News Scrapbook 1958-1961
THE SOl!l~!RN CROSS, Tl-iURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1959 ,e;fJ IAt ) 11 fl'nd1Pton Ca~ eason 1 USD NiAe
THE SAN DIEGO UNION ,..20 at., 1-'f'b. '11, 19,,9 u
1AN Dl • GO, "'~!'OIINIA _____ •--------
ces Marines in Opener Baseball Coll.Ch Mike Morrow will unvPII the 1969 Uni• V<'rRity of San Diego bA~eball team at 1:30 p.m. Saturday In the seasonal opener ag,unst Camp Pendleton at Ocea.naide. In last year's inaugural season, Coacl, Monow bl'ought home seven wins In 12 starts wlth a. ~ophomo1e team, Pilch-
With Victory The Unlversity of San Di- ego's 19M-59 basketball team ended the season With a great 1 team effort and halted Chico State's six-game win Atreak weekend in a 51.-45 victory. I The Pioneera finished t.he I season with five viclories in 23 starts. Coach L. C. Harvey's under-sized crew suffered its 18th defeat of the season to Chico State. 69-59, in first half Of their weekend double-' header J-. • t Jtriday night. Chico Stale used its height advantage to convert valuable rebounds into victory in the first meeting. USD narrowed the Chico lead to 59-60 with three minutes remaining, but three straight driving layups pushed the Frontier Conferen<'e Wildcat~ into a commanding 59-66 lead. Ken Leslie, one of the olde~t active collegiate basketball players in the country at 33, closed out his career with Jl'i points in the losing Pioneei' ef- fort on Friday night and !)Seed the Saturday night win wilh 19 point.a. Junior Bob Maines tal- lied 16 points each night. Leslie, 1958-59 team captain, led the Univer~iti• of San Diego in lndl,·ldual scoring tor the third consecutive year. Ken tal- lied 392 point~ in the 1956-57 season, 421 points in t/'!e 1957- 58 se•son and 361 points during the l 958-59 sea~on for a thr e- season rareer total of 1,17i points or a 15.1 points per game average, In the second game with Chico State, the Pioneers staged & furious second-half uprising and stunned tl1e 2,000 fans. Chico Slate had raced to a comfortable 30-17 halftime lead, but a modified zone de- fense inaugurated by Coach Harvey held the bewildered Wildcats to three field goals in the second half. USD center Art Wical controlled both back- boards in the second half, while guards Leslie Maines and Al Pa.derewski connected on long shots from the outside and the Pioneers outsOQTed the home team 37-15 in the second halt. USD's third Jeadln .orer, forward Ed Baran. mi the Saturday night game because of a recurring back Injury but picked up six points in the Fri- day night game.
In Opener
Ing once again, however, will be the Fion~ers' main weak• ne6B, Last s e a B on the USD mound corp~ allowed 151 runs In 19 game! And pull<'cl th• <>ntlre club lnlo ihe rlefi• ell column, deRpite a good t<>am hitting average ot .284. Dirk Shea, a, 5·10, 160-pound right-hander, who won three of five starling assig-nment., and hacl a nifty .333 batting average last spring, will be joined on the mound this year by Junior J~n Chapman anrl Freshmen Terry Lorenz and John Rebelo. quarter- back last fall and 1958 Kan- sa~ junior college javelin champion t208 feet), ha! a good fast ball llnd hu BCV• era! of valuable prep and junior colleg~ e,cp~ri~nce, Loreru aJtcrnatrd between ti,11 mound and rrntrr flel<'I last year at Loyola. High In LM Angel~ll and led the team Chapman, USD
))IE80 UNION 19!';9 '° IFORHIA a
in hittlng with a. .420 1tver•, Rebelo won sev~n of eight games he started last sea.,on as a pltrhe1· at nMrby Point_ Loma. High. Coach .Morrow prob~bly will reY!se his stArling line-· up lhroftghout the Reason, but tentative slArtE'J"B Are Bob Duncan (catcher), La- von Baker (fh·st bBRc), Hugo Soto (second base), Jim Flo- renza. (shorlRtop), ':rim Wil- bur (lhlrd base), Ron Crise (left ter ft ~Id). Morr-ow will ~tart eilhc.. Shell. or L()renz againRt Camp Pendleton Sat- 11rclay, (rig-ht
The l'niv<'r,1ty of San Di- ego opens its 19.,9 baseball acason iu Oceanside toclay when it m<'ets the Camp Pendleton :llar1110s at J ::;o
s.. ,1o1 to n. s
• 4
rb 20
Pen.dlelon, On Sat 11 , March 7, USD travels to 1- Ang<'l<'s Sta le for it~ fir!t double-heade1· of the 11ee~011.
