News Scrapbook 1958-1961
ian Jitgo llnion
What's Doing In San Diego
1 McCutcheon' Job In Dou USD Coach 1.
l old Status In Jeopardy B:v ,JOH:NN"Y .lkDO:-IALU The San Diego Union learned yestCL·day that the Unh-ersitv of San Diego \ Athletk ·Board of Control may relie,·c Bob McCutch- ern{ of his athletic director- ship and di.-;miss him as hea tball coaeh at the end o 11w sea. on. Gil X lhl'I. <' airman or the boarl!. a'dn'il ~d that the group has c}1s •!' the disposition of M utcheon but that no de. 1 dsion has bt'en read1<"d. ·we have dlscu~sed the sit- uation with McCutrhc>on," Kuhn reported , "'and I be!iPvc we might ha,·e information concerning the matter in three or four da ys." I R0v. John B. Bremner, di- rector of publicity. said , how- ever, that a decision ha n t \ been reaehed nor !1as the date for decision bren set. :-JOT c•:tn..\IN Rev. J WalshP 'Murray, alh• letic coordinator, ·aid he told McCulcheon: "It is not cer• tain Iha youL· contract will be renewed a nd it is not <'Cl'· tain i~ will not be renewed but it is more µ1 obable it wilt not." :'.11cCutch<'.on said this was \ the first that he h d heard o! the possible dismls al. "I have dolle an excellent job trom the mess out here," he said. "I ga 1·.e up wo1·k of nine years at Antelope Valley to come here. "I am displeased that the ruling must come from a body of six businessmen and only one school representa- li\"e. We should come out ,..,-rn1 a 12-6 season for the two yea rs I ha e been .here. e ball dub i~ 100 per behind me and 90 per oL the stud<:nt body is. . INISH St.:.\801"' ''l'll finish the football sea- sm-and so will the kids. I'll h more to say later on." 'l'
Broken Toe, USD Pain Me ico and University of Me1'ico's foo1.\Luis Rodriguez, weighing In ball team is rrported in good at 143 and 1"39, r<'SpPcl!vely. shape tor its game with 1,;ni- uso·s already bulky llnP versit-v of San Diego Satur- added another star trom last day n-inht Jn Balboa Stadium year•~ 1eam when guard Dick with o~e exception-its coach. Gardner, 5-foot-11 and '.!;..3 Roberto Mendez. coach 01,pounds, reponed back t o the Mexican team, is \\atch- scho?l_ from a six-montlt tour . ot m11ttary duty. mg where he walks, when he San Diego's line will aver• does, as he is favoring a brok- age 210 from end-to-end and en toe. ,the Pioneers' overall t e a m Mendez didn't suffer the average of 196 should out. break while klcki about his weigh the visitors by about Joss to Los Angelea State in 20 pounds per man. oach By '.\IET, ZIKES halfback Victor Velez
morrow afternoon at 1:30 in Balboa Stadium. Stodd doc. a lot of pa· ing and i a top runner for the vi,:;itors, who have a 2-1-1 season record.
McCutcheon S es Close, Tough Game
plus so s servin,; as
his opener last week. 23-6- it was broken before they left Mexico City. Mendez hopes for breaks of a different . ort :aturday night as his Pumas llelp USD open its third sea$on However, tt r Pumas aren't given too much o! .a chance o! knocking off lh\! Pioneers. The M:exica team is awful- Iv li"ht by Amencan stand- ards b with its two top stars.
Four Mentors On QB Panel football coaches will make up the reg- ular panel of the Quarterback Club, which will hold lunch- eon meetings every Monday throughout the football season in the Jubilee Room at the San Diego Club. The regulars wlll be Paul Governali, San Diego State College; Bob Mccutcheon. University of San Diego; Bull Trometter, Marine Corps Re- recruit Depot, and George Schutte, San Diego Junior Col- lege. They will be joined Monday by guest speakers Al Lewis of Cal Western and Duane Maley of San Diego Hlgh. Gene Gregston, executive sports editor of the Evening Tribune, and Jack Murphy, sports editor of The San Die- go Union, will alternate week- ly as "head quarterback." Four San Diego
MAY BE OUSTf (;) ni •ers1ty of San Diego offic19,Js night that the school's athletic dir t coach, Bob McCutcbcon, may not. b<' his contract expires in December. U 's Athlet~c Boal'd of Control has advised Mccutcheon of lus doubtful slatui-;, officials said. dmittc 5~; Diego irif s Lewis anct Cla:·k co Univ r~ tY o[ 8.\ 1){1,•• lMcCu cheon' s 'Job In Doubt (Contin ued ) discuss <'ontracts, we were asked who was our coach. When told, they replied: ·No we won't play you because you have an outlaw coach.' "Whittier and Redlands can- celled games with us because of this." Kuhn also said the board was infor.Q1C'd that 1cCutch- eon's adrnln\stral.ien on the field was not good and that he did not gel along w;th otl1- er coaches. "We do not want to win at all costs." IH' added, "we want to face other schools on a sound competitive basis." o WI ll st '~<' tt fir,,t P.·.iL'..