News Scrapbook 1958-1961


lal8 © Sat., Dec. IO, 1900 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA

THE SAN DIEGO UNION I Ea.+~-l~12vr Mexico Western Foe Tonight

Westerners Extend Mastery Over USD Cal eontlnue,l i\, t nded thr•r sr bnskl'thall ry over Uni• to 4-1, now have v!'r ,ty or~ Ol iw last night the Pioneers with a 77.

San Dlege l'"'-,,endent, Sunday, Dec. Jl, 1960/, . • achMaps al Talks venlty of foot· I baH oach Mike ~. one ot the outatandlllr,,~lnner speakers In the nation, returns lo the chicken gravy clrcuit j

son. mm gained som tl\at.. its Russ Cr Fleming scoring honors. Cra\ en gar- nered 19 pointq, one morel than his teammate. Four Westerners hit in double figures, with Barry Cunningham's 16 showing th.e way. He was supported by Art Johnson, 15; Jiro Taka- hnshl. filling in for injured guard Frank Fugate, 12, and ·orris Greenwood, 12 \\'ill\ th<' sc·orc tied at 23,23, Cal Wrstcrn WPnt on a 12- poi nt spree which gaYc it a 35.:,i_; a ntage at th" hair. 'fhl' W erncrs (]Uickly ex. tend<'d heir margin after the interm ion, Cal 1l'i es tern also won the junior arsity prellminar), 76-68, as A s h l e y Joemdt ·cored 31 i,olnts. Jan Chap- man had 23 for th<' PioneC'r jayver.. ~um i:u-y · Cal We>ltrn (17) - ,tit) GF G .. PT ~?,~~~.!:' 113 J' ! 11 John,on 633 7•318 Trtostcr" , 0 2 ~, -' 6 Greenwood 5 2 1 12 Boron O O 0 Holl l 0 l 'lMotlsen 1 2 2 4 Dean 051 5Robbns 25 .. 9 ~::~n1er i i l i~r1:lcai \ \ i 8 ¥~~sn 2; u 6 ,~ J Ta1als :n n 11 61 Halftime $Core Cal western 35.- USO :ZS. e In and ured Jim

with two speaklng engage•) ment., in as many daya starling lht,,_ afternoon. Pecarovlch will headline ll1e St, A 11gusline Awar<1~ Bo.nquct l :30 p.m. today and tomor- row "Venlng Jom·neys lo El Ca- I 1011 J-iigh for th" El Capitan .~HI[ Spo1-ls Banquet aL 6:30 p.m. 1'he afnla' dinner will he ' held Rt Blessed Sacrament Par- ish Ha.II, 156th and El Cajon Blvd. Receiving awards at the Va- qtleros· dinner will be Mike Hill most valuable player; Pat Wal'. lace, top llneman; and Leon Herzog, outstanding back.

EAST RM N,M F• ton \""'I Fltrrell 4-3 Sk r.:l!' lh 6-S °"fi'~ t:fi

Son Diego Union f'llo1o bv Roy Jarvi, convergP on play with Mike O'Connor (21) and Chet Lrwis (12) in background. Cal Western won 77- 61 to pin fif1h straight loss on USD. ('.{1)

Joe Treaster coml's down with rebound in fin;t half action again t U::iD last night. Pioneer Ru. s C.ra, ens (11) and Jim Fleming


t~~~!!'t:u!~~fUNbE3 1J Saturday, Hee.17, 1!160 • --- Marines Cop Another; USO Bows Having stretched their win treak to 10 with a 92-65 vic- tory over Astronautics I a s t night at Point Loma H i g h., Marine Corps Recruit Depot's cagers \\ill try to make it ll n a row Monday nigh.t when they encounter Eastern ·ew .Mexico lJniw,rsity on the same court. Eastern . • e w M e x i c o drubbed University ol San Di- ego, 90-72, la t night in a game delai,ed one hour at Kearny High because officials failed to how up. Tony Ferrell led the Hounds with. 32 points, topping t h e Pioneers' Russ Cravens by two. Summaries: Astronautic¢ T MCR.D «tt>G F p T Coln 3 2 5 I Gibb: 8 0 J 16 Dobyns I O \ '2Klholm 2 3 2 7 Pinkft'ls 1 2 2 , Woten o s , 17 Winters O o 2 o Adams I 2 1 , Gilbert 3 3 , 9 N ilfer 3 l 3 7 Cottee l 7 1 11 Dillard 1 O 1 2 C>Qherfv , 4 1 JI§ Bratton 3 l 4 , Honn0t1 .& 1 l 9 Postrelt 8 5 l 21 Rom~u 3 0 0 6 Corrigan , l 1 9 Totals ll lt 17 !5 Totals 3' 'JO 20 '2 H0lflime- $(.0re-----MCRO .so, Astn:, 24. 'E, New MtXICO (90) USO (72) GFPT ,! l I J~ e~~t~ 1 Feltoo 1 CJ I 2 Madsen t~:,eoson l g Car'\non 6 5 , 17 O'Connor Sherrard 2 7 2 11 B<1ron McP'son 3 6 , 12 G F PT ll I .c 30 i 1 3 1i 4 3 , 11 AO 3 8 1 0 2 2 3 2 I 8 :ia 1' 12 72 Haut1mt Store -Ec~rern New Mtxico LI. USO JO. so~1,:., o • 1 .a Totals 30 lO 11 90 Totals


