News Scrapbook 1958-1961

Fnd11y Octcber 2, ,195e Bobcats Attack Pioneers Sat.Stadium8:pm USO Pioneers lame N; Me~co western Co11ege Mustangs In 13-IO Thriller f bl 12 b t a Pioneer penalty put the .Jerry Dougllerty yard each, but a Pioneer u_m c · ' . u on the USO 22. A 11erlcs 1'hNI gh an unavoidable error was recovered by the Mus~an(l'. ;"1u 5 lan~n charges were slowed in 'tl\l! Pauma USD ~ev1ew, Joe "Biff" Elson and "Nailer Bor• 'tJ ~~ 5 \o ';.ard line, from w~ich Gray and Avalon Wright - both que pinned the Mustang on. a yard point the Mustang- kicked a !1eld star tt'bl;Jers tor U~D were not push. Borque stopped _a w.i.Jd ru~ oal to raise their score to 10-0. mentioned. Proper 1dent1flcatlon on th~ Pioneer 45 yd. lme. Hook g Th<: Mustangs kil'koff was re• has been established. Coggms held a two yard gain. ;urned by Wright to his 35 from our ass~late 8111 Reed, who Magenot and Garofono stopped tt,e 20. USO penalized to the 30. spots, Judges comments and crii· the Mustang on the 40. A Mus- Keyes slipped through left Guard icizes, pointed out that Merle tang pass completed to the _27. tor lO ard~. Wright ramble for five, then Chap• number (85} that his son D1~k Wright, Borquc and l~~yes. hel(! man handPd off to Tank Gause- wore at USC, also an end. Bill on the Pioneer 15, and Sp, mtcr i>ohl who shook otf tacklers as has seen more football than the Yoast dropped ~.h<' Mu~t~,ng on h r'umbl<>d for the first Pioneer average league plays. the 8. Although Grappler Gard• 1o1,1ch clown and six points. Try The Pioneer-New Mexico West• ner and "Iron,ldcs" Novack lwld tor exlra point fail1.>d. ern contest ,opened with the na- for no gain, and, Yoast held on The Mus1angs returned the Pl- tional anthem, all attending fac· the two yard stripe, th Mustang on<'<>r kick from th£> goal to Yoast ing the flag pole no flag. kicked loose for a touchdown and 011 the 15. The Mustang penalized The Mustangs kicked off lo the extra point, 7-0. to the one yard line for clipping. Pioneer 5 yard line. "Tank'' Gates thrilled the fans with a Magcnot, Garofano and Franklin Gausepohl retu_rned the ball to 43 d slipping through the ~topped a center imrge on the 8. his 11 yard line. Quarterback yar run, · N M le Yoast nabbed a fleeting Mustang "Flip" Chapman h~nded-o!! to ~u st ana 11 fi~~ 10 .. hri;ced?.w W~lke~ rm the 13. Franklin trapped his "Crash" Keyes carrying to the 17. h:> ·tl1 Chapman's pass to the man on the 17. Stonewal and the Pion<'ers penalized back to their us e · Ch Ram held at centrr. then Yoast 12. Chapman's pass comple_tcd to 41 , a\ th f { 1r st iiu~~3\i~~ed o~Ft: thrt>w the Mustang for a 17 yard "Clipper" Gilmore, who sailed to man os yar . ii loss to the goal line forcrnG" tlw the Pioneer 47 yard line. 