News Scrapbook 1958-1961

EVEfi/NG TRIBUNE DIIGO, CAUl'Ol!NIA pt. 22, 19,\9 Pigskin Optimists




Afroi on Says Governali

Domill By BOB ORT;\IAN Optimism, strangely, was the prevailing mood yester• day at the union-Tribune Quarterback Club's first weekly luncheon meeting at Mission Valley Inn. The pessimists, namely Bull Trometter, '!'om Park- er and Duane Maley, were outweighed, 5-3, by Paul Governali; Paul Platz, Al Lewis, George Schutte and Bob (Chick) mbrey, al- though it might be a mis- take to Include the latter pair a'mong the bearers or good tidings. Embrey, who~e Esconiu. do Hlgh team shared the Metropolitan League crown with Parker's Sweetwater club last tall, said, "We're ex- pecting a slow start but hope we'll be tough later on. "We have just two re- turning first st r l n g er s,"


Chlck pointed have 14 or 15 juniors on the firs{ two clubs." Schutte, who will send his San Diego Junior Col- lege Knights into .action for the first time against Glen- dale here Friday night, said, "We have a lon1; way to go. We'll just have to see how we improve from week to week. "Attitude is good and morale is high," he added, ''but we're not as aggres- sive as we might be." Despite the fact his team wUl Saturday night ag Slate, whlc ~lnen- to 12 eek, San DI State; College's Governi- alzy bubbled with.cheer. "Our first group will hold lts'own with anv team in the CCAA." said ·cover-

nali. "It we can stay away from injury, we w i 11 do all right. ''I will be extremely sur- prised if L.A. routs us," he continued. Platz of University of San Diego and Cal West- ern's Lewis alrPady have got their tec>t wPl and, while each was a loser, both could see a silver Jin. ing In the cloud. Platz' Pi- oneers bowed to strong Cal P o I y, 36-14; Lewis' West- erners dropped a 20-6 de- cision to a veteran Red- lands team. "We used 19 players and 15 went most of the way," tljlld Platz. "Cal Poly used two -1ternate units until near the end of the last quarter when they put a third group In. I wasn't very proud about the score, but I was proud (Cont on page A-24:, Col. l)





c ot the NUOn Saturday night against Cal Poly at Pomona Catholic High School. Kickoff Is set for 8 p.m. ~...- _.i! Cal Poly won aeven gamea Coach Platz and hie assi~,ts and jost but three sea.son. have been conducting dally The Broncos Included vlctorte • t.s in an attempt to over the Unlverl!lty of Red• ense to stop the lands, 35-20; Occidental College, t4jlS passing at· 32-20; Pepperdine Co ge, 311· 22, e.nd the Univeraity \lUl:·t'l''1'91'. Folio final session of lco, 29-14, season. Ca.I Poly spring practice, Coacb Coach Don Warh'uilt'I Warhurst sumltlarized the team Poly B1·oncos will enter Se.tur- outlook for the fall by saying: • day n!ght'11 game with a. 1-1 "A (lance at the list of non• , record. Cal Poly ueed a bli1Jter- returning veteram from our Ing pMsing attack to stop Mex• highly succes~ful 1958 squad . lco Polytechnic, 22-6, In lb sea- give • as good an appraisal as sona.l opener two weeks ago at poulble of our hopes for the El Centro, but dropped a 34•14 19119 season. Clearly, e. team /i decision to Se.n Francisco State doe1n't Jose the nation's lea.ding last Saturday night In the Ba.y, ground gal City. itll first u The University of San Diego' Ing some attnefl.ta." tc,_tr bbvi• end. The Pioneers originally had ously wu llttl11 All-American been scheduled to meet N~ quarterback Stai\: ,l.ackson, now Mexico WeKtem College at Sil• a member of ffll Cal Poly ver City, N. )1., but the game coaching staff. List see,aon wa.s cance August by Jackson set an all-time small agrcement·•••-••hools. college total offense record ---•d their with 1,991 yard.~ passing and enjoyed e.n open date last week- 1 Warhurst's btffe11 The Pi

in Optimists

e Session

11euo~==::::1 ago

1959 Poly, sa.n Luis

In 484 yards ruRhlng for a total Cal of 2,478 yards. Jackson's ron- the ning and passlng helped Cal a.nd Poly to lead the nation !n total time, team offenae and team pass- tha-t helt of c chain,

