News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Crimson and Blue Smashes Border City Eleven, 18-0; Cubs Prepare for Undefeated Pierce ·jn WSC Op
b-12 Pione rs Promote 2 Players
Brahmas Seek Revenge for 1957 C~b Drubbing •••. THONY Tund y Desk Editor A band of caaer. cap1tallzlng City Coll 11e 11r}ddera t4)ok advantage o! the Unn·er11Uy o1 San Diego Frosh lnlstakes to galu an 18•0 victory. Th Plonee 1)1'.csented their first freshman llflu,&d in the youthful chool'& history '.fhe Crimson and Blue played the role of the old m115ter showing the amblt.loti.s pro!,cge the tricks of the trad h0Ql'11 in se on! The University or San Diego .,F'r(J6h received the kickoff and promptly marched from th 1r pwn 25 to the Cubs 27 yard mark r In 10 plays Then the tide turned and the Bor- der City quarterback Dave Cox !ell prey to two ornery hombres by the names or H nry Rivera and Carlos Ac08ta who dumped him on bis anat- omy for losses or 9 and 13 yards. Needless to ~ay the Ploneers' first and la~t thrrate11mg drive sputtered. I-'lr&t lc.s.son: never gamble Incessant- ly 11nd don't make mistakes. 'I he teams s emed adverse to the idea or poscsslng the ball and ex- changed punt.Ii. The Cubs, thanks to Ken Yeakel. got the better of the duel Yeakel put the boys from San Diego In the hole. puntlng out of bounds on their 6 yard line. 't'rylng to run the ball out from the shadowir o! their own goal. the Pio- neer nmde !Ive yards on two cracks. 0ool)81 One thing wrong, they were flv yards the wrong way What now? Fight fire with flre and punt Th" Cub took the ball on the Border City ttam·s 19 yard line. Jim Brown med six rds. Brown a am for nlne ya1·ds and Bob Zelchlck went four y rds fo · the score. The conver- sion failed. Score: Cubs 6, USDF O. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3>
C 0 L L
I Offlclll ,a-lle•tl Los Angeles, California Tuesday, October 14, 1958 Cubs Complete Practice Slate Against USD Frosh poss ssion is 9/10 of the Jaw. City College opened the second half as if th ey were golng to run the Border City team. Into th Pacfflc Ocean. Receiving the kickoff on th" 14 , Bob Zeichlck started up fleld, cut to his right, back to his left and found hlm- fie!f all alone, After havtn!l l'ambled 86 yards, clipping was called on tt!c eight and the ball was mov d to the 23 or the Pioneers. Zeichick's sensational e1fort went for nought as the Cubs couldn't move the necessary 23 yards to pay dirt. The Cubs' next opponent ls Pierce College Friday evening in the West- ern State Conference opener for· both clubs. The Pione!'rs caught a bad case of the jitters as they made the mistake of fumbling twice deep in their own territory. Prltko's men could not take advan- ~e of the ..first miscue. but the sec- ond bobble was costly as Roy Easley recovered on San Diego's 32. Three plays later on a fourth and sixth situation, Ralph Conerly showed hDw to use the forward pass to ijest advantage as he connected with st1·eaklng Don Armstrong for 28 yards and the tally. Conversion failed again. Score: Cubs 12, USDF o. Record lesson three : you have to have possession of the ball, because n,eu e• Mther hi II• •rot JOLTIN' JOE-Star Cub halfback Joe Womack will strut his stuff before a City College crowd for the second time th~ eason Friday 'against Pierce. Womack scored once last Friday as the Cubs defeated the University of San Diego Freshmen, 18-0, in San Diego. Gridders Lack Team Unity Pioneer Clash Set Saturday The University of San Diego will stage its first homPcoming game next Saturday when the Pioneers meet the Lewis and Clark Pioneers at Balboa Sta- dium. Kickoff Is set for 1:30. Coach Bob McCuctheon's troops were inactive because of last week's bye and with three exceptions will be at full strength In Saturday•s fourth game. USD has won two of Its three games, de• feating the University of Mex- kc 20·6, and New Mexico West- ern, 13·10. The Pioneers lost two weeks e.go to Montana Ste.te, 31-6. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1958 EarnWell Deserved Victory Over San Diego Freshmen Cl~y College garnered a well deserved, 18-0, victory over the an DI go l<'ro.h Frlday, but according to head coach Steve Pritko the Cub • till lack one Important factor, that of unity on the field. "We • Llll have not Jelled as a unit," said Pritko, as he repeated, I~, t to the word, tlle statement t.hat he had issued following lty Coll St two previous I\ l\t' Individual Cub Stats Lewis-C ark Faces USD On Saturday Lewis-Clark Faces·USD On Saturday (Continued) l'ritko wa talking o! the entire team. noL jll.t on• Ulllt. He had cl an·d tJ, bench, U5ing the second 1111<1 Lhlrd \llltt. for the grcatrr part of th gam lnv(•stlgate Depth 'I 1.1,i,.11ted to find out what depth we hav • lu, a,ct "We ~tart the con- ! ren<' s a.