News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Devis Fear oe s Speed
Diego Union's G id'ron Selections
lexas Cho·ce Over Aggies In feature (( ntluue
Lo,t w U-4 ---- ___....;..._u,____,;~
.. COLLIER NEW POLL LEADER Footballs took nm!" crazy boun<' s on col11•ge gridiron. )a. t werk, but Phil Colll r tabbed 24 game right out of Z7 and moved Into the lt>ad for the
Big 10 Dominates U Pl All-America (Continued) teamrd with Dawkin to ing through hne gap tor g!vP army prrhap the most key t ck! • explo ive hnl!back combina• ~annon-200-poundrr who tlon in the lnnd, !ailed to re- avPraged 5.9 yard per car- t11ln th!' first,tr,1m honors he ry and wa. c.·trrmely dang. won l . t year a. a opho- erou on punt and kickoff more. However, he \\&. th return.; Dawkin A top votr,grtl r among bac·ks southpaw who runs likc an on the ·t cone! team. rxJWPi<:' tr in and occa ·Iona!, Thr closest race wn. for ly disrupt thr dcft:n.·e with the t•cond end position on an option pas.; Dunean the fir. t tram, wher Monte Nifty passl'r who completed Stick! • of Notre Dame 58.7 p1•n·cnt of his to s polled 1,021 point· to fall for 11 touchdown and lrd ju. t b low Dial and Will• the nation in yard gained iams. \\Ith 1,106; White - a bone- Here are hrit'f ~kdchr.s or crunrhing line ·masher who the first-t!'am players: avrragr TOP BACK, LINEMAN Austin, Dial Win AP Grid Honors le dmg ground gain r a big chance to gr b the A total o1fen title from n Io,rn' Randv Duncan w h the Pacific go 1y Assoc,ated Prtu sea on in The San Diego Rutger.· halfback Billy Au tin and Rice end Budd , Dial Union's weekly ~ridiron yesterd ) were named bad< and lineman of the wrek, selrctions. Collier, v. ho re pecu, l'lY, by the A ociated Pre. . . ha.· pil'ked 190 winnPr: In Playing with a h avy bnnd- 1 --------- 283 gamt , now hold a ag on hi brok n J .ft hand. and Don ;'\feredith o! S;'\llJ. two,gamP. lead o,·rr John- Au tin . cored fi\l' tou hdo~rn • Cannon cor d thrl' time ny McDonald who had Pt ~n? ran for t\, o come1 1011. In a 62 _0 conquest of Tulane, the pace for five week.. m the 11 tim s he carried the Ba.-. romped for . ix touch• Three others, .-port.· ecll- b 11 a Rutger~ routed Colum- down. rnd 191 yard~ ru hmg tor Jack Murphy, Chuc•k bla. 61-0, la t aturday. in COP's 68 _ 17 ,;ictorv over Sawyer and Dave Gallup De._plte h i. s rl'markable "an Die O State, anct' Mere- ach had 23-4 record. last .·ho,,mg, Au tm wa the pick dith . tarrrd in SMU'!I= 33-29 wePk. of AP port: wrlte1 and victory over Baylor, running •me selrrtions appear. broaden l1•r by only a nar- for I\ 0 touchdowns and pa . . Ing today will be tht• last row margin O\t.'r Billy Cannon Ing for another. for this s ason e. c·ept for of I ' ', Dick Ba s of COP the Nt>w Yrar's Day howl Dial, the lineman of thP game picks whirh will a P· wec-k, already ha;; bec•n tnbbrd pear the w1•ek or t h P. h\· two ~couts n. the South- gam<'s. wc t Conference's best pros•,-------------1 pect for th pro draft, but inging i · the 185-pounder's Pl T h main interest. He specialize. ay oug Colleg o1 Grossmont Rops- Oceanside, 62•4 R~ I. RRYl'AS C.ronmont Hl1h Schoof C...,.....ont Jerry Halterman 2:l point~ and Dua 15 at Grossmont Leaguers. It wa~ Grossmont's first victory after two defeats. OCEANSIDE (42) GROSSMONT ('2J Blderoma 2' i' f ; Asmussen J r ! Crum i o 3 , Hobel s 5 4 15 Botcher 2 o 4 4 Holfermn 9 s 1 23 ~: t~Wr~ b 1 i ~:,~f, i b 1 & ti~iro';" b1 ~~i:t 0 v 8 ? J I t~ick 3 1 b f Totals · M 114 42 Totals 21 15 an i~:~~g~, · ·:·----~ \~ 11 1 ~ = a Free throws missed: Oceansile (5)- 0ceanslde 2, Crum, Boecher, Lawson W~~t':1~~- {5)--Asmussen, Halterman 2~ Pow II s h d I d C e U e lthe Foothillcr bask ran awny rom Oce Uie second , 62-42. The Pir d at halftime. ro's 15 points 19-18. Nc-d lrd thr Ava e The Coliseum will be dark tomorrow night but match. i~: nounced that Charley Powell, maker Ernie Fuentes an- I B l~: or oca out again t Fresno ·tat In other game· toda •, Rich- mond p I a y William a n d • lary, tah me s Utah State and Clnclnnatl play hami of Ohio. On Friday Hardin- immon. has the opportunit~• to clind1 the Border Conferen e title, meeting. ew le ico A • 1. The big one Saturday of cour e, Is th meeting between once-tied but unb ten Army and twice-beaten , a \' y in Philadelphia. Another ·crv- ice academv that hasn't Io.-t yet, Air Force ,\ca d cm y, Ti"ks th!<: rrcord a g a i n t Colorado nh'ersity. Other major S a t u r d a y gam s include South rn ali• fornla·, 'otre Dame, ·out h • ern 2\1:Plhodist-Te.·as Christian, Baylor-Rice, 1 ou"ton-T e x a s Tech, Oklahoma S ate-Okla h o m a, A I a b ama-Auburn, Georgia • Georgia T(•ch, Van- derbllt,Tennessee, Florida-:\li- ami and • li~~i~sippi lis is- sippi State. Junior Bowl Considers 10 Oceanside-Carlsbad of the South Central Conference and Santa fonica and Bakers. field of the Metropolitan Con- ference are among 10 \\est- ern schools under considera- tion for the Junior Rose Bowl game at Pasadena Dec. 13. according to an announce- ment by JRB oificlals. Santa 1onica won the .. 1et- ro title with a 7-0 mark and handed Bakersfield Its only lo"s. Santa Monica is 8-0 for the season and ends its regu- lar campaign todav at :Mesa, Colo. Oceanside Jost only to Antelope Valley in the final game of its regular card. Oceanside official have an- nounced the school will n o t accept any po t sca<:On en- gagements. Other w e s t e r n <:chools under consideration include Antelope Valley, Fr e no. Yuba, Hartnell, Sacramento. Cerrito · and Riverside. Final selections will be made ~un- day by the game's board of management. Former college and p r o star Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch has been selected as grand marshal! for the Junior Rose Bowl parade wb.ich will be conducted a l o n g Colorado boulevard. in Pasadena be- ginning at 9:45 a.m., the day Navy's Code In popular tunes and may seek a pro mu~ic career wht>n h }un~:aduated from Rlce next spectacular on both offPnse and defon" • last week as the Owls lost to TCU, 10-21. With one more game to play, Dial IJ within reach of two records set by earlier Ric rnds, Jame~ (Froggiel Wil• Hams nnd Bill Howton. Dial has caught 12 touchdown puss- es in 3 years, Williams caught a record 13 in four seasons. Dial has caught 65 passes for 1,178 yards, 111 short of •Howton'. record of 1.289 set in 1949-51. Dial was hilt and Zeke Smith of Au- burn, and center Max Fug. ,_,~dl.,~)?'a,::ck. m t! ?~ Jer of LSU. "Best all-around play r I've (('ontlmwd) ever had." zinger that the Navy ·quad is not equal physically to' those of the pa;;t two which ''However, you find in thi. game you can do things that other times you can't," he Subcon ~ci'ously." ., Kanuch, whose weight has dropped 12 pounds to 180 since the- sc-ason started, ha~ with playing by reflc-x. He was knocked rocky in the third game at Michigan, although he continued to play and suffered a concus- sion in the next game with Tulane, Navy's other con- queror. Although both teams, es- f aced Army. had P rsonal experience w1. HI. Ase c1. F L Exceptionally ECUYER - lincback• Po,. Player, school good when play ers, an expert at ,niffing out 22 Sr. 21 Sr. 6-l 6-2 and wr king rivals' plays; g-John Golik, Pitt,. 