News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Sounds w
By ROB OR'l'LUAN r ut r:ov rnall mad<' it paln!ully clear ye te_rday tha_t hi~ Snr1 DI i:o Stale Collrge !ootball team will face _a ln•m •nd<>LI ta•k when ll tics mto Cal Poly of San Luis oh, po Su turd y nti:ht in Azt c Bowl. . AltPr p., r1g out posl s to Los Angele State, :vhich 1 ulnt•d the !Vlonte~uman • opt'ner. 21-3, la~t week, uov~t- n dt tnlcl thr. Union-Tribune Qu;,rtcrbaek Club at Mts• ,,, 1 V1tllcy ),nn th t "l think Cal Poly l bt'tler than Los Ang le
''We'll have to sharpen up our passing offense and our outside running game," he added. " Los Angeles deserved to win," said Governali, "They were bigger, faster and had more depth. But our kids showed a stubborness and determination which I like." Bull Trometter, whose Marine Corps Recruit Depot club opened its season Sunday with a 36-19 win over the Anaheim Rhinos , said he naturally was pleased and proud but "we made a lot of mistakes." ''This club has a long way to go," he continued. "Right
now the kids are making up with ire what they in experience. They gave it 100 per cent. It was a t effort." Trometter said three starters - fullback Bo Austin, tackle Paul Ward and end Nick Germanos-were in- jured and will miss next Sunday' s game with Fort Car- son in Colorado. "We might have a chance," he concluded, "if the boys come up with an effort like yesterday. • Al Lewis reported his Cal Western team finally started to move on offense in the second half of the- Occidental game Saturday, which the Westerners won, 22-12.· "I don't think we 've played our best game oftensive- Jy yet," he said, '•but we began to click. We've got the nucleus of a real, fine ball club." Cai Western plays Pomona College here Saturday. George Schutte • San Diego Junior Collt'g<> team also was 1\ winnt'r over the weekend (Glendale JC, 6-0J, but the Knl(ht mentor was none too happy. "We t It our kids were adequate defensively," said Schutte. "but off iVely we left a whole lot to be de- sired. We'll have anticipate another tough game against Oceanside Hhere) Saturday." Don Henson, coach of new Clairemont High, said hts charges have "as good a chance as anyone in our league." "We're not entirely inexperienced," he explainC'd . "We have eight players who won letters at Mission Bay and three varsity performers from Kearny." Clatre- mont, 6-0 victor over Crawford in one quarter of Satur- day·s city carnival, will oppose Hart at Newhall Friday. Jim Erkenbeck said the outlook at new El Capitan High went from bright to dark when ace halfback Sew.ill incurred a 1,ro'oablc ha irline fracture of h" •·we·u probably punt on first down and hope the team fumble s," said Jim . El Capitan tied Helix Metro carnival and beat Mar Vista in its l<'ague 14·13. The Vaqueros play at Sweetwater Friday. Paul Platz, whose USO team was idle last week, he hopes "we can throw and they make mistake " urday when the Pioneers meet Cal Poly of Pomona on the latter's field,
rrogo Stolt, !.
