News Scrapbook 1958-1961

11 1)1HCI, 'tal.ll'OIINI• • t., Oct. 18, 1958 I"


Californl scum, 2 p.m.

SOUTHLAND crn. *Pepperdine at Redlandl , Duke at

'otre Dame.

Indiana at Ohio St. Michigan St. at Purdue. Drake at Tulsa. a at Wi&consin. I

a ch Navy at


READE.RS' RIGHT: From Meredith R. Davis, San Diego: "You had an item about the state driver's license examiners trying to discourage the 'two-foot' ~tyle of driving engendered by automatic transmis- sions. Perhaps these examiners had better 'get with the times.' That style of driving is recommended by tnore and more automoti\'e engineers and safety ex- perts. "A recent issue of the magazine Coi;isumer's RepoMs revealed 1hat every person on their car-testing staff had switched to the 'two-foot' style of driving. They recommended it due to the obvious decrease in brake reaction time through the use of the left foot, Instead of lifting' the right foot from the accelerator and moving it over. Logical?" Logical. &ginning to do it myself, and they can't call me a mftllbel' el. the Automatic Trans- mission Generation. 1 leamecl to drh·e with a Ford A-model.-N.:W. From Dan Applegate, rday afternoon. A little nun arrived at tb jlli);~-.!I. complete with candid camera, to see hel.-gra~ 'sch,o! boys play a football game. But she remarked, 'They had better be pretty good. I'm missing the broadcast o! the Notre Dame game to see them.' " From )Irs. Ward ChennelJ, 1032 San~ Barbara t., San Diego: "They're passing the hat to buy a hat in the San Diego League of Women Voters. l\Iany of these gals are speaking before groups between now and :NoY. 4 with a nonpartisan discussion of ballot measures. "But etiquette decrees hats for speakers. And for some of these carefree Californians, the hat presents a bigger problem than the speech. So they're bu);ng a 'League hat'-conservative, pretty and flattering to all wearers-to be loaned to speakers...." From William Thomas, Uni\'ersity of San Diego, San Diego: "Patients from San Diego Naval Hospital and children from surrounding orphan homes have been extended invitations for all home DSD football games, and will see all the action from the sidelines." From S. l .• S..,D,iep: "Johnny (Spaghetti Joe) Keyes, the aging eJHna,er of New York's Chinatown and long a favorite subject for Damon Runyon CGl- umns, made a brief appearance before the Assembly rackets subcommittee this week at Hotel San Diego. It was mostly sort of pitiful, but the old Keyes wit did bring dO\l.'11 the house once. Keyes hasn't been too well for a long time and didn't seem able to shed much light on anybody's rackets. "He told the committee that an attorney had fixed him up a statement which he would read, and he did, stopping to explain occasionally that there was a big word he didn't know the meaning of. But he pro- nounced his words quite properly. "Finally he came to the place where the statement said, "I understand that I cannot be prosecuted (or anything I say here.' He stopped, looked at that as if he hadn't read it befor e and couldn't believe it, and as if he was wondering if the attorney had lost his marbles. Then he looked at the committee and said, 'Is that right?' He was told it was. He finished reading the statement as if relieved, and then said to the Assemblymen, 'O.K., let's go.'" "Your report of the reminded me of an

Whllt of RJv Cla

SOUTH at Georgia Tech. y at-LSU. 11 State at ~Iis- te. mona lt Mis-,

Au •Ke •Ark

t Long sissippl ' Hard' at San si sippi. ~avy

folk, \'a.

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lina. Alabama at Tennessee. Xorth C'atollna State at William & .Mary. E T Virginia a ,&rmy. Harvard at ~lumbia. Holy C'ro· at Dartmouth Penn StatE' it Bo~ton U. Biown. at Penn. \Tu-ginia at Pitt. Colgate at Prm.ctl_ton: Bucknell at Jtatgers. 'ebraska at Syracuse. W;ike.- Fore,t, Vlllan~\·a. W'111




St. (Tempe).

rl!dlillat New Mexico. *Oklahom •Rice at _IL'. TCU at Texas .\ & ;1[ Baylor at Texas Tech. ROCKY MOU. TAIN · Texas St. at Brigham Young. Wyoming at Colorado St. u. Utah State a: .\Iontana • ·an 1''rancc co St. at Ke- vada Denver at I tah. MIDWEST Colorado at Iowa State. Mtssoun at Kansas St. Oklahoma at Kan as t. at Howton.

Cornell at Yale. *Xight i::ames.

r Grid

From Mrs. )lata Hastings, 2104 Wilson AYe., Xir tional City: "Our South Bay Navy 1\Iothers Club was organized in 1940. • . . On~ of our projects is making layettes 'lllmch we give to ervice men's fami- lies and others in need-about 30 each month. We have takei;i bedding and clothing to the orphanage (Casa de Cuna) in Tijuana and have helped fire victims and given aid to foster children. "We have placed TV and radio sets in many wards at Naval Hospital. This is supported by a salvage store at 420 E. 9th St., National City, without any paid employes. We need used clothing, any salable goods, which will be picked up. Telephone GR 7-786i or GR 7-8815.

(ll) !llun.• Oct. 19. 19.',8 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA THE SAN DIEGO UNION ENGLE JOINS COACH PANEL FOR QUAR-TERBACK LUNCHEON Roy Engle, Ifoover High football coac~"''l'(lll join the panel for the weekly meeting of the ~· Quarter- back Cluh tomorrow noon at the J room of Sa Otego Club. --,....,_;;_ n Other coaches on the panel swer !ans' ques~ons and ~port on weekend l!WM:l... •,.re Paul Gov. ner~h, San Diego State: George Schutte, San DleJO Junior College; Bob Mccutcheon, University of San Di- ego and Cheesey Neil, Marine Corps Recruit Depot The luncheon meeting~, open to the t,ubllc, ar~ spon- sored br the Azteec Club. _

67 _ _

2 Sec. T, Part C Nation's Football Scores

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