News Scrapbook 1958-1961

Pau· :Platz RJfi~ns USD Grid Coach

/RIBU. IV~ J.//4 i6a Movie to nef it 3 USD Three University o! ~an I>I- st university's ego .prejeets Will &"'1.:tfit from J\eeds lot liltlentiflc equip. the world 'Jli'~miere olr the ment;," iht ~d. "We feel film, '"The Gallant Hours," there !11 a plAce there for Mrs Thoma11 Keelin, pres[- money from the premiere." d,•11! or university's nuxiliary, The UnivPrslty or San Di- ._ said today. <'go was chartered in 1949. Tlw rn1xlhary is sponsor- 'I'h<> C'ollrge for W o me n ing tll<' Jll'<'ml<'re of the film openl'd in 1952, and thP Col- Nlay 17 at the Fox Thl'ati>r. IPge tor Men, 1954. Most of Mrs. l<<'<'lln R:1ld tho auxil- tl1e funds to support the unl- iary hol)i>s 10 rnis money for verslty come from thi, San the universlty's library, schol- Dl<'go Catholic Dlo_ce~s~e--~~""

Pione~tme Faces Clash With Loyola The Un\Yers,ty or San D1ego'11 explosl\'e bMeball team travels to Lo, Angeles to meet Loyola UmverS1ty at 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 19. 'rhe P1one.,rs have ,icored 101 runs and have blasted 19 home runs ,n their last aeven games. The Pioneera have posted con• secutive \'lctones ver Cal Tech, 21-1. Cal Western University, 33·1 and 13-1, Ph1btrapac, 3-2, Anzona State College rTempe), 9-8, and Azusa College, 13-8. US[) hasn't lost amce lt drop- ped a 16-9 decision to the San Diego Padres on March 21. USD has an overaU record of 11-7 and a 7-3 record against col• legate competition. The P1oneer11 posted a 17-7 ecord last l!leason. Coach :'.>[Ike Morrow an- nounced this week that the Pioneer,, ha.a added three garn"s to their 28-game schedule. The Pioneers will meet Loyola Uni- versity Tuesday and Phibtrapac on April 26 at :Morrow Field. Loyola Univ-ei"111ty n,eeb USO in San Diego on May S The Pioneers ha 11even more games with collegia\e opponents and for the secoucl traight yea.r seek consideration as the West Coast·s representative to the • AIA small college base- ball tournament. USO enters th Fiorenza (.!031 first baseman Dtck Wil- bur ,368) right elder Dave Mellon , 1:581 left r elder John Holllda,y ' 310 J. • second base- mari Hugo So I 333) and catcher Da e Co 308) have paced Um F(oneers in t h e i r curre t x-gam n 11tteak. 'Fiorenza, a :i,uuor wllo led the team n h ttlng t ·th meruns eight, and runs-batte -in ,~ith • 31. vers,ty gnme wit batting Merage. boast above 300 rages. ·ho t t-o p J yola Uni- 311 team Six regulars battmg a~·e• a .358 average,, this ~eason m h scored v; h 23

coa~ or the Unt- maq• week College for Men. D 11.fter Mrvlng and 1958 aeasons,

arship funds, and for pur- cha e of sclentlfic Pquipment. She said that the auxiliary ls the only organlzatlou which raises funds tor sµcl1 proj- eC'tS tor the univrrsi1y, ThP au~ll!ary's othrr fund-raising ae!lvlty is it~ "Day at C11l !cnte," sh<> ~aid. Procrrds fi

worfd pi' miere of the film depi,ctin Halsey's wartimt> experience wi I be at the Fox Theater on Ma 17 The opening will benefit projects sponsored by the University of San Diego Aux:.:.ll_ia_ry.::....·----- ---

dltmonl"y afbtained 11,'t short G worthy 1,IU-

den and to iuiother hnlver- slty scholar hip :tuna. which rc>Cl'lvcs matching !ederal mon- ey, she said, "And we have made a