ty nr a11 Dtl' o' urr rf'd th~lr I Ith deft at In l g OH ltrre tor lglit, bow- l 1g to< 'hko t ,tc un ~,H. (tiiU(O t• SAN DIIGO !t
a,,r 0 1 2 I D j RtD.. ,10 .S Bak ttr : Ii 111.~.~~. I 4 1 ~alrits 3t2•onn j i g Toro i I 0 0 0 P
bVFPT 0 2 2 2 .t 1 2 9 6 4 l 10 I O J 2 2116 11~
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• ' 0 34 '''" I Or• C~lto
KNIGHTS JOLT BAKERSFIELD AzteCs Gird For ·Title By IOW ROJIAG1<;N 1 1the NCAA college. division whether he'd rather playl'/;~Urn' important playoffs March 6-7 at a site Los Angeles for the title V!ctoni two
The Vniver81l.y of San Diego Plonee trnvel to LOR AnA"cl~s State for two g-a.me8 Saturday llfkrnoon Jn search of theit' first victor thP week-old 1959 baseball ~eason. Last Saturd Pioneers ptckect up only four hils while losing the ,: ~ncr by a. 3-0 score to Camp Pendleton and committed tn~ erroi·s,~•------------- b1it Coach Mike Morrow was . pleased with the team'M ln!l!al pitched lhe. IMt four lnnln,'fs slarl. Left Fielder Ron Crise for the vls1l!11g- Pioneers and picked up two hits, while he!~ Cam11 Pendlelon scoreless Catcher Bob Duncan and Cen- while allowing two hits. ter Fielder Bob Key R eRch col• Against Los Angeles State lected a single. ~oach Morrow lR expected to Starling Pitcher Tcny Lo- slart Lnvon Baker (first bnAe, renz allowed tour hits and Hugo Solo (second base), .Jim three runs during ltis tour in- Fiorenza (Ahorlslop), Tim Wil- ning appearance. One or the bur (thlrd base), Ron Crise t.hree (left field), Bob Keyes (center runs, however, 1•esulled field), Hal MJLrovich (right front an error and wa~ un. field) and Bob Duncan (cateh- e a r n e d . Another freshman ~r i. Lorenz and Rebelo wm moundsman John R b I t t th -----~•_ e e o , s ar e two games Saturday. UNIVERSITY OP S,\!,-DlhGO R~TBAL;:-;;;,.ISTICS (PJn3.J Twenty•lhrte Ga.mes) Won Lost PGA FGM ;::/~~"TA FTM 06D .-- - -- ·' 18 l 528 607 39 R 47!; 26~ Pel. ltrb-Avr, Tl'-Av(~ 56,6 851-37.0 1483-64,4 6l.O 1033-H,O 1750-78.8 Opponent, •.. 18 5 1630 717 43:9 bl8 316 1Nl}]VJDUAL NAME G Ken Leslie, I _ 23 FGA. FC.1'1 I'(:&. FTA F''J'l\I Pct. U.,b-,\vJ, will
1J,~~1S-D.F;o,h( 7 llFPT
ttrn tt~ 6 2 s u Gilberf s 3313 Hendnckson 2216Evans 3 4: 210 Co"Nell 0 0 l O Morrison ?o '2lJ Totals f 1~ Lon•• O O J O Gibbs 1 2 o fo~n~ 3 6 2 12 1 3 5 5 AB516 3 2 2: a O O I 0 u 2u1" than Fresno, Atzec c o a c h, Lind z· Over to be elected. he 1· d "h Brown Davis Shir< f l re con erence game eavens Mocieov In other weekend games 1egen uss rep1e San Di·ego k th d ,., D- S ' t ' e 119 WPC en i slate Al1CCS will meet Los ol area Angele Stat; for thi- Califor• Junior College edged Bakers- teams, an 1ego yes. ,., II t Athletic Aqqo field here in overtime, 77-71, !es g In the Fresno • Los Ange- B¥!f,;U• 16 Halftime score Frosh ,s, NAS ,2. Lon§ Booch 43 MCRO 79 t t· d it l A il L . . - · · ,.I> el(ta e 1\IU ao t tie ?ths twnge e_s Jones title here ~nock!ng Bakersf1eldh iCnt?t