News Scrapbook 1958-1961
s Bead lar' Rosier
E N. Five Vis, USOTonight Unlvl'rsity of S~n Di<'A'O's off-again, on-age.In ha tlmll (<'am m<'P.t East<'rn NPw M<'xieo UnivPrslty tonight at K<'arny H!(h, starting ·at 8 o'Plock. The gnm<' ls the! St>COnd of t liree In this arc-a for the Greyhounds, who rnet Cal Western last ntght and face Marhll' Corps Rl'crult Depot her<' Monday night. East,..rn N<'w Mexlco has four returning lett<'rmen In cent<'r Don Skipworth (6-5), Orvic• Nix (6-3), Jay Gurley (6-:l) and Ben Ft>lton (6-4). They po5ed a 4-18 rl'cord last yl'ar, numbc-ring Cal W1•stern (72-48) among thC'lr vlctlms. USD's rPcord was 2-5. The P!onl'<'r '.Jast oul!ng was a 102-61 romp over B!ola Col- lc>g<', a game that saw ~SD trailing :IJ .30, al haltt1rne. Earller' )ast wcC'k, the Pio- ncc>rs Jost to MCRD, 64-58, and to Cal WcstPrn, 77-61. Soph forward Russ Cravens and senior guard Jim Fleming lead all USD scorers aft sPven gam<'_:;. Cravens has 11 points f9r a 15.7 average and ~'l<>ming J.02 points for a 14.f avcragP.
THE SAN DIEGO UNION 66 , \\'rd.. D.,,._ 7, 1000 $AN DIEGO, U LIPORNIA Depot five 'M ,6 -58, 1 ,~,~Q'·"·" I ~l~rme corps a,,,·ruit n,•poq seramhkd to <1 64-:;8 ba kr·l• ball ,·ictol·y o, r snaPJI) 1 1 n1- , r1·s1ty of Sa1. Di go last ni •ht a• Point Loma Hi It '\ 1 Thi, mark<'d lhe sixth ror srn1live tr umph lo, ' 1..._•allwrnc-ck hui fo1 ,1 , h • . appra1 ••d the n orng to st11ke a , tiring !IH• roolhal, 1 , alf. How,,,·,·r, ,,lwn guard Jim n ning l \\itt. 11 lpss than S<'\ • t1• lo pla). lht• pullrd their atta,·k lO r•l l.':,L ,u.. '-TO-;\l .• I· ach «'luh :pn•sscd ,, I tight man,to-mnn \'. 1 pa ,wnt i,rn,:y thl' d w quick to recoYCr Except for thr fin minu11>s arid .1 t\\Q 1 8 pan nPar the <'lld e>f tlw ha r. \1CR!1 "' mat 1 I > f_ ,. play, scrambl• •c·raml1Jc, nd ml s ,t a mrnt or m ~1•d a 1g 1n1< ltu~s Cra, ens, a ll o Pioneer fo1 ward ,, lu' , man for the night " t 1 l;, po,nts, rive• of tlH ,c eoming at the ire!' tlnow line. l!r• \\ali a ·si•t,•d h) guards Ed Baran and Fleming wl•h U and 12 points, respcctinl;s Tlw 1'1onr. r h• ld 1,1g' dear l!f,• h a 1 alf and hacl a :19.: , ilh 10 36 to go IT' the s
The University of San Diego baskc-tball «}Uad, in the throes ot a four-game losing streak, engages scrappy Cal Western University tonight at Kearny High gym. Tipof! is slated for 8 o'clock. r--- - Aft<'r winning their first Dan Hendrickson at the other contest over Phib-Tra-Pac, guard. The Poets Jost then:- opmer the_ Redlands. tournament and by only 70-69 to Cal Poly at a. 64-58 dec1s1on to_ tough ::i.1a- San Luls Obispo, walloped rme Corps Recruit D e p o t Biola, 116-47, and then took last Tuesday mght. _ Chapman by 10 points. Th.e Pwneer . Pr<'ss1!1g the Thry have usc>d the platoon l\Iannes_. actually Jed m that systc>m, The first-stl"ing of game with_ 10 mrnutPs to go. Bill Johnston (6-4 , Jim Mc. _Meanwh1le, the W stPrner· Laughlin 16,1), Hank Ash- will be forced to play without haugh !6-Rl, Bill Roberson the st•rv•eps or top scorer 16-01 arut Paul Colli~r (5,101 r:rank Fugate, a 5-7 junior. avera~e. about tht' same ugate has scored 46 points ht'ight as the A7.l<'c openers. m three contests. The Aztt>c freshmen n-1 l Jiro Takahashi, aLqo 5-7, will ,,·ill mPet the Poet Frosh in replace Fugate at one guardj the prelim. while 5-9 Barry Cunningham wiU lX' at t'1e other back- US9 dropped three games in
court spot. Art Johnson, a 6- 4 junior, is schedulerl for cen. ter ,,bile Joc- Trea ter (6·21 and :-orris (,r e11wood (6,ll will be at the !orwards. USO "ill be able t-0 tart a much t.aller club wlth Tony , Caputo {6-2J and Ru Crav- en (6-21 at forv.ards, Bill Schaml'\lel ( 6-6) at center, and Ed Baran (G-2) and Jim Fleming (5-11• at guards.