#/'ft~ IIA/1t11iJ Pioneers~ k 7-Game Streak Against Loyola Thi' s1ro11g hl!ting l/11lvc>r• sity cit ~an lrgo b seball squad, cnrre 11.Y 10 sting a .311 team l.iattlng Ul'ragc, will travel to Lo A n g P. 1 f' R Tuesday to met"t Loyola Unf. ver~ity The Pioneers, ~ho h av P. scored 11 :J runs and blasted 21 homers ln their last eight games, will be shooting for their eighth straight victory. USD hasn t lost ,;ince it drop- ped a 16-9 decision to the San Diego Padres, March 21.' Coach Mike· Morrow an, nounr<'d thi W<•<•k that thC' Pioneers had added th r e e games to thr'r 28 g_amr- sched- ule. Beside" Tursday·s Loy- ola addition, the PiOnl'ers have added PhibTraPal', April 26, and Lo ·ola, May 8, at Morrow Field. Si" USO regulars are bat- ting, over .300. They a r e shortstop Jim Florenza C.403), first baseman Dick W 11 bur (.368}, right Helder Dave Melton (,358), left fie 1 de r John Holliday (."HO), second baseman Hugo Soto (.333) and catcher Dave Cox I .:l08J. Fiorenza, a Jtmior who led the team in hitting last year with a .358 average, leads the team this sea~on in hits with 25, runs scored \\lith 23, home runs ,vitll ,•ighl a,1d r u 11 s batted in with 31. Player AB H R HR R:BI Av. irot."n'~. f, . :.. "'i! 1k Pit i ~\ O'Connor, c ••••• 10 • S 1 4 ,.400 Wilbur, lb •••• . . 08 25 21 1 13 .368 Mellon, If ..... .13 1, ,, t 15 358 ro~~'.d 0 {i; 11 .. :::::. -~ Jr t lt m Eg~enz~ rr·~::::::J! ~i 1 1 ? 1 ~ ~:m;,. c\b'·.:::::.t: 1 1 1; A 1~ m Madden, c ••••••• l0 1 0 D 200 Choomcn, 11 •••••• S 1 1J 0 D .200 ¥tb~g:: ~? :··~:.- • : i 1 1 i 1 Y -\~t TolGls . . . . 50 HS 171 2' 146 111 .~ai~~t t:ff:~:c~~mrtn~1Jt! Jo!t 7 Pitching records~ Tom Goddard, S-3; T'errv Lorenz, 3-1, Dick Wllbur, 2~1; ~n ChoPmon, 1-1.

E~- fg11. lated t o Ass~e Pjff,(at,~ o~'~" coach of the San Diego Bomb- ers professional football team, is expertrd to accept the po- sition of hPad football coa,·h o! University of San Diego this week. Offlclals of USO intPr- viewed Perarovlch for sever- al hours yesterday. He wonld replace Paul Platz, who has resigned alter a year il1 the posltlon. Bob Sexton, USD's athletic coordinator, s aid Pecarovich ls the university's choice for the job. He said, howevPr, that of!iC'ials had received four applications for the job, and that Platz had recom- mended three others. Spring Drlll11 Delayed Platz, who will remain at USD until the expiration of his contra rt July 31, has accepted a teaching job at Escondido High School. Later he will take over coaching duties at the new Poway High School. Sexton said spring prac- tice, which was to begin yes- terday, has been postponed until sometime in May. He said Platz is expected to as. sbt Pecarovich during the spring drills. Pecarovich currently is teaching busine.•s and law at St. Anthony's I-Iigh School, Long Beach. He said he would have· to obtain permission from the administration to accept the job. Ileld S<'outlng Jobs His last coaching job was as an assistant on the staff of the New York Yanks' un- der Ray Flaherty in the now defunct All-American profes- sional league In l950. Since thrn, he has hef'n a SC()Ut for tl1e PC¥!P.}t Lions and Wash. ingtim f\1:-d~i,ir, Pec~iflPi .::QliW!hed at Lo- yola WJll-v~sii} :In Los An. gele in ;1927 28 anEI again in l~-~o. He r•nal'hed :Pi/? .i,.lma maier, Gonz:-iga l.fjM e,r,sny, Sp"kane, Wu$. lil'1 19:n through rn:;;;. His !JH•~:all co ~111~ oach- ing r<'cord l,ii ~:-. .,;~ories, 33 losi;es. and S~\ien tws. .