Cal Poly al Son
Co Western, Pt. LOft\a
!l'an Olopa e. s.o. Stote- Frosh at Palomar JC, 2, tY~c9r~e~i ~o,mc:=r~ Polv (Pomono), 8, Pacifl<: Coast COP ot Slonford. ,cQcc;ldentol at Cal Ag~IU. R.lchordsldt ot Collech. Puget Sound ot C. Woshlngton. 11Santa earbora at Fresno Stolt-. JC at Oceanside JC,
xS.F. Stole ot 1...,8, Slate. ;~~floe~~~~: ~i ¼·tvo~~~t,. Wo~h. Slofl!' ot Ore~on. ~~i-e~~,~~nc~oi, xHowoll al Son Jose Slote. Utah ot Wo~hlnqion f~~W1~~1 1 Wf 1'1i~~~/~hltlJer· faJt
- opie w;1s football as coaches chat nlon•Tt"ibune Quarterback Club luncheon
EVENING TRIBUNE ~...,_..,.._,,..__ ·- --"' EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line I/IN llt!!GO, CALIFORNIA 1'hurl;dai•, Oct. I, 1059
Wester ers Need Tin,e, Says Coach I l'\H~ p i er! hts 1 IS- p'lUnd halfback Al ,Mart- isnn fnr his n,nnlng and hl'lcltm,:: and the wor of rullba ckl ,, e\'cn bettu th,m we expected, l11<'kle Paul \'v"ard and end Nirk C:ermanos, and it's
Pornono Pr,ly bY l Cal Poly bY 10 pt~ 0 r• UCLA
Pomona Po1v J-3 Col Poly l·l Cal Wi!!torn 5_3___ u~_\--' Texa! 7-1 Oregon 6-2 !itonford ,6-? Washington _Jl·_Q____ Oklahoma &O TCU 8-0 LSU s-o Army !-0 SMU 5.3 • :~ 1 i~,h~
and rm1ld he comparPd ra,·or- ably with Dirk Ba~• of Col• ,eJl:e of Pacific. Our Dick ),!orris was exceptional on both orrense and defense, and end Bob Shank made ome good catches. We must sharpen our passing •this w.el'kend [or Cal Poly, wh ch 1s tougher than Los Angeles." Robert (Bulll Trometter, Marine Corps Recruit De- pot "We were proud of our t am after downing the Anaheim Rhinos, 36-19, but we still ha\'e a long way to go. We get a big t next weekend at Ft. Car, son, Pueblo, Colo., and will leave Thursday to get used to that high allitude. Play- ers hurt against the Rhinos were fullback Bo Austin,
Col Poly b,r 20
unJikdy they wiU play at Pueblo. Our main problem is pass defense since we have some short secondary men." George Schulte, San Di- ego Junior College - "Our defense was adequate in the 6-0 victory .over Glen- dale JC but the offense left much to be desired. Glen- dale r..-n 7l plays to our 31 as we kept giving them the ball. , ext for us is Ocean- Carlsbad College, coach Bill Corcoran a good job. The game t for Saturday at Ocean- Our performance of t turda nigh~ may wm RUtside. of our league, but it ·on't 1 !)!Jr own con- ference (Metro.JC)." Paul Platz, University of San Diego - "Our oppo- nent for this weekend, Cal Poly of Pomona, has Stan Jackson as one of its coach- es. He Sf't an all-time of- fense and passing record last year and we expect lots of throwing. We hope to mo\'e on them if Jan Chapman can hit his pass- es .' ' Don Henson, Clairemont High - "We are fortunate, for a new school. in that we picked up eight experi• enced men from Mice-inn T-.. •
