News Scrapbook 1958-1961


r·zzlies Growl, But USD Wins (Cont. from Page b-3) ;\lontana bobble on the Griz- zly 32. Tom Gate· hit off tac- kle for seven ,·ard and then Jan Ch a p m"a n. spotting a weakness in the f U . econd- ary, went to the ail. He ta k e d beautifully lo Gates and Bobby Keyes going by, hipped the ball and faded back . e,·en or eight :i,ards. From there he flippPd a per- fect 23-yard strike to C. G Walker, a "lonesome end" who caught it in thr. end zone with nan· a defender "1thi11 13 vard of him. Cliapman (oml' A two-pol11t l'01 , Chapman to Kc Pioneer ahea,1 Jo thev added their I g to ch· do,,·n ,! · mlnu cs la r , hen Gate. !ought hl war o, l'r he g o a I 11 n e on a 1o r•) ard plunge, climaxing a 7-yard drh·e. Chapman pro,lded a kl'y clutch play to keep the final dri\·e all,·e. All but snowed under for an apparent lo s, he threw a 20-yard pa s to end wa, ne Bourque which ga,·e the· Pioneers a first do,vn on • 1 ·u·s 12. Chapman' punts and the nc!ens!Ye herol<'s of G a t e s. Joe S eubcn, Charley Frank- lin Ken Cook, Keyes, Jack Ga 0 ro!ono and Rick ·ovac-k were i'em. which kept U D in the earlr part o! the game. ::-,;o,ack Block Punt Thanks to • ·o, a<'k, the Pi- onrl'r trail<'d only 13- at halftime. The hard • hitting tackle blocked a Grizzl~ pun t into thl" end zone w h ere Walker fell on it for a . econd- ;.criod touchdown, and an 8-7 lead when Ron Fah-o plunged for a two-point c-onver ion. Montana got it~ tir t TD on a 31-,·ard pass from Phil Grif- fin to end John Land in the fir t quarter and it other on a 15-) ard gallop by Tom Sor- en. on on a draw play. Two o her Grlzzlv threa t. wilted in the I.')" of the P l• oneer ' gr<'at go:tl linc> de- kn ·e once on t <' onq-~ a rd lir.e ar\d 'lga n o !our Summar)· Montana USO rd~:,i~n- P~~;~se"n vso;.- cot.tred b ~l(e:, p1,,nt YO "'"'· Mont Sort"lsod ~~at c~~~~a~~«k2;,e~.• use p 519 (ChaPmOn run STATISTICS Mont. First down1 1' Yards ~IMM 111 Vords rusbin1 JU • •f Pones hod lnl1rc1pt1d • :~~:•es Jost ln., Yards ,enali1ed SO USO u .. , .. ,., 0 1 ... ,., sa

SAN DIEGO, CALI..OIINIA JUouday, Jan. 19, 1969


Calew to Test U beaten Leader Ohio '(ate Life, undt'featcd 1 in 13 gam«'s. J{en Le Jie's 26 Jcadl'r in the City Le a g u e points proved wastPd In the I lo Ing c-ause. Summary: race, meets strong Callforn a uso cm ptp,ercilnt tm Electric Work tonight al 6 :50 Bok•~ of~: ! tlm, ?1 r 21 In municipal basketball at ~•b•r)• , I ! tg;~:~ ; : L~rn.n 1\ 4 l 26 Fullf 1 1 l 3 Balboa Park gym. i:3;:w'.i.l 72 l 11 ~•tt m f f •~ Two more cont<'nder~ In the Math! • ! g l 11 o~ooe,o 1 D o , Blue 2 o e top loop are due !or an ap- HJ°if/1:/,'. sl!,~' 'Mf> .';~ 1•~~... i~?~ 1 11 1 V, pearance at 8·30 when Astro- Calrwo' r au J Lough.-r nautic takes on C o n a I r dumped in e. pair o! fr<'c Eagle. The c-hedu!e: throw in the !Ina] e<'onds Al Mun,dpal GY"' Saturday night to gl\'e his Al 6:.50-0hlo State Life In,. u. Collf. team a 73-72 Victory OVer ;~~r 10 u.W'l'a~1~!'.V>J..,i~sa'i'~riY1~, c~.~ Pasadena Mirror-Glaze In Ill\ Tou Koooo Eo,11an (Metro). exhibition basketball gaml! In Al 7.SS-ILWU Athletic Club v •. Tunle • h u Ml I III h \Munl); North Pork 8aptl1I VI, 111 Bop. t 8 mt, gUC g g Y m, 1,1 . Summary: Al 1:30 - .A1tronoutlt1 VI, Convalr Mirror Glatt fm CALl!WO (11) Eoolu (Clly), G ,. t G F ,. T At f:00-Solor. ••· ROM Jets ( nd. A): f•nd , , 11 Cotrmon 5 O 2 10 Sroodwoy Baptist \11, C1a1remont Bo~ errlon • 2 4 1' Rldg~woy .,e o 1 I 1,,1 (Ch II). Pyl 2 1 I S RtYnold • 2 0 I , Coal< 1 3 2 5 Hndrlck,on r O I , At 6 .~~~~:••'- "'MoG:m,,. Chrlll ~•t • 0 l 18 Olson IO I 6 Luthercn (Womet'I). 0 L• "' 12 ¥b 1 :?:;,' 3 \ \ 1 t At 1.lS--TOT'• 1. ~slro Rodttntt Pith AO 3 I CWome 1. LoufJti•rv 'S 3 3 13 i-ota11 ,. 1' t 72 Total, 24 s 1173 Yellontall ti hlng orr the tl'i".'wg 1 az •, ·:·::: :::· r, ll:n

