News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Pioneers Receive Final OK By MEL ZlKt:l-'i
vul119 Trlll11M! Sp
• McCutcHe akeHint • Seeking Other Employment • Handshake Thing of Pas\
Add anothct· footbRIJ g11me to your sch!'dule Unlwrsity o! San Di<'go vs. M a r I n e Corps Recruit Depot, Dec. 6 ln Balboa Stadium. The Pioneers received their final OK today, ac,·ordlng to Fr. William D. Spain, USD's administrative vice prcsidPnt, and the game i~ ''dt'finitely on. 1 ' USD recC'ived this tl'JC'gram today: "PleasP fe<>I !ree to sch('dule game in Dcccmbc1·, Jetter follows. Regards, csg) WallPr Hyers, NCAA, Kansas Clty." Byc>rs had said f'Hl'lier, "the game couldn't be con- ~id red a poHt•sl'ason gamP, but an <>xtPnslon of the s1';1- son. 1' USD NIX<>d Bame l~a,·IIPr Th<> ~urpris@ palL"lng wa~ dlsclos<'d at Monday' ar. t<'rhaC"k Club lunchpon. D had tried lo i;cht"dule lhP l'l• on('C'fS (';l t•lil'r in th/' S('RS011 wh!'n both came up with ail opPn dale, Nov. l, Arter NP- vada ,·nn!'Plc>d out on usn and J<'I miss killc>d a game with tlw M,uincs. Af that 'tim,:,, lJSJ1 w,rnled nothing 10 rlo with th De\lll· dogs. P<'ssimtstk Bull Trom • ter, MCRI) <'011<'h, Sitid, "Now tht"Y know how weak we arr. • J>toneers Near Windup The Pioneers are 7:1 going into tomorrow night's game against Montana St tie U n I• versity Jn Balhoa Stadium, thP!r last scheduled game of thP yPar. MCRD Is 7-2 as the Dr>vlldogs prr>p for a Sunda afternoon engagt'm!'nt wlfl1 the semi pro Mont£>bc•Jlo Rhinos at the Depo1. • Univ.-rslty offirials wPnt lo worlt in <•arnc-st late Monday, ;i ftrr Tromctl<'r's di. los11rl! Ihat MCRD had b<'<•n eon- tac1<'d about a gamP. TC'l<>· pl1one ,·alls 10 the Natlona I Assoria1ion ol lnt<'rroll<'giafe Athieti,•s and National Coll<>• giate At h 1 et i Association brought. tentativP approval, but therP still wPre a fpw minor l'JUPstion!! which had to b clearPd Scrlmma,re QuP~tlon lJSD ls on the doors1<'p ot official accreditation !rom the two national groups, so the P!onN.r·s rtidn't want to run the risk of any black marks at. ' this lat<> date. Under NCAA rules, a !Pam is aJ!owed 10 gam<'s, induct. ing game-type scrimmages. USD had its nine games, in• eluding tomorrow night's tilt, and the only thing the Pi- oneers had to prove was that • a pre-season scrimmage with MCRD wasn't a "full game• . type." , Rumors that USD is up tor a Sun Bowl bid are foundless.
• l\HU '(} CO. CH: Any football coa~ Wla\\ \ a 7-1 record would have a right to be laugl'illg ov r the pl ,. . h n \ Lif ~hould be a bowl of ·herries to sue a
1 But SU(·h is not the ase , w i t h Bob McCutcJ10n, winding up his second ~ar \ as th head grid tuto at University of San Diego. The Pion er·, in t tie .,,. third season of fielding a football team. have been beat n only once in eight starts. How,v r, ::\kCutcheon, ordinarily a good-natured !ellow, manage. only an 0<•casional smile. He ha b en told his fu- ture at the new s<'hool is question blf' and it not only is J)<'rplexing to him
GF.OIU,K 111'.ltRI< K
but lo · rn, oth r folk. as well. "I ju t d9n't unrlct· ·tnnd it," he ay rathf'r sadly. I'll island tin my rl'cord, but ap rcntly that isn't good nough. "1( the school w,1 going to r n w my contract (whi h xpir, in May) I would h, ve been told be- fore th!·. On my desk I have applications from more th· n 50 football player who want to enter the •hnol. I'm not about to look into them if I'm not going to be ·1round for next sea on. "Did I say if? By this time I know I won't be Rrounf!. I can take a hint. so I'm looking around. I won't giv them a chan('e to fire me." l<•Cutdwon, who cam!' to SD from Ante- lo Valley ,Jnnlor CollrJ!:f' where he <'Oached suc•·1•ssful t1•·1m<;, ft l"ls where hi> "tore hi p nt "w with the 'SD Boosters Cluh. "• 11 ()r •·inizalion ()( tpis type is n cessary to a <"hool will! an athletic progrnrn," he admits, "but I'm u. t not society minded. I don't go to th opera with h Boo tc1· members, so they are out for lily s ·alp.'"