'J'hc f~de ~n-~he 2eJbydt;;ci:i;r Kc?i~ M~•;tang to kick, r<'turnes crashed through to the 18 around end for 17 lo the Mustang 1C, us C 1 . G , vartl line. Rambler Wright zig• 35 yd. line. "Rip" Wright plcl,cd by J r~t°klln ~n~lh<> ~rJen!i 1;~':; 1 ,a~!'mme .~ ·or t and Gates slipped thro1,1gh lost threP. Chapman's pass was and st ~pped a con;p 1c 1cd r.ass 011 • 0 the 8. 'J'ank Gausepohl caught intercepted by the Mustang and t_re Piocretr t;· ,fii~~ Chapman's pitch-out on the run returned to their 41 yard line. ~aau~/;;': a t~ml~~ ' recovered b charging through the Mur.tang Chapman stopped the .M1;~t:1ng K cs on SD 40 . Mustang pcm.LI- herd for :i. t<>uchd".wn. The klc~ at center- no gain. "Trapper" izea 5 Gilmore broke thro1,1gh fnr extra pO!nt was good. Score. Franklin, Chapman and "Ram" left la~kle to the 49. Gauscpohl Pion!'ers 13, Mustangs 10. .Magenot held the Mustan?. ~ta~; plowed to the 41. Keyes recovered In the- of the game pede at center no gain. Tiger a Pioneer tumble. Chapman flip- the 'Mu mauled by Verrecchia, "Stonewall" Garofono ped a pass to Walker, who raced "Moose" =l tumble r,. and "Crash" Keyes smothered a to_ the Mustang 28. Gilmore clip- covr•rcd bY ' t, another r ,.1 left end sweep aner a three Y:lrd ped off a yard, Gausepohl two t•ovc>rr>d by der" Kish. T gain, forcing the Mustang to ktck. and Gates 1hree at the end o1 the Piorll'<>rs w in possessio., , Gausepohl. caught the b!l,11 on the half. the ball at the end of the game. \ 15 returmng to. the P1on~r 24. 'fh Pl • . klC'ked outside Saturday evening In the Stadi- After a yard gam a ncl a series of e oncers d Pi ·11 b ff ·u l · "T k" G •nd tl1e Must·•n"'S took over on um the rugge oneers w1 e 1 o s1 e pena ties an ausc• · " h 11 d b ih 'Id "B b t ·" ohl thundered for four and the their 40 yard line. Walker held c a cnge Y e wi O ca s \ tustang penalized five. "Crash" on the 50. Garofano, Yoast and o~ Montana Stat~. College, who Keyes barreled to the 46 , then Franklin stopped a yard charge. have an impress1v 0 e ~ecord ?fl Clipper and Crash picked up a Gausepohl played Horatio at the games won. 8 p.m. on t miss 1t.