m. t\.l 6-0 6-0 6·1 0-11 SD a 10 USO 6-:l USO 5.10 ru l 11--0
%15 So. Houston, Tex. 1& Sr. Aan Antonio. TeL 108 Sr, !'l".Y. 210 Sr Ney. h;ill, Calif 215 0 Lemon Grt»·e Calif. 19~ Jr. Sacramento. Cnllt. 22 Jr. Great Falls, ont. 179 ...•r. Arka.nsa., City, Kans. 175 Jr. Hollyda!P, Calif. 1 7 Sr. San Diego 181 So San Diego Jr. Jamestown, NY.
l-<'0'-D Tl':\.\( Pat Bnrs• owu J Ilob .\llco IIIOJCJ
Pa • Le,-
Oeor1• Chtatham IC'WU1
Leroy Dot•on
8 arty Btsbop BDJC Joa L to ICY.II
(I C' B
•~l•on ICWll) Or&J 1118D>
Th<• Pione,•rs grahlJPd a 2 C. kad and then trai!Pd through- out thl' flr~t half, lca,lng thr floor at intermission with a 26-2-1 advanto.g,•. At on<' point, ::11CRD had a 25-16 bulge. . USD managed to v1ll with- In a single pomt, 48-47, on a }-'kming jump ~hot but t h c MarineF took command trom that point. USO ($1) G P T MCRI> IMIG F p T g ? : G bbl O 1 .t 13 cra>1ens 5 s 2 lSWot rs g 1; O'Connor 2 t 2 s A~om 2 1 2 5 F!emna "4~5l2O1I11ld 34j,10 Baran ' 5 1 13 i 111 1~ 4 1 2 9 Robb ns o 5 2 5 cJ~r-~t 2 3 1 1 Po!i1rell 5 0 0 10 corrloon 1 O1 2 Totals 18 2112 SI Tola Ir,. 271016 64 lialtllme acore: MCRD ::20, USO 24.
O•"Y llomb, ICWI/J ;i;;,n, Carson (8DJC1
B 8
'tlllKn n M 11kt lokDf!vtU. Arc:h11 Enr h (CW 0••111• !linHh l!DflC) tax Ortaoro IBOSC Wally Jooa IUBDJ John OHUarn IOWUI Bob !~M U3De:C) Paocho ~&Varro {C'\","C) Rlch M ·CJ1mdort tSDJC J LoHehnlc IUllOJ Run Bot-hn-111:e fS080) .,.. Oabaldo,a ISDSOJ i t,.ISOJ
PO~. ,: II! T T 0 0 0 B 8 B
Greyhounds Top' Pioneers, 90-72 Ea~trrn New l\1rxiro won its s~c·ond game or tl1t> scnson hisl / lllghl al the K<>arny IIiP,h gym pinning a 1:0.72 drfca( on (Ile Univc-rsity of !:;an Diego. Tht> Pio1w<>rs fell bel1 ind ~3- 30 at intermission and were llt'I er able to rut 1.he visitors m a r g In to lc>ss tha11 eight point~ in th<' scco111! J1aJf. Tony F c r r l I srored 32 points for lh<' Greyhounds shading the Pionccl's R u s s Crav£'s who had 30 for th c night. Both teams now have id<'ll· tical rc-cords, two ,\·lns and fi\r cldN1l~. E, New Mdleo ttO) vso tm
San Dieoo Un on Stoff Pho10 Barry Cunmngham, a 5-9 senior guard will start for Cal Western's ba ketball team tonight whrn the Westerners oppose university of San Diego.