SPRING FOOTBALL 1/~o t//,110)) ~port rills The , vendty o San Diego It s players to Marine Corps Recr t tomorrow fo the opening ot spring football practice an the l!l'lfCti ma soon be o~er for a new coach In thP interim, mentor Paul Platz promise-ti terest!'d In hi p to handle tt1e • gridder th1·ough the currPnt tPrm. turnees aro ard Wayne Heading the club will be Bourque. a 196-pound ~c>nior, two performe1 s thP college 1 o sidered ~r. of the finest touting for Llttll' All Amerlea 60 minute memen In college honors. They arP quarterbac ball by Pl tr.; end Lavon Jan Chapman a 23-year-old Baker. ta Ide Bill Banaga, senior from Arkan as City, am\ halfbacks Joe Gray and Kans., .and halfba Bob Joe Lo,.sdmlg. Keyes, a !ormer jun o colle e 3 WEAK 81'0 • All-American !rom A elope JY d" tJ 1 . t f Valley JC'. --..l'a rng ie L~ o new- Chapman enjoyed hill ;tiest c~mers . are 1ullback Chuck •ear a• vsn in i958 when he Kilkusk1e, a transfer from ~ompleted ~4 of 99 passes for Idah~ State here he i:as! 779 vards and a 54.5 er: c&it starung quarterback In 19:>8; ave1:aie, liis Vil-' ·ng and tackle Felton Krnnedy, a quarterback adet'Shlp transfer ,!rom San Mateo Jun- helped the Pionrers •In elgt\t 10r _CollE:ge, and end J o h n of 10 gam incl ding v· Ha1per 1 a. transfer from tories O l'r t t rs ty Phoenix Jumor C',ollP~e. Montana an r a O State In an Par Y' analysis o! the the P10ne<'rs would TOP JC GRIDJlER to need addilionaal Kc ,,~ ckle, end and f u I I b a ck natio~· if they intend to copr win the 10ugh schedule in the al w orps R • ass stance to athletes, have cruit Depot last ea on strengthened the schedule he averaged 10 yards a can-y. with such clubs as Whittier Keves is rated a top de- College, San Francisco Stat fen°i\·e back, too, and has and Humboldt State. Th,. Pioneers. although cut- ting back on their financial was with 1a

Spring Grid Drills Onen for Pioneers -f6 6ttN~ ~~?//..n . The search for a ne'/ /o'.'.rf ,_~anwh1le, on the baseball ball coach continues at Uni- from the Pioneers go after! verslty of San Diego where their e1gh h straight victory todai, spring grid ptal hce be- when !hf'y travel to Los An- gan. geles tomorrow to meet Loy- Paul Platz, the outgoing ola. coach will handle drills until Coach Mtke :Morrow's club his succ!'s or is named. Platz boasts a 311 batting average. recently re•1g11ed to t'lke a Six regulars .arc above .300, position next fall with the Es• headed by. Jim F10re~za . at condido school d1 ·trict. .403. Batting and pitching A turnout of 28 was ex- records: p e c l c d. Bob keyes who ~~'<,"c,',d, P ~t~rr!.'d ! >r thr PionO('rs in i!~~",,';,~,' •t turns to bolster the Wilbur, 11> backlleld atta k after a year ~i/t;'3'ov, 11 It of football for Marine Corps ~'!,~ 0; /b Recruit De ot Jan Chapman, Loron,, rf ace quart rb k. a 1 s O is t ! 1 ; 1 1 :m among the returnees. Wayne r:I~d"~·n.

