News Scrapbook 1958-1961



Bruins, Troy Halt Cougars' Bowl Game Bid

Veto Used lo Nullify PCC Vote S~(?KA, E, Nov. 2 6 (IP>-

t prob- t, with- with a

Texas Favored Over Texas A-M In Grid Feature ComP11t4 from The San Ditto Unfon•s Wirt S.rvltH

College football cla he· that are almost a· trnnnsylv nla the conference rule to prohl- point choice to win Its th and Cornr.lJ ha vP. 4-2 I v y game with Texas A and M. L ague record and the win- bit members from participat, The Aggies have won 17 tlm ner will flnu;h In a tiP r or lng In a po t- ason game and five game ended In ties I econd plac11, l' nn Jeac! in other than the Ro Bowl had PI ITT OFF . 'K the series with 42 victories b en stopped hort or a vote · • · .. · aga1n,1 18 defeats and ! o u r by a formal objection o! Coach Darrell Royal' Tl'X• tie UCLA and U C " Bate aid ss quad u. P the spllt•T at- · B t h .Id h d D. . tack. Bobby Lackey who PJ'I r LEAD imRJ ... a e , w o a e an r. ' C. CJ,,ment French, the WSC cor<'d a touchdown and kkkrd Pitt Is the host In a serlr.s president, were " hockf'd'' by a !leld goal for the vie- dating back to I !l3. Th "' the UCLA and USC v O t e tory margin In a 9-7 triumph Panthers hav • won the game added, ' over Texas A and M I st 32 times. P,•nn /;ital<" won 22 "Obj. 1 h ye r, J Royal's key back. time and three gam~s <'nded ect ons ave b e en c O a ch Jim Myer has in• In d«-adlocks. ralsl"d to vot by letter or tailed !hP single wing at Tex- C 1 , 1 J d · ·1 •I telegram on th! petition In o a e ea 1n I s S<'I "ll accordance with article 4-G o! as A and M. HI key prrformer with Drown \\1th 19 vlcton<'s th c nf I l Charley Milstead, a tan. again t 13 Jo " and seven Th e 1 ° ertehnce C 1 ° 11n tbtut.lon. back who i fifth In the na- lies but Brown ha won t h c ere ore ere w e no l f! ·ti. 1 · vote on th! pc:>tltlon and JI, lion In tota o ense w1 " ,· la t two cla he . In e!! ct, tall ." 189 ya rd s. Virginia Military and V I r- . There i one bowl contc t glnia Tech, which began foot- GJ.. D ILL .u today with an all tar team, ball relations In 1 , 1, meet Date said he- received that trom thP mldwe me Ing a f r th, 54th time. \', akc For •st lnlormaUon from Hammer- squad of ea tern tandouts and South Carolina meet for beck In a telegram. In the first Gem City game the 30th time In the other

ly Man's Best Friend

COOK-ING UP SOMETHING SPECIAL nter Ken Cook will pa. the balJ to quarterback Jan Chapman In Bal- boa tadium tonight to tart Univers- s ity of San Diego' Montana in I Montana Mix 0

offense again t

nlver ity. The Thank giv- feature will . tart at 7:30 o'clock.

ight: h


ee s See 6t

},'rank game involvlug major South-

Qu rt rback Jan Chapm n It apparently m ant that at Erle, Pa. Coa<:'h completed 55 per cent of the question of WCS negotlat• Rl'gan of Villanova will di- ern


a slim, South

chools. VMI I

n D go's team as Utah, Wyo m Ing, h

ty of

v r

ugar or 'Gator rect the East squad while Ara one-point <:'holce whit to Bowl bid could only come up Par eghlan of Northwe tern Carolina !s favored by fl',i.

and most of them Ing for a

pa e

texlco, Denver, U t a h hi

r bid , w

m nd d Pion


beth tr I ht vie. 'tate, Brigham Young, Colo- with pln-polnt accur cy

fG• th t ry tom ver y r

A bowl bid m y b at st ke Chattanooga entertal~s M I s: Southern (8,01 1s one of the team· b ing con idered by the Gator Ilowl committee. Both clubs have beaten major coi- In the Missouri Valley Con- ference, Wichita <1-1-1) could tie North Texas State for fir~t place by beating Tulsa or drop almost to the bottom by los. leges this season. Dick Bass, one of the na- ( ontlnued on a-16, Col. 1) Ing.

1on- ends C. G, Walker and Merle at a regular conference meet- wlll coach the Midwestern-

I t the Uni- rado State, Idaho and


1 er• Thi game will begin at at Chattanooga, TPnn.,


tontana Reed, and backa Tom Gate

tate. All but

n at B lboa tana

due to 8 a.m., PST.


The conference

nd Bobby Keye •

the call.

