News Scrapbook 1958-1961
nored With USO De
• I on
Peace Aim In Russ Visit
The univ r:ity studen . are ixon wa. given degree.
PIO. 'EF,RS-Graduatrs Diego li~ten to remar
1 Nixon Ski s
Citation HighlightsAII Schools C . f. h Aid Nation, ommun1sm IQ t Says Nixon
N I X O n
s \1 j. C:en mand r of th 'l11oma. Wornham, com- farine Corp Re rult Pol, \\ho wa. a military "uest at the graduation · r mony held ye - rday. old to Cling ioneer Spiri ' nl\ ,.r ity o! :an honor guards and thP Marine gr.rou. proce per:on to After
\'i(-e Pre. !dent
", 1r. • '1xon's pollll<'al deal
Yite Pre• dent • ·txon ) p~. touched on total. terda,· told o! the need for c·o- only lightly h
me tic polltlcs e e 1erdny.
• 'ixon
again•t and "ay of
highllghtPd E, en In the mid t of human opera.tion bPlwPen pn,ate and
<.'Ommuni,m wa Yl' terrlay _b~
11. ked
!IP was
PP t-: PrC'l P
l'hool m America
the Very Rev. vlc1•situdes nothing l'VPr ll' • publlc
ne"s conf rencc f he thou ht
the dPd1cation,
thP Ru Pll W1I on, pr~Jdent of
1 r
In hi. talk at the commencP-
'niver- he would wm th e Rrpubhcan
. 0 ment P.xerci e at thP ju lice sity of San Di<'go,
Ion hied
Into Alcala the
'nivPr•1ty of San Diego's SPne
hi. conSl~nt .,...ort
ThP.atl'r nParbr for the com• College for menl'ement. More than 2.000 a citation of
!en, 111
rPadlng world pace built on
the vl<'r prl' ldentlal
'ixon .for
thP and C'haritr.
pre,iden( said that "Rath r the first ballot. Nixon wn r •
the exer• honorary doctorate of Jaws
"BPcau.e hL dedicated pub- than \\arfare between thP two, mindrd Inspired and we nPPd co-opt'ration, realil.• Sen. Hugh lie carerr ha
that United Stal
Passer-by 'Delights' 2 Marines
c1~f'~. polite pstlmated.
coll CR Pa) h d 'ixon would t
To I Thirty h•o
, ·1. on
c-om- ThP citation rrad in part. Pnnobl<'d )OUth of our coun• ing that we nred both."
mem·PmPnt speech hy a) ing
forthright ,
dynamic try, it I right and propPr that
Nixon aid that th!~ C'ountry the nomir>111ton, pos lbly to has deflci1mcir. · in rducation acclamation.
he had been granted thf' right opposition to communism re- thi. uni\ ersity charterPd
peak ... "which Is dan- fleeted
patriotism pur:uP learning and to intPn• and that thi was recognizl'd
for onP "ho pre.·ide and unswerving adherence to sify faith in God and. countr). b) thP pcop!P of this countn· rar_Iy to talk about 1960." H1
O enlor~ and graduate Corp Rec nut Depot Band.
o, er a bod) of unlimited de-
the truth.
take ad antagP of this . olemn after the o f'I tow thP drgrec pu 1k of doctor of lav.. on Richard kno e c 'Lxon, \'ice President of to ersd1<"ate thl occasion to b
t'nlon put visit wa l'l orbit. With thi and _he did_ not hold any dJs. nonpollt ral, dl'ficienc), wha came to the Un vcr lty of San Diego campus to h lp (' prople sought cuss1on v.1th GOP Jea . batr .'' f' r Cited ti , A I 1 tud nt received di-gree Among peclal gue t ~ere '.Ir~ • Ton was given the eop e .PP ec a on d la• ye trrd y durrn commf'nC · ~la', Gen. Thoma. A. \\orn• D1oc<' an Citation medal by ". ·o wonder the people of M. d dr!lght and mrnt ex r . 1 e 11 Alen la 'l'he• ham, commanding genPral of Bi •hop Buddy !or her "bPRll· the United StatPs, in appre- the Uri It'd States." hr lated trrtln whl'n Vlr th the Marine Corp Recruit De- tlrully t Integrated dPvotion dalion of his talwart char• ixon pslimated that 20 pPr grPet the Vice President cPnt of sehool~ in the ,•ountry 1 A m O ng th" s e topp d ud• 8 :a~~elo~ ca~v~u Im, de• pot ; >laJ. Gen. E W. • nedek• genuint' humlllt). charm, and acter a!'d ablilt}, elected ~Ir i on ,>. ere ' :'\Jany · hare DrPam' lo th m I " lcl n rrr w rr ,, rcled tu -,r, commanding gene r l of abiding tru " • ·.xon to the oUice o1 Vice Jn re ponding tn Father Wil- are privately supported