EVENING TRIBUNE I ~AK Dl&GO, CA~1FORK!~ b I 3 rthur&, 0oL :l, l9iJO • PIGSKIN MENU Tonight Prep le Jollo v1. San 01estO crt lolboo (1:30), Friday Prep t loma V\ unc.oln at BolbOO (8). k~riw vs MlsSion BaY afLa Jolla (81, SI. Au;usilne \IS. Crawford ot Hoover 0 4oover Cft Helhc (I). ~:os~!g~~l :t Oti°,t38rnard1no ot AIiee 10 [ 1 1 c~,~" at FQl'ltono. Et Centro at Chula Viste. sweetwoiiet ot Clorernon1. E:.=~do 0 e::~,~~~ .rt Octonslde Cll.:a,una soacn at coronodo (7:30), Fal1brook: ot Rt1mono (I)• Mor Vl1ta ot BeaumOl,'lt tll. son 01evu1to at Co!el(1co (8>. Palm Sprin;s of V11-to ll). Mountain EmPlre al San Miguel, College Ion Diego State o1 Lontl iieac.h (I). son 01KIO JC at Pasadena 8). Nort~ coro11na ot use (1:1 l. Saturday Pr p Bloc.k-Fo,;• at Army-Novt.

Gridiron Select· ns



SAN DIEGO, CALlflOltNI• :I' Thurs., Oct. 2, 195.8 b-6 EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line Oc;tober 808 ~~8k HARRY GEORGE EARL MEL BOB GENE H ANGUS HACHE HERRICK KELLER ZIKES ORTMAN GREGSTON CONSl!NSUS s.o. stote ... s .o. State S.D. Stott s.o. s101e S.D. S1ote S.Dti/11• Long Beach St. S.0, Stale S.O. State S.O. State Loni Bi!OCh St. bv 12 by l - by 6 by 6 by 7 bY 12 by 13 by 6 N, Carolina vs. USC USC use USC USC N. Caralfno use N. Carolina use use bv 13 bv 7 by I by 7 by 14 by 8 by 3 by 3 by 4 Montono St. Montana St. vc;_ Montana St. Montono St. Montono St. Montono: St. Montono St. Montono St. Montono St. Montono St. USD by 6 bY 12 by 6 by 8 by 10 by 19 bY 9 by 7 by 10 Novy No'vV vs. Navv i~vl Novy Navy Novv Navy Novy Novy Bos1on u. -· by 13 by 19 by 13 by 20 bv 30 by 20 bv 20 by l8 Penn Stat• vs. Army Armv Army A.;yrnr 1>'?{ Penn Stott t~"lr Armv '1,~m{ Army bY 13 by l by 6 by 5 by 10 Rut9er1 Ruhiler5 v,. Ru1ger1 Ruhier, Colsot• Rutgers Ftutgon Rutgers Rutgers Rutger& Colgate bv 7 by 13 bv 15 by 14 by 13 by 22 by 2 by 18 by 10 Stanford Northw~s1ern vs. Stanford Northwe-ste-rr, NOl"tt,western Northwest,rn Northwestern Northwestern Northwestern Northwest•rn Northwestern by 7 by I by 7 by l~ by 1.._ by 16 by 25 by 6 by 11 Michigan Mich. St. 'Mich, St. v::.. Mich, St, Mich. St. Mich, St, Mich. St. Mich. St. Mich. St. Mich. St. Mfc;h. State by 13 by 12 by 6 by 12 • by 7 by 8 by 19 bv 12 by 11 Washing1on . vs. Ohio State Ohlo Stott Ohlo Stott Ohio State Ohio State Ohio State Ohio Stote Ohio Stt':lt• Ohio State Ohio Slate by 19 by 18 by 12 by 19 by 21 by 10 by 15 by 13 by 16 NOfre Dam• Notre Dame y"· SMU Notre Dome Notre Dame Notre Dame SMU No1ra Dame Nofre Dame Notre Dome SMU b, IO bv 6 by I by 6 bY 7 by 1 by 4 by 5 by 3 or~gon Okl6h0ma Oklahoma Oklcihoma Oklahoma vs. Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma OktOhDma Oklohomo bv 13 bY 8 by 18 ___.fil'._25__ by 20 by J.( by 8 bv 20 by 16 Min. State M~_f'., • Tenne-ssff Miu. st. vs. Miss. St. Miss. st. TennessN Ml$$. St. Miss. St, MliS. St. Tennesse1 by 12 by 6 by 10 by 18 bv 4 by 2 by I by 3 UCLA ~-, UCLA Oregon SI, VS. 0.••'1'1 St. UCLA Oregon St. Oregon st. Ore;on St. Oregon St. Oregon St, br 7 by 6----=- by 6 by 3 bv 3 by 3 by 6 by I Wash, St, -iw:!';; Callfornla vs. Wash. St. Wo$h St. Was.h. Sf. Wash. St. Callfornlo W0Jp"75t, Wash. St. California by l by 12 by 7 by 2& by 1' bv 6 by 9 Texas Tech ' . vs. tn,. TIXO! Tut11 'fech Texa1 Te,cos Te:,,:os TekOI Te>c01 Texas Texos by 20 by 1 by 14 --~ by 9 by l by 11 by 9 Ohio S1ote NO'vV --NO;y- ~ohonio" OklohOma Nor1hwestern Navy Ohio State Novy t t Pigskin To To To 10 to to lo to to Parlay Texas Mich, St. Army Ohio SL Wash. St. Oklohomo Northwestern Oklahoma Ohio St. I . 12-3 ).j Last Week 'lol . 11-~ 1H 12-3 11., ,,., 10·5 1,•• 1~t_€1e. .7l3 .733 .BOO .733 .7JJ .61,7 .733 .600 r-' Season 1_:;1: '!~t 17•10 17•10 17-10 15·12 18-9 ~- ·- .630 .630 630 .556 .667

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