• ate measure abov



and Ke}e , the meet Dec. 7 and Bates said ------------isissippl SouU1ern. h I sipp1 have a strong run- there are no provisloM to call RADIO, TV

Pains ttla ber ot teams U D ha .faced.

In Gate


core comparl on Pfone r

The only

d for


Fe tlval gam

full- for a special meUng, He aid

tate, The nlng comblnatlon with

against Montana

o'clo k.




OH pa t per!orman<:'es, U D Grlzi.lies lost to the Bobe t , back Avalon Wright adding the Cougars' bowl petition

the Dec it ha

couldn't get on

sary punch.

the nee

has a decided edge. The Pio- ~-6. and USD tell, 31-6.

7 ' al-

Montana coach Ray Jenklru. agenda because It excellent has made three changes In hi. ready been made up.

USD r.ould !urni h the ex-

n er have won ev n o! eight


, ontana Is Y.ln. cltement with

contests Y.hll

Lions v .


The vote In the nlne-•chool apparently- was

p ing and running attack starting lineup. John Matte

in nine outing ,


Packer , 9 a.m., Chan- nels 8 and 2. Texa vs. Texas A&M, 11:45 a.m., Channels 10, 3 and 4. Uni- verslty of San Diego vs.

art at right guard In conference

Iontana' r cord Is a bit which ha8 collected 233 polnu will dee lvlng, ho,,ever. The Griz- this season. Pioneer-Marine MIDD1Es DETERMINED Football Game Play Tough, Set For Dec. 6 Mean--Navy * ,..

ol. 6)

( ontlnued on a-16,

5 . 2 .

------------------ -----

..We had been given as ur- ance that the other school!!


voted with u our petition to wai\'e the post ,____________, season rule." Dr. French said. "As far a,, I know th-? in support of Montana, 7:30 pm., KGB.

ARGUED OVER ROOM College Gridder Kills Roommate HILLSDALE, Mich., Nov. Neitling's body was found,

veto clause in the code never before has been invoked."

C d

0 e


French said that only .five votes were needed to approve ' 'Of course we never before asked perm1·ss·1on to play In an outside contest. In this case we felt that since have

lg obstacle this WSC's waiver request.

Army L a


• APOLIS, Md ,,


The Univer ity of


26 m - mean,


"Play tough, be avy s passwor , d

" I N

go w 11 I meet the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in a foot.


strong as

"We're not a




lor the Army game


t e o er year_ ," said Frit- zinger of Wilkes Barre, Pa, "It used to be we just had to play a regular game to alter

ball game at 8 p.m. Dec. 6 In day In Philadelphia,

th e conference Is breaking up 26 (UPI) - Hillsdale coun- season ty prosecuting atty. Robert there would be no serious ob- Jectlons to such a proposal as B. McIntyre said tonight he it would not establish a prece- will have "within a few t h e present

James Flannery,


"That's what we've been telling each other in prac-


"tadium, USD


Berkley, Mich., walked into Detroit po I Ice headquar- ters, 70 miles !rom Hills- dale campus, and said "I think I've done something "I think I killed my room- the 18. year • old freshman footballer said. school football player be- mate," Flannery, a star high told police he slugged his roommate with the shotgun after a quarrel about keep- · Ing their room clean. Flannery said the dispute was centered about Neit- llng's moving Flannery's clothes !rom place to place real bad." fore coming to Hillsdale,

cials announced yesterday,

F l

tlce," end John Kanuch of win. Now we have to play



our be

chedu ·ng details of Lansford, Pa., said today.


"Ready.,. cert a inly we

the game, which "'as !irst

Kanuch says he pre!ers that "in the Army game dent for the future."

hours" a warrant charg-

mention d at a Quarterback are," went on the tall, 180- Club luncheon Monday, were pound senior. game was secured from the body reaches their peak for ational Collegiate Athletic Army. I know we eniors delayed until approval for the "I Uke to feel that every-

degree murdl>r



Bates said that Washington

the other team fs the fa-

vorite. That mean we have State would not consider any against a Hillsadale college

football player who slugged

bowl bid now in view of the

to really point for it."

·. But I'm

As an example of this, UCLA and USC action. The hls roommate to death ear-

it is the la t Kanuch

nd th e

lier today, j uni o r




felt his Cougars

said he

feel that for u 'atlonal game-after


F Ootba 11 Coa Ch



Thomas Nettling,

team lost to • otre Dame Saturday with a 7-3 record "because we didn't respect and had been mentioned



A soclation a

from Tecumseh,

- --------- A oclatlon of Intercollegiate nothing left." thl


prominently for both the Sug- Mich., was found dead in

them enough,"

Kanuch and 11 other !or who will play have tied en-

which USD Is

etics, Wi





'Gator his



avy had beaten Notre ar Bowl

fflliated. Formal



esl• gns

th e game was made yester- want

dawn, his head bashed In

two Bowl.