hiie James E. H rvcy, GOP co • 1 8 , h!le 12 recriVNI hach- 7d~ er• !or ~I art degrf'e~ Bachelor rlct Court J d e Jacob \\ em- 'an D!rgo v. erP ex1Pnd;d hy on hL d nt amp Pendleton. l S. D1 • Greetl'lg of thP Cl ,. of PrPsident son s cllat10n, lxon i;poke of H. p t. . upport d ty cha rman; Wlll a per cPnt are todt i \ I \ I l r O "All a semhlrd hr.1 e may the eight m!llion dollars In from public funds. H a · \'Ice 1a)or Ro. G Tharp, ~ee thP golden horizon. We TP• contributions to the Unt\'er·i- ts important to Ira en public Marj~ It ter on. r ice cha r ck<'r, seer Mrs. 0 11 ml~ rrhi' on y II l'r t ul n of Jaw drgiee " r giHn to hrrgrr RAdm Charle • a 1 v II t o t lkr uder:t I Hartman, commandant o[ th" ,,ho ga\'e, 'ixon a golden key joice and tha'lk the goodne. s ty's campaign for 3,500,000. school !'ducalion with jll'l\ate Dr. Frank Lowe, county J> d f t ap · 11th 'aval DI trlct, and thP to the C"ity. of God for the tenture of our Ile aid it was proof that chool instruction. chairman. Jnhn J hr nor n~o~dk~omlm~~e "" d lt" c:I'" • ddr~- ~lot RI', . R ichard H. Acker- lulnt'I- man, auxiliary bt hop ot San [,.rnng • • 1 xon a l ted In con- \'ice President, noted !or uni- the dream of the the form integrity and loyal de, O· Charle. F'. Buddy, bishop of o to our be)o\'Pd • <'hiPI the San Diego Catholic dlo- fo t. Re,. "Once we1)ut all the h rd. edu<'allon on govern \'I Pr c.lPnt l o the degrees on l, ov. k told r port- e r.arh d gu,,- to tile rd poke br fly to th m rt..r accrptlng the f Ir st do toratl' of Ja"s corferred tudent r, pre ldr.nt told the gr duating tudents thnt they mu t cling "plorwer p rlt" which r to th thP un1,ers1tv, thP vice iego. graduates. The Very Rev. tion Russell \Vil ·on, pre. ident of exe~uti, , lll ha,· overnment dam- II n p Id tr but" to _Hi ExC"e!lencr rpse , was shared by many ination of edu at ion," he dc- m g,v n h m h th the ollege ror Men, pre- Dwight D. Eisenhower. others . clared. :l'nted 12 baC'hPlor ol arts de- 1 gree and 14 bachPlor of busi- ne s admlmstration degrees Howard S. Dalian, dean of the Srhool o! Law. and the Booth officiated in presenting degrees to . 1x Jaw graduates to Whittler, his hometown. Later Ja:t night, he left for Wa hlngton, D.C.. from Los He ·aid he had an R.30 a.m. date today at thP White House for a legislath·e Angele Rt. HP.\' I. gr. James T. • 'ixon returned last night ''As long as we have institu- • It "a a real hon by hl tion ·. supported as this in• to him Th in st1tution i supportl'd, we are alil h had ju t assured that new ideas will u nt!ro Marin R alter education . I l VI glnl nrul In pe Pd Ma• ra mndr the 'nltPd State ' We never want uniformity thrn•" a world leader in education" arr ant J,11 R fflrn Rar 1 hr commrn cmr.nt a mn mr tarine tlr h nd tr! t ompl! C'arl<'r, S. Dis te u t D p t :'.I. I tar nr n he tep~. lty ' Cri;t>d 'Th nklnit Lo hr rf! to him on thr Ion build ng told th" gr, duates that H fa m I I Y, mo t hnppy nd hon• loyalty to Ir end nri,d • he rhur h school countly, and the Ir hould alway. r.-,mam forrmo t In their future work I Id, • Let your Joyalt) : 1 Id conlerence. • ixon and five members of the Pre ident·~ cabinet will u divided bl ~peak at the Republican dny t Denver. al O eon- I atJonal Young com·entton Fn• ttve and th nking loval- • Joarne nt of the :ol' gi, larie Krrj tudent body for Women, t•s.• 1xon a , rmhly S h P th" a c"lted al p1ecr A d o e an citation of hon- g!\ en to Mr·. 1xon 1o t Re,. Charles F Budd bl hop o! the Roman l'ath1Jlic nioce P. ol San Diego \l llltar Gur t~ Prl' ent i\l 1111 ry and d, illan lead. l r.r attPndrd the rommence- • ment wh1rh wa~ given further !u !Pr by .\t rine anrl ·av)
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