Cal W11torn
qu11rtrrb11rk D,ck E!lhba h Wrstrrn's n xt opponent IS tunlayJ 1s Pomona, ll club lrnm the arne leagttP (Southern Contcrence) Occidental. Bob Ortm, n, or the E mng Tnhunc sports staff, was toastmaster !or the Qurirterba~k Club luncheon. Othl'r coachl's' comments : l'a11l Go,·ernull, San Di- ego State ··Los J\ngrles . tall" hat! bigg,•r, faster , norn rxpcnencc bY_6__ Plff"sburgh bY 6 b_Y_I__ I Texas l)":'_7__ Or4!gon DY 6 -- I I I I Texas by 7 Orl!gon by 3 5tanford by S Wog~r~rn Washington St. bY I Oregon by r - sti~'r W••~;nfton Oklanoma by 1,4 TCU Oy 13 COP by l COP by l S1onford bY 6 wag~11~ton I ' ' ,, Wuhtn•f•n by 12 Ok/ahomc, Woshlnston by t6 Oklahoma by 15 I I Okt~hfC'" I I by 6 Oklahon,a by 6 TCU by 6 LSU by l.t Army by 6 Navy by 12 TCU by 10 LSU bv "!6 Army TCU by 8 TCU bY 2 LSU by 14 ~rmv by 12 Navy ~y 6 ' I I I I LSU i>Y 4 Army by 20 b';W ~~"Ir I Army vs. llllnol!! Navy vs. SMU Prl11ceJon vs. bY 8 Now DY 6 Prlric!ton by 3 SYrOCUH by 6 Northwestern OY 3 Mlchh~on Stole bY 3 Purdue by 6 Georr;lo Tech bV 3 16-.1:..0 800 33-6-1 SMU bv 2 S\\U by 2 corumbla hracuse hy 6 Iowa by 5 Michigan bY 3 Purdue by 2 Cl~~,on 1i+O by< SMU by 3 SMU by 3 SMU by 16 I Princeton by 31 Svr::icuse by 20 Columbia br 6 SYrOCUH by I ..-...--------~----~ Columbfa Columbia Ma---yl Prfnceton Columbla Princeton "-'--·i---'--by'---'l--, ---b~y--'--6--l--~byl SY~~C~H I Sy~~cr• bY l SYf~cre--l Maryland bv l Syrocus• 7~1 Tllt UN DIEGO UNION TuP ., t•pt•• !I, I ,;9 ,) b5 SAN Dt 0, CALl'OIIN IA I I I Iowa by l Iowa by 2 Iowa by 3 Iowa ' Iowa Northwestern Iowa 6-2 __ , _b~Y'-"-2--:--..:b:.cY--'2'--•I by 6 Mlchlsan Stole I Michlqan Stat, Michigan Cy I Ml~~lr . Purdue "", ClemsM DY 6 Mlfyhhian I Mlchf'i1CU1 State by 1 bYJ Mfc.hltJon on pornts bv.C u5 Notre Dam• Noln, Dom, by 4 Geor9la Tech bY 4 11-9·0 ,5SO Purdut by 6 c :emson by U 13-7-0 Notre Dome by 7 by 12 Notre Dl:lll'II NQtr• D01ne on Point& Georgia Tech by l Geor9lo iech hy I I l --i------- 24-15-1 .615 THE SAN DIEGO UNION Thurs., oct. 1, 1959 @ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 13-T·O .650 Georcala Tech " by 7 11-9-~ ,55D :i•3 IJ-5-0 .750 24-15-1 .61S .I 21.1tt •. 2'!-11-1 .718 .$3 ' I 16-4-0 .800 16-A-0 .800 28-11-1 ,711 .700 27·12-1 691 .650 ..... I Season's Record 30-M .769 JS-14-1 64[ , ioneers Tie Into 1 T~ugh Bronco '11' Univ,•rsity oI victory as a head coach. :an Dit'go•~ football P10neers USO troops absorbed a 36-14 have thci~ work_ cut out forlloss in the season inaugural them agam tomght as they at Cal Poly o! San Luis Obis- ~f'ek to win thew first game, ~t thl' Pason, meeting potentlPO two weeks ago. Cd! p O I y ' s Broncos at The Pioneers drew a week Pomona Catholic High, of! to lick their wounds. Only P i O ne er "poppa" Paull three players are listed as Platz ~till i• ~reking his first limping, and of the three, two, --- haliback Tom Kelly and cen- 1------------- ter Jack Garofono probably QUARTERBACKS 1;!