d 8 1960 '-- ~~IC a I West-U SD Duel Slated I U . ersity of San Diego con- Cal \Vesiern _an?- ':1~. Fi~~ay night at 8 p.m.-this tinue then· at~letic uv~ / basketball court. time on the h.earny ~Jg 1 t on four occasions lasl The _two_ local ,skc 1tobo l~ ;~d twice in baseball. The t,nce m bas e a d both cage Westerners coppe . contests while losing the d1a• , mond matches to the Pioneers. San Diego Independent, Thurs ay, ec. D
,v ~~--29s Alf l'oulblt ._pair In Ito,,,. londtd-Gvorantetd-ln1urtd EXACT SHOP !STIMATI FIE! LOAN SET
GfPT 11 8 • 30 O 1 5 l 2 3 12 4 o 3 a t o 2 2: , '.3 11
GFPT 3 1 5 7 Cravens 13 6 I 32 CODUto .2 MOd:!en o , F lemlna O O 2 Robina 6 5 4 l7 O'Connor 1 ! 1 u 8CrQll o, , • 1 O l 2
SF worti-. 1 crrel Felten P.v t S1tnllso:i Connon 1~~rr;,~ ean,, Total~ tt'!'616,
3 2 1 8)
28 16 22 72
30 30 11
Score- Ea! ern New Mexlc~/ - J
Tomorrow's victor will take the edge in the series, and from •~ •. ·._·. all indications Coach Bob Klop- ,·. penburg's Westerner aggregate \:, should continue ,ts cage do- l! mination over its Alcala Park rivals. Two all-city selections_ will l ad their respectiv~ fives m the e . g match with 6-4' center\ eventn , Art Johnson of Cal _western hooked up in a scormg duel with the Pioneers' star guard Jim Fleming. Both were named to the Independent's All-College team last year. Other Westerner .starters in- clude guards Frank Fugate (5- B) and Barry Cunningham (5- 1 OJ and forwa1·ds Joe Treaster lS·Zl and Chet Lewis (6-0). Fu o-a te currently leads the Vv'est~rner~ in sc-odng with a 15.3 average in three games.
S A N D I E G O , C A L I F O R ,l I A WEDNESDAY , ltECEMB E R 7 , 196 ' USD Punter Sixth Best It, otion Pecarovich Speaks At Saints' Dinner i\Iike P<'caro,·ich, Universi- ty of San Diego coach, will speak at St. Augustine High's football awards dinner at 4 :30 p.m. Sunday in Bies ed Sac- rament Parish Hall.
THE SAN DIEGO UNIOt• l\fon. , Dec. 19, 1960 SAN DIEc;O, CALIFORN IA CD
_ 68
Jan Chapman o! the L"ni\·cr- sity of S:m Diego ranked as the si:·th best mall college punter in the nation this sea- son, stntistics r«:-leascd today by the • ·ational As~oclation o! Intercollegiate Athletics rc- ve~lcd. The Pioneer quarterback punted 53 times for '2.287 in p:1..> in:;. lfo ~oml.'1 led 83 of 16i' pa scs fol' 1,0 , a!!d nine otichdowns. I 1 three ea ons at t: ·o. he comp! d l of _ ·; passes nttc f o r :?.37J l al'ds and touch- C:owns. yards, an yn rds per punt. Chnpman ranked ""rd
.... D •so CAu,o~NIA Ion l t, I', Hlflll 1• • ecruit '5', SD Wallop Cage oes
Awards will go to the best players on oficnse and de- fense, the most • improved player, the outstanding iresh. man player and the . senior letterman with the highest academic record.
Marine Five Eye 11th Win In Row The San Diego Marines, USD, on;y
avcra.;e ot 43.2 :..----
the Bluejac_k ets
· b ket were active Saturday mght. · They outscored Snow College ball games and hurtlmg along of Utah, 81,73, as Henry Rapp at a 93-points-per-game pace, collected 25 points. engage Eastern New Mc'.'1co USD and WhittiPr College University tonight at P O I nt will tip off the Holiday event Loma, starting at 8 o'clock. in the Pointers gym Wednes- MCRD can solidify its role day at 2 :30 p .m. MCRD w ill of tavorile In the Holiday play San Fernando Sta te a t Tournament op<:ning h er e 4 p.m., NTC will go a gainst Wednesday in this game. The Cal Poly of Pomona a t 6 p .m . Greyhounds already ha _v e and Cal Western will oppose met two tournament cntnes, Westmont of Sant a Barbara losing to Cal Wes~crn,, 58-45, at 8 p.m. \ and defeating University of San Diego, 90-72. . winners of 10 straigh_t as
WESTERNER standout Art Johnson is expected to lead Cal Western cage rs in their intro •city batle with the University of San Diego to· morr ow. Johnson, a 6-4 ce nter, was an all-city pick last season.
The t riumph OVPr the Pl~• ncers was only the New Mexi- cans' sc-cond in seven starts. Of this arl'a' s four Holid~y c>ntri<'s, MCRD, Naval Train- ing Cent<'r, Cal Western and
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