News Scrapbook 1958-1961
p· ~5eek f." rst V 1ctory At Gunnison The University of San Di- ego, still seeking its first v lc- tory after two defeats takes to the road for a game with Colorado Western at Gunnison Colo., Saturday aflemoon. The Pioneers ran into a hot Cottt,-,:,111,Y d at Pomona • ICI vso c~ ""!,",_........... 1 n R ::.... ...... Bl . . ... ::::.:· ,!fl H•U PaSW!I hCNII -~ I 1 l'unt1 . ........7-IU .. u Vanis -•lizld 1:11 111 .. . . Saturday night and sulforPd a 42-12 setback for their sec- ond lo s in as many stllrts. San Diego's two touchdowns both came on passes from quarterback Jan Ch a p m a n, one for JO yards to end Lavon Baker and another for 74 yards to end C. G. Walker. u~o .. , • • 6-12 Cal Poly (Pom) • , l4 4 16--42 CP-Swade 12, run (kick foiledl. USO - Boker 10, POU from Chapmon (POSS tolled). CP-Hordy 7, PCISS iron, Swade- (Surnett runJ.i CP-Holm 15, run (k1Ck ~i1 1 i: 0 ·rof1~). 'l~" ! 1 ~~~':: ~~~,,u{~">w;:«F!'l,th s,i~ 1~':-n man (k c:k fallodl. FOOTBALL SCORES
Dim After Loss
If Paal Platz I loakla,: for• ard to this weeken I game at Gunn! on, olo., the only ) ea on I that jt ""Ill mark oil nne more week before the football ea on I over, Platz, h ad coach at Uni• 1· tty of San Diego. ha little to indicate a plea ant week• ,-nd for h and his Pioneers ,., th tra, el to play Colo- , ado \\ e em State on the Gun on held. Tl Plonc rs. \\hO took their econd tr ght &hcllaC'k• 1ng Saturd y, lo Ing to al Poly of Pomona, 42-12. fa c 11nother trong oppon nt In the lountaln ers plus the pro p ct of playmg In no\\ "l don't thmk the Bronco • re a~ 1:ood as a 42-12 sC'ore ould nd1eate," aid Platz thl morning. "We ju t didn't ha \'e It. Tho e two scoring J•n es help d a little and about th only other bright 11pot wu th play or Jim De ·anti , th a t JI: u a rd we ,. ,, I t c h e d to fullback. lie looked pretty good." 'l'he Pioneers' two ,rorcs "ere on pa es ot JO yards f1•om Jan Chapman to Lavon Baker nd o! 74 from Chap• man to eteran C. G. Walker. "We need a little more pow- ,-r In our l"Wlllllli attack," adde Platz I don't !;now It. We'll l1 ve to of time on ,iefen e ffk for I hear that the oftcnse u ed hy Colorado We tern ls real tough to slow up.''
Quarterback Jan Chapman, preparing to rewrite all exJatlng team pu11lnf record •, Will lead the Unlversitv or San ~1ego Saturday agRinat <:olorado Weatern Stat~ c,;1i., 118 Ill Gunnison, Colo. Despite loaau by USO ln Ila first two games, Chapman ha • emerged with peraonal paaalng triumphs. Against tough Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo>, Chapman compl~led 13 pusP.s for 1112 yard • and followed that al~llar performance with eight rompletlona for 1411 yafda lut weekend agalnat an inspired Cal Poly (Pomona) team. Chapman played one of hi • finest game1 last season aga.ilU!t Colorado Wulern here In San Diego. The :Pioneers lut year won lhelr meetlnr with the Mountaineers, 48-14 and lead In lhe aeries J-0. ' Colorado Wutern won It.I open~r from the Univcrsi y nt Nevada, 14-13, but hu • Ince 1uffered a homecoming game Joss to Colorado State College, 49-6, and lost to Idaho State Col- lege, 32-7, lut Saturday. Western Coach Pete Pederson wilt rely on end Cole an Starnes (190), quarterback Stan Puraley (180) and halfb\ck Ralph Read (170) to 1upply the majority ot offensive punch. The Ploneera ran Into an overpowenas I Poly (Pomona) laat Saturday night at Pomona Calholle Rlg1f field and lo~t, {2-12. The l011 gLv• USO an 0-2 record. Quarterback George Swade led the Bronco pauing attack by connecUnr tor touch- down paaso ot •- and 81 award, and IICOred another on a 12 yard end 11weep. Speedster Joe. Gray picked up 118 yarda in 11 carnes to lead the L'SO runn,n&' attack.