oronado l lands and along the Mexican coa t, already a

lll~hlaml n o ed

Into fir t

an Diego Coun- , thanks to a

!ul! month ah<'ad of the prog. place tn the

the sam" p . ty S(iutfleboard Association

re~s made In



riod last year, appeared to

team toda) a

7-15 conquest o! the nstwhlle of leader, Balboa, Saturday, In

be C'athcrlng U1e big ti h .slum cd


cleaning up of oth<'r. matchc Saturday, Chu- red crab on \\hich they ha\e I Vista whipp ct Ei;condldo, been 1CPding 20-12, nd La I sa dged Ye ter


Yellowtall Dt'rby champion, who bagged S<'Vl'n, the larg- est a 24-pounder. Rock cod !l ·hlng nln milt's outhwe t of Point Loma also wa~ at I e t la t weekend. John German of San Diego topped oft a nlc.- tring of 14 red code with five large cow cod and one ling. nhie ~loore, world light, heavyweight boxing champi- on, will be among the sports celebrities present to p a y tribute to San Diego County's h i g h school administrators and coac-hes at the firth an- nual Appreciation Night din- ner Thursday In the P a J m Room or the U.S. Grant Ho- tel. The testimonial, which is sponsored by St. Augustin«' High School, v.ill ! e a t u r e Woody Hay s, Ohio S tat e foo coach as the principal r 'lhe Buckeye coach 1 award the "Coach ot ar" trophy to the coun- ty p1· p grid coa b i-elected for the honor b,> 1l , ote or his colleague Among pecial gue ts will be Solly Hemus, • Louis Cardinal manager and St. Augustine alumnus, and Ver) Rev. James A. Donnellon, O.S.A. president o! Villanova University. an Diego•~ ::llarine Corps Recruit Depot racked up its 18th basketball victory of the season in 21 tries Saturday night, nippmg Lockyers of Long Beach, 81-77, in th c Point Loma gym. Summary; Lockyer, 71 MCRO It GFPT G~P.T Nichols 1 1 S 3 Longe 5 I O 11 i~~fl~as 1 i n f, 11~1~\11 i f l 1 l Oefplt 6 1 2 13 Harper 1 o 1 2 Frc~e-r O 1 2 Allen 7 3 3 17 Reine o 2 o 2 Coin i6 2 5 1A Winterburn 8 I 0 17 Smith I o .t 16 Mount S 4 1 U Curtrlght o 2 1 2 Honr"!on 0 2 O 2 Totals Zf lt 15 n Totals 34 13 lt 11 Ham m1 $con MCRD "~ Lockrers JO. ltich G reg or y's last min- ute field goal broke a tie and gave the Naval Training Cen- ter a 55-33 victory over Cal Western Saturday night in a basketball game in the Blue- jacket gym. Summary: HTC (5S) Car WHtern (5l) GFPT GFPT Gre90ry 6 3 3 15 Johnson 3 O 5 6 b~~"t j E;:rrwd f i i 1~ Ludvic~ 6 2 1, Hammond 3 " 3 10 Swayne S O 2 10 Keating 1 O o 2 Henry O 3 2 l Fugatt- 5 2 .c 8 Takohcshf 5 1 2 11 Tolals 1t 17 1S 55 Totals 22 t 11 53 Halftime Score-Cal. Western 21, NTC 2,. JV Score-Col. Western s,, NTC 51. t.:1tiversity ot San D I e g o cagers take a rest until Jan. 30 in favor of mid-term ex- ams, hoping the layoff will help them recoup a disastrous season. 'l'he Pioneets bowed to Pcp- erdine Collcgf.', 77-67, Satur- day night in Los Angeles, go- ing down to the r 11th defeat

