News Scrapbook 1958-1961

'MCRD leaves for ,. awaK (Continued I d"y, e players 11utfl'red .from ;~e extreme heat on thl' tffior of the Balboa Siadlum. We ran five playR wide In the first periud and ran t of gas. Our brst men were back Vic Gause- pohl and lin<>men Ray Y-OII.St, John Mulligan and ~fUe Franklin We may awltch our gual'ds and tack- lea to give the quarterba<·k more prot ecUon from pene- trating- linemen. Georg-e Schu~, San Di- ego_ Junior Colleg WP d<'- fea(r>d GlendalP JC, 27-1:l, in oul" opPner hut neitl10r thl' GJendal4! c-oal'h nor I hP- ll<'ves Glendale deH<'rves il pre-season ranking of 11th nationally. Backs Clevf'land .JOll<'S and Bob Andt>rson ran WP!I for us but dPfenslvely OUL' tPam WRS only mNli- 0(')'1'. Pasadena City Collt•ge we h<>a1·, is strong and will h<' fired up for us th<'re !<'riday. Hal 'l'nhln, forml'r Coronado b ckficld atar, lrns a i;orP l<•g and Wa$ UM•cl Hparingly at GIPndalc,, Sw<>Ptwal<'r High - - Our dub defl>ated Grossinont, 6-0, in 011<> qu:ir- ter of thP Metro LPague carnival llut W<' play<'d ]Joo1·ly in losing to El Cell• t 1·0 Saturrla.v niglit, 13-12. WP got good sPrviee out of quartN·back Wayne S<>iVIN' and fullba,·k Mike Folge- song. We were lu<'ky '.El C'Pnlro did not hPat us worse than they did. Our nc-xt 011- pon<'nl this WPc>k,..nd is Claremont High, whic-h ha• only 011!' gam" in two yc>ars. The M,•tro LPague, ot strong this year and it will Tom P11rkl'r,

RE~ OF 7-1 POSSIBLE, CLUB TOLD Marines Leave For Hawaii

By HOWARD HAGEN If Marine Corps Recruit Depot gets past Hamilton Alr Force Base Nov. 15. the Marines could finish with a 7-1 record, MSgt. J e an (CheeseyJ Neil o! the Depot special services office told the Monday Quarterback Club yesterday. Neil substituted on t h e coaches' panel for head Ma- rine coach Robert (Bu 111 Trometter, who leaves with hls team by boat from San Francisco today for Hawal! and games with University of Hawalt and Hawaii Ma- rines. The Marines lost t h e l r

opener at FlagstaU State, defeated Eagle Rock Ath- letic club the following week- end and Saturday n I g ht the Depot downed Fresno Strte, 20-6. Nell said halfback Al Hall played a tremendous game at Fresno. Three or four Fresnans often were need- ed to bring him down. The Marines outgained Fresno, 238 yards to 68, and held a 15-4 edge in first downs. Guard Sam Robinson [n. curred a sp1·ained ankle but otherwise the Marines came out unscathed from t h e clean, well-officiated game,

Nell said. A 33-man squad will make the trip to Ha- waii. Tom Wilson, former San Diego State end, saw Col- lege of Pacific defeat Ari- zona


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ng·th Still o Coach

Gary Davies, a 6-foot, 175-pound junior, from Con- <·ordia, Kirn., is expectPd to be at quarterback Saturda) night for Montana State when th<> un- beaten Bobcats face the University of San Diego at Balboa Stadium. Both clubs have won two games, USD Strength Still Puzzle To Coach quPs!lonable 6-1, 207,pound ·enlor, was the starter against M on t an a standout in tile line. Slate.• 'o\ ack bangPd up his Halfback Bob Kf'yl's and kne 11galn and appPars to be tackle Rir'• •o, nck u tain,- dr-flnilely out o( 1.he next con. d in.iurie~ a g a i n I N0w test. :.texko. Kt>yes reinju1·ed his (( onHnu,-d) an guard John Mulligan, a side and ls a



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sen. Diego Union Staff Photo Wilson, farmer San J;)iego State end, nd Tom Parker, football coach at Sweetwater High. Wilson had high praise for COP's Dick Bass.

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Talking football yesterday at meet- Ing or Monday Quarterback Club were, left to right, MSgt. Cheesey Neil of Marina Corps Recruit Depot;_ Tom

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IY • -l11t Trlb • M Sports lcllter