AN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, TUISDAY MOltNIN•. OC:TOlllt 6 1959 Prep De-em:>hasis See By HOWARD H.\Gt:. ·
mp el e which ha, e
said Engle. "The crowds wlll be lighter and the whole pro 0 Pam \\ ill b!' de-empha- sizrd. That· ju t my per- onal op·r on. hut I know It's~• ·rc1 h all of thP otl1- e h• ~11 , '1001 coachl's in th• a ra A!tcr the mf'rl11ig J:;ngle al o poinlt'd out that lack of a junior high ~chool a th- let1c program here makPs lt difficult for San D i e g o
b 0 ~ •j~l:J,Lo s:;rufci~,T~il t Col PDIY (Pomona. USO l2. Stanford 2l. Colle9e of Poe tic 6. Wa.Jhlr\ilton Sl Utan 6. Pomona 2 , Col Wnttm ll Palomar JC 1,, Son OiHO Frosh 0-. t:.=,,.2~~~~ ,~esfat, ,. Arl?ono Star~ cof~• 6, Redlands O. Colorado College vs. fort Hays St.• POsfP<)ned, SI\ON Central Wash nston 1~ College of P1,r ,.., Swnd 13 Mon1ano 12, 8rklham Young O, -',lzcno 16 Idaho I• Colorado State u. 15, Denver o. t:A:-.T 1112 State
Prep Gridiron De-emphasis Seen (Continued)
Depot. 42-2 ,·ictory o, er Ft. Carson-"Carson wa. n't up to previous years but ex- pects to pick up some new men before meeting u~ in San Diego later this 5eason. • . Halfback Billy Martin hurt his back, may n o t play against Frel:ino State this weekend. , •• Our full- back Loyd Roll did a fine job at Carson, and we now ha\'e three units on which we can depend.... Scout Buddy Lewis tclL us Fres- no has a real rough team." Al Gilbert, Chula Vista, 18-7 winnt'r over Mt. Migu<'I -"Our :!lfetro League ls very e\'en this rear; any team can win on a given night... Our squad is col- lectively an intelligent .bmtch who have been to• gether since junlor-Jlirh . . We feared llflguel's speed but managed ball control by running twice as many plays." E11gle, Hoo\'er, 20-14 win• ner over South Torrance- •·we should ha,·e won eas- ier but let Torrance get a pass touchdown with 1', minutes to go... Halfback Pat Parnell was .outstand- ln& de1ensivelf In our line- up..• Next opponent, Red- ~. run qit aame aplit- T we operlte and like to grind it out on the ground."
tense, especially the reserve linemen and the secondary, in holding a better Cal Poly team to a 13-6 score ••. Our next opponent, L on g Beach State here Saturday night, runs the winged T, i~ big ln the line and has a good quarterback In R o n Johnson. It should be a close game" Paul Plat7.. Universitv of • an Diego, 42-12 loser to·Cal Poly of Pomona-"Eight of our starters ha,·e injuries that may handicap us at Colorado Western, Gunni on next weekend ..• We didn't play our best game against Ca I Poly but it is unlikely we co\ljd have beaten them anywa , they especially dominated us at the tackles . . • We hope the field won't be too slippery for our Jm Chapman to throw at Coh,- rado \Vestern." Al Lewi~. Cal Wrstern, 21- 18 loser to Pomona-"We ha,e no excuses. Our bo,·s were overconfident after beating Occidental the pre- ,·ious weekend. Pomona de- fensed us well. especially our throwing. e got go- ing In the second hall, and for the l;Jltrd atr-alght Week• end •n opponent to minus after Intermis- sion . • Our next rival, University of California at Riverside, is a winged-T out!it that defeated Cal- tech, 19-0, and is 300 per cent improved over l a s t year.'• Geora-e Schutte, San Diego Junior College, 33-0 winner over Oceanside-Carlsbad- "We had stronger person11el than our opponents in our last victory. Though our de- fense i adequate, th e offense hasn't jelled .•• We get a major test this week against Loi Angeles Valky (28-8 vic1'1.-,,.. lendale, a team atect i-0 by SDJC). Second y e~ th 111 who could he n Die,o te are ) D Ne Pat
\\'eslt•rn, a
Which has had It troubles thP Ja~t two w,•,'k• end~, sen es as the l'ni, er- sity of San Da•go·s next foot- ball opponent Saturday after- noon at Gunnison, Colo. The We~terners, like t h e PionPers, ha~·e been beaten i;oundl). After nipping , ·,.. ,·ada, 14·13. in it ope,wr, Col- orado .--n~-- 'olo- rado , ml then to Id;Jip te, 3:.1-7. l"SD "'ill be seeking its first victor>· ot the till-young sPa- son, !ioneers lost to Cal :Poly o n Luis Obispo, J6- l4, and Cal Poly of Pomona, 42-1:.1. l"SD, although depleted of se-..eral of last year·s stars. hopes h can repeat I a s t ear' 46-14 \'ictory over Colo- rado Western. In statistics released yes- terday, Joe Loeschnig a n d Joe Gray are leading t h e Pioneer rnnners with 8'2 and 71 yards. re~pPetively, while Jan Chapman has completed 21 of 39 passes for 297 yards in that department. Opponents USO .. J63 179 39 J~ 0 ,10 10 I ' n 12, 11 39) U.1 0. 11 12" I s ' I ~l hare of
al9 PREPG ~CHES JOIN PAN R encl J ture pro pects will be f l v • n by football coaches at the nrular weekly luncheon m tine ot the Union. Trlbun Quarterback Club at noon today at MIHlon Valley Inn. Re Ides commentlnr on th Ir teama' play, the coache will answer wrtt- t n question, 1rom fans. Al Gilbert ot Chula Vla- t and Roy Enrle of Hoover will join coaches P Ul aorra s~hutte, Platz and a reprllNbu. t1ve from Marine CGrpa Depot on the pane.
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