ETBALL RESULTS Y~~:~~~!egf'ofeO ,~ 0 "~~~~~ljt,, 1 ·es WIiliam and Mory 59, vrro nlo Ttch !,8. ,Ot0rS1t WashlnQ1on as. Gtt0rgetown CCC 72 r he C1tadtt 7&, OovltlrlM 72 < two over tot~ oray:~;,,ond H, F.vrm ~~b~rn,g~f :~f~..-,.,,,.,.,.. er~ 0 ~lho1\le ~1,e~ ,t,amriden SYdn Vlr;mlo Mllltorr I 9 "'He tern Michigan 6S. w ry 81, Prubyttrlon 70. gr~Stfrioj~~aef~n 's:_nolr Rhvn, 74. Union (Kyf 67, Ctnlre 62. Western Kentucky Bi, Murray (Ky) 77



ii pay?" Ju t a. tale Unh they'll tell y their fol e




1ty Grlzzlie t o d a y



how papa felt. The Grizzly grid did mo t ot the work off lvcly, dom- inating the g throughout the fir t three penods, but the Pioneers took home the eheck- a 24-13 vlct-0ry before 3,500 Balboa S adium t a n s last night. Through the first t h r e e q u a r t e r s, the Grizzlies chewed the tallgate off the Pion

MCRD 81, Lockver • 71. Colewo 7J, Mlrrow Gi~ze-

11< l(a 0t~htcgf~. f.J.• lckim,

• •

I Flor/do State 93, Miami (FLU) 69. Moreheod (KY) 94, Middle lc-nnesse'! 11. Northwestern (La) Stole 18, NOrfheost k\eir~e~2fo_Memphls Stat• 79•


Slate 0 !fet~~~ry9,1e~bi11M 61.

oore Leaves

7'Collfornla 67, Stanford "6. WO!hinoton 69, Orl?Oo'\ ~tot~ ~•. \Jt(lh Slate 88, Colorado Store 77. t"J~tg~ XJ~u~tJJ;.,::x~~r~~~ 71 • UCLA 6S, Southern California 63.. fct°~~~ 0 i?afe 0 ~~\v~•,J~I~~~~~ Moritana Store 63. Air Force 41. Seattle 74. Hlcko~S~F 8 ,3. Vil anovo 75, Loyola (MD) !it. St. John'~ f NY) 97, St. Jo.eQh's l Pa) 720~Quesne- 76, Corn~le Tech 55. N10voro 81, We tern Ontario 6S. ;::

o Retirement Plans ri h ontinue to Draw


(Lal 6().


Mtnnesoto 6il, Purdue 67. Oklahoma 4S, Kans.a, 38. I ~~ffn,?o~r1,.''B,~~~o!i. (Chi) •1 St. Louis 69, Louisville o. l~~~thS~~~,e:i• n. ~?c"hW! S9tl~feT~~'s:'•n. 0 url 60. Oklahoma Cltv 94, Houston 67. Southern 75 Eastern Mlchluan 79, Eastern ~m:,c,'"~~~fe 5 /8, Iowa 88, Indiana 78.

'a 0 v',g:~e.1f 5 12,H~?~rkt·

Illinois 92, Central Michigan

0 ~e~~ 0 ~t ~9.

~~~ 0 n~)~c~1• 8~,




~~~i~ 0 v1o~' zgf• Li~1:t 8 ~2, Missouri Mines 51 Lfncolri (Mo) 61, Rockhurst 57. Carroll 82 North Central (Ill) n. Southeast' Missouri 77, Southwest Mis• so~~1£ 9 W slevon 62 Depauw 58. Indiana State 61J. st. Joseph's (tnd) 101, Ball State as. Evansvfi1e 87 Texas Tech 61, Texas Christian 57. Texas Wes1ern 79, West Texas 63. Arizona State 79, Arizona State Col• SOUTHWEST

Seton Holl 70 Mul"ilenberg 92, L0Foy1tte H La~olle 6~, Temple 6-4. St. Francis (Pa} 83, Gene~o 73. ~~~~:ZihMJ{ Janhattan ,1 St. Boi:iaventure 86, Conlsiu5 7t. Iona 63. • New Hompshlre 71. North Boston Coltesi• 51, Providt k:