Cal Western Outscores SD, 77-61 For 4th Win By JO!Di':SY :\l<·DO. 'ALD picking up L5 and Norr Is 16 with Johnson t 1e University 'lf San Diego, Wood uncorked se\C'l al good Th<• Pio1wcers took a double T-61, at Kc·arl'y High gym- jump shots from about 10 ft>c-t lo•s for thl' l'V<'ning whrn Ash- nasium to the l<'ft of the buckPt. l<'y Jo,•rndt scored 31 points This m a r Ke d the third Unable to gem•ratl' much of to IC'ad the Cal Western ay. straight time the Westerners an attack, the Pio11P<'rs had \'l'<'S to a 75-68 trirumph over l'ave mastered the,: to settle for longer hots and the USD junior varsity. Jan 'turnir..g the trick twice last an occasional erambhng Chapman was high point man ~eason. This ga, Cal West- shot. Russ Crav •ns and Jim for the Plonrer rJVs with 23, l'r>l its fourth triumph In five Flemings were the big guns Cal we,tem 177J USD <611 G F P T starts in the current cam- with 19 and IR pomts, respec- Tokohashl G5 2 ,1coouto 2 1 , s :palgn. It was USD', fifth lively. J~~~::,Onm ! Jmg;;,~~ 3\: :straigh.t loss. Th~ Pioneers opPned with a b~f~':o0e1 1 irn~~~~llOf 5 t i USD kept In the chase for dehb,,ratf' attack. hoping to Hon 1 o 1 2Modsen 1 , 2 , 15 minutes of the fir t half make an opening and takf> P~~s t l ~oh~',~~1 J 8 t i but th<" W<'sterners finally advantage of mistak,.s. With ! g~~:'.',~~•r f 2 j gr,u, o oo o broke through to lPa\ e at in- each dub plaring cautiously To1a1, 21 23 11 77 Total• 21 ,, 21 61 te mLssion 1,1,ith a 35-25 ad- the point sprPad was no ' 2t 01111 m• •

b •

The scoring was well ti~;.•er it had bPen evened at 23-a!l tr1buted among the we~tern.ltwo to gain a 35-25 halftime

f I

SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 1· Tue~.• Dec. 13, 1960

,crs with Barr:, Cunningham edg,., canning 16. Art Johnson Th


ailors Take On Redhot Marines I :-:ia,·a.i,•rra.mng Cc~~cr cag- e1 s. face ,, tough a$s1gnme11t (rtct with a 3-0 , toni;;ht. Thej 'JI be called 011 . . to cool off r<'dhol Marine Marmes will meet the Blue- 1 Co1·ps Tit>cruit Depo', wliicll ial'kt•,n at S at Point Loma 1 has captured all of its eight High. starts, In another game tonight th,• 11th Naval Dis- ·J· th mal '• e

EVIHING TRIBUNE <:A~l~ORNIA b 11 •. 10, Hl60 •

I/ •

Looking up Costly, Vern Valdez Finds Vern I kept taking my eyes oI1 m Vaid z ltarncd In his rookie receiver to look for the rwi. • a on that looking up can Green Bay is such a runping hurt a profe ional football team I kept expecting the \ la Marini' Corvs Re against opponents ground at- < ult D pot and Unhcr Jty or tacks, His performance Satur. 1 n Di i:o tlla"no NI that a day drew a scorn!ul comment ( mnjor lroubJ after the from coach Bob Waterfield • 1 ""n Bay Packer ha d and \'aldez l'xcu ably Is won- :rnbcd him Into a state o! derlng i! his Juture js behind 11 hock the 1960 finale hlni with the Rams. rda). "I d • k v on t ·now about next vi akl was thl' pllnclpal year," he commented, "At b rn of a touchdown aerlal lea t I have a hPad start .. ~rfag lrom the Packe1·s. Valdez thought the chl~f dl!- tnkl' h}~ l a game of mis, fercnce between college-serv- \'a ,; .. dd th· di couraged Ice an~ pro football trom his • 1 o1nd l made a Jut of defon. lVe viewpoint was l receivers. n IHclol It • VINING TRl • UN • •cELE, 1 h I..O t cm. I looked up too much. S run " d fend r a much as It can .' a golfr r \ aldez has had di!iicult Th R , de!cnding against the pass, am der n.,.\e hall- but has bi'en quite effective ba, k

