<' firs1 1imr Cal has man- ag<'d a PCU tit IP sinC'P th<' p<>ak year"> of Pappy Wal- dorf'-~ rc-ign. California wPnt to the bowl th1•ep yPars in " row Starling In 1948. htit lost all three Ii rnes to North- W<'s1 ern, Ohio State and Michigan,

With the field i:edu('ed to a handful at b~~t, iwi<-"•beat<'n Clemson took thP illsidl' track That is, until toda,), ,1· h P n rumor · flew tha thr Cougar., wen• hur1gry for a t,owl lHd and rcportrdly hat.I Ull'ir l')'C on the Sugar Bo,"! 1 e remainmg 110 ·silHlity ls '.'lrethodist, hut till• colorful Mustangs must face Trxas Christian S.iturda). • ' 'JI · outhcrn rl.; 1 ~~ ~~,/:;ai~:~~~ lo South Carolina and Geor.l gia TeC'h and ends Jts ·ea~on Saturda)'. Tlle Tiger. earned the ACC title with victories Ol'er Vir- against Furman

h uni,oo Fro.. ,n,erna, one includ_ed, left lo right, Wally [-{,•1,ns, 1:m\

, poke

lowu fnntbal'


F ot·cst Eva. hcvski,


I al I 1' season'". rinal meeting of the Ch1'ca"O me • ., .,. cnn Quarterback Club yeslerda.\, de •cribin"' 11· 1 • preparations for the Ror Bowl game. Tho ·e at . -

I Evashevski Cites Ability To HoldPeak . cent emotional .pea k car ried a lo\\a to the Big Ten football t


· C U t


I could rhoo e b tween them," t rt d th 1·urrent campaign with a Ca- :ontract, but liwe ha dropped out of the

Ing dub we ha,·e met 1his ginia, North Carolina, Mary. season. Ou1· quarterback Jan land. Wak<' Forest and North C~apman didn't have a good Carolina State and whipped

I -

i8y HOWARD HAGE.. Bob M C'utcheon, Ur \"er-


of San Diego


two Ro»ton College 34-12 last Sat.

night passing but his phenomenal punt yafct. t at died !nsid 60 h

CITICAGO, , ' o\ _ 21 U'! The coach, told the ;.rond.iy Quar k Cl .. b1Jity to maintain a 100 per f'r .ac . u,, )"('SL rd ay "l don t be 1eve l \\ill be back" b

of 67 and urday.

the u,;Ac;m~ POLL ASKF IJ



two-) ,,rd hnPs tremendou ly. We

Idaho State helped u

1 .



Pioneer coa t

as l~ngton St _al P captain


were gad th<'~ kicked deep Don F.hngsen :,;aid the ll'am to our Bob K~)es, >-ince we wanted a bowl game "in thcl kr,Pw thev had to defense u "orSl WR) \H' f<>el we rn the the fog and we be t ,:earn in the We. t right horoestly 0 in

"Al ]past. J"d like to k'IOW




Eva hev,kJ my staiw before tJ,e




in Cinclnna•i "


aid today.

"Our t,. am has ph_y,ical aid. Tbe annual , ·ational Col- out we c-oultln't wm n the meeting atteniled hy mot of we held a 100 the country•~ college coaches: •motlooal peak" will he held in J anuar:; ' shortcoming~ and we found legiate atheltlc a sociation Big Ten unle per c-ent


had to blo<'k onlv four or five now.

The Cougais, \1ho won

it ba ·k 92


men. J'eyc-

ards for a touchdown. Much en of 10 game . ha, e a stum- ot our ,;ucces,; Saturday night bling block ii'! a Pacific Coast i----------- - was due to the rushing of their ~onference rule 1hai p10hib- "estern a•1d California dl'alt


b e


It ha

Eva,hev~kl told t le Chicago

teams from going to any !he> Cougars their losse~.

pa er by oUI' end:, Wayne 1!

American Quarterback Club. C;;Jteheon i on hi wa out e-

Fol't'e Aeadrmv tbr. ehoi est plu~

The Air

Yoa~t. ho\\ I game. other than t h P.


atJd c1. •


7..J. rec.ord t

!'X· 21 e lil

to h

o nav


t would b,,,

~l. Viashmg on ·

prob. Ro





ea 30

two wlrilliJlg

,1n In the an

remely Juckv to

ably our most underrated line - ran secono in the confrrence for the ::iugar Bowl but Lou. a lo California, which mil rep- 1sian~•- S<'greg-ation' law pro- freshman: has b~en sharp fo1 resent the We t against Jo,, a h_ib1t1ng int_er. a~ial competi- us defem,1vely. } ullback A\a. at Pasadena N w Year's Day. 11011 and mixed .s<>ating in the man and Tom lath1 .