the I

state polytec

(Confi11ued from pa~P ,\-23) 11t the way our kids hung m really

phcn garnt>. Our kid• ha,·e


36-14. Since

Octob r 2, 1959 Pomona Hosts San Diego U. SAN DIEGO - Coach Paul Platz -will fek his first col• leg1ate coaching ,·iclory and 32 University of s~n Diego .l!rldders will be sePking th~ir first victory of the season Snt- urday night against Cal Poly at Pomona Calholic H i g h Srhool Field. Kickoff Is 5et for 8 p.m. The Pioneers open(ld tbelr ~eason two wee a.,o ta n Luis Obispo against C11l I , the large.r half of the 8tate polytechnic chain, losing 36-14.



ing. Warhurst has, among his re• turning lettermen, an outstand- ing offensive end in Don Hogan. Hogan, a solid l.90-pound , re• celver, was Jackson's prim;uy target lMt s<'ason , ratch!ng 27 plUIR<'R for 534 yards and two touchdowns. The University ot San Diego Will counter Saturday night r wlth a pa.s~lng attack centered around quarterback Jan Chap-· man. Against Cal Poly (San Luis Oblspo), Chapman com• pleted 13 ot 23 passes at- tempted for 152 yards and one touchdown. End C. G. Walker (with four receptio?s for 67 yards) and end Lavon Baker (with five receptions for 54 yards) were Chapman's chief targets tn the Pioneers' opener. Sophomore halfbacks Joe Loeschnl,i: and Joe Gray, a pair of swift 185-pound runners both developed n San Diego high schools, wl!l be In the starting line-up tor Coach Platz. Loesch- nig gelned 61 yards in nine car- ries In the aeaaon opener for a 6.77 rushing averag:e. Gray only gained 14 yarQII a&-~arries In

'They did a

job. beat i,1s, 11-0. last 5·car."

rPal good

\ 'e had three !umbleg ir1,icle the Cal Poly 10-yard line. ' with pride over the \\ay hls 1.thlete per!ormcd. Lewi~ also \\a'3

Cal Western

play~ Occf.

dental • aturday. L'SD is idle

bursting this week.

Trometter, whose Marine

Corps Recruit Depot squad "With the exception o! two is the perennial powerhou~ pa,s Interceptions tby Red- hereabouts, wept that he lands) In the last two min- "Jost 29 from last year's :ute~ of the !ir t half," said team." Lewis. "it was an even-ste- 0 1 T.' R tur 11 y..: our e nee•

''We have only four return• ecs," he said. "'This will be a year ot w<>eping - real !Pars." He predicted the Marines' first foe, the Ana- heim Rhinos "1nll turn us e\ery 11·ay b i loose" here Sunday afternoon. Parker said there':t good spirit and high morale at Sweetwater "b u t basically our talent is low." "We have a <'OUple o! kids who play pretty well " he added, ''but you can't play two again st 11." :\Caley, whose San Diego High team is favored to win Eastern League honors, said the CaYPmcn ,, iii be fighting Joi· their lives in their first thr<>e gamPs - "the tough- est "tart of ar) team in the .«late·• again. t Long Beach \\' i I s on, Lorg Beach Poly and Las Vega.. llaH l_.air i,eed "\\'e have ·1 excellent young quad " be said ''but we qon'L ha, an, depth. Illo o! the kid$ are small but fairly quick." .eetwatcr and I::::.condido boti] will play m the llfetro. pol tan carnivals Fr Id a y night, then will plunge into league play Saturday. Sanl Diego High will make its de- but in the CPL Saturday. - ---'


at Mi,: on Valley Inn. Pia 1ty or San Diego ~am J 1 , ft future Aztec foe. I and Redland~, ,mother downed Lewis' Cal Western club e,