~on n xt we k, th rest of 0111' lLlllf'S 11r ti1 one11 thnt count." ' From th r •suits or thls game I tlllnk ,,., have two fairly strong · lr•n1n ,' h, continued. )ll · phaSI' or the t(•am that Prltko v ry pl a ed with ls the place klckln "We w ·nL tor two points on our extr1L-1m1nt attempts," he ex- p! Int cl, . lleCllllSt; [ know that, both llo11 J\1·mstron11 and Jo Womack are ood kicker " Hoth Annstron.: and Womack were 1 d to kidc-otr and both sent the b 11 o ring d ep Into Pioneer terri- to1 y on each t1·y. Kicking- Stand Out The n 'Diego coaches were Im- p scd by the Cub l>~ters Ken Yca- kl'l nv ra11ed 41.5 yarit. on two kicks nnd Henry Itlvera had one for 45 yt,rd FrQm tJ1elr view atop the press ho th Y c 111me11 tl'd favora.bll on Y hi' ahl!Hy to aim his punts: ull back l'ld coach Krn c;friffln onwl lit Rl/HIIING TCB YG YL 7 62 5 2 28 l 4 24 0 4 19 L 5 11 2 4 8 • I 2 0 I O O 2 D I J l 8 2 0 7 35 Ull 29 Nd Awc. TD 57 81 t 27 lJ.5 0 24 6.0 D 18 4.5 I 12 2 4 D 4 LO 0 2 2 D 0 0 0 D 0 -1 -0.5 0 -7 -2.J 0 -7 -J.5 0 Womack , Joe MUler, Maurlce Brown, Jlm Zf'lchkk, .Bob Arnu1trone, Don Economtde!. M!kt We.t:-1on, BUI Ye&ke1. Ke-n Conerb, Ralph Total& Mabry, Eel Hata. Yost Conerly. Ralph Hata. YO,'\i Yt.11kel, Ken Tot.ab Rtveu. Henry Yeakel, Ken Wuaack, Jo,, T'oiala r.o, /IN(Ha.E~ San Dleso By JOHNNY McDONALD Lewis and Clark College fioom Portland. Ore., listed among the nation's top small colleges in oifensive statistics, will serve as the University of San Diego's homecoming opponent Saturday afternoon in Balboa Stadium. The battle shapes up pret- ty even. And to make it more confusini to separate the two clubs is the fact that both are nicknamed the Pio- neers. The Oregonians have won two, lost one and tied College o! Idaho last week, 19-19. L and C, coached by Joe Hus- ton, has beaten Portland State College, 12-7, and Southern Oregon, 60-13. The Oregon Pioneers' only loss was to Chico State, 26-20. The Portland team Is list- ed third in the National As- sociation of Intercollegiate Athletics in rushing offense and 13th in overall offense, It ha& averaged 388 yards per game, passing g. Also, the club is 12th 'in total team rus ~fense, allowing opponen only 70 yards per game. Needless to say, coach Bob McCutcheon and his assist- ants have spent many hours (Continued on b-7, Col. 1) reviewing pictures of Lewis and Clark's game witll. qo1. lege of Idaho. The two lead· $ ofie11&ive sta rs for the Or. gim eleven are halfback Gar rill a 5-8, 170-pound sophom e"'-ho av- er aged 8.6 yard a l:'arry in the first three g a n d quarterback Royce McDaniel who has a punting average of 52. 7 yards for eight boot s. Meanwhile, Wayne Bourque, a 6-foot, 196-pound s o p ho - more, has been assigned to Jill in at left end for USD in place of injured C. G. Walk- er, the club's top pass re. ceiver. • Although still on the injured list, halfback Vic Gausepohl, USD 's leading ground gainer, and tackle Rick Novack are expected to· be suited up for Lewis and Clark and may see limited ervice. • Bob Keyes, outstanding left halfback, is expected to open despite bruised ribs. McCutch. eon figures to open again with Jan Chapman at quarterback, Tom Gates at the other half.. back post and Avalon Wright at fullback. 129 J 7 2 r .·SING ' P/1. PC Pl 8 2 1 3 2 0 3 0 0 - - H • I PUNTING No. l 2 I Pel. YG TD EV ENING TRIBUNE $AN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Thurs., Oct, 16, 1958 y Pioneers Certain To in Saturday The Pioneers can't lose week played to a 19-19 tie .Saturday. with College ot Idaho. University of San Diego's The local "homesteaders" Pioneers play Lewis and knocked off University of Cla.rk's Pioneers in Balboa Mexico, 20-6, and New Mexi- Stadium at 1:30 p.m. with- co Wester n, 13-10, before out an Indian in sight. dropping a 6-31 decision to The Pioneers from Oregon Montana State in their last d 't t h th d outing. on appear O ave e e ge USD first stringers Rick 111,~e record department with Novack (tackle), Vic Gause- ~3,-M mark for the year. pohl (halfback) and C. G. ·.n1e focal Pioneers are 2-1. Walker (end), all of whom ff&wever, the invaders have took their lumps against Mon- betri much more impressive tana State, still are on the in the games they've won, list of sick and ailing, accord- beating Portland State, 12-7, ing to coach Bob McCutcheon, and assaulting Southern Ore- who said that none , of the gon, 60-13. Their lone loss was three probably will see ac- to Chico State, 20-26, and last tion. .250 .666 .000 I 18 19 D 0 D n 1 .260 Yd._ 11,..,. ~.o 41 5 '.1$ 0 45 83 35 163 40 7 SC-Oln: 111' QUARTERS 8 G 6 l-1R o o o 0- o
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