223 Bob Harrl,on, Okla. 206 0 J'iT:6rii. N_fi~mt m the [1rst All-Amrr- Strom - ¥=:/ ]1 , ~~,,,Si m tt carl':i~on~\~wa f: t:~ ~? ica in the Air Forre's three- E year gridiron hi ·tory is a B=P•te '6~.:k~;,.';' s w , addrd. "You seem to do it missile rxpert in academics d B-Bob Wh1i.. Ohio s1. 212 6·2 20 Jr. former all-round San Diego team Stickle,, N Dome E. Hau,ton 1 Ohio SI. athlete, Will oppose Bob Al• J.. ~~~~~~iz. 0 n 1 Rr~~ bright next Friday in the fea• A~E~rn ·.. L .. 8 "f~~lg,Auf,x~ ture 10-rounder. ~~tm~;: Fir· : L "'w11io~~Yd_.,uJ.f,~ Fuentes said Clayton Frye, five yearf;, great at diagnos- Anderson, Army B.. Austin, Rutgers secretary of the State Athle• an and a rem1u a e blocker inspirational 2NO TEAM , 3RD TEAM ... . leader in football. ~~f~~~'l;. r~lrn~· Harri ·on - Oklahoma' third All-America center in ing enemy plays and shoot- 'c:~fi. ···: R Plet5g~~~'.•• k bl ' mau of W w k' Arroyo Out To Hold Cavers To 60 Points tic Commission, approved Al- uitable opponent -----'------ Race Entries Set for Powell. p • M •· 8 Thornton, N'we,t'n bright as a Meredith, SMU 1·11 F F T Ioneers ace on1·ght ontona oe C o n r MANCHESTER, Nov. 26(ll.'!-The22ndannual SpecialhlThtSanDiHOUnlon road five-mile Manchester No bowed the following week to pecially Army, have shown The other loss flashy offense , Kanuch doe ·ov. 26 - EL MO :TE, football t~m ha Sch 1 b t th oo u * • race here tomorrow has at• tracted 111 entries includinl scored m?re Arcadia, 7 -6. (Continued) B L 1.-The St. Louis Cardinals sold their Houston farm club of the Texa.r League un a condi- tional bn 1;; to :'.\Iarh· ~lar- ion, former Card manager and short<:top, and lllton FbcJ1munr1, a t. Louis bus- inessman. The deal will not be cor,umated unle : .. p10- Amencan Association and Ametlcan Assoc1aton and Texas League materialize· a• the major mi'1or lcag 1e meeting. next week in Wash- ington, D. C... Joe chultz, former major league catch- er, was named to manage Omaha of the American A.. sociation next year... Roy Camp;melln, injured former Dodger c a t c h e r. pends Thanksgiving at home to- day, "It great to be alive," he said yesterday. J~ B car. not exp ct it to be a than 20 pomts on Arroyo High J the Gr o to f h was to Arcadia, 13-7, and Di!- • t e "aid the Knight,; "blew place of Stan Renning, con. ing call at fullback instead of ohn Kelley, mg contest. o e coac h school teacher and defend Sierra League tri-champions Ion today ~aid he'll con !dc-r it "a that one." moral victory" _if the Knights going to be pretty much of Skyline Conference; J e r r y J k' Tackle Larry Boyer of in place of Henry Greminger o~t e collide at 8 tion, can't match San Diego's Annandale, Va., summed up and Joe Pepe gets the start. e J o'clock here I<"'rlday m an open- offensive ·tatistics. But their the Middie attitude toward ---- --- --- n ing-round game in the South- defensive record is impressive. all the t11lk about the offen- Knights Get Fourth The Sierra Leaguer!