News Scrapbook 1958-1961

Pioneers. Get Rugged Test Third Straight Triumph New Mexico Eleven's Goal 'l11e hea,y, hard-running Panthers of , rew Mexico We ·tern came lo town today seeking their third straight victory or the season in a Saturday engagement with the University of San Diego's well-shuffled Pioneers. Both teams wiJI be using two platoons, USD for the




SAN DllOO, CALll'ORNIA Q Mon., Sept. 29, 19~8



Pioneer TClngle With Mustangs Bl JOJL.~NY )lcDONALO The unbeaten 'ew Mexico who alternates at hal!bac~ Western • 1ustangs with nary and a pilr,-driv ng fullback a 1lu bug in sight tangles with Juan Vasquez, a trans!er the University ot San Diego from the University of Mex- today at Balboa Stadium. ico, pace the club's attack. Kickoff for the PionN•rs However, with the two,pla- second game o! the sea ·on ls toon system ln operation for 2 o'clock this game, several plaircrs Last vear the 'ew Mexico will have a chance to ee ac- gridders w;re forced to can- Itfon . eel their game with USO and Actualll", the PionePr. , too, several others because of a are r iding a win streak. With Du epidemit·. However, 47 last week '~ dull vjctory over able-bodied New Mexico foot- the Univer. 1ty of Mexico, 20· ballers came to town with an 6, they hav<> won f[\ e in a imposing record 1hus tar in row 01 l"r a two-) ea1 span. the carnpaigll. Pioneer coaeh Bob Mc• The Mustangs defeated St. Cutcheon has made ~everal .'far)S, Kan, 40-0, ill the offensh·e lineup changes for opener and followed up with the game. He plan~ to tart a 34.7 triumph over Adams, with freshman J oc Gray, for- Colo., State, last ·aturday. merly of St. Augushnc, and Quarterbark 1'~rank Pace (Continued on a,J8, Col. S)

first time this season. Kick- off is at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Balboa Stadium. Pione r coach Boh Mccut- cheon this week adticd 10\ freshmen to hi~ squad. bring• mg hlii strength to 44 players. Other change~ Mccutcheon has made after last weekend's sluggish 20-6 victory over an arou ed eleven from Uni\'Cr- s1ty of Mexico Include: Bolstering a agging right side which had lot of trouble holding the much-lighter Mex• lean~. by the addition of J oc Steuben, 226-pound sophomore guard, and Ja k Trilly, 220- pound sophomo e. Shifting Tom yatcs 'Bob (Cont. on P • A•zt, Col. SJ

Pioneers Get Rugged T t In N.M. '11' (Continued :from Page A-~31 Keyes, and Avalon Wright, last week'1 most aggressive ground-gainers, Into the de- fensive back!ield in an effort to slow down the New Mexi- cans' •peedy ground attack, which gained them an aver- age seven yards a carry last week. That' New Mexico average was without the services o! .fullback Juan Vasquez, who picked up 11 yards a carry ancl ran rampant over St. Mary's faltering crew in the Panthers' opener. Vasquez has been nursing an Injured leg In practice this week, but Panther coach Al Johnson said yesterday he was ready for more action. Probable starting lineups: o,,ENSIV • POs, NEW MEX. Novack ·:::::• t f .. /~~= Mutllgon ........ L , • 'VanSusklrk f,~c~ •n::::::·•1 ·: w111:~~~ Trllly ...... ,.. •. . • Rees.p l:~~on ·••: ........ '" Bet'g Gause,,ohl • ..:·:.:::' s.':i~~ ir~ort ... / · ::·:::·v~0: 1 i VSD-llnome~.-:: • Ni;~~ G rdnff, Ma- i e-not, lranklin, ~rQue, tot'nittbocks: H~~e-Je!. W~igh~~ckf ld: Gorofono, Keyes# NEW MEXICO--Une~tn: Patterson, ~~ :~~•~at1~~-rn&~Ckt~l~ 1 ; 0 T~°crJer, 8 l~~~! 1,e, Poce, Garnett ,

THE SAN DIEGO UNION bb © illon., Sept. 29. J9:S8 • SAN DIEGO, C..LIFORNIA

Jan Chapman will direct the Unive1:sity or S~n Diecro attack this afternoon when the Pioneers mix with New Mexico Western in Balboa Stadium. USO Faces NewMexicans (Continued}




Vic Gausep-ohl, with Long Beach City College last sea- son, at halfbacks instead of his usual combination of Bob Keyes and Tom Gates. Don Gilmore, converted from end, gets the fullback assignment instead of Avalon Wright. Jan Chapman, the former Arkansas J.C. and N a v a 1 Training Center performer, again gets the starting as• signment at quarterback. Mccutcheon also has made changes at center and the right side of the line. Ken Cook will open at center, Joe Steuben will be at guard, Jack Trily at tackle and Ray Yoast at end. N. M. Western C[~gJ) Von Buskirk 0801 Barnes (170) Wllliomson (185) !220> m1 065) J, V~~u(~1s;l 95) Poli. LE c~ C RG RT RE GB LH RH FB USO Walker 180! Novack. 216 Mulligan 207 Cook 205 Steuben 126 Tril1y 220 Yoast 215 Chapmon 170 Goos~~r H8 Gilmore 190

New Mexico We e will Yoast, pass snagger delu.,e. Pioneers will be after their second straight win.


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