• Little Has Changed • Series Script Is Same • Long Beach Eyes PCL 01

Wl1 \' l<'A, ·: M. gt. J. H. (Cnee ex cial serviec · d1ier at the it Depot, had a slightly red fa<:e at tlie Quart~rback 'lub's (ootbaU luncheon at ~an Diego Club yester- day. Pinch-hittmg for the De~t•s {gotball coach, Bob (Bull) Trom tter who fa 'rig his club to H waii for a game there ne.-....1. week, the good- natured 'eil compared the Leatherne('k team's per- Iormanc in beating Fresno State College Saturday night to Oklahoma' Sooners. Chee~ey managed only a W"ak reply when a fan in the audience facetiously a!';ked him: "Why don't you schedule a game with Oklahoma while Trometter is out of town?" Wonder if College of Pacific reall~• is t ha I ~ood or if Arizona (Trm111>) State has ~one back that far. Only timr will tell, although at the pre,;enl it looks as if COP really has a power. hon ·i• football club, spearheaded by Dick Bass. Some grid coaches never are satisfied. Take the ca ·e of Frankie Albert, head tutor of the San Fran- cisco 49er., who no ed out the Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday. "Our play was too spurty," he said after the game..•. In spite of th€ questionable pitching staH o! the Yankees, we'll string along with them in the erie . . . . Bob McCutcheon, University of San Di~o·s coach, doesn't know how good his Pion real! are despite their two wins this sea- son. • 11 know more about it after our "'ame with Mon S here Saturday," he aid. "This is one of ghest games of the year." IOORE SLIPPI. 'G?: Scme observe ·ho aw the Cleveland Bmwns nudge the Rams Sunday maintain the Clevelanders will be hurting for a quarterback before the season is over.... Archie Moore must be slipping in allegedly cuffling for free.••• Only 49 weeks until our next vacation. t ·

l'C'H H ·1. · , V, C \TIO, ·1 'T: \ ehangecl rnce we r tui ned

y I . t year at thi

time. The .Mil-



ew York Yankees are at their


land in th World

ri s, Ted Williams

relalne(I American Lea ue batting crown and Oklahoma' football team till is 'hoving It oppru;i- tion around. The com- ment._ of both the winning and losing grid coat.:hr>s are the same.... Long will w r memb r our week of rainbow trout fishing at Panguitch Lake, Utah. The fish wouldn't re. pond to flle , to the chagrin of our ho t, Ron Early, but we had no trouble filling our lirnil on good old "gar- den hackle" (worms) ,·aught 011 a $7::i fly rod (borrowed) .... It's back h i .

,i,; IIETrnrc K

t.:1 di I to h d the eight pounds we picked iii on a go 1rmet tour of the famed San Took in Lefty O'Doul's QUI · ttp lhet·e ,md found the ex-Padre man- 1o ·onsiclcrab!y ov r his playing weight h wa p rfonning in the major league .•.• a,·h, w hear, again is toying with the idea to lnnrl a Padfk Coast League franchise. 1 h move are planning to erect 11 10,000- Th y'Jl make a bid for either the Phoenix or Sa -ramento frand1isc. It i 1111ite upp rt•nt h ' thi,; fone that the Los i ugPlt•s l>Hd r , , ho drr,n l,8li;!68 at liom<:' in the r r111111di11g,; in Smo~ille thi. sea- ha en't h1t~ the Ram al th gate. From 1hr, a th· 1'11111, are drawing. uld brPak their 'ational Football 1..eagn --•·•r ntorr lhan a million paid admission!! they II.Ired n 19!i'7. Many football ·011 he h ve talked to eem to b in l'cl~or of ofrlc;ial. Identifying players guilty of rul · rnfractions. F anru o caneries". B l'k eat h.tll park.

SWIFT PIONEER-Halfback Vic Gausepoh1 shows his ability at cutting away from a tackler as the swi(t University of San Diego halfback goes through drills with his Pioneer teammates for Saturday , night's game against Montana State, Gausepohl was the offensive and defensive star in the Pioneers' victory over New Mexico Western last week when he scored both touchdowns, one on a 55-yard jaunt. Bobcats Threaten Pioneer Win Skein \ ' 'If we win this one, we caught four ot our five oom- could go all the way, but Mon- pleted passes for 51 yards. tana State College's Bobcats You can't knock (Jan) Cbap- are real rough and the kids man's passing when he Cll!m- are going to have to play a pletes five of eight aerial111 and whale ot a game tor us to win if he stays hot we can give our third stntiiig-ht." that Montana bunch s o me That is hoW University of trouble." San Diego football coach Bob The other pass Chapman Mccutcheon sums up the Pio- completed was to halt.back neers' chances as they go Bob Keys, last year's leacling through their drills for Satur• ground gainer for the Pio- day night's game in Balboa neers, who ma ac- l Stadium. tion Saturday nl e of "Our passing attack looked a leg injury. a little better last week , any- The loss o! Keyes way C. G. Walker looked bet- is a setback to the loneers, ter," said Mccutcheon," He but the absence of the s wit t

Negro star, who is a former junior college All-American won't be felt as much as ex'. peeled for USD turned up a real gem in Vic Gausepohl last week. GauseP9hJ, a transfer from Long Beaeh City College, did everything but lead the band in USD's 13-]0 victory over 'New Mexico Western last Sat- urday. He stepped off 131 yards In 14 cal'l'ies, sroring both Pio- neer touchdowns, and a 1 so was the defensive standout, bringing down a runner from behind to kill what looked to be a sure score for the opposi- tion.

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