-, w h O operate from a plit-T forma- can hold San Diego to 60. The teams "I personally think it's sidered one of the best in the Tom Sorenson champion. · a defensive battle," he said. Connors will be at right half w·t~ndins Mha1 been pleased Kelly, a former B o st on ana_nS' w O r k- Marathon winner, t! nd _h?es his club can the local event :for tM to c:ap Phil ~riffin, who is the third time of 23 minutes d passer m the Skyline Confer. seconds. He is the faV ence, will be at quarterback ----- the Grizzlies. His T S h I C for e wm ess drought. time last season in t e Arroyo ha shut out three of sive Army dynamite exem- its la t five opponents with its plified by halfbacks Pete ern California Interscholastic Federation playoffs. In Metro Standings . . exas C 00 ". an Diego has too much of big, veteran line, a unit which Dawkins and Bob Anderson. for us," Arroyo averages 191 poundi;:-11 more "They go down if you hit everything The decision of_ Metropoli- favorite target is end J Oh n tan Conference officials to de- Lands, considered one Dillon considers end Sammy ------------lclare laS t Saturday's Long top conference receiverso e or said. than the Caver line. 'em,'' he declared. f th F H · f'ty OSpltO 1 . Dillon Forre t coach h (180) and tackle Ron COP G 'd C "From the reports \Ve have re- GULFPORT, Mi_ss The Hospitality · Griffin a solid El Camino football Beach - one of the best Sainz ceived, it i fl d.d G I O 00C teams to come from the San Smedley (200) his finest for- wards. Facing of! against the E The Caver· have swept nine Cavers also will be tackle SCOn Diego area in years." game "no co!1~est" means a has com' leted 32 200-pou nd er, (/fl - t f21 d of 103 pass. day selected Whartr touchdown ;:r s a nd one Junior College. ". n in completion~ ;s a ~ecord of 51 Texas represen:e h chamg;~ · four th P_lace f1rush for San Di- es for UeS ego Jumor College. The Long Beach-EI Cami- other hand. h apman, on the Conference ESCONDIDO-Jack M Jeff head coach at College 0 guard Mike citic will s eak at the center (205), guard Don straight games, rolling up 385 Andy Haa points to their opponents' 18. Preston ['f:S• no ~-me was called of:f (210), attempts fourth annua! ga eet or bee ird q~arter with th e and 71 a- ih:e. (200), beaten Kreb ha · been Arroyo Wharton wil~:1ege nd Jim Club' here three times. It lost its opening Smalley (175) and game to Pasadena. 20-2, and White (180). 8 whenEits ~!kings leadmg, 16-6, when a Monl yar~s. eavy fog reduced visibility ter on- t? _about 20 feet. The final of- . na e . etween t a:a is expected to al- River Junior rville, '.he T and cats of popla " KO o Escondido Rot~ry Club h e ors the Escondid i of the game. !· ~::;;&~~; d in cone ch EUROPEAN CHAMP SEEKS TITLE BOUT • ::~:~lyteam an~~;:hsg~~ tc~~~c!t~~-~f:egJ~~ ~ 0 ~ 0::~ si~~f~:;~!1trmt~~on;,ioneers ;:~: 0 fir~e s';~~!!rsi/ 1 ~:!ngM~ter! Beach (4-2) and·~n ~i;g~ ~;day if Joe Gray, is :n:~f~ ~:aari ~iver , ::e.' 4 i~~ Angeles Valley (3-4), El hai~aybe~~a~;~d~o~h~a~:!~ :t;s(~!fp~t rJunior -------=--·----- Cammo (2-4), East Los An- men on pass defense. Confe!ence::-::& · by Bakerfield (61) L may be bothered in th ~:~=~~!~s~;eetwater for ( am p J h P d Ver re ICts 0 anss On l J M I LINEUPS geles (1-6) and Los Angeles M Harbor (0-7) complete the fi. Lg~~n1195) standing six feet and one- half inch, knocked out Ma- chen !n the first round. It \~as his 21st straight profes- 26 Ul'I - agreed upon, ·Ingemar will come over and sign for the .i. 'o process servers had ap- peared at the D'Amato quar- rumors that the real reason the Swedes remained in hid• ing was to evade process servers in connection with suits threatened by the man- agers of heavyweight con- tenders Eddie Machen of Redding, and Pat McMurtry of Tacoma, Wash. signed an agreement guar- I anteeing Machen a return at Goteborg, Sept. 14. Johans- son, weighing 198¼ an d ters when the conference ere ha been d b d ded Th a eq . NEW YORK, Nov. 26 1 "somewhere in the United eets For Yale ris, t:i 1 lm, USO 'frgJ~~~ g~g\ Miili~!