News Scrapbook 1958-1961
to Offer
Jo bou r Merrll will PIIY spec 1 ~ins Jt
'b,u.s~'l"llf-l coordlna,
hool , DaubnPy, s o! San Diego Oceanside, Rlchal'tl D Ring, third annual Vista: Robert A. Hef er Es- ''Law Weck," Ap 123 through <'ondldo, and John W. Kim- May J. ball, Encinitas, North County Thomas P. Golden. assoda, bar tion pres1d nt, s Id tlH' 1h<'m<' ~embers of the religious of the week will he "Equal observance committee are Ju tlc-e Under the Law " Frank Pomeranz, Robert l'rodalnu~,t by Pr,.~id••nt Thorn, Robert Andreen, and colle s tion · William r ounty In Hs
Th<' ,,e1•k will bl' C'lima.x<'d Roy G. Fltzgeiald. Mrs. Doug. l1y ''Law Da, USA'' as pro· las Woodworth w 111 coordi- l'!aimed hy PrP id1•nt J•: ifi<'fl · nat<' al'li~lti<'s o! the Ladic• ·' l10wer. Auxiliary. Goldc>n Rairl l'<'ligiou, lnsti, Sc•hools to l'nrtldpate tulions in tlw San Dlrgo area Al o partl<'ipatlng In tlw wlll bl' asked to offr1 pray<•r eks events wlll be Di<'• for :thP oppr1·ssPd peoples ol o Stal<' Colic> C!, C !ornin othC'r <'ountri!'s. Churelw~ ol lWe tern University School o( a ll faiths 11•111 Jlt'l'SPl1t Hl'l'• Law, UnlV!'l'Slty of San Diego, rnons comp r Ing r cdom un- jclty and county chools and d<'r tlw rul o 1 w wlth ty, 1 tlw legal department of th<• L·ann} of di to :."1111>. 11th Naval District. lrmheT Of th Law WC't'I< · Alt0l'lll'~s WIii attend a Commit!"'' n, " Rosco!'. S ''Law Day " lun,·heon Ap1·il Wilk0y, ,·hat, nrn11. E. G 1 29 at 1110 11. S . Grant l-lol,•l. uc~rNdmi~Changers' cored by Trustees o! pul'blo al\d for tl1e Ci!m• At Tuesrtay's trus1Pe's meet- u • Ing, Or. .Anita V. Figueredo, , Post Office who hea s the Town Cou11- Somr. La Julian , n!ver ity cil's jloutn end recreation pokP men, and ai Ji 11st one comm tt id she felt there talc> 1cg1 ator, Assemblyman might be tonfuslon between
argu.. ,l the n<'W ~rhool anrl San Di· Pgo's th r<'e other colkges, San DlPgo Stntr ColiPge, th<' Uni• vPr 1ty of San Diego and Cali- ior111a Wcstl'rn Un versity,
T ho Pnrl r1r BMch Coord I 1 a1ing Council, under tlrn INtrl ••rsh1p o it pre~11l<>111 , Ed Tl.o\.\ an, has hrPn the pr ime in favor of lhe UCSD
Ma yor Chi!rle and City Coundlm n Justin Even• on havn ho(h indicated that lhC'y f vor the n 1 mc UCSD or are at lea t intere ted !n urg• of the namP. Recently, thr Regents, in a lrtl!!r o Dail, assurPd the ma o;i: tha ~o ftrm 10n har Y<:l liren "ined o he i~s , and prom that, th<' cit 1shes wo Id he con- sirlererl br>fore 1he school is I permanC'ntly named. Dail s consideration
,.,,,;: Je us Christ. At the right, William Hernsen, as Pontius Pilate, listens as the mob demands the death of Jesus, portrayed by Stephen Brov.n, center, Claudia, \\ill be porcrayed by Annette Vanier. Alexan- der Harper plays Judas. Other prominent member of the cast \\ 1 he Donald Giesing, Ronald Hou e, "imone Gen: ette, Kart>n Lemke Albert , ·ottol!, Tom Gentllella H"nry Acquarelli, and Kf"Me h. ;,;oarc Douglas Ian Dunca , the city or<>aru t \\!.II pro\ ide the back round mu 1c. 'l he pnxll'ction i, bemg dir th ,Re\. Leo F. Lanphirr, of t e u.n ve and John J. Bowm a student Bot p escntat1ons will e offered as a Cit) of San Diego from the unhers1ty for m rendered. The public will be admitted without char "The Betrayal" tells the story of Jesus' final days on earth, including the Last Supper \\ilh his Disciples, his trial before Pontius Pilate, and the Crucifixion. The drama dates back se\·eral ce-nturies in the tradition or
The drama will be pre,:ented tomorrow afternoon in the university's outdoor the ter and Sunday, April 10, at the Organ Pavilion in Balboa P¥k.
