News Scrapbook 1958-1961
l'"1~~A;ly,ith 25 yNirs In to n unb atetl unb ten sea 011,
Tro111 tll'r led the loslilg to Quantico
foll · d b . -Son Diego Union Slall Pholo by Joo Ffynn owmg pa~s~ ~II m ~-esterday's game at Beeson Fi Id. Note teammate g1vmg signal m background for slid11. USD won, 12-7.
The ~Iar'ine Corp Recruit Depot's Lew Watson slides home safely under tag of Univer ity of San Diego pitcher Tom Goddard
USO Topples MCRD In 11 for 9th In Row The University o! San Di- ego yesterday chalked up its ninth baseball victory in a row aa It outlasted Marine Corps Recruit Depot, 12-7, In an 11-Inning contest on the loser· s :field. USD i now 14-8 for the season. Terry Lorenz. tie th,rd of three t·sn hurler , .,arnered the ,ictory as the P:oneers un- leashed a four-~it barrage in the 11th. m~lu mg a two-run homer b; Jim J;'io1erza, his second oi the da) • and ,moth- er two-run b st by Jaek Hol· ida;v. The I to y w· • the third straight for Lorenz. USO starter Tom Goddard had a no-hittl'r go ng for four innings, dl'spitE' t e fact the MCRD managed three runs in the fourth. Goddard was forced to retire when hP in• jured a finger in a collision with a runner. Trailing 7-4 going into the ninth, !CRD tied lt up \\ith three runs on three \\alk and a pair of singles. Jim Mur- 1doek's ~econd hit of the day produced the U,ing run. Goddard, Dick Wilbu1, who came on in the fourth and Lorenz. who relieved Wilbur in the 10th, lim1,ed ;)1CRD to fi1•e hits. \\ alks and three USD errors figured prom. inentlr in Mt.:RD ·ormri. m ~t lf ii r Goddord D, W 0 r {"'1L Lore:-iz {1()) o(r~ 5 Cox, O'Co.'1n0t" (6); SooKer, Hottel ~,.-__!out (1) b:'ld L ~fer )!~io
'UNIVERSITY'S CHOICE' $~ -t/AJ/o/J USD Expected To Name ec rovich Grid Coach
cept the job, He Is cu e t- Jr teaching b ess a d lnw at the Lo 1g B ea ch school. Hi la t coacl\ g ment \I a· as an a istant on the • ·ew Yor Yanks' staff under Ra, 'F a the old All-Am 1ca 1 fesslonal league in Since then, he has n a scout fol· the Det o:t Lions and Washington cd Pecaro1•ich coached t ce at Loyola UniYe,sit}· m 1.-0 Angeles 19'27•28 and 19., 0 He coa,·hed at his al m a mate1·, Gonzaga Un sny, from 1931 through 9 R. He also was an assbtal't with che San Francisco Clip. pers and handled the Bomb. ers during the early post- war year, in the old pro- fessional Padiic C o a st League. His overall collegi- ate coaching record was 45 1·icto1 es, 53 losses and sev. en ties. A former roommate o Bing Crosby, PecaroYi<:h ha had a varied career that also included being an author, actor, T\' script writer and rancher. He resides in Rolling Hills, Cali!., with his wile a n d three children.