THE SAN DIEGO UNION Gs (i) Sun., Dec. 11, 1960 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Pioneers Humble Biolo, 102-61 ·niversilr o! San D ! e g o econd half to score an 102-61 ,ictory over Biola ol Los Angeles on the )llission Bay High School floor last night. The Pi'¥]eers trailed, 31-30, at halftime. All fo·e starters hit the double figures for the winners with Jim Fleming getting 28 points, Tony Ca- , puto 23 and Russ CraYens 21. It was tJ''D's ~econd Yictory against five defeats while Bi- ola lo,t its Jourt'.1 without vic- tory. USO (102) l Caou!o BIOL>. 1'11 GF?T GFPT 9 5 J 23 Whil"ng 5 3 , 13 <'II me to life rn the Saints Gridders To Be Honored 1'1ike Pecarovichl CnlYer- s,ty of San Diego football coach, will be the principal sp!'aker at the annual foot- ball awards banquet for St. Augustine High at 4:30 p.m. today in the Blessed Sacra- ment parbh hall. Team trophies and All- Eastern League citation will be presented to squad mem- bers. The dinner is sponsored hv the St. Augustine Fathers , c·lub. -~--=--~-, Cravens Fl~mlng Boron Modse!'l Pod'ski Rocbins 3 3 l 21 Sa tzen 11 6 J 28 Hiltz t , I ~g~7euer l POPPffl 1 2 2 " Kronber9 WIiiiams. 1 0 1 I O 1 2 8 5 l 21 t 1 r O O 1 0 o o 1 o Io 1 2 o o 2 o R~mua,~en Total5 l4 13 1S 61 Holfrime score-S.iolo '31: USO JO.__ 43 1, U 10! Totals


University of San Diego op'. poses Whittier College's big ti>am at h.Parny High at 8. Ru~s Cravens leads USO in scot·ing w;th 110 points, eight mor<' than Jim Fleming. l' SD is on<' of the> 1.hree quintets I.::astPL'n New :Mexico l'ni1 c•rsity will encounter on an Invasion of this arPa this wc,'k. 'l'l1i> Pioneers will take on th<' Gr<'yhouncls at Kearny High Fnday night at 8. Eastern New Mexico, a young, green squad, also has dates h,•re with Cal Western a11d .VICRD. The Westerners oppose the Hounds Thursday n1gl1t a, S at Palomar Junior College. After the. USO tilt. th,, im•aders will enjoy two days oi relaxation befo,'e tan- gling with ',fCRD Munday night 111 Point Lorna High. Hoh Kloppenbm·g, Cal West• <'rn coach, do,•sn't believe acl- va11n• inlol'm11tion on t ll c Hbunds. "TIH'Y say tl1e Hounds are 1 gre,-.n and Jack big men," he ;airl, "but l understand theyj 1 a\ crage 6-4, a1·e good shoot- 1 crs and are fast " As for the We.~terners' ;,.11 record, with three straight, wins, Kloµpenburg is r e a 1 p I e ,L :; ,. d, pointing out his · l'h«rgcs I.ave in,proved vdth 1 ,•ach game. The Weste1·ncrs' J ! junior rnrsity is :1-0 and will , try for Nu ,1 against Eastern: :\'t~w :vtr,xko. l'ro\ ;cted they g,:,t J1 a s 1 , N re. the Marines will shout for the r lllth straight l'rid,1, night agai11st A~lronautics at' Poin Loma. 'The same night 1 Cal W('6tern meets Pomona • lhet.'e, 1

Wed.. Dec. He, 1960 Dt-ops Cage Thriller Whittier College·s ·econd-half rail,· nipped c · ·1 of San Die 88 8? · • mvers1 y I < • go, · -, 111 a nonconference basketball game ast mgh_t a1 Kearny High, The. P1~neers, con::~1g up with one of their finest, games, 1 olll'd to a J.>-16 halftime lead on some fine


s\moting by Rus · Cravens, Jnn Fleming and Russ I\ladsen. USD connected on 21 of 32 shots in the first halL l:nfortunate!y fo1· •oach, Ken Leslie's San Diegans 1heir shotmaking cooled off ju~l a the Poets found th<' rar. e. Gua1d Paul C'ollier J,-.d \\'h1t11er ~C'oring witlt 16 ·c:..,~-oamP all e\'en at 82-82 more 1han a min- me to go. Cravc>ns Jed sco1·in"' \\"ii h 2i point~. four more tha~ Flc•ming. sumrnary:

'"!' tf'y're faster and smart er. They have more lndivid:.. ual ability •• said y ld "Tl • a cz. iey run patt,•rns then if that does-,'t work they do 11 llttlc extra on their own " Valdez will be In 5an' Plego th! week looking for oft. a•on job. And he's keeping hi , fingers crossed Jn hopes le 11 be employed In football gain next fall .•• G,G,

Maranes Test ENM Tonight Itecrult De-

GFPT " 2 1 10 < 2 3 10 9 9 5 27 HF: I> 1 0 3 0 0 I 0

~co,-,.s 27 point~

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