~•~ gm oomon r 17 o, teres pss; Steut~ik gm 121s, Ch Yoa st tates" next summer. Sweden's Ingemar (UPI) - r~~b~r NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. nal st a nd ings. Ahlqvist said, "I know of match." no barrier that will prevent the probably Johansson, Coach Bob Kiphuth's Half?ack Cleveland Jones of ~o~~r~no~W) C s10nal victory and 14th last Yale swimming team will San J?iego lost out in his bid 2'r•~or c210, Al q vi st explained to- day: "On the day before the day by the Yale Athletic As: ence players when Lloyd Win- Pe~I~ msi . FB w',l:,'h1 iJi5, st on of Santa Monica took 18 eoc1<1W'cf 0 ge.r~e~' 0 :;:f 0 ~f~;,~sge206i.:iso season, 1t was announced to ans 1P among confer- Connors me, knockout compete in 13 dual meets thi's to clrum the individual scoring Gr~fhn°mo1 §~ k~ · · champ1' h' Johnson !170) most confident heavyweight since John L. Sullivan, de- press conference today, "no man can take my punch.., The big, dark-haired, pug- nosed champion of Europe stated definitely, "I'll knock out Floyd Patterson i.f he de- fends his title against me." 1 d t h . f' t A · c are a 1s !I'S mencan making the match, now that · f h f' th negotia- Irst p ase o e tions has been completed." They met the pres today fight, Flaherty threatened to sociation. pull Machen out of the bout 169 . 1over the lead with 74 po1·nts 5 • ob- oneporienmts. ~h1le Winston has ast w k J ~e · oi:ies finished with The Elis have won office- • j a mm e d the in Two P TEt~~~6~N.fo0: 1 cE CLAss~~'r? 11 ~os TO , f C unless I signed the return- sf:aight dual meets under 72 bout agreement. we were K1phuth, who recently already sold out for 54,500 served his 68th birthday and C . tickets at about $300,000. So will retire from his post in C 0 rsair~ travel to meet Mesa us D Amato, apartment o ammg game as theli-iiiiiiiiiiiii_,_;;,:,::iiiiiiiiiiiiii_,,__ .,I FISHING IS FUN Patterson's manager, who took the blame for keeping the two Swedes hidden since Alqvist said, "the n e x t step in the negotiations v.ill here in January and make an appearance before t h e Thursday. 0 o., m ff & M their final regula; I signed. But I made clear June. to Flaherty that I wasn't season contest today. SAFE BRAKES 20% DISCOUNT Metal to ? wl th 1895 Machen's manager, Sid Johansson's manager be. cause our contract had ex- Unbeaten Ingemar and his advisor, Edwin Ahlqvist than set March 1 as a tenta- tive deadline for the comple- tion of negotiations for a Washington St at e Boxing I million-dollar Pa t t er son- Commission, if necessary. Johansson world title fight And later, if all terms are First Gani• 7 p.m. SJ:~al Reline Price rand Materials Wheel Aif':-:f!~ !::k~ fatet, Belts. BOTTOM FISHING l~ave 8 a.m. $575 Return 4:30 p.m. be for me to come back Flaherty, c I a i ms Alqvist ·., .Hlfll Res~"' ntoat Cars pired, and I was only the promoter and his advisor the agreement under duress. It won't hold wattr in court., C Chll~~:~ 7 0 •;3 00 l~ Ladles' 1 LES EAomp efe Repair Service and • 1~~°:~Ups BE 9.9011 ,, 1lj FRONTO~fUu PALAC IO bout if he Jost to Johansson Also that he was obtaining RL ALIGNMENT & REPAIR Open Party and Charter Trips H & M SPORTFISHERS oot of Fenelon It., Point Lom AC 2-1144 AT 2 3075 Adams -0021 ·
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