---- it g !he ,Re <'
[H_/)~~(Gri~rcoWC'h At USD Hired to Direct Po ay High Athl.etics au Platz. ath letic di1ector and he,¥i footliall oach a t 1 n 1ty of San Die o, b«: 11a111ttl fo till- same pos1- the propo ed Poway High School. sched'&fed to open c ary of 196 l. . Quade, uperintendent of the ~condido Union School Dis tract, ,aid Plau tul;Jled si11ned contrac t tlay. Quade aid Platz. :9, being tilted aA the boys' ,:ihy cal educat10n in fructor for the; propo d 7 0-student Pq\\ high school. Pl;) 1he .f1ri;t instructor to l ifi<"ally for one of the two :n high schools (San Mar- cos 1s the other ), will become a bet' al ilie 'strict stat! m ~e tember when tl'le Fall te t m
~acle, i'l wh11.;h draws its audience
last staging ten years ago, Ul"
m 111P
role of Chri t Is played by a 48-year.old innkeeper Anton Preisinger. Dengg limgard, a 21-year-old typist, was cho~en to portray the Virgin Mary.
Named for Premiere
l ame 1 Gal/ant Hours' May 17 To Benefit University One lone man and 21 women met in the lanai in the , home of , frs. Carlos Tavares yesterday to map strat- egy for the world premiere of "'11ie Gallant Hours." It will be presented in the F-0x Theater May 17. Mrs. Tavares is chairman for the premiere which is sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary to the University of San Diego. Proceeds from the benefit will go to pur- chase scientific equipment, books, and to provide schol- arship aid to the school. 1 -- Chet A. Van Dusen, exec- m~n. Tickets \\ill be dis- utive director of the Boys' tribute~ next week to women Cl b f S o· who will handle sales, when u o an 1ego, gave an Mrs Tav Will . i n t o r m a 1 talk, explaining ' . arcs agam en- d t ii f 1 ed i tertam committee worker s in e a s o p ans us n spon- her home. soring three previous pre- Ticket chairmen for each mieres in San Diego, as bene- suburban area will be ap- fits for the Boys' Club. pointed. Attending yesterday Reports Given were Mrs. Patrick J . En- right, Mission H 111 s ; Mrs. A question and answer pe- Joseph K. Doliva, Del Mar riod followed his report. and Mrs. John Waters, Claire'. Mrs. William E. Goetze re- mont. ported 0;1 theater facilities No.Host D" s t and seating arrangements on umer e the basis of ticket costs. Mrs. Thomas J. F lem ing Mrs. Goetze and Mrs, Mor- and Mrs. Henry G. Fenton ton J. Cohn are serving with are chairmen for a no-host Mrs. Tavar es on the planning dinner in El Cortez Hotel to committee. precede the movie premiere Ticket Chairmen Named The picture is . ?ased on .R part ot the wartime career Sale o! the 2,880 tickets will of the late Fleet Adm. William be handled by a committee F. Halsey Jr. Much of the I o! auxiliary members, w Ith picture was filmed in San Mrs. Ha rold Green a nd Mrs. Diego Har bor through co-op. Justi n Evenson as cocha ir- eration with the Navy. alsex 'opens. Quade said he wlll report 1 0 Escondido Hig-11 School and .probably will be given a physi, cal education a:;signmen1 with those boys who attend the Poway school when it opens. Departure Regretted At the Univer,;ity of Sp.n Die, go, Father Russell Wilson told · Jlhe Times-Advocate that negotia- t10ns already are underway to ob- tain a successor to Platz. "We hav nur eyes on a man very well known in .southern Califor- nia football," Wilson said in em• phas1zlng that USD is not con. temp)ating further . de-emphasis of athletics. "We a re all very ~ony to see PJatz go," Wilson continued. "We wanted him to stay and offered to renew his contract. Now we wish him great .·uccess in l11s new post." Quade said Platz is r·e, igning the USD post to get bac:k into high school athletics. Succeeded Mccutcheon Platz has been at the U111vcr- ity since September of 197i7, This was his first year as athle- tic dlrectot• and hl'ad coach, hav, icg replaced Bob McCutcheon now athletic director and coach at Ramona High School!. Pla1z · was McCutclteon's assi11tant be• fore taking over the head job. Prlor 1o coming to USO, Platz 1 l1ad coached al Burroughs High School in Burbank, at Corool'an Righ School and at Alpaugh Uni lied, the la tier lwo of which are ln the central part of t slate, He ls a graduate o! al Poly at San Luis Obispo and also at tended St. Mary's 01 1exas and Miami of Ohio. :MOVU: PU)TTEU, - Mrs. Carlos •ravar , ('ntcr, confer with :Mrs. M rton ,f. Cohn, I !t, and 1rs. Thom- W. K !in, on a terrace at th Ta- \ home. 1rs . Tavares is the chairman for a world premiere of "The Gallant Hours," to be spon- sored May 17 in the Fox Theater by the Woman's Auxiliary to the Univer- sity of San Diego. --~-------..J
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