81g Ten share of had our USD. L' D officials ha~e an- luck and hrca,-s. nounced no action has b eo 'rhat 13-13 ue mth the Air taken regarding rehinng Mc- For(e Academy

BOB )kC 'fCHEOX Plan~ Cincinn:>tl Tri

j stands is the thorn.

l~n Wright dld s?me fine run- RACIAL PROBLE ~I nmg. Montana t::. is expected , ·

ea ·on) ces ·or..



ond game




· The



The large.·t crowd o!

brought home to u~ that we

a h., yeS t er• Army and Navy- irown on tho

offen~e d At Pullm'.1n,

a multiple

had to operate at 100 per cent . eason attended the Quarte 1 • b o o st<' r club at Pocatello to use about ,.9.000 annually, a~ainst us here Thursday. ~Y, a th lctic.. director St a n law and the ban may be in. on, our boy· were a dedicat- meetmg at San Diego Club. jwh1ch ~emie Hammerbec~. actmg who are aspiring to heights "We were very fortunate o! The San Diego Union, was' Other coaches' comments: Robert (Bull) Trometter, conference commissioner, l Oin this, their first big season not to have a serious injury toastma ter. Paul Go\"ernall, San Dieg 0 ,Manne Corps Recruit Depot poll _ th e members on the Ir in major co!Jege football And until just before our Notre One of the coaches on the State - College of Pacific' 1- Fullback . Jimmy Pyles feelmgs: He ha_s aske~ t _he a date with LSU, the probable Dame (last game of the sea- panel was Babe Caccia, whose line was not of major league came oil a sick bed to spark me~bei s to give then· 1m- national champions w Ou Id son !or the Hawkeyes who Idah~ State club lost to USD. quality, as evidenced by the us past Camp Pendleton l34- mediate_ reply by telegram cinch 1he recognition the won 31_-21)._ 2~-0. m fog -bound Balboa Sta- 287_ ya_rds we made against 61, Pendleton had a t?u!:h de- and w~ sh?uld know by noon are seeking. Y "Cahfomia, our Rose Bowl d1~.m here Saturday night. their first and second teams. fense; ~faj. Ted Staw1ck1 ge!5 ! 0 ~onow if we ha,·e approv- The Falcons show at1 g.0.1 opponent, has a very iine USD had lmp~oved tre- !3ut ~he~· had a great runner 1everyth1_n~ there 1s crut of his al. record, the draw comin in ball c_lub_ and our boys won't mendousl~ Ir,~m p_ictures ':"'em _Dick Bass. wh~ can't miss me~. We 11 play pro rules Washington State whipped a 13-13 deadlock with I~wa. take 1t lightly .. They learned had studied, . aid Caccia. being uccesslul m pro ball.1 agamst the Montebello Rhinos St an for ct, Idaho. Oregon The Cotton Bowl has the 1· their lesson against the Air "_They have an excellent back- It was a thrill watching Dick next weekend and twice this GCLA, Oregon State, Colleg~ Force at the top of its list 1 ~ Force and know that it will f_1eld. As for us. w! ha,·e a ~iorris connec~ on his 37-yard season we have been hurt by of Pacific a11ct Washington. teams to face Texas Christia~ take 100 per cent effort to }0~ng team and this was a field goal which gave us a those rules b_ecause our boys Southern California, "North- a team beaten 17_0 b 1 w ' win ln the Rose Bowl. . bu1ldmg year. 3.0 lead but once the COP aren't too big and we lack Y O a. "The Big Ten was the "We learn Tuesdar night power took over there was depth. Halfback Al Hall may NO 7 TEAM · tronge. t I've ever .. een it for Hawaii and the l;niver- no doubt of the outcome ... play against "'lontebello after • thi~ season as far a"', balance sity of Hawaii game. Financially we had a gnod missing seYeral games with - - ------ wa~ concerned. Any team •·rd like to tell you mo1·e year (about 50,(1(.J(l for ii v e an injury. I have three years, L • • s you could point to could knock of our game in the fog here home games), and we look:Yet to go in the Marine Corps' ou IS I ana tate you off on any given Sat- Saturday night but I didn't for an improved season next but even after that, would not urday " see it, We're oi!ering no ex- ye a r. !This year the Aztecs conside · a college coaching Eva~hevski, v.ho has been cu~es, for the fog was on both won three, lost five). ' job. T ' mentioned prominently as sides of the line of scrim- Bob JicCutcheon, Uni 'er- George Leffert , Cal West- Q p s B th p 11 coach of the year, was asked mage." sity of San Diego - Idaho em-We're looking forward to Q Q s who his choice would be. Caccia- said the Idaho State State had the toughest block-I (Continued on b-5, Col. 31 "It would bP Bennie Ooster- baan," he replied. us DMCR C _ C?m•Hed .from Tho_ son p,.. 