~:~e action in the 8 p.m. MEETING SET Coach Don Warhurst's POMONA - a 19 The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections David Dow Season: W-44 L·l! Rolla Dav., Gallup Chuck Sawyer Season: W-41 l·II Pd, ,6'5 Cal Poly by 13 Jerry ,1agee Season: W-3' L-2• Pct.• 6&1 Col Polv Johnny l\IcDonald Jeck Howard Hagen ~9!J°"a.!tt P'ct• • 621 Col Poly Nelson Fisher Season: W-37 L·22 Pot, ,627 Cal Poly Warren Wilson Phil WiUirurui Consen- Harry Monahan GAMES Murphy Season: . W•3T L-22 Pct•• &27 Colller season: w-as L-24 Pel, ,513 Col Poly Season: W4'l L,17 Pd..712 Cal P_o!y ;; i/~L-21 Pd. . 661 Ca~ Poly SU!I Season: W-3t L-20 Pct••661 Co-I Poly Seosen: Pct••&10 COIP01v --- W-36 L·21 Season: W-38 L-21 Pct•• 64f Cal POIY BY 10 Season: W-3.1 L-2' Pct..!St Col ?oty Pct••74& Cal PolY by 7 c. Poly (Pomona by 1 use by 3 Rice by 6 Clemson by 7 Army by 9 Missouri by 6 Iowa by 2 Kansas by 7 Indiana by 6 Oregon St.. by 7 Oklahoma by 6 Wash. St. by 1 UCLA by 3 Notre Oame by 6 SMU by 1 Stanford bV 6 Mich. SI. bY 7 Texos bY 7 Alabama by I Washington by 7 TCU by 3 Idaho by 7 LSU by 20 Colts bY 10 Browns by 6 Lions by 7 Rams by 12 Giants by 18 St5•,)w Lost Wetk1 W,22 L•I Pct, 733 Cal Poly at SD Stat• Cal Polv Brr by 20 bY 13 By 2 B~ 33 USD at By 20 By 12 B:i: 6 BY 3 By 1 By 13 B:t:: 12 B( 18 By 7 Bl S Bl 3 By 1 B): 7 BY 10 BY 7 By 6 B:i: 1 USO c. Poiy (Pomona USO C. Poly (Pomona USO USO use Rice by 7 C. Poly {Pomona) c. t=tolv (Pomona) USO Bl~ B~ 6 By 7 B:t 3 By 8 by 6 by 1 by 8 USO use Duke use BY 3 BY. BY 2 BV 6 By 3 Ohio stare ot use Rice at Duke Clemson at GIJ, Tech. Army at ltlinois Missouri ot l Iowa Star& Northwestern at Iowa Boston U. at Kan54s lndlona at Minnesota Oregon St. r,,u~~:sgirgtl ~Notre Oame a Cit PUri:lue N~tJ:t n coP at Stanford WMich. St. a1 \11.ichlgan "' 11ihrnia (If Texas • • Arkansas Idaho at Arltona savior at LSII Sean at colts Browns at Cards Lions at i Packers Rams a1 49ers Glants at eagle.s Red$kil'\S at Steelers IColorado at Oklah0ma 4 Wash. SI. al Oregon By 2 BY 6 C. Poly (Pomona USD Ohio Stot• Ohio State Ohio State bt 6 by 1 Ohio Stat• Br 1 Bt 9 B)'. 