News Scrapbook 1958-1961


1.-n / /.3/f X to Conduct Session h.Wl \II r U lJ lit hthr


HOP IMPRESSED ican's En Visits San Dieg~

westerner' t rlct'laseball late 1Jlllvw• \ the teua. P out ltll ot 1:11.1• th• col- tUle pil,le thUI f lege front • when HalH1u thfOW1I 138 <:oadl__, K..~• track reet and Steuben • a O toot and ft aquad travela crou• shot put ettorl In- ce. town lo an Dli!io State tor a Aztec coach, Clloc: lportsman, trlag-ular att&lr ._tee"! will ..U on d&aUDN men Bob nd fhe San ck and IAraen and Wendell Mai!te, Field A'llen : mer • printer Ruu Boehmke hurdler baaeba'.1 nine Unlver- Jim Carrnll&D and Bob 8al1 In sit of San DI~ f"lon(era at Lile field events to 1e&d th~ ltobb F tld <>cean Beacb atatera' attack. the On tbe diamond, UM Weeter- een nera wtll be out to av•DJ• 11 tlon 83-1 lacing at Ule banda -Ot th• n Pioneera last Coacll Al ty Lewis may call OIi last ye,.r'1

Archbi~hop Eg1dlo Vagnoz, 71, Roman Catholic apostolit· delegate to the t..;nited Statc1,, , islled San Dici:;o esterday with J. Franci;i Cardinal J\le- Intyre, archbi hop of the Los .Angele , archd1occ,se. The apostolic dcl~gatP. Is thP \'atiC'an's !" re ald thr archb hop expressrd a "f-11 to ee ''beautiful !"an Dlrgo an; th~ campuH of the Uni• "rrslty 'Of S n Dirgo at Alcala :Park.

ace pitcher BIil ~nnlck. lo • tern the powerful Akala Park a lineup McConnick, 6--3 lut th• teuon AM ,.___. INNl'I a elr recrnt 111- hl~h ltl11 ald.P• Un"'1 him th• pa l few Wttka, loneer m.nto,-, M ke Mor- wi:t


rr> m on dl11tan e man Bill rnw, todav that hr Portn and wt'f,:ht men Han•,· would nart trNhman Tnm r.od- H and JM Str1 he~ tn lu.d dard, who lim1led Cal Te~h tc, lndlrtibtl

t" o hlta Frl<'lay whllt' hla team- ' male • w•re routin)!' the En- ,.-l neera, 25-1. \

½ 1~J toi 1' 1110 »1 Fo ens1c 1v1eet 1ated Here coaches from 44 states are expected he ,e June 20.24 tor the • 'a- t1onal High school s p e e c h Tournament and Student Con- gress. The eHnt I!'; ponsorcd b) S<,uthern CalUornla chapter. of the "ational F or e n s I c Lraiue. The host tor the tour- nament will be the Um\'erslty of San Diego. Hig school \\inners o[ dlS• trlct tournaments will c o m- pcte 1n debate, oratory, boys' extem rancous speaking, girls' extempore. dramatic m- terpre tion radio crlpt and poetry rradlng .'Jo h G. Lagne e, speech teacher at Sweetwater High School, Is tournaml'nt chair• Calilomia l\'e hundred conte~tants their rents and

H 7 Rd3 t,IJ{ omers

ee s

'EDUCATION IS NEEDED' ltJJ o;J V ·can o " 1 /. In ects USD th tr

t I er HY o! S.rn D l e C o

scar.I'd Its ti.!t.h

traight ba•c•

ball lclory > esterday al !Ike lorrow Held by rallyl g lol beat Awsa College, JJ-8, In a game maned by l1 ro1s , nine by ./)+uti;;. I Tom C:oo1'ard s rrli,•f pileh- lng and 1'1omers b Joh•1 llol Iida), B"h Kr>y,•• ar,d Tim Wilbur pullrd th<> ga w oyt

P u1t11 tJ rs ~tern Nine e U1 lver iW of J:)lego baseb, Ii Jra '11 oo mg for IL~ th I slraigh• , cton 1omol'rO\\' "hen 11 bat- il al \\e tern l nt~er t at Robb Field In Otean Beach. Game tl:-ne l :30 11 m 'I e Pioneers, wllh a 4 iecord against eolle ·iate com• petition ard 7-7 for t e ~ea ~on I a,·e sco1 ed a rf'tord- 1diat~eri,.:: 67 ru s fa t h e 1 r la t 22 Jnninls- USD cru~hed Cal 'I"ech 25· 1 111 a., abb1 e, lated :fi e and a halt in'ling game and trounced the W(',t('rners 'last week, 35-1. Pio1 rer coach Mike :'>lor- row Indicated that he would start tresl,nrnn Tom G o d·' dard on against Cal Wcstr 8 a P \\ 11 be

....l(,Jl!,UJ\}(... ~, 18 ~ourses Offer u, I

USO Crushes l PhibPac, 12-1 · David Coot and a.It Kl"yes each lammed 111:'lmfl" n~ a Univrrsity of Sa Die o de- !eated Phibl?11c, ~-1, Y,e ter- day in oaseh':19 01) J;e fo~rr's diamond. ii IJ/.1,t ~~~Pa• ' . ' ' '. lU on t 1 l ,; 4 Lorenz: and Cox; Clalr and Cannon.





_.-R.1 /3UtJtE

Pioneers To Platz

Eye Successor as Grid Coach


t:niversity of San Diego to- 1 day had its eye on "a man ,·ery well known in Southern California football" as Hs next head foo1 hall coach to succeed Paul Platz, who r e- signed Saturday. Rev. Rui,sell Wil~on, presi- dent of the College for Men of USO, accepted Platz' res- jgnation ''with regret." Platz will become athletic director at Poway High in the Escon- did0 sc-hool district when it opens next February. Father Wilson said he ex- pects to name lhe successor to Platz within the next two weeki.. Platz, who was head coach last yf'ar after serving two ,.ears as an assistant under Bob :11cCutchcon, will conduct :ipring drills starting April 18 if the new coach is not avail- able to take over at that tim<', Father Wilson said, Platz said he was invited to re m a i n as hPad USO c·oach, "but couldn't refuse 1he E~condido offer." He will rrmain at USO for the re, mainder of his contra ct which runs through July 31. ' USD Downs Azusa For Filth in Row University of San Diego ex- tended its baseball winning streak to liVI! gamPs Satur- day. Homf' TUii by John Hol- liday, Bob Keyes and Tim Wilbur and T'l'!le! pitching by •rom Goddard parkrd thP Nror,1illc-d lJ-8 congue~I of .Azusa at :Mike l\lorrow Field.



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Arizona St.

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