7- U 2 • 1 5 .272 r::.1~. c:b •••.

M f 9. t, fir 'f £,ljJlt. sgr. r,ern r, Alcala Park, Dies at 70 The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Stephen Ke.-m•r, 70, spiritual director of rmmaculate Heart Semin- ary, Alcala Park, died yes- terday In a hosoitaL He wa~ !ormer director ot the Major Seminary at Kal- j o<'sa Hungary. He escaped to Austria In 1948, fleeing re- l I g lo u & persecutwn of the Communi t • dominated re- gimP l\f gr. Krrner wa a lingui~t and had h<'en the editor of the d1oc an newspaper in Kalo ., 1, hi birthplace. 'tudled In 'Rome HP r e c e 1 v e d his doctor- 11! degrees ln phllo ophy and theology at the Gregorian Untvf'rslty In Rome, where he •tudied from 1908 to 1915, ~'rom 191 to 1928, he taught dogmatic theology at Kaloc a S mlnary, and from 1928 to- I 3(), he lau<>ht al the Central! Seminar) In .Bud pest. 1 He ret11rn d to Kalocsa in 19.10, ~he ·e he served as pr ldent until 1!)48,

USO Annexes 8th in Row; ~~}!t~1~~, 1 redhot Pioneers, back home after recording their eighth straight vi ct o r y yesterday over Loyola, 6-1, at Los An- ue!es face :'.;1arine Corps Re- ~ruit 'Depot Satmda~· night at Beeson Field. T l·e Marines aveled to Long Beach yesterday to nip Long Beach City College, 5-4. 11CRD faces San Diego Jun- ior College t ni.,ht at Bel'son Field. Terrry Lorenz struck out 11 apd gave up six hits in posting his fifth ,ictory rn six starts in the Pioneers' wm over Lo)ola. Dav<' Melton col- lected two hits and Jim Fio- renza tripled to support him. Cal Western outlasted Phib- Pac, 15-11. Dick Lowder's sin- gle' n the 10th inning pushed aero s two of the deciding runs: San P1ego JC journe) ed to Oceans de to post a 13-2 v1c tory o e~ Oceanside-Carlsbad JC Wildness on the part of the Josr.r~ Leroy 1 "off1ngn hi' walked nine - aided the Knight~. '-corf's. USO D00 0D3 3M- 6 7 3 Lo~:4' r,d Cox,CDDK 0 ff'eri~ 01 No~o 6 (6j anJ Imm Ped San O1.. o JC . .f!! 4M 0l--13 11 1 O'side-CD~agnd Aru":e 1 ~ofn~53!r ~na ~C D10 002 2D1>---5 9 0 Long Bead · . 020 D20 ODD-4 5 I Booker, Hottel (5) and Lister; Biel and Duncan.

USD Wi ~.:io/4" ltAJ,,,).) 8tli In Row . Special to The Sen Diego Union LOS ANGELES, April 19 Terry Lorenz tanned 11 men today as he hurled the Uni versity of San Diego to it~ eighth straight victory by beating L o y o l a Univer- sity, 6-1. Lorenz. who chalked up hi~ fifth victory in six starts, was aided by Dave Melton's two hits and Jim Fiorenza's triple. Loyola picked up its onJ:1- run with a single and double a(ter twp were out in the ninth inning. The Pioneers' next game' will be against Marine Corps Recruit Depot Saturday at Be ~on Field. USO LOYOia Lor~nl