0 union•, Wlro Serv,cu Oo ·terbaan stepped down D I h Cl kE t The Louisian_a State Tigers,jUPI selections and Oklahom:,. a5 .:\Tichigan'g head coach at - as ar xpec s ~:~f/ 0 P~ t~bcll~max tileir: beS t !was. fifth, followc_d. by Wis. the end of the season. H I s v ge 00 • a . season m 50 con 5 in, Texas Christian, Ohio assistant, Bump Elliott, re- s A p b b I W'd O 1,. 8 earf by wmnmg the Sugar State, Air ForC'e and Syra- ~l~ces hi~. The, Wolverin1;s ee n s ro a e I e pen 1lf (o~;el~:t~l ~~n. J· -r:t~,rctay cuse. fm1shed eip:hth m the Big Int . e Ill e .ress AP POLL Ten race with a 1-5-1 record. Pr ernati~nal a nd A~sociated 1/ 1 ;~~.~lf<• votes and won-10,1 reco,ds "Bennie i~ the finest foot- Umversity of San Diego and Marine Corps Recn,it Depot LOS A..."IGELES, Nov. 24 . ess po Is hr a wide mar- basisJ . ,eses -t" 01 " 15 on 1 o+s • 1 <, ball man ever to put on a pair football teams probably will clash in a post-season game IUPII -:-- Coach Don Cl~rk to- gm. . t ~e~~/~"~sf'~~:o-/!1s1 110-0J u,s o! shoes." s a i ct Evashevski in Balboa Stadium Saturday night, Dec. 6. day ~aid Southern ~al1fornia The Tigers_were named tl~e 3: ~~gho/W r~ 1 )S.ll - ·:::::::::l:8~j "I have five sons and I would The Rev. John B. Bremmer ----------- ,is expect111g a wide open No. 1 team 111 the country m s. Armv 11l h-0-il ·····....... !!2 1 ' I th · th UPI bl[ f · , 6 Wisconsin (3) (71 IJ ............ '" like to ee all o! them play. USD director of public inior- came up Nov. 17 at a meet- ga~e w 1en e TroJans close . a 0 mg :vith 33., ;: Texas Chrlst,an iS:n ::::::::: rn fo_r Se:ini_e. He hlft the game mation, said yesterday t h e ing of the USD Athletic Board thei: season h ere Saturday pomts agamst 246 pomts each f: ~h'io Fgrir. •• ••••...... 22 2403 · • " ------------ · · I · th · 5 OklohOmo (811 ····•·····"•"· gan State, al O praised Oo . okay the Cl'0SS·t0\\"n contest,\ Cl~t10n. p enng e top 10 ll1 the As- 6: Wisconsin (,:1.11 ·:·:::::::: ; m terbaan. but those obstacles apparent- ARROYO FOE I But our kids are looking sociated_ press Voling. were';: 6~fi'sf.~~ 1• 1 1rr 1tn1 ........ 1'9 I .. There ne\ er ha been a Jv have been sw·mounted forward to the Notre Darne lW1sconsm, Texas Chnst1an. 19. Air Force Academy (8-0-1) ... : n . . J • A. F A d Q . 0. Swocuse (8-ll 6• better representative in c-ol- t:SD belonas to the ;s.·ArA OF CAVERS contest as the high points in ir orce ca em Y, h10 c 11. Pyrdue. 62: 12, Clemson. · 10, 11, I . th . I ... th . j tb ll State and Syr C ollformo. 9; 1,, Noire Dame e· is ege coaching an Bennie,'' and s an associate member _e 1r oo a careers, along·! a use. Florida. si 16~ Mississlooi. •; h. ok 0 : he said. of the NCAA. with the competition against Auburn ranked fourtl1 in the ~~'.''P 111 ~~tr~h.1. 18 · Georola Tech, 21 Daugherty, whose Spartans The XAlA has no r u J e San Diego High's foot- UCLA." . failed to win a Big Ten game against th~ game. ball team, champion of ~lark pointed out that the A t o· th e City League, w i l l Irish were "in the game" tuition mght )mt other than that I Bale~ sai~ ''" ha,e as~ed surmountable for the Fakons, ed group to achieve thi~. Jack • Iurphy, sports editor !or 60 athletes. know httle about them. The NCAA limits members takes care of and finished last, ·aid there eftie ency From that game back:• final noon luncheon rai. e

many clmracter-build r · in trouble at I Colorndo',; Dal Ward, whose major to beat Oklahoma. Ward is merely the f Bud Wilkin on' 11-year tyranny in

of fate. Only two year. ago Ward ht Southern Cal as a r eplacement hL job is ln such peril that even fears for his safety. After lo ing to ngly rPmarked, "They may hang k th y'll shoot me." a po sc wa searching for an e.·- r Ward's home in Boulder. Seein.., ' daughter ran into the hou. , bad-: , hlde," the child screamed. "They're