a u69nt69 tie with Long Beac 1 Y - G3~ elation ha ketba!l r f RY mg ' Alter bP·,t In ovrrtlmf' ea, 11 y con U B• ch Stute 8'1-64 th F i · h' Gs~ A 2 2 10 1 O3 2 , s 1 19 i jg 1r o 2 o 2 i 1 t O mmu es O g • Horris WI Grogory Gomb.. t~J!!';ck d 't p th 1·1 h M t I L u . en wrappe e ropo I an 'Fresno State Co lege for t e 'day night ,rnd League !'u1· Terry Bazadier led L lead; University of g L O n g San Diego, P'.1Ced by Ken geles _scormg with 22 pomts ~1~W'lrv follow- Leslle's 19 pomts and 18 by but his h1gh-scormg g u a r dl carson night the. Azter~ are Bob Main;;. defeated C hi co mate, Leo Hill, canned onlyl 0 +~ at Chico· 'Ma- three field goals and n 1 n e 2a. r cord. Los Angeks State is rine Corp;; Recruit Dep?t's pomts. ~the: L.A. scormg m- F r e s- Frank Allen scored 19 po111ts eluded SIX fleld goals by Bill Crissman In ' CCAA · h 7 2 State '"-46 ,,. le ,Ung the wit a • , , , . . . ,, ,, after upsetting 1 '/i 1~1"' 11 3 f z1 .g c~~~:r Holltom• Scoro: MCRO 37, Long Beach 20 ° 2 ? 1~ 7~ 5AH DJEG 0 o J7p T s 3 3 19 Bak1rsllt1\ 13 3 • 29 Gilbert 3 • • u smith ! { i Goshay 15 11 10 n Total~ 2 4 l I E.John,on 1 1 1 };1;3~'":;.. WIide rttl b d f" f H . S 7 A 17 o o 1 o ! 1 Ji s 6 2 16 21 21 1, 11 6 3~ f j? U 1 2 2 1• 3 2 3 8 3 o 2 6 2 2 2 4 o o 1 o 1515 11 65 " ,. TV> 1ve Y 1 e or- Bee, eynen an Saturday to pace the Depot past Long 77.71 i, 5.3_ Statr 1/!r'.!:."a'fa night in Lo-J ~ngeles and Beach Naval Station, 79-43; ward Eliseo Nino. Fresno, p_oint leaders were ~T1h•:,s Palomar JC beat Antelope ' · }"re no now (18), K en Total~ and C am p Babe .W1lliams. 87-65 A ·•te~ CO"Ches George Zia Valley Son O,e,o 31, Bok- reoulat,on Plavln• 'kn1:1~~ ~ 1 ii) 6,1 Holft1mo 1coro - e,rsfield 31, End of 11 '?,~10ma~'/~:r•fleld d (12) Al B an rown ) ( • ' ' •· 1:en(USS and Noel Mickelson Pendleton knocked oft B1ola Swor 13 , will he on hand at LO n g or Los Angeles, 89-82. Gary Alcorn (11). y " • ' • II ach tomorrow night when Lo Angeles meets L On g night, the Aztecs raced to a Los ~geles,. the Aztecs_ beat r:~n~•r 11 t In Aztec Gym Saturday In their earlier meeting at Wombolt TP-Avr. 361-lS.7 306-133 176- 8.8 169-10.; 101)- U 100- • .3 73. 7.3 61- 9,6 ~t ti 17- H J,. 3 0 4,0 1 • 7 126 71 12 :~ 33 G9 ~ ~1~cost 328 '.'ll6 ?07 172 127 l09 77.0 65,9 58.6 65.9 43.7 23.R 59.2 53.R 58.3 62.6 00.0 00,0 00.0 00,0 67 64 3. 27 i~ 7 16 5 87 82 58 • 1 21 27 J3 12 44 R 4-4 l 343 41 ,9 119 .. 5.2 l59- 6.9 100- 5.; 71- 4.'1 71- 3,0 63- 2.3 4-9- 4.9 '78-11.1 64· • .I 36- 3.6 17- 3.4 20- 4.0 Bob Maines, g __ ~3 Lavon Baker, c __ 20 Ed Bann, ! ____ 16 John Rebelo, f _ 2!1 Al Pa-0.erewskl, g- -· 23 Tom Ma.t.hJ~, g J 0 Ari Wical. c '7 t~ 1i~1h 1 ,nt c . rn Merle Reed. t. _ !J Brfan Rot.h, ! 5 Bob Keye,;, ri:: 2 Gene Gle~son, g 1 ii~ '?