News Scrapbook 1958-1961

EVENING TRIBUNE t•N 111100, Cllll,,OR lo111l1t.), M•roh i,


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Resume Rivalry

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Pioneers Gunni ng For First Victory Coacn Mike Morrow's University of San Diego varsity base- ball team hopes to launch it~ heaviest artillery when the Pioneet's meet the Camp Pendleton Marines this Friday at :\1or- row Field it\-' B I a Park. Camp Pendleton statted the Pioneers' current 11-game losing streak on April 12, 1958,s Base at orrow Diego, l 1-9, and shut out the Field Tuesday, April 7. Pioneers, 3-0. two weeks ago ,-------------- in the seasonal opener at Oceanside.

a42 1!i Thur9,, ar lt, 1959 '-";..__:_=-.::IA=::N~D:::_1 EOO, CALIFORNIA

THE SAN DIEGO UNiON Miram h by Terry Lor- enz in the ninth inning en- abled Miramar to obtain a 2-2 standoff with the University of San Diego yesterday on the sailors' field. Lorenz was within one pitch of ending the game when the ball went wildly past the catcher. The Pion travel to Po- mona S to meet Cal Poly in next game. \ USD's record is 2-3. ~~Zma, .. :: ...... :: m: :t:i : Shea, Lorenz (t) ond Duncan; Heern and Smith. Pioneers Travel Fo Action Umv i.ty of San Diego's Pioneers gb north to Cal Poly Saturday and then C'Ontinue on to the Bay at'Pa next week to tackle Alameda Naval Air SIR· tion. University of San Fran• ciscq and UniYersity of Cali- fornia at Berkeley. The Pioneer:s faced Miramar Naval Air Station today at l\-iiramar with John Re elo go- ing for his second raight pitching victory. Pioneers OeocDock Play A wU

resent n L.A.

Last Saturday afternoon USD suffereble-header with Los Angeles State. In the first game Saturday USO outhit lhe DiabJos, 8-5, and seemed to have cinched its first win of the season with a four-run outburst in the sixth inning to move into a 6-5 lead. But Los Angeles State turned 11 Pioneer errors and good base-running into Yictory by scoring five runs in the seventh and eighth innings. Dick Shea •absorbed the loss after replacing starter Terry Lorenz. F re sh m an John Rebelo turned in a top mound per- formance for four innings in the second game before tiring. Rebelo held Los Angeles State to three hits and one run but was driven off the mound in the Diablos' seven-run fifth inning. The Diablos followed with six runs in the sh:th inn- ing of the abbreviated seven- inning mghtcap. The addition of two games to the 1959 schedule w-a.s an- nounced by Coach Morrow. The Pioneers will travel across town Tuesday, March 31, to

THE SAN DIEGO U ION a20 ®Fri., March IS, 1959 SAN DIEGO, C,UIFORNIA USD Nine f ces CompPen, «lay The U~rsity of San Di- ego will to reverse th e tables on the Camp Pendle- ton Marine baseball team to- day when the two c I u b s meet at Mike Morrow Field. Game time is set for 2:30 o'clock. Pendleton topped the Pio- neers in fhe collegians• open- er, 3-0. usn•~ recp k2, Eith11r Terry or ~ick Shea get tlJ! start- mg mound ""'auigrunent f o r USD.

e ng his sec, ond straight victory t o d a y when he takes the mound for the University o! San Diego in its game against l\Iiramar Naval Air Station at Mira. mar. I • Rebelo, a 6-foot, 155-pound nghthander scattered three hits last week in beating ;:,.;a- val Training Center, 7-1. Coach Mi k e Morrow's troops travel to Cal Poly at Pomo11a Saturda it6il t I!. e n swing north next week to meet Alameda Naval Air Sta- tion, University o! San Fran- cisco and University of Cali- fornia at Berkeley.

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USD's Rebelo Stops N

THE SAN DIEGO 1111011 sun:, Mar. 15, 1959 © 67 SAN DIEGO, CAI.IFORNIA • Coaches H Pioneers' 1e Ken Leslie of the t:niversity of San Diego w~s named to the honorable mention rolls yesterday of the 1939 Caths>lic College AU-American basket- ball team, it was announced yesterday. This was the second an- nual team selected for the Catholie Digest by a panel of 10 leading coaches. The 10 • man All • America squad consists a! Alan Seiden and Tony Jackson of St. J_?hn's, N,Y.; Tom Hawkins, Notre Dame; Tom ~eschery, St. :lfary's, Calit.: Bob Ferri· St. Loui~: John Egan Pro\:i'. dence: Charley Brown. Seat- tle. is Bo,rne• Reg:is, Colo . Bullet. ·ra. ob M ·ent. s



U Trims CamPe", 4-1 Uni,Prsitv or San Diego struck for· th ep runs in the first inning. tl1cn hung on for a 4-2 baseball victory O\'er Camp Pendleton on the USD diamond yesterday. Freshman T e r r y Lorenz pitched a six-hitter for the winners and J:arnn Baker homered. Score. CamP Pen • • 010 OC1 000- 1 6 1 USO 301 000 ocx- 4 7 1 Bookitr and Theder; LorenL aod Oun-- can.

Service '9' s' !lotr l n1, Pl'sity or San Di- ei:o ant!.". n Dit•go $tatr found 01 \' • b 1•l' >,dl ,·omp •tit1on to 111•1 ltkmg:, · li'rd,,, Thi' Pio1re1s got thl'<'P-hil, pi chrn• /iur1 ,John RMJelo lo 5 \\l11p th Na,.il Trainil K <'l'll· H 7-1 or the N l'C' rl1amond, ,1htle t,el \zit'_ tipped .\l,1- 1 ,1 t' ltc, ru1t 1>1•pot Ii I on lhP \1l<'L flf'ld.

\uso Ni11e On Road Aftff'- -4 Tri h Uni y of S baseball teafkl faces r e e games in the San F rancisco area this week after defeat• ing Cal Poly of Pomona, 13-4, Saturday. John Rebelo led the attack with fol.If hits. The Pioneers play Alameda. Naval Air Station Thursdaf, Unl-1 l versity of San F ranclaco r'ri- day and t he UniveNUV of California Saturday. ___ ...... go's

iWild Pitch Gives ·Mite or 2-]t,Tie Unftl!r a 2-2 tie yesterday in a baseball game at Miramar. A wild pitch by Terry Lorenz allowed Mira- mar to score the tying run in the ninth. USD will play Cal Poly Pomona tomorrow. Sc USO OIDDOD OlD-J I 2 Miramar • 01a ODO 001-2 3 Shea, Lorenz {9) and Duncan; Heorn and Smlth. o ~an Diego and Miramai" b

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