6 BY 4 8V 2 By 3 By 9 By 2 Bl( 1 BJ!: J Bl] Ohio Stat• bV 13 use Bt: 7 By 6 BY 8 BY 21 Ohio state Ohto State Ohio State Ohio Statt Rlce- Duke Duke Duk& Duke- bY 3 by I Clemson Duke Duke, Duke BY 7 Duke DUkl Go. Tech BJ!: 1 Clemson: bY 2 Ga. Tech Cl~r· Army by 20 by 1o4 by 12 by 20 Konso!!i Indiana by 13 Mls$0Url fowa Nebraska . Clemson BY 3 Armv BylO Missouri By 3 By 4 Sy 6 By 10 KanSO!I lndlono Nebraska BY 9 By 13 Oklahoma lowo Clemson TI• Clemson G'/i/1°h Army @Y 10 B:t 6 By 7 Ml$Sourl Iowa Kansas By 6 Indiana By 6 Nebraska Oklahoma By 7 BY 7 By 6 Oregon Clemson BY 2 Army Missouri By to BY 7 Army Armv Army !Army Cl&~'\°" Army by 13 BY 10 Army Army Army Bl 10 Mlnourl •r • Iowa a1.;2 Kans ay s Indiana BY 7 N\b;" Oklahoma 2ska Mi5SOUrl bv 13 Missouri By 3 BY 1 Kansas By S Ind Iona BY 6 Nebraska Iowa Missouri BY 12 By 7 Kanso, By 3 Indiana BY 10 Oregon St. Olc.lahomo By l Northwes1ern BYS Mluour-1 Missouri Mls5our( By 13 Bv 2 Kansas BY 2 Indiana BY 3 lowo Missouri Jowa Iowa Northwestern by 3 BY 1 Iowa By 6 Iowa By 3 Kal;~s lndlono By 6 Kansas by l Jndfono by 13 'Neb,-aska bY 1 ~lohoma Kansas By 6 Indiana By 7 Nebraska . Kansos By 7 Indiana By 13 Nebraska Oklahoma By 7 t~ s~ is w in 1 0 p s OU k s ' Kansas Indiana Sy 2 Broncos enter the game with a 1-1 record. The Br on cos battered Mexico Poly, 22-6, in their s e a s on opener and then dropped a 34-14 verdict to San Francisco State last! weekend. 1 Big Bill Clarke, a 241- 1 pounder, has replaced J. T. Trily at offensive tackle_ to give the Pioneers a little more beef on offense as Platz • 1 f'ndeavors to give his passers a little more ti me. Trily, a regular on de!ense, will con- I tinue in that capacity· I Proba'ole starting lineups: USD POL Cal Poly WQlk•f" {1115) .• ~. ·Ir··· at Nebraska by 6 The Union.Tri'ounP. Quar- trrbark Club will hold its third we<'kly luncheon meet- Ing Monday noon in the Mi~- sion Room at Mission Val- lr.y !nn. Speaker~ will include !our regular panelists, plus two hl~h school coaches. Regu. l"rs are Paul Governali, San Diego ~111 tr. College; George 8chutte, San Diego Jur1io1· Colleg_e; Al Lewis, Cal Wrslrrn, and Paul Platz Uni-ers1ty or Sari Diego. Aull Trom Color- ado with Corps Rt·crult for a Fort ab ent but prob,,b\y wil be represented by someone !tnm MCRD. , By 3 Sy I Oregon State Oklahoma BY 2 By 6 By 1 Oregon Pittsburgh Notre- Dame By 3 Nebraska Nebraska Oklahoma Oklahoma BY 6 BY 3 bY 20 Oregon bY 1 U£½ 1 BY l . BY 13 BY 14 Oklahoma By 12 Oklahoma Oregon t,y • UCLA t,y 12 Oregon BY 2 Wash. St. Oregon BY 6 By S Ore;on By l UCLA By 3 By' Oregon Bv 2 UCLA By I By 8 oresaon By 3 Oregon BY 7 UCLA By 10 BY 10 Oregon By 7 UCLA By 6 By 1 B:z: t B:t 3 Br 6 B:r'. 3 BV I Bv 7 BY 3 By 4 By' By 4 By 3 By 10 Bl 3 BY 7 By 6 Bmwns Lions "Om!'