MY, JY, :UY, t\lY, '\IY - Ja!, Chapman, left, and John Mulligan of University of San Diego turned in somr of their best
locking of the year 88 Poinsettia Bowl queen eandidates, from left, Penny Yoder, Be\ rly Dudley, Stephaine Clark, Janice
howe wa1C'h pra<'(kc>, s ion. US plays Montana tateU. tomorrow night in Balboa Stadium. GriZz ies Hopeful 0 Wio Over USD Soe-c,al ta EVfNING TIU&UNE MI Ot LA , font. Hoping to avf'1 t their second inle s sea~on in the his- ake over el'\nlng F mi clle lt!U'hll<>i«>r post on defense. Although 1t still has not heen deter- mined whether Renning 111 . ee action against the Pioneers, Jenkins ls satis- fied that Matte and Emerson can ban- ~Je the job. Renning Incurred torn knee ligaments against Montana State College, the ninth straight team to tame the Grizzlies. Injuries hav n key factors ln MSU's w l n Les 33.lsllillll!Jn. In addition to Renning, t @ridildl!!I have lost first• string quart~ back B ce Olson, starting center Mick O ie nd semi-regular full- back Jerry Youn",,,~c,......,5e of Injuries. Montana ,11/il] al te etween T and single-wing i m tions in the Pioneer game. Coa h Jcm n favored the single- wing attack ear!Jer in the season, but now plans to use considerable T plays lo help the Grizzly passing attack. They were S('heduled to land at Lindberg Field this afternoon at 3:45. •·we have nothing tory of the school, Montana University gr!dders 1el t here today by air for their Thanksgiving night game against Uni• verslty ot San Diego in Balboa Stadium. Head coach Ray Jenk.ns, v.ho has sent his Grizzlies through some torrid work• outs the la week, announced his team ready for e tilt, which is being billed as a renewal of the Poinsettia Bowl, "We needed last 'weekend off since our attack sputtered the Saturday befor<> against the ontana State College Bob• cats" Jenkins said, "and there was much polishing needed ii we were to have any chance of beating San Diego " MO\ tnJf into a first-string guard posi• tion n place of All-American nominee Stan Renning was John Matte, a sopho- more. Mike Emerson, another soph , will uhn, to say," chairm n of the thletic Board hiring of Mccutcheon is the dee· Too mu ·h s been said already.'' control. e re- on of the school. In the me con 1 maki ate Athletic Janu, ry. time, us has been reported, McCutch- plans to attend the National Collegi- s ·ociation meeting in Cincinnati in lands another job, it will make the anti- time ootball coach, whose team had taken , vigorously shake the hand of his al mentor. rting gesture alt ugh the loser might u inside. nd if h Mccutcheon group breathe a sigh of relief. It'll be a yout for them. VE FEELI.: ·o !any a e op.