~~i: .. _!:: t Joe ve.rgo, i • 2 2 10 Hlsquledo BMcElroy l 2, a Murrav 0 o 3 0 Fetzer 2 2 2 6 Richmond -4 o o v er the D1ablos m o v e rt 1 me, Jenkin, lead halftime ;tg ~i 36.2 16 D Aach St•te H Los Angele's 52-:JS ,(' and that's quite likely Long Beach and used subs • - Beach has skidded lately - halt Scoring in double fig- ~g\~~t" 1 the Aztec-Los Angeles battle ures for the speedy Aztecs ·Mli?~son will be for the undisputed ti- were Blake Neal (20), Ha 1 Hubbard • • , 86 79 · · ' • • h t e d <'.On ldcring the way L o n g liberally m s e C o n IC' ',l,fns Cunngham Reber Marotti senoc SAN DIEGO ('4) Lons Beach (&4) 01 R2 60 40 26 16 6 G F P T H t lt i~• 1~1~ 0 t 1 ~I- G F p T \ 11 i 5~~{ty j ii Uk~~~!<' 2 s 1 9 Mulder f 1 ' ~:f• 1 o • 2 ~~~!))~• 31.8 33.S 32,5 lA,2 31.2 33,3 oo.o 00.0 00,0 00.0 r H. 1 l;f.!t.,Tf 1'~" 20 13 . 7 7 5 2 j Local Kickers Wm i 8 2 O I 2 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 100. 8· 3,0 3- 3,0 O· 0,0 4. 4.0 2- LO , a , 1 lO Bernie Finlay Brown tle. I I I I (17) O O 0 0 O· 0.0 0---0.0 0- o.o o- o.o The San Diego So cc _er 111 Batson If Long Beach dumps Lo s (14) and Jim Doherty (11). Canadian F* Id defeated t N 2t 51 2, L21 " Club on!il , Tota11 San Diego victory Tola~ Angeles The Lo the Az the worst ,. ,,gole• 10 2415 "4 l'l 1 tf'cs can get ls a tie for the over Fresno helps the Aztecs ail',~~ 2Throws missed _ Lon T h e greatly in their drive toward\Tavlor,. Dickinson 2. Hwbbord ,;c ~, • ... Holft1ra• score - CAA rhamp!onship. 4 2 Beach- Navy, t Salcido. terday m an exhibition soc, : • a avy . ie yes• RESULTS Sau Diego Na.val Statton, 50. BJola. College, 6[), San N1tva.1 Tr«. Center, 68. De . 2-usn, 63; OU.. P-USD, hf i I~ 8-USD, 08; 0,., 0--USO, 31; ~,. ,tt:::gg.. g~:. E:c: n-u~S; i~! Dec. 30-lJSD, n · 1::~: :- ~. 1~· Jan. rn- Uf'ln. 'iO, ~1\11, J'i-USD, ti'7, .fan. :n--tJRtJ. 63; Ja, 3(1,-- l\l\ll. i~~. ~~B: ~n Feb. I ·USJJ, ~r,; Feb. 1•- usn, ,, • Feb. 1 SP, •' :Feb. 14--USD, 60, Feb. 20-USD, 59; Feb. 21-USD, M; OCEANSIDF.:-Camp PP n- dleton·s Nal Booker hurled a four-nit shutout as tile Ma- rines blanked Vni,·ersit, of San Diego, ;J.Q, in the season opener for both teams here yesterda.\'. Third baseman Jim Spur- ling smas e9 a bases-empty home run :for endleton for the ame's !Irst tally in tile sec ing. UnivT S ego • •• 000 000 000-0 1 Pendlelon . - . 010 002 OOX-3 6 1 Lonenz, fo Beno! (6) 0nd Duncon · j Booker or,d P!ied'er. ' k d Son o,ego-Flnlov 3, Doherty, Mulder, cer game Rappe, Neal 2, Phllllps, Brown, e A h' . . . • s CCAA champion will enter the champions lp. J.JOyole. Univcnliy, 79, Laverne College, 64. \Vestmon t. College, t;Q. Sa.n Fernando Slate, 71'. San llit>-go Air Force, G9. S»n IJlt'(O Navil Afr 8t.ation, 'U, 1·1111.n,, P.. ni,lrton, At. H.io1a Colli•ge, 7 l, )~a~adt·na. !•fJ. THE SAN DIEGO UNION l'fPlh'tdhH•, ii'. Ampli, Hu:r-, lS!J. 8. ?rrnsndn. 