! Giants Steelers SMU Stanford Mich. St. Texas Alabama Woshlngton TeU Idaho LSU Colts Ldlt Week W-1' L·H Pct. S33 Notre Dame Pittsburgh By 4 By 1 By 1 Purdue NOVY Stanford Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Notre Com• By 3 BY 2 UCLA BY I 1 lfl?tre Dome bv 7 • Notte Dome Pil:?b~rgh l\otre Dome Notre Dame by 7 by 6 Notre Dame By 1' Notre Dome !Mu By 6 By 7 By 6 Br 3 BY 2 Br 1 Stonford Mich. St. Texas. SMU By 3 By 7 By T Stanford Mich. St. SMU Notre Dam, Purdue By 6 By 7 By 6 BY 1 BY 7 BY 3 By 14 SMU BY 7 By 3 By • BY l BrJ By l By 8 By I BY 1 BY 7 By 2 By 5 Navy SMU' By 1 BY 4 Bt 3 BV 6 BY 3 By 5 ·-z By I B Wosh1ngfM Wo BYS T'"j,'? 4 .J t ldoho OM BY 2 Y 2 LSBUY 7 , LS,lJ, ..._ __,.-· Stanford BY 19 Mich. st. By 9 BY I Bv 2 By 6 · Mlchfgon Texas Texas ./. By 20 bY 16 SMU SMU SMU Stanford Mich. st. bY 13. b:r'. 7 Texas by 2 Alcbma bY U Stetnford by 6 M~\t,-.,St. SMU Stanford Br: 1 M],f.!"f"'\• 'Y~n ~taboma Washington BY 6 Stanford Slonford Michigan Stanford Stanford tY 12 Mich. Ste By 1 Texas Alabama Bv 1 B:t & wgih1 1 1r,ton Mich. Stat• 1 Bl T By 7 Mich. St. Te:icos ' by 20 Texas TeXO! Te)(aS B:t 6 BY 7 BY 5 By 2 BY 2 BY 9 By 3 BY 2 BY 4 By 6 Texa, BY I Alabama "" J t Washington by 13 Arkansas Albania Vanderbilt Woshlngt'on BY 6 Aloboma By 3 BY 1 BY 1 Vonderbllt Washington Alabama By 3 washlngtDfl By a Washington Washing-ton by 6 Woshlngton BY 10 TeU TCU by 13 TeU by 1 TCU TCU 1 TeU BY T TCU BY 7 By 7 !daho Idaho TCU Arizona B): 2 by 7 By 5 ldoho by 6 Arizona By 7 Idaho Arizona Idaho JV- Bl 1 By' By 1 BY 3 LSU LSU Idaho LSU .., . . ... bv 2D .B~rs by 7 LSU by 10 LSU By 10 er 10 By t LSU By 15 By 3 By T By 6 LSU LSIJ Colts Cards by 3 bv 3 by• Pockers Roms Gtants by 3 steelers by 13 by 13 BY 14 BY 10 Colts Cor-ds Lions Bv 2 BY 1 By I BY I By 3 Eagles ~9er.s LSU -- 1 Colts ....... Colts BY 10 .._ ... 6 Colts Coif$ Be:irs cords Lions Colts BY 2 srowns ey 2 Ll'/i~l R\'C', i1ants BV 6 Shiel•rs rowns by 14 Ions by 9 Colts 15rowns BY 4 Packers Bv 7 Roms By 3 Giants By 1 Steelers By 1' Cords Browns Browns I Browns ey, I.Ions Bv 7 Roms BY 7 Giants By 13 Steelers By 7 Clarke Chapman LM!Chnl9 piDdonfo: \Grov Brownt BY 8 Packers BY 3 . •. re .. . (186). ,(171) Arno12 (162) Smith (17'1 Hernandez . . lions aers Lions Lions (172) ob 1 "t";''u ..,lants by 15 Bv I \ (IISl .;''~ ,,_ ti Br; 3 Roms Cl n.> Roms Bt 10 Giants By 7 Steelera By 6 BY 1 Giotit.s ey 1 Steelers By 6 (1~) '" . aurM-tt ( 170) Oc.hoa Rcims Ei•J•: Steelers By 8 By 10 (1'1)., 1b • Rems Giants Gl~~tl StP~ers BY 3 B:t: 7 By A By 8 R.edslc:lns St!!elers by 3 BY I Redskins Last Weeki W·21 L,9 Last W~kt W-20 L-10 Pct• • '41 Lasr Weeki W-21 L-a Pd••733 Last Weeki W-19 L-11 Pel•.IS! Last Weeks W,20 L-10 BY 5 Lcz,t Wtekr W-Ui L-14 Pct•• m ve.1~• ' Lo1t WNk1 W-1$ L•l2: La,t Weeks W•tl L-lZ Pel. ,600 Last Weeki W·ll L-1% Pct, .600 LasMYtekl W-14 L•)4 Pct••4"7 Pct••JOO Pct, .641 Pct•• Pct. ,433
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