-n. They ar rcfusing the han asp of friendship at the eulmination of festivities. It has happened on several occasions this season. It proves that it's no fun losing. h-4 EVENING TRIBUNE , SAN?IEG~CALIFORN~A n ed., . o, . ~6, 1958 TRIBUNE Pigski Pick-It Line · HARRY HACHE GEORGE HERRICK MEL ZIKE$ EARL KELLER GENE G~EGSTON BOB PAUL <:OUR ORTMAN CONSENSU! Montono Sf. vs USO Penn St. ·s, Pitt Texos A.M. USD by 7 USO by 12 USD by 34 USO by 12 Pitt by 12 rexos bY 6 VMI by 12 USD bv 20 Montano St. USD by 7 USD by I Pffl by O USD by 1J by 7 Pitt by 12 1;,~x~s Pift Pitt by 9 Pitt by 16 Texos by J Penn St. __b~ j Pm Pm by 8 by 5 __b~Y_l__ T~!os Texas --~ Texas A.M. Texos A.M, - VM_ I__ - - - -=....:..__ by 7 Texo5 / T~xo~ by 7 Texo, by 4 by 10 -....cb:,;y_,6:___ \'5. VP! VMI by 8 VP\ by 3 VP I ~ _s__ VP! by l VP! by 3 VMI 1~-,--1---Tie-- --".!....-'.'-- ---=~--,---"!...:...._ -~b'-y c..l__ Utah Stott vs Ulch by_3_,_____ U!oh by 8 Utah by 5 Uloh Utoh by 1 Utah by 6 Utah by B bY 9 Novy by 14 G~rgio Utah Utoh Utah by 7 Army, vs. __ bY_l____ _::b,_y.c12,___ Army by 7 Novy by 2 Geo. Tech I~. ;:- .b.Y 7 by Jl I I Vanderbilt Vanderbilt I by l by 7 ,, I I .A.uburn Auburn by 10 by 18 Ric • Baylor by 7 by 6 Oklahoma Oklohorno by U by Army l---"N"'a-'-'vvc.__, ______!,r )O__ Geo. lech Ge~9ia Ge-oB/fh. Tennessee v,, Vanderbilt Auburn vs • Alabama R ·ce VS. Baylor Oklahoma VS. Okla. St. TCU VS. SMU Miss. St. vs. MlsslssiDDi Air Force Vcnderbilt by 6 Auburn by 6 Rice by 6 Oklahoma by 23 TCU by 7 Mis5,issippi by 8 Army by 10 Geo. Tech by 6 Vanderbilt Armv' by 7 Army by 13 Army bY 15 Army by 10 Geo. Tech. by 10 Vanderbflt by 6 Auburn by 9 Rice by 6 Oklahoma by 25 Georgia bY 12 Geo. Tech"' Georgia _2!_11 by l by 6 I Vonderbitt by 12 Alabama by 9 Bov1or by 1 Oklahoma by 45 Vanderbilt by 6 Vanderbilt Vanderbilt __ bY_~-- by 6 by 1 I Auburn by 7 Auburn by 7 Auburn --~ Alabama by 2 Rice by B R:ice by 3 Baylor by J Rice by 9 Oklahoma by 10 Oklahoma by 30 Oklahoma Oklahoma ~9__ by 10 TCU by 2 \ TCU by 3 TCU I __b_y_<__ Mlssfs:'llPPI by S Air Force ,_ __:b~Y..::lc__l.J I TCU by 6 SMU by 13 bv 6 by 7 I Mississippi _......,bccY..::l__ I Miss "'S pol by_6_ Missfs i by 1 I Mississippi .J Misslssfppf by 6 A.Ir Forca by 1 Notre Dome by 6 Army to by< Col~~~do Notre Dome Air Force Alt Force Alr Force ...c.,....:__,:--=-"--- Air Force Air Force by 6 by 5 l ---""bYc.l:.,,O__ ,__.c;b.:..Y:_6 __ / __~-'----,--b-y_6__ __ Air Fore• bYI vs Notre Dame Noire Dame, Notre- Dome Notre Dame use by 7 --A~ to Oklahoma 11-2·2 .846 90-50-7 .643 Notre- Dame --rrso-- ---pm:-1--~~-, by 9 USO by 23 by 7 __U~' ---'b'c-Y,:.12,___ by 7 USO ~ , Notre Dam~ Pi'~ to • bv 3 by 10 Viii-I -,-v~a-"n'-de""r'-b1-11- 1 to to ro to Pigskin Porlav to to Oklahoma 8-5-2 .615 90.50-1 .6,3 Oklohomo Oklahoma Notre Dome Rice Rice 7-6-2 538 86-5 • -7 ,614 Lost Week. Pctge Se<1son Pctge Oklahoma Oklahoma 10.J.2 .169 10-3-2 .769 92-18-7 .657 12-1-2 .923 91-4?·7 .650 10-3-2 .769 I 11-2·2 .8A6 ?3-48-6 .660 i 91.,3,7 .693 13-57.7 .593
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