News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Commencement Exercises Alcala Theater TIIE JIO\OHABLE HICIIAIW :\1. '\!XO The l ice J',,.;1de11l of the L 11it,•d .'1'11<'' Prt•sicling
. . Mr. Anthony Piana Prt.'si . Pl dge of Allt•gianee 1. D c.licu tion . ....... . orp H,•cruil Depot Ban 1arim• . ational Anthem 2. lmmaculat,• ll t•art 3. onfrrring of the fir,t Dot·torale of Law· hy the Cniwr. ity of 'an Di,•go \\I il-
J{i-ading of Citation: \ ,·ry H,·nrend Hus-,•11 Pn·,ident 0£ tlw for :'\1,·n of the ollep. Pr •,-.entation of Degn:c: The lost Heverend Bi,hop of . an l)i,·go Pn.... id!'11t of till' l.,nivt>r. ity I. Dioce,a11 Citation of llo11or for \1r,. Hic·harcl \1. i'l:i 011 5. Gn•C'li11g-: :\li,, Joa11111· \l ari,· Krt>j,a l'n·-i,I 111 of tlw HALL OF SCIENCE tucl..111 Bo,h· of llw l 11i"·1-il) of .'an J)i,·µo Col!P!!.. for \\ 011w11 ,onf,·rral of I), gn e, of Badn·lor of 6. rl• and lladwlor of Jlu,i11,•s- ,\,lmini-tration . l'Tt' ,·11tn1io11 of Sunmwr .'l'lwol c;raduat, . \',·r) H,·\l'rt'nd Hu.-dl ,, ibon, Ph.D. l'n• idPnl Coll g,· for \11•11 \\ard of Diploma · Tiu• llonorahlt· Hidrnrd \I. Ni on Till' \ ' ill· Pre,iclrnt of till' l nilt'd lat,•s by for tlw IJ,•µtH' of lladwlor ol La". l're,1•n1atio11 of ( 111,li,la1t· 1. Ho"ard .'. Dattan, LLB. Dean ·chool o[ Law Conferral of De 0 rees The l{t. H,·,. \1,g:r. Jam,·, T. Booth, J.C. D. Heg<•nl chool of Law 'IXO RABLE RICH RD M. THE H orp Recruit Depot Band \larine 8. Conn·rt "-elt·,·tion: Blue Mi,t b) Ostling . . 9. \ddn·,-, by thl' llo11orablt• Jam!', .'\1. atll'r Judge Cnited tale District Court. 'I or Till" l \Ill·!) T'\TL' \I( I" l'HI· till· '1111 an Diego l{pcruit Dc>pol Band orp ;'11arine . . 10. ltt•,·p,-,ional 11. l. ,. . :\a,al Training (l'nlt·r. Cuarcl of Honor l\OTE: All ,,,e ent are kmdl) reque,ted w remmn in their ,,Lu,·e• until after the rue.i,i 1959 B CIIELOR OF ART Kenneth Ah in Le-lie Matthew Arthur McCarthy Anthony Joseph Piazza John Joseph Heehorst Lonnie Burton :pringer, Jr. hea, Jr. Fugenc .'\I. Borlin Hob,·rt Da,id-Di\larino Clydt> Hcnr) Gidding.. Jr. Donald '.\Ian in Gwaltney Paul P!'lrr Hoffman Hiehard Franci · BACHELOR OF BUSI\£ S AD.'\11, I TRATIO'.\' George Palma Walter R. Rayer, Jr. Jack E. Schmidt tewart Erne t Taylor John Edward Wilper Emil H. Zumstein, Jr. Louis IL Cappello ltonald L. Crise John \"'t' alsh Cooper frank Peter W. Jungers Jame.. H. Keegan lam-on Faxon, Jr. BACHELOR OF LAWS Richard Ardell Peter:;on Thomas Edward Sharkey Walter L. Woodbury Richard J. Dono,an :\lary Eleanor Han·ey Roucrt Lane Jcsswcin IO:\ GRADUATES E SU.'\1\1ER BACHELOR OF ARTS Curtis A. Lentz BACHELOR OF nu 1, £5S AD.'\11 , I THATIO. • - Vincent Maher Jame Fitzgerald •
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