6'3. fh•Prrt/lD, 118. S. U. MCR!l, SR. La.Verne, '76. ·we!litmont, 1'ii. Frir!'ino St.. 101, Puadt"n11.. i:. Chico St,. ijV, Chico St., 45. Leslie USO Ca h-5 Pioneer Nioe Sets Opener Saturday Lo~Of Pitching Pioneersi · em Pitching is the ,;oq°tern again in the University of camp as the Pioneers prepare for a day against Camp Pendleton in Ocean- season opener Sa Flnal 191i8•Mi basketball sta- tistics rPvealed that University of San Diego's Ken Leslie !eel his varsity teammates In ev- ery major scoring and percent- Leslie scored 2B4 points on field goals and 67 points on free throws for 361 points and a 15.7 point-pe1;-game average. Leslie topped the club In field goa.l percentage with 44 .8 and free throw percentage with a nifty 77.0. Ken, 1958-59 USD tain, led the Pioneer ual s c o r i n g to ason Rnd 361 points this se Son for 'lo three•year car<'"'r tqta. J of 1,174 points or a. 15.l point-per- iame averart for 7'7' games. I age category., straight yea~. H points in the 1956-5 points in the 195 t;n1ver lty ot San Diego's ry Loren;c and John Rebelo, San Diego baseb freshmen. bu eball team wtli make it . Lorenz alternated betw~en side. the mound and the centerf1eld again t 'aturda 1 ;,9 d but In last year's Inaugural season, coach Mike Morrow's Y , ( amp Pendleton at Ocean- at Loyola High in Los Ange- club won seven of 19 games, mostly on hitting. a•d•. les last season and led the "Pitching will be our weak- team in hitting with .420. Re- lowed 151 runs in 19 games so n s, just lt wa~ last sea- belo won seven games for the team batting average of out o! 12 games last year Saturday are Bob Duncan, c; . Lavon_ Bake.r, lb; Hugo Soto, righthander, who won three Morrow I hanking on Dick 2b: J1rn Fiorenza. ss: Tim of five starting assignments Shea, a rlghth_andPr w~o won Wilbur, 3b; Ron Crise: If; Bob and had a nifty .333 batting thre o! hi rive startmg as- Keyes, cf, and Hal .M1trovic~. average last spring, will be ) nments la_ t _~eason; Jan rf. Either Shea or Lorem; will joined on the mound this < 'l pman, a Junior, and 'Ter- start on the mound. Dick Shea, a 5-10, 160-pound \\1th a sophomore outlit. on " coac :'.\like ~,forrow Point Lorna High in 1958. .284 couldn't carry all t he 1ald. The Pioneers won seven USD's tentative starters load. The USD mound corps al- ------------ THE SAN 0 UNION a24 0Wed., :\larch 4. 19;;9 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA lesfie Jops - 'nal USD c S • age Coring Ken Leslie led his un·, . Fl Leslie Grabs USO Honors In Scoring Final basketball statistics for University of San Diego reveal Ken Leslie paced his teammates in every depart- ment. He scored 361 points ·fora15.7 average. Leslie also led in field goal percentage with 44.8 and in tree throw percentage with Tl. Statistics: (Final-Twentv-Thrt• Gamu) TEAM W L FGM FTA.. FTM Pcf.