,.1me coaching duties at the IlC\\ Powar High School. Ieanwhile, spring football
Son 0\egq, Union Pho10 By RO';' Jarvi~ FINGERTIP CONTROL
Dan• Melton of Univel'sitv ot San Diego ·laps the plate as he slides home behind Cal Western cateher .Joe
Welch. Vmp is Howard Badey. USD ' won the ball game, 13-1. Pitcher Tom Gorldard hul'led the -victory. Goddard Shines, In USO Win
y Film Story em ere In S.D. (Continued rrom Page a-25)
truck out 12 un with two' an Die g 01
Ha1ieyJ Fillri~Story / To Premiere In S.D. . "Th~ Gallant Hours," a mo- think everyone should see this twn picture depicting the he- film story of Adm. Halsey's roic Pacific war exploits of inspired leadership." the late Fleet Adm. William Cagney, Who bears a re- F. (Bull) Halsey, will have markable re~blance to Hal- its world premiere here May sey, both s ed in and pro- 17 as a benefit for the Uru-•duced "The nant Hours" vers1ty of San Diego. ·in collabor.adni Jth Robert Starring James Cagney as ~ontgomery 1 • I 0 smoke;" Richard Car 1 y 1 e, Thomas G. Lanphier Jr. of Ward Costello, Carl Benton San Diego, then a captain, Reid, Robert Burton, Les Tre- shot down in flames o v e r mayne, Raymond Bailey, Wal- Bougainville the plane carry- ter Sande, Vaughn Taylor and ing Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto, Richard J aeckel. commander-in-chief ot t h e Halsey commanded the Japanese Imperial Navy. Third Fleet in the February, Lanphier, whose f e a t 1942, strike at the Marshall earned him the Navy Cross, and Gilbert Islands, the first the Silver Star and the Dis- major naval offensive o! the tinguished Flying Cross, re- war. cently resigned as a v 1 c e ACADElllY GRIDDER president and assistant to the . president o! General Dynam- Cons1dered ~ou~h ,and b_attl~; ics' Convair Division. ready, a sai1<;1r s sailor, Through Jts sponsorship of Hals~y began his _naval _ca• "The Gallant Hours" pre- reer m 1900 upon his appomt- mlere, the Unlversity of San ment to the u_.s. Naval ~cad. Diego Auxiliary hopes to fur- emy b_y PreSident McKinley. ther aid development of the The mckname, B~ll, which school, especially its College ! Halsey carried until _his death for Men, Mrs. Tavares said. last August, wa_s given him The college began operating because o t h 1 s headlong in 1954 plunging as a halfback on the ' Annapolis football team. LIBRARIES AIDED Halsey rose from his first Specifically earmarked to command-a torpedo boat in benefit from the special show- 1909-through command of a lng of the Halsey film are the fast destroyer force in World law and general libraries, the War I, an instructorship at science department a n d the Naval Academy, qualifi- scholarship funds for worthy cation as a flyer, command students, the premiere chair- of carriers, South Pacific area man said. sea forces and, finally, of the Last year, the auxiliary Third Fleet and Western Pa- provided $4,000 for malnte- ciflc Task Forces. nance and expansion of the In "The Gallant Hours," libraries, $2,950 to finance Halse>; is portrayed by Cag- scholarship !unds at the Col- ney aail Montgomery not only lege for Men and $500 for the as a anny and relentless College for Women's scholar- mili leader but also as ship fund. a h n being of compas- "As Sunday is the begin- slon d understanding for ning of National Library the n he guided into bat- Week, it seems especially ap• tie. propriate that we begin this on• scene ln "The Gallant major effort now to help sup. Hours" depicts the start of port the libraries at our grow- the now-famous Army A 1 r Ing new college,'• Mrs. Ta- Forces mission in whlch vares said. 200 161 0~0-13 l-1 2 00 OilO 10il- I 7 5 'Connor 161,. Shu- Qnd Welch, Le-of " Mrs. Carlos Tavares, pre- miere chairman. I "It is a marvelous picture of a man' courage," Mrs. Tavares said of "The Gallant Hours," part o! which w a s filmed at Camp Pendleton I "It is beautifully don& · ."I _had _the privilege o! pre-I v1ewmg 1t recently, and r BETROTHED - Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Miller an- nounce_ the engagement ot their datighter, Gail to Anthony J. Piaz- of Mr. and Mrs f.ldmenic Piazza, Beau: room. Miss Miller is a senior at San Diego State College, Mr. Piazza is a ~aduate of the Univer- sity of pan Diego, and now attends USD Law School. ( •
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