News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Dame Club Honors ' as· 'Man of Y
s. e. Award Ma In Annual Program Her4;i RPCogmztnir lh• outs!Jlnding hievements of thl! Mast RevPrend Bishop of San Dirgo, the Nntre D11.m• Club of San Di<'go hM namPd His J<}xceJlpncy th• 'Notre Dam• Man of the Year" tor 19~9. In rN'.ognizing His Excellency r his accomplishl\lent.1. the Notre Dam• Club deparl<'d f,-om Irad1IIM. It wu th• firRt time. lhP honnr w•s a~·a.rdPd lQ an ln,q1vid11al who II npt a g-raduai• of Notre Dam... ThP presentation of lhP s,·rnll wa m· dP al thr. Univerul Notre D•mP Night celPbra ion In Ye Golrp TUP~day night. A~ th• Mnst R,w~rend Ri~h(,p WIU! ti\ tJ,e no,.lhrrn l!lf'Cl1on or the ,t,"r"~" RI. R v• .Msgr. W1IJ111.m A BPrl!"ln, rpctor of Jmmacula.te Heart Seminary, a< rep1 eQ lh~ scroll on b<:-half or His Exrr.Jlency. Father O'Donnell Sp•akt Th• Uruveraal :Kotre Dam• Night bat1quet 'll"aa highlighted by M a,jdr~as by Rr.v. Thomas J. O'Donnell r:sc, who• WIUJ namM lo a. ~pec-ial alumni lla.ill
i.&ff M ,Jfffw MEET Tv... Y
PRt. T TIO -RI. RM. Msgr. \\llliam A. BeJ"gin, t"edor ttnlnary,, aeupt~ acJ'oU naming th" :no t ReHr.,.nd Bi~op " ·ntn Dam,, \Ian of thfi 1·ear" or Immaculaui Heart
Tue,da~· night. la.king the pre,entatlon I! Richard l\' ,tartln, • ·otr"' DamP. Club of San Diego pre~ldPnt, while Re,. Thomu J. O'Donnell, alumni liaison offl~er for th" unher,,lty and
fnr 1939 at the Unlvf'Kal
·ot:,-.,. Damf\ • ·1ght celebra.tion~2rlnclpal &pP~eJ',~nk on at right.
~,O '(,I/,/' ON
ercarov1ch Takes USD rid Post
Richard . •. :Martin, left. of the San Diego ·otre Dame Club. At right is the Rev. Thomas I. O'Don- nell of • 1 0tre Dame Universi . Bishop Buddy was not able to attend.
Notre Dame Club Honors Bisbop Buddy
'-:: {,k 8 '" ·1 (?/lfJS-:;~ Par er Joins In Meeting Jmng W. Parker. deAD o! a1lm!asioDll at tbe Univen;ity of San Diego I College for Men, np~nted the. uniYer- aity Jul week tn Loa AllC et the -teth Mnlllll meeting of thl! American Auocllltion o! collegiate Regislran ADd Admiuioml Otncem '100 eduClltol'!!I attended ttie tlve-day meet- ing, which C
s/t,~o M:5,CR(/Ss er
wship Award
The llni e1sity of San Diego will take a string of 10 straight ictories into Saturd~y•s i p.m. encounter with the \ is1tieg IC:.ola College baseball team <1t :Morrow Field. The p' ·s, cu1· 8-3 in c:ollege play and 11-7 o,·crall, are eattoute to thP fin- I est season m JJit. echc,ol"s b1,et leads teammall's In run.•-bat- hlstory. led-in with 37
rurht flPl
wlll bf! ._ Blola
, "ho g1trn<'r- ed two home ."JnB and two sin-
gles m his
last outi!lg
I' oil owing Si Lurday's
ill l11e
Salurd, 1~ 1\g'-1111 l thi San l>i'1,o
an Dlcgans have ganws 1·e•
Mannes io h1,
aeon aver- mlllning "i\h Re age to .419. 1• !otfnZa he.s hit r.oyola, rat ·1 n·h anti again tor th"' cu mt IPn t1m~~ and ,1th H!0!a j
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