>Oa Junior fullback Larry Groves has averaged better than four yards a carry in the :-;-orth- erner·~ "belly-series" while halfbacks Gary Grill 11nd Ken Stodd have averaged 8 6 and 6.3 yards w carry, respec- tively. Groves Is a power runner '" . r1~nt while Grill i~ on the -shifty 1 .,n .,,~· ~1de and Stodd depends on his speed. Probable starting ._, 0 , 1 an•I m·•f m,t . ., ac· of!ensive lineups; I t luJllr <.I LEWIS & CLARI( Pot. , e 1 t 1 .1 USO ( 1 rk come o ( 111) ''°I 171 . . (182) Reed Molllgan Gardne:r s, Ctork (?iJ.1t~:~s~ (l6.t) Chapmon , ( r 1,w11 Slcktord Wllklns Stickley r t~ l $1)(1.r"ic.s 11 111 1 t..,ewt rt 1 ,nil L• tln• 1 ft. (ffi\) 'h" . hons 11 g w NI OV.t.:r u • l3 1 ~i / m,t South(:rn Ort \~~a~~n2t,~-k~lt 12 i t~t li g•• c Col• §~~~~t1jiy~1· . ! C~~lL1•0 ;~~I L~•~U USD PLAYS HOST 'a~~:: i,! 1.J ho l~•l!J McDani!I trlf1d (ntt .... · : :..:. 1 m1) Grovu OM) .... 1 b . \114) q b R d - Gausepohl c ea Y I {186J Wrillhl f o r m er ~Cutcheon, a at Antelope V a 1 le y J mor Co!leg_e where he had 1 es alillshed 1mpress1w rec- ords, was hired two years ago by the university under a two-year contract. The Pioneers won six and Jost three last year under Mc- ! Cutcheon·s coaching and are For Lewis-Clark The University of San Diego will attempt to get hack on 2-1 to date U1is season. They : the winning road today but it will be no easy task as it face Lewis and Clark Co. J. 1 , opposes tough Lewis and Clark College from Portland, Ore., lle_ge today at Balboa St a- st d . d1um. at Balboa a mm. Kuhn, who also roached the Kickoff is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock. ___ Pioneers on a part time basis lJSD's chief att~k will ren- , -- \th re e years ago, said th e I ter around hallbacks Bob have had a week to rest fol- board was split on its deci- Keyes and Toi:c, i:;ates. who llowing their 31-6 beating by sion. Voting members of the have been c?ns1m11t baU car- Montana State while L and c board are Herman Gant, Btll riers. A brig t spot w1I~ 1:>e . h ld 1 19 _ 19 draw by Cord t 7., Paul Borgc-rdmg, the teturn. at I !or llm1t-1"as e O a _ . Louis DeFalco, Msgr. John ed service, o! Vi ausepohl, College of Idaho m its laS t L. Storm, president ot t h e the club's lelll g ground excursion. university; Rev. William gainer. I The Oregonians have a Spain and Kuhn. . Gausepohl, a l.(ing Beach \speedy backfield, beefy line Father Murray 1s a non-vo~- 1 C ity College nsfer, has d 1 . tt k ing member. Msgr. Storm 1s an a air passing a ac . averaged 6.4 ya per carry out of town. in compiling 148 ds. They rank ~l!long the top 1 Im said McCutch~on had Fans will ha__..Oan excellent small colleges in NAIA of!en• 1b.een told ~e was _bem_g re- opportunity to ost ot the sive statistics. lle:vcd of !us athletic dn ector- l squad members in action, Lewis and Clark figures to slup .because·t h e college was b h . ,seeking crea1ta1!on and that however, ecau t e game be stronger than the Univers1- a decision would be made on will be played uiM r the free . . . ! substitution rulee t,f the Na- ty o! Mexico and New Mexico his job at the end or the sea- tional Associatmif of Inter- Western, clubs that USD has son. . \ collegiate AthleM Also, the beaten. but not quite as tough Kuhn listed three reaso;1s two clubs only II be able as Montana State. why the board had met to dtS• to try :!or the single-point con- Lewis & Clark p lino cuss McCutcheon. . Engle Gue$t On Grid Pdnel Roy Engle of Hoover High will be guest panelist at Mon- day's Quarterback Club luncheon at San Diego tub. 11 Bull Trometter is back from Hawaii, h<' again will take ovcr as Marine Corps R e c r u l t e119 tesent- ative. 0 th er wi heerful lcheescy N<-11 will hold furth. Regular pan<'lists_ are Paul Governali, San Diego Stale C O l l e g e: Bob McCutC'hcon, Univl'rsity of s,rn Diego, ,and George Sc·hutte, San Diego IJunior College. lewis-Clar Arr' y to de1end If worked properly. The local club, however, Is near tul! strength again and I! it can live up to Its potential stands a good chance against the invaders. Also, weather could be a deciding factor. Lewis a n d Clark has been accustomed to weather In the high 60s at Portland while, lf the heat continues }lere, the Balboa Stadium flbor may be rather warm in comparison tomor- row atternoon. l1a2l 212 231 2121 H2Jl iml · Bickford m21 Sparks (2901 w11K1ns Cll'Ol l!eed Munloan Gonlner "We had a hard time sched- ulmg ot er co eges, u n, a 'h t O rme r 11 .. K h tackle at the Novack t217l University or Southern Call- forma, said. " we could c1orK 231! Steuben . Cho~~a'J LE LT LG version. - · Lewis and Clark, with the s1;cklev c RG RT ~!l LH :~ Ke,es p86l , (Continued on a,,19, C~.?l
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