News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Pioneers t Lewis and Clar The Untver~ity Of San Diei:;-o will sta c its Ci
EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line
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Ing game this Saturday, October 18 whcn'\h p· rsl home-com• 1'.4'wis and Clark P1011eers al Ilalbo~ Stadium~ ~1:nkroef.1f·sJmeel tho I .So p.m. 1 a set for Coach Bob .McCutcheon's troops were !nacllve J with th1·ee exrcplion~ Will be al • aat week and full s l r c n g th in SalLtrday'a . fourtl, game. usn hllll won two 27 , 19 07, Marin~ Con>lf Recruit of Its three games,
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fllat< Coll ge, 12-7, and South- ern O1egon, 60-13. Lrwis and Clark lost Its only game of the ~ceson to Chi~n State, 20·20, and last W<'~k fought to a rn.19 tle with the <"oll ge of Idnho. . IA!wla nnd Cl trk's starling i;;hL halfbaelc Clary Grill ap- pears wdl on Lile way to n,. pealing his rn57 Northwest Conft>rence ru hing champion• ship. The 0-8 l 70-pound sopho• mo,.e ,B rAt d , lghth In the na• lion a?ion'! ~mall college play- •rs "1th 301 y nls ii, t!hce grtm or • Jl.6 yards-pcr- average, lighlly b,•Iow O' a e last Mason. G11ll I Mctlti,111. mtes 2.'ilh Jn n i'tirm In iolnl off,•nsc. Hll ,to11'ft stu,tin• q11arL,•rbaol< l:oy,·,, life! nlel also tops th, N,\JA ' nd Nf'AA statiatic~I ra linge in punting- with eight IHmts for a ~Z.i avernge. The Pioneers hn1'" n·writlen BavJor •v' BCV'°' by 9 lovlor __ b'!._1 __ 10-,1or __!!!..l __ TCU by 5 Texas .A&M ., 3 TCU bY J OrffOI\ Or.,;on OY 6 Oret0/1 bY t I bY 3 use bY • SHclay O'RO LM An;elts a1 Cl'IIC090 Son Francisco at Phlloot1ph1o, Co HornlCI Ca11fornla Calffornia Calltornla by 7 --'~-- __ C0 use by 6 fllf't'\Jo bV 6 t>~ l'__ bY , CallPorr'lla b't' U wa,,un11on by 6 Washington --~othlnoton Wo!lhlng:ton washfn-iaton UCLA bY 7 UCLA bY 1 b'I I bY '- Washlnqton b'I 2 __ bv 7 b.- 6 Ar~ --Ar~•.--------------- -.v l --A~n,c-n,--I Army 1--,,.-c',~m~y~--l~or,--·--Arin:;-- --..,---;;;:;-- Sa 10 Notrt Dam• IQ Notre Dom• IQ Notre Oam• IQ IQ 1~l Notre Oam• t-iofn Dome lavlcr l A.' 0 tat, CoHPornla }I, ~ti_l---'·c:;::;.;1___ 1--~·!oo~·~'-- --'·~~~-- --~~ '._L~-- _]~-- __ 37-1'"1 .661 3.1-11 I ,625 U-ZO. 1 ..-:i 36•211-1 ."3 17 If l ,61,1° 37.i,.1 i--'-'"""._-1 .661 ~11\ 1 J~~~-I 4 •IJ-1 .m ,I AN DIEGO UNION ('Thur .. Od. lff, 19:'ill IAN DIIDO, CALl~ORNIA THE The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections ,Johnny ,ltcOonald W-71 L-M .... L.A, Stale ::- L.A. Slof• at Son. 0111!'10 •'· by l i•Nl!i &. CIGrlc LtWli &, Clarie. ot U. Sen 01- bv 2 a23 r 20, J!J.5 ; fold m I a22 0 Thurs., Oct. 16, 1958 ---!.A~EGO~FORNIA THE SAN DIEGO UNION PLAY LEWIS & CLARK Pioneers Ready To Two Platoon By JOHNNY McDONALD The University of San Dlego has been practicing the two platoon s~stem all week for Its game Saturday afternoon wlth LewIS and Clark College at Balboa Stadium, The Oregon team plays un-1------------ der Natio~al Association of Hugl1es and Jay Elson at Intercollegiate A_th 1et ics' guards, and Jack Garofano at rules. which pe1·~1t free sub- at center with Al Kish, Joe stitution. This will be the sec. Gray, Tom Mathis and Don and club this )'.Car ,~here USD Gilmore in the backfield. h_as had to spllt_up mto otfen- Besides Walker, USD may s1ve and defensive units. 'I11e lose the services of Coggins other was New Mexico West- and guard Norm Magenot be. er.~. cause o! grade deficiencies It makes it a bit confusing "We have an unusual gr;d. for our players," USD coach ing situation here, uncommon Bob Mccutcheon said yester- to most schools that I know " day. "One week we abide by Mccutcheon said "A boy 'is NCAA stan?ards with t~e two graded each week and if he ,a_nd one-pomt extra._pomt OP• doesn't average a C he Js in• tlon, and the next week we eligible until he makes It up must revert lo free substitu. the next week. Both Coggin~ tlon _and the .~ingle point con- and Magenot have been ill vers101!- rule. U1is week and were not able In view ot the open play, to take the tests." McCut~ceon has worked eut Vic Gausepohl, who was fn. two units. jured ea1·Iy In the Montana The offensive will have State game. may see some Merle Reed and Ray Yoast at action this week. He has av- ends, John Mulligan and Rick eraged better than six yards Novack at tackles, Dlclc Gard. per carry. ner and Joe Steuben at ----------- guards with Bill Clarke at center. The backfield will be omposed of Bob I{eyes and om Gates at halves, Avalon right at full and either uane O'Connor or Jan Chap- an at quarterback. Reed 1·epJaces Injured C. G. Walker and Novack has re. covered enough from early in- juries to play in fhis game al tackle. Defensively, Wayne Bour- que and George Coggins will be at endl, Charles Franklin and Jack Trlly at tackles, Bob NEWEST THREAT TO PIONEERS Fullback Larry Groves shows coach Joe Huston ~he. speed and power that enabled the 185-pound Jumor t? average four yards per carry last season for Lewi~ & Clark College, which meets University of San Diego at 1 p.m. Saturday in Balboa Stadium.
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