Dame • the prevlou years "and we felt we could this time, Kanuch explained. The Irish won, 40-20. (Continued on a-16, CoL 5)

announcement of and beaten Army, "I don't

shotgun was dis- unchroom

The conference, which has apparently by a 1 dissension, will be dissolved him when his bo next July 1. The Cougars covered by a



to make

rqu ov. 26

Ju t play a regular game" been split with north-south which was lying on top of

day by Rev. William D. Spain, record-a Joss," said Kan- administrative v Ice uch With a grin. U 'D'

He and others, like guard

pre ident. Depot o!!lcials had t contacted by USD rep- resentatlve ·. Fath r Spain announced re- flrS


Kanuch agrees with Frit- !were narrowly edged out for owner.

thl morning approved tbe g me w h e n George Fritzinger, are well

about It wn hi when he told us."

in the room.

A few m o m e n ts after

"w a re

the Rose Bowl by California.



/ u p I A11 s


, 1 ;h 1 :t~ 1 ~g;s:~r!~n:~! Druze · tatement said. •


M •

y Dn.z n ton to day as .tooth II submitted

<:'eipt yesterday of approval CANNON, DAWKINS LEAD POLL from the ·cAA's executive 11

t D

d I wes

rqu tte Univ rslty, 10;




b 15

I h

- mer1ca

om1na es

ts of

ere- rector Walt r Byers, who ·aid

larque t '

Int r


con- by submlt my re lgnatlon to the game would not be con- thatdat. _bcellctiveatthe.. tnn1na•1dredapostseasongame thre year , Mar tlon o! my cont;act. but as an extension of t h e

teams t ~ 0 season. The NAIA al o ap-

It took Druz




t o


NEW YORK, Nov. The m i d we s t boa. ted numerical domin- atlon of the 1958 college football All-America team announced today by United Press International but the top individual vote getters came lrom other sections 26. !UPI) -

ons to win th Ir first proved the game. he victory-after 20 -- came on the first Read Tomorrow es, 19 of them un-

'h W rrlors Y.lnd tull


u n b ea ten Army team against Navy on Saturday, finished 1-2 in a neck-and. neck race for the greatest number of votes. Bµt the mldwest nailed down four places on t h e first team compared to just two for the east and one each from the southwest, Pacific Coast, midland , rockies, and south. Hard . hitting fullback Bob White o! Ohio State and pa lng ace Randy Duncan of Iowa, the nation-

al leader in total offense, joined Cannon and Dawkins in the perfectly • llalanced backfield. The All - America line In- clude Buddy Dial o! Rice and Sam Williams of Mich- igan State at ends; T e d Bates of Oregon State and Brock Storm of the A i r Force Academy at tackles; John Guuk of Pittsburgh and Al Ecuyer of Notre Dame at guards; and Bob Harrison of Oklahoma at center.

turday night game,

Of the 33 places on the first three teams, the mid- west captured 11, exactly one-third. The south h ad seven, the east six, t h e southwest four, the Paclfic Coast three and the mid- lands and the rockies one each. Cannon, the triple-threat ace of Sugar Bowl bound LSU, nipped Dawkins by just 12 points for top vote- getting honors, drawing 2,- 276 points out of a possible perfect score of 3,058.

Ecuyer, the far • ranging 205-pound Irish star, was the only holdover from the 1957 squad and also the most popular lineman in the baJ. loting by 278 sports writers and broadcasters. He polled 1,562 points against 1,551 for Guzik and 1,438 for Har- rlMn. All of the first team se- lections wer«- seniors, except for juniors Cannon • and White. Bob A n d e r o n. who (Continued on a-16, Col. 6)

trnlght Jo


ty, In Its ottlclal d r Druz



ason against f

the ath game of thl~



ate ports


control h d not south Dakota State. The scor


Du 1o the Thank gfrlng llay holida), report of lalf'

lgna, wa.s 1 -6.

's r

d on bru

Marquette then up et Col• a report that I ge of •he Pactflc, 27-1 , and aftPmoon tied D trait, 13-13.

are omitted



of the country.


this morning'




Hal!backs Bi 11 y

nl n.

Ironically, H the Warriors UIPgo


11 o r t



non, who




ll post

che win Saturday, they their be t record

State to the only perfect record among major col- Jeges, and Pete Dawkins, I who will perform for an

Ing r yhound and B lboa uto race rP ult , ·IIJ he r portPd In tomor- 'iadium



u ht by surprt •

(Liz) Dla<:'kboum, n Bay Pack r coach,

a hock to us," when LI I


h Johnny Ex-


h kf

heard1brou ht home a 5-3·1 mark.


· n Virgo


• ''The 111t \\

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