News Scrapbook 1958-1961


1 a" D c, Ind pend nl, T u"day, Dec. 15, Eastern New Mexico U

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TIGHT SQI.JEEZE--Room to maneuver gets a little scarce at Point Loma High as Cal Western and Westmont cagers get all jammed up in last night's Holiday Tou~n!_game. From left are Western-

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ers' Baumann ;md Joe Treaster and West- mont'· Stan Anderson (53) and Tom Tut11er (41). Despite the antics. ball caroms out of bounds. Cal Western won, 53-52.-Photo by John Greensmith.


mtiiul, al Western, Re~ruits emifinals Bertbs • 0111 Recruit 5-25, and the score was Rnotted five more times


EY J:.NJNG TRIBUNE ,4-. l · J;'i-iday, Dec. 23, 1960 SPORTS ... Basketball STATE PLAYS USD Aztec G id Coach Seen by Jan. 15 San Diego State College ha a football schedule but still no coach. However, the wheels are turning and the successor to retiring Paul Governali should be kno\\n by Jan. 15. In announcing yesterday that the Aztecs will meet U11iver ·ity of San Diego on the gndiron Xov. 18, Al Olsen. newly appointed athletic director, said. "A num- ber of fellows are hot after the (coaching) job. In fai"- ness, we have to interview them all. There are four or five real good prospects and I'm pretty . ure we \\ill have selected a per,;on by Jan. 15 at the latest.' Olsen declined to identify the candidates because "it wouldn t be iair to name names smce most of them have jobs." He did reveal. though, that the coach "probably will have at least junior college experience and probably college experience as well." Local Prep Coaches Seen as Aides Recruits from the hlgh school coaching ranks possi- bly will fill positions as grid assistants and coaches in the freshman program. Addition of USD to the schedule gives the Aztecs nine games for next fall, and Olsen said a 10th prob- ably will be added. It's a good bet l\o. 10 v.ill be Cal Western. Fresno State, Los Angeles State, Long Beach State, Cal Poly, Santa Barbara, Pepperdine, Redlands and :lla- rine Corps Recruit Depot all are being retained. This will he the first varsity competition between State and USO, which fielded its first football team In 1956. The two schools played a freshman football gamE' this fall, wit':! the Pioneers prevailing, 16-14. USD Series Hailed as 'Good Thing' "I thnk it will stimulate things in the communit~," ~aid Olsen of the scheduling which, incidentally, is on a one-yPar basis. "I think its the greatest thing that's happened in an DiPgo collegiate circles." declared the ReY. J Walshe Murray, l:SD athletic director who collaborated v.i h Oben in the announcement. "ThP uni\·ersit)• has wanted this for some time and it seems to me what the community wants." Father :Murray disclosed the Pioneers also have add- ed Whittier and Long Beach State to their 1961 sched- ule. Pepperdine, • ·ew Mexico Western and San Fran- cisco State are others on the slate. Pioneers Eye Coast Guard Contest "We are dickering with University of Mexico, Univer- sity of Hawaii and the Coast Guard Academy," said Fathf'r l\!urray. "And e WOlllil like very much to vlay Cal Westem. ·•1 haven't talked to Marine Co7]J~ et:rult Depot," he added, "but I expect to play them. We will play the Martne as long as lt doe n't inte fere 'i\ith o .co1J.e. giate sch•·dule. • The Pioneers handed thr Recru1 du ng the gular s!'ason, a 21-~0 ~hoc ·e ' Wr ,,ouldn't want to beat them and run," eom- mented Father Murray. B. O. SAK DIECO, CALIFORNIA

Cal Poly drew away in the second half, defeating Naval Training Center, 89- 72. Consolation games were t i p p i n g off . against San Fernando State dt 2:30 and th<' NTC Blue- jackets facing Westmont at 4. . scheduled with USD this afternoon,

roughout the second half. ·ck Bauman n's fr<'e in th<' dying S<'COnds a e the W e s t e r n e rs a ree-point edge. which 1 d it for the Point Loma school. Westmont managed another basket, but time ran out at 53-52. -- -------.

EVENING TRIBUNE SAK DIEGO, CALIFORNIA b 17 ¥ Thurs., Dec. 22, • CAGE SUMMARIES MCRO ,,3) San Fernando St.(SI) Cal Poly (19) NTC (71) Gibbs G2 ".i iMalkln GB F p T G F P T Klholm 3 4 o 10McMullln 1 i 2 l g~~fc'~ 6 0 3 12 Dunbar i i 1 ~ f;1ter, 3 i 9 Gus'tsn 5 t i 1 2 g~~fey Miller " 2 5 10 Michell o 1 o 1 6 -4 2 16 Vo.squn ~~~fr~11 i f 2 6 F!sh 1 l .c Wenz'J'bl 1 1 kfa'cev corrJ;on 3 o 1 1 1 {~~fsn i o 3 1 Smfjh 6 3 2 15 Parlett G F P T l 3 3 9 9 I O 19 5 3 3 13 , 0 3 8 5 7 4 17 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 • 2 2 3 6 Ruth'ford 3 o 3 6 Lyashl~tte 3 0 O 6 Pasrrel , Corrlg-an, Bratton,_ Curtnght. 2; Buchanon o 4 o 4 Lewis l 2 o Son Fernando-Powers, Sile 2, Fish, Anderson 7 3 3 11 J h Oft 2 2 _. fisher 3, Thompson, Rutherford, Swan- Baxter 3 4 l 10 c~n?~m l 1 o son. Holl 2 0 1 4 Tak'lht 3 0 2 • Turner O O 1 o Tre<11h,r .( O 5 McAdoms o l 1 1~~uRanf\ l l j 5 Total, 16 20 t S:z Fj:fJ: 2i 1~ i~ w::/!~~mis. Score - westfflQtlt u, cal USD (51) Whittler 111) GFPT OFPT Cro-ven1 1 0 5 14 B. J'h's'ft 8 2 i f 1 ~~•~!;ugh j i Fleming 7 5 2 19 MCL'Ohlln 1 2 R.obbln:s, 2 l 1 5 Ashbaugh ! -4 o·connpr 1 2 2 • Houston t o Boron l o Q 2 ~. J'h'1,t'n 1 O Pod'r'Jkf 1 0 D 2 Collier 2 l Reed < 0 l 8 Roberson 1 1 1 3 N~hmlo~ I O 2 2 TDIOII 21 9 11 51 otalS J4 13 11 81 Halftlme sc:ore Whit !er 4'6, USO 23. Brott9n Curtright Totof1 • 7 3 1S Swanson 3-4 2S 2:2 93 Totals 1 2 1 4 20 11 2l 58 os ida totals O 2 o 2 37 15 16 19 Totals 29 HI 15 72. H0lfflme score: MCRO 44, Son Fer- olftlm• Score-Cal Pair U, NTC 3S, nondo 20. Westmont (52) Cal Wettern CU) Free 1hrows missed: MCRD-Glbbs, G F p T G F p T J, SPil(!ne 2, Mulder 4 8 2 16 Gret-nw'd 3 2 1

Holiday Tourney Still On

., Kiholml Waters, Adams

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