News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Sect ion
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(J( th.. school, USD's high- C ad
lute, Pepperdine and Idaho Stat<', racking up 194 points m the five games to only 41 by the opposition. Although the Grizzlies have yet to make the winner's column this fall, they have something going for them. W)lile they've dropped every outing, the lo ses were to t game of 1hr year. The annual tusslP between the two :Mont,ma schools two WC'C'!{l; ago wa>< perhaps the Griz- zlies! best effort of thP y<'.,r. Th<:> Grizzlies' smorgasbord offcn~,• features running, passing and kicking from both th<:> single wing and T formations. Coac•h Ray J_enkins ha a strong backfield and an experieneed line but something has bc•en miss. ing thus ial'. USD's "T" will he opPra1C'd by quartrrback Jan Chap- (Cont. on l'age b-7, Col. 3) r!!t three games, bare- ly getting pa~t University ol Mexico and New Mexico We tent belore losing to nationally ranked Montana late College (no relation to the crew the Pioneers pl11y tor1lght). 'l'hl·n the Alcal11 P rk team .-aught fire and rattled p t Le'1-1s and ,lark, Colorado Westl'rn, C'hino lnsti- Fo, No. 6 (ContlnuP.d from P man, whose pinpol and deadly punts hi hts o! str C ,_.,.wm off to iml Tom Gate· and Bob Keye und fullback Qnnle Wright. r.ates has scored '65 points and Keyes 44. 1lembcrs of the Juruor Chamber o! Commrrr.e an- nounced today that poinsettias will be draped around the sta- dium and that halftime music wlll be lurnlshed by a Ducie- land band. The Poin ettla Que n will be r:rowned at half• time. Probable tarting ltn p : MSU PM. Ulnds (195) • le Pelavo (l;u . . It hl6\ ·· ·~ 9 Motte Oll) ••• ra ,~~o~,e\~•n . :: rlffln (JOl J •• Qb c:~~ un, . :~ Pepe [117) lb (1 CGA8'l' COP, ID; Jl'Nnlo State, 41. u. at. 1lalJ Dlqo, U: 13. Bllnta h f; Fullerton, 13. ch City College, 28; An Valley, 8. ML San ADtoDlo, 441; Chaf- fey, 0. 0 J,lartneblll,dMt:SMtaotnu,~, Wb.l . t Hum o e. .v. - wp';;~ie~llte, 33; Shut&. 20. (Olive Bowl, at Lindsay). YUhA 20· Olympic, Wuh., 12 (Lumber Bowl, 11.t ~eddlng.) EAST Cornell. 19; Penn, 7. Penn State, 25; Pitt11b1Jrgb. 21 · Brown, 2S; Colgate, e. SOUTH W!lllam & Mary, 18; Rich· mond, 111. VPJ 21; V:Ml 18. South CaroUna. 24: Wake For• eat. 7. h 20 ~- r Georgia Tech Froa , ; ....,o • gla Frosh, O. =·t Mi••issippl Southern, 20; ...,.,.. · tanooga., 13. 1 Vlr Hampton Institute, 2 ; • gini& Union, 12. Fort Valley, 16: Albany State, 12. k 2 Allen. 3: Betb,•ne Coo man, , Presbyterian, 22; Newberry. O. North Carolina A&T. 20; North Carolina College, 18, Lenoir Rhyne, 22; Catawba, O. Savannah, 44: Paine. 12. Ft.Campbell, 19; Austin Peay, O. Tennessee State, 18; Kentucky State, 6. ddl Tenne•aee Tech, U; lfi e Tennessee. O. Carolina, 20; Guilford, O. South Carolina State, 1, ; B~e- dlct, 6. SOUTHWEST Texaa, 27; Texas A&M. 0. Abilene Chrlatia.n, 49; Howard Pavne, 30. Wiley, 19: Texu Colleg•, 12. ~tmWEST Cincinnati, 18; Miami (0), 'J. Tulsa. 25: Wichita. 