News Scrapbook 1958-1961

UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO School of Law College for Men


--Son Dlr.,o Union 5 all Photo tlon o[ honorary degree to 1 "ix?~• \\ ho ct dicated the I-I a 11 of 1ei:1<:e. Ir.·. , 'ixon is standing at th nght of the Rev. Wilson. Llt->•o SD De ree," 1 'r./6' - • . ; • • th free. Budd•.

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t e V thP dl- fro~ ploma that \\ ent \\ith the doc- Pre !dent Vice Pre !dent a n d 'xon toOk part In the academic pro grees, and lat i 1 t e d the Coll ge for Nomen. where • "bcon tr sed the , alue of teaching and the need 1 o r dedicated and de,oted In- structors In the educational S) tern The Vice Pr !dent l uded the , I Ion of B hop Buddy that contemplated the build- In~ of a gre t uruversity and thanked 1ne ople of an DI- ego for harin In the build- Ing ta k. One ot the lghl ght~ of the three-hour c presidential vi 1t wa the d d cation of the new Hall of Sc em:e. "Th I the 11r t time 1 ha, e seen my name on a building," 1 on sa d, a he viewed the plaque w h I c h read : "Um, e lty o! San Diego, Hall of clence. Donated by the pe op 1e of an Diego. Ded1 ed to the cau e of God (Contlnnl'd on a-3, C-ol. 2J on th a t a ardlng of de- .



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Al.CAL PAHK DIEGO, C Lil-OH J £ 15, 1%9

Order of Events


lluilcling o( tlw llonorahl(• Bi('hard M.



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Th,· \'i,-,, Pr,·,id,·nt o( tl1t• L 11it,·d S1a1,,, of Am,•rica. Horror, llt-11dl'rl'd hy tht' \larirr,· Corp~ Hl'nuil Depot Guard and Band. 11. H,·,q1tio11. lli,hop\ H,•sid,·11<·1• 111. ' .cacl,·rnic Proct''>ion olor Guard and Fourth D,·grce Assembly Gradual,·s of the College for \!en, Cni,·er ity of San Diego Graduatps of the chool of La\\, l niver~ity of an Diego Faculties of Lhl' L"ni,·ersity of an Diego Trustees of the Unin·rsity of • an Diego Board of Regents The Honorable Judges of Llw Snpcrior Courl

Baccalaureate Low .Mass SunJay, June 14, 1959 at eleven o'clock in the rooming The Immaculate, Alcala Park uiversity or San Diego

The Honorahle Jacob ',\ einbergcr, Judge l;nitf'd Stales Di,trict Court. San Di,·go The HonoralJlf' Jam<', :'11. Carter, Judge Cnited . tales District Court, an Diego Tlw Hight H,·, erend Pn·lates Tlw \lo~t He"•rend Hil-hard H. Ackerman, C. Au~iliaq Bi,hop of San Di1•go Captain E. Rob(•rt All(ll•rson, L. S. I\. H. . ( lfrt.) l!c!lr Admiral Charles C. Hartman , U.S. N. Commandant, Eleve11tl1 Naval District \lajor Gerwral E. \'(°_ Snedl'k(•r, L .•. M. C. Commanding G,·neral. Camp Pendl(•lon Brigadirr General Richard G. Weed,-, U. . M. C. Commanding General. R,•cruil Training Command .l\1ajor Gen1·ral Thomas A. Wornham, U.S. M. C. Comma11ding General, l\Tarirw Corps Recrui t Depot ( Ret.) llc·ar Admiral Paul F. Dugan, L. S.

. T. D.

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The Honorable Richard \I. Nixon The Vice President of the United


His E,cPllency The MoH Re\'eren

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