Msgr: Kerner, 70,

~~f. Kerner, spiritual director of\ing to serve as president at Immaculate Heart Seminary Kalocsa in 1939-48. School of Theology in Alcala, In 1948, Msgr. Kerner fled Park, died early yesterday In to Austria. where he taughti a hMospita\~:n::s i:· refugee in high schools f~om 1948 ~o sgr. . b f mmg to this lrom religious persecution m 1950 e ore co . 1 . h Red-dominated H u n g a r y, country to teach m a ui; formerly was president of the school at_ Schene~tadf, h~. / ·t Major seminary at Kalocsa, and at Pius X High ~hoo"S a Hun ary hi birthplace. He Compton. ~e cai:ne t~ e an was g a 1ihquist and had been Diego semmary m 1958, editor-in-chief of the Kalocsal Msgr. Kerne: _beca~e a nat• catholic _newspaper. uralized U.S. c1t1zen m_ 1:_916· . . . , The rosary was rec1t= for Df,GREE C,I\ E. the Catholic educator at Im- :,tudyfng from 1908 to l!)l5 maculate Heart Seminary last at Gregoria ynivPr.s1t .• m night. Rome sgr. I-i:t:mer recen;ed . doctotate o philosophy and :'\JASS TODAY of theology there. He taught Other sen:ices, all at _the dogmatic t eology [ r o I"? seminary, will be a requiem 1918-28 at the Kalot:sa semi- mass at 8 a.m. today for pa- nary and in 192 39 at Central rishoners, holy sacrifi~e of the

Draffltfestival et Saturday tV~D/JGroup The Alcafa l\fasquers, dra- rna soci!'ty of the C0llege for Men at the Univnsity of San Diego, is producing its first annual drama frstival f o r 1igh scl100Js or the area Sat- µrday at the C'ollf'ge for Wom- 1 en The. t • 'the plays will be givC'n both in 11,e mor n111g and afternoon. 'I'he 1lweP p I a y s judged to he most effective will be presented for awards in the evening at 8. t Schools participating in the event will be San Diego High, ! Crawford, Kearny, Cathedral, Rosary and University High. AlexandC'r Harper, tourna- ment <'hai1 man, will be assist- ed by Michad Marques, Mar- lin M.mphy, Rogrr Mehlbrech, JPITY Williams nnd Ned Wil- son . .John Bowman, Ronald House and Alrx Ilat'Pl'l' will serve as _judges tor the pre- lirn inuii<'s. Awards will be glvf'n in thl' cveni11g fot tile b<'sl play, best leads and supporting players. Rev, Leo 1". t.anphicr is In charg-o of th<' f<'st"yal

REV. l'HJUP P. l\lURUAY Tulane stucly ahea(l USD MAN WINS A-RAY AWARD A fellowship in radiation biology has been awarded a 1 professor at the University of Sa11 Di<'go, Alcala Park. ThC' Rev. Philip P. Mur- ray, professor of biology at the university's College l'or Men, received the award from the National Scieni'e Foundation and th~ Atomic Energy Commission. He will do rt'8<'arch on the eff cls of nuclear energy on living tissue and (ht> use of radiation in tile .detection and 1l'eatnwnt of disPase at the School of Medicine at Tulane Univ(•rsity, New Or lef.lns, 1111.s sutn1110r.

mass at 9 a.m. tor priests and other religious; recitation of the rosary at 7:30 tonight; chanting of the solemn Office of the Dead by diocesan priPstq at 11 a.m._ tomorro\''.• and a solemn pontifical reqm- em ma s at 11:30 a.m. tomor- row. Interment will•be in Holy Cross Cemetery. Ryan-Sulli- van & Bradley Woolman Mortuary is in char e.


Auxiliary metnbi' trill at- tend • t&:-3o a.irt co.(_fee today at Jplla home ot Mrs. Catl• T~ to review plans ~d pl'Ggress In arrange- ments or ;,,,tfie premiere of "T~-GaUant Hours" at the FQJ ater on May 17. rs. -Tavares is chairman of the pl'emlere to be spon- sored by Copley Chal'ities. Proceeds will be Uied to pur- chase equipment and books for the universify and add to i

RracU y In


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