-TP:Avg. USD 5 18 607 415 2M 56.6- 1483-64.0 Opp, 18 S 717 518 316 61.0 1750-76.8 Lorenz Pitches USD To Victory Freshman Terry Lorenz al- lowed only six hits yester- day as he pitched the Uni- vf'rsity of San Diego to a 4-2 \"ictory over Camp Pendleton as the USD diamond. year by junior Jan Chapman and freshmen Terry Lorenz and John Rebelo. Chapman, USD's g_uarter- back last fall and f o r rn e r Kansas junior college jave- lin champion (208 feet), has a good fast ball and s e v e r a 1 years of prep and junior col- lege experience. Lorenz alternated between the mound and centerfield last year at Loyola High in Los Angeles and led the team in hitting with a .420 average. Rebelo won seven ot eight games he started last season as a pitcher at Point Loma High. Morrow's first club at the present ls catcher Bob Dun- can, first baseman L a v o n Baker, second baseman Hugo Soto, shortstop Jim Fiorenza, thlrd baseman T bu r, left fielder Ron ter • tart either Shea or Lorenz agalmt Pen- dleton Saturday. fielder Bob Keye• fielder Hal Mitrovich, is expected to ight The 18-yea~-old Lorenz 1 ' er struck out six and walked sity of San Diego tea_mmates five. Lavon Baker's h o m & in every major ormg andd run in the third inning was percentage cate y accor ing to the final 1 .59 basket: USD's big blow. ball statistics r sed yester- t.1°8" P•~ .... ::: · :Jf zgJ m=} f f day. eo~ooker and Theder; Lorenz: and Oun.. Leslie, who has completed - · his co 11 e g i,, cage career, USO N" scored 294 l!Oints on field goals and 67 points on free • b throws for 361 and an average Dia las Plays oturday University San baseball team will q•av Lm; Angeles State Sa for a twin bill that it h es victory No. 1 of will the 0!1. ot 15.7 per game. Le s I i e topped the club in field goal percentage with 44.8 and free throw percentage with 77.0. (Fioa&,:rwen;~lM" Games) USD , 1\ F.'5°/" F FTMJ.~t. T~f.s~•A Opp, 11 .S /J&,~J 61.Q 1750-76,8 ~:sin:, 9 . ~l~r Fl,A. F6 .o• TP-Avt. INDIVIDUAL The University oi San Di-1 ego will travel to Los Angel- es State for two games Sat- urday afternoon in search of its first victory o! the week- old baseball season. The Pioneers dropped their opener to Camp Pendleton 3-0, last Saturday. Against the Diablos, coach Mike :lforrow is expected to start Lavon Baker at first, Hugo Soto at second, Jim Fi- orenza at short, Tim Wilbur at third. Ron Cr' b !Un catc!J}ng, Terry Lorenz and John Rebelo will share the pitching. Keyes and Hal Mi the outfield and Bo Coach FGMFTA FTM Pd. TP-AVrl: Name 61 54 3.ti -i,.o- 361-15,7 306-13.3 176- 8.8 ~i m ~t 1 ~:5 l' ~1:} 1 t 1:~ 23.8 1 61- 9.6 65.9 58.6 EVENING TRIBUN 1AM OJIOO CALIFORNIA I"~ J, rid a), F,•h. :! 7, J!l~!J a•t. Pionee u;------V- Leslie, o Maines, g Baker, c t~\".".'/o, 1 1 ''.' ~~t)~S"a', I i1 Wlcal, c . 31 Turpin, c .. 20 R. Roth, f .. 13 Reed, f . . . • S • 126 .. 71 ~i 82 58 11 ~: 21 21 13 12 5 7 7 4.6 16 59.2 53.8 58.3 33- 3,3 17• 3.A .36M 5 ,7 J!f T~ 1 ~:ij ~t~ 1 ~:! 100- • .3 55.1 i!2 58 12& Mclries, a Baker, c ~~h~?o, .54 34 . 71 ~t 1~ % ~.s t f • .. 16 l9 if Jt, • "2 (¢f'c~i',s,c g ~. Turpin, c .. 20 R. Roth, f. 13 Reed, I . . . S ' lJ. 7.3 33- 3.3 lT- 3.• :'.: 59,2 53.I SU 16 27 13 12 7 7
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