Schaaf May Be Lost To Irish For SC Tilt SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 24 (UPI) - Notre Dame wns

Inner • h

z ec s T






0 ey

t I


tackle Arroyo High at El Monte Friday night in a


ag~ins . owa for almost the entire time and could have beaten the Hawkeres had the

et On I g t

wa~ no dissension be~wee:1 to 10 games, including game- himself and MSU athletic di- type scrimmages, per season. 1 - uso, has played eight games, rector Biggie Munn. /~s:,~ 0


Yg ra ves n t 'f '

I 9 h

llttle d1tfer-

ball bounced a

Federation playoff game. Arroyo High had t j e d with Sierra and San Ga-

has its ninth coming up Thurs- Unl\e1s1ty, and scrimmaged 24 the Depot earlier this season da~. n_i!!'ht against _Montana

Members_ of the San Diego tearful today it might lose the

Game 'No Contest' LOS ANGELES, Nov. CUPIJ- Cecil G zaun , ., ,


Dame spokesman State varsity and freshman services of uard Jim that football squads will be hon f It 1· I g • rs earn may ored by the Aztec Club at a ern California. ' said - or


. Schaaf 8 ma game with South-

Charlie Callahan as Sierra League whilP this yea,, t





Im- t 13 '• m1s 10_ner ot the M_et~opolttan Depot:',' rifdlConfe1en~e 1~unlo1 ,0Jleges1 ner, . . z, • • C?m-



ur scrimmage with the a i ct the Rev. Brem- was not under game

F. n g 1 and, pound , ga\c a v a! t I


not be t_he gre.~tes: ii:i Noti:e banquet



Schaaf suffered

tonight at Mission

di play again

Hcav)w••ight pl'ovcd 'h;ir1rlle1·, gnm•

I I' Icy

following ~at .

there is basis VallPy Country Club, starting hip musC'le

~amc h1sto;y


than hi'




lday's 31-21 loss lo Iowa Others injured in U1~ Iow

t 6:30.

or tl1e claim_ 1hat it is th<'

b Henr, an~oun~e • to ay that ::iatur- conditions. no score was kept,

mto lk11,11n when out pointed

l IJ

The Rem¢ic-k Trophr will he

Arroyo, which operates m~sl mter~stml! and . lzo is

:•etwcen and we will ad\'i~e the :S:CAi'I to that ~1fe<'t. I'm sure the the game will be played if our ,ast ?,ce~ de-I plar~,rs gne their okay to- in



t~ da)

fit· t y tri



lj:hl by Coup r


e n

from the Oklahoma split- 're~~?ns1ble w11h his presented to the player \Oled game, incl u ct in g t ackle~ by his 1eammates as most;Frank Geremia and Don Law- that 'vi:luable to tile i,quad. There rc11cc; center Bob !"~ho!~. end the \\·11L bl' enteriainmcnt bcforel~10 t Sr kl ci"' ' ~i;~ g:::.,:s~ll nine of its ~~s\~'·e bmet ~ave 0 at , ari- and dur;ng dinner, introduc- Bi.If i;acl~~ a ~\:Ctex~~~tr::~~ a:71ongjllon playas and a talk by be able to pl ay a t Los A T formation, won six c"1iah ses. . games and lo~t three dur- in_g the season. San Diego ti, a af atnl pmlnled out j e O 1e n ne teams

}~~!ctB~a~\ a_n~vEl s,1mino


tic •born Jot• II}. 131-ltaln in ·eptember.

.r rank Wil on third

)_ <.lea .h fo~


I uhrnl wn ror II urul tcehnl al knock.


topped tontght'~ right just .be-

Zaun day

cone" .


t h

Core th b



t e e nd ot th e1::;~~e!~~~ds;:~lng~;or both

F1. Bremner_. aid the ideal

lt;lil'ti 1911ij nlntll l'~Und a

, wh

f 11


am e same. o! a ,ama with the Depot ------------ th s t es e1;n lS!e


Pa ul Governali, head coach. • &eles Saturdaf,

the nation.

ten m



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