6. ROCKY MOUNTAINS Vtah 12; Utah State, 7. ~a'lta Monlc11,, 113; l!lleaa, Colo., 4. Colorad.0 State, 1: Denvv , 8. THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, NOV!:MBER. 27, 1958 "W wrr1• tryiu~ .a half-ru~h, hall-buck up de• f, n-.1 UJ;aln'll Stanlord, 11ml it' tough to cov~r when the rll h dorsn't ,rnrk. l~ut you play a ~tf- tncu Jlll "d1•f1•11s•· g11i11,.,t a wingt>d-T tr m hke Jfl\m. WP're no di appoiut,·tl•• t· nford ha .real good throwt•rs, tno." LSU l'OIIC'h Paul Dlclzrl re·. ntl~. said_when you \ rk: with m n lik Earl 13laik, Sid. G11lma,n and l'nul 1 · nt, "hi, h did a n rtant, ' s?n:e- thin, 1 off cm you. But H y u'r just a m1m1c:, you m slx monllt · or more and th n ~~ner or I tPr, lroubl trikC's. You must h yourself. .. nd h n thPrc nr thos who share the opm1on or Ii r Walsh Murmy, University of San Diego ath- 1•Ur: 0 mod rator, who says he'd rather be a crew co h h ct1u "you can it down, go backward nnu till win." 1Ul"e f. ~loufaua SfnfP Pioneers Seek 6 th Straight Triumph The University of San Diego will make its final 1956 bid for national small-college football pronunenl'e th,s Thursday, Thanksgiving night, against Montana State University i11 the first annual Poinsettia Bowl game at Balboa Stadium. Kickoff is 7:30 p.m. '-1'------------ hig-htighted a scoreless first Coach Bob J\1cCutcheon '., Pi· oneers hope to make Montana their ·1xth straight victim. Late in the third quarter, last Saturday night blanking Idaho State drove to the Pio- Idaho State College, 24-0. San neer 20 and with only 30 sec- Diego finished 6-3 in its tirst onds left in the quarter, fresh- complete ,;ea.son of football last man halfback Joe Gray inter- year. cepted an Idaho pass on the 10 Coach Ray Jenkins' Montana and returned it to the 45. club will be seeking it.a first Wright and Keyes carried a win. Among the losses wa.s 8 long drive to the Idaho 10. A 20-6 setback at the h~ of fourth-dovm pass from Chap- Montana State. USD's oaly loss man to Wright gave USO a was to Montana State, i31.a. first down on the Bengal one. The Montana smorfubord Freshman Ron Falvo then offense features running. pass• drove through right guard for ing and kicking from 'both the the score. Falvo picked up a single-wing and T-fo;itlations. Chapman fumble and carried it Idaho State and US!) passing into the end zone tor the extra attacks were hopelesa]y al;ian- point. doned in last Satu~ nig'llt's Not to be outdone by his unexpected ground-kVel fog. three first - year teammates, The visiting Beng , ~cting, Gray, Falvo and Gates, fresh- a strong passin e ftom ·man Tom Mathis leaped high in USD's quar h Chap- the t.l ill rcept an Idaho man, were the run• pan •11,11-- quarter on the ning power of halfbacks Bob USD 32. 1'h,; Pioneers then Keyes and Tom Gates and full- marched 68 yards to score their back Onnie \'fright. ttril-d tou,.ebdown, Keye;, weep- Great punting by' Chapman inr right e!\eJ 'for '32 :,lrds to and brilliant running by the climax ,the VI!. Chapman Bengals' fullback Keith Berry passed t.e for the extra and halfback Ron Pugmire I p(Sfitt. half. Keyes broke the scoreless ba tlle "ide-open when he took the opening second-half kickoff on the USD five, broke to his left and raced untouched down the left sideline for a 95-yard touchdown run. USD now has a ,-1 record and has scored 194 points m lts last tive games. With only two sen- iors listed on his roster, Mc- Cutcheon's youth movement de- livered USD students and fans the school's greatest victory • 3 ov. 21-Llt- San Diego, tle Univ rst In its 11 econd year of foot- ball and lts third year or ex· list nc , turned on the steam In the rourth p rlod to upset Montana U. of the Skyline con! rence. 24 13, tonight at Balboa Stadium. End Wayne Bourque re- covered a OrlzzlY rumble on the Montana 32 to set up Quarterback Jan Chapman's 25-yard touchdown pass to c. o. w which gave USD a l ly 1n the tourth
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