1oneer I Chapman Hones Aerial Game Jan Chapman th<> L1·011 6 -a1n,,.d Ucmer~ity of San Diego quarterback who completed 54 per <:ent of his pas~e · last i,eason, will be <>xpected to tl1ro11 a lot of footballs tomon-o\\ night when the Pioneers battle Cal Poly at Pomona Chapman got off to a good ,- -- start in a lo~in:s effort to Cal Joe Loescllni., and Jo., Gray Poly of an Lm~ Obi po two and fullback "chuck Williani's week~ ago. ThP one-tane jav- to fill out the bac-k!ield as- "l_in-thrower from Arkansas signment. City J.C.,completed 13 of 23 His liM starters will be as&es for 152 yards against Walker and Baker at ends, the Mustang$. Bill B~naga and J. T. Trily And. tl1e USO signal i:a~ler at tackles, Waynt> Bourque undoubtedly will b" throwmg and Bob Hughes at guards a lot to ends C. G. Walker and Jack Garofono at center.

the opillrier bi.ct

d Improve

on his




given blockln, su

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Afrai,..,...~ ·Sa Gover

8nd LaYon BakeL Walker - grabbed four for 67 yards and 1 Baker ii\e for 54 vard~ in the Pione~rs seaso,; opener. lllJUries ~ustained from tbe initial en- countt>r. coach aul Platz is ,.,peeled to be ble~sed "ith· a. healthy squad of 32 play- With on!~· mino



The Unive1·sity of San Diego enjoys an open date this week- end and then ...,..:ill resume its 1959 football schedule against California State Pohtechnic College at Pomona. on October 3. The Pioneers lost their season opener to Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo). 36-14, last Saturday night. Cal Poly (Pomona) won its season opener, 22·6, last Satur- • day night against Mexico Poly-'. with a scoring 15-y;i.rd p ass technic at El Centro. with 3:40 r em a in in g in the Coach Paul Platz and his as- fourth quarter. On two other sistants will concentrate on de- occasions the Pioneers w e r e vising a pass defense to stop I turned away deep In Cal Poly Cal Poly (Pomona). The Bron• territory-once on the eight and cos scored two touchdowns by later on the 19. passing and used an impressive Chapman performed with brll· passing attack to defeat Mexico liance behind good line block- Poly. ing, He completed 13 passes of The Pioneers were trampled 23 attempts for 152 yards and by a herd of Cal Poly Mustang I one aerial touchdown.. End La- backs in the flrat quarter but von Baker (five receptions) and then fought back in an impres- end C. G. Walker (fO\lr) were sive second half of last Satur- Chapman's favorite ta.rpts. day night's game. . Joe Loeschnig, an e t Cal Poly opened '11e scoring,' season. opened his sopb re after two minutes had elapsed sea.son a.t let~ h:3- 1~ k ant! led in the first quarter, y,1th quar- both teams m md1:"du~l rush•, terback Tom Klosterman pass- u:'g ' 111th 61 ya rd s ut nme car- ing to end Curtis Hill who in ries.

1 THE SAN ol~o .UNION Sun., Sept. 27, 19a9 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA G3 PREPCOA JOIN PANEL Don Henson, head foot- ball coach at Clairemont High, and Jim Erken• beck, of El Capitan High, will be guest panelists at the second meeting of the Union-Tribune Quar- terback Club at noon to- morrow at Mission Valley Inn. Fans are invited to at- tend and hear coaches re- view games of the p a st weekend as well as com. ment on future contests. Coaches on the regular panel are Paul Gover• nali, Rohert (Bull) Tro- met~, Paul Platz, George Schuttf! and Al Lewis.

turn lateraled to fullback Car/ ("Bumper") Bowser. The plej , covered 49 yards. Four minuti later quarterback John Pane.g• a.kis passed 18 yards to halfback Willis Hill ?or a second score. Klosterman capped a short Cal Poly 4rlve with 1 :05 re• mammg the first period by scoring from the one on & line plunge. B9wser returned In the second quarter to score his sec• ond touchdown on a 49-yard pass-lateral play from quarter- back Ted Tollner to end Curtis Hill, Halfback Claude Turner scored Cal Poly's fifth touch- down taking a seven-yard pass from Klosterman. The Pioneers generated two impressive drives and were frus- strated on two otller deep pene• trati lose the Mustang co rterbec .Jan Chap• axed & Pioneer 4 :SO remaining in the •rtod with a one-yard sco Hne N11nge. Chapman jlgured in the sec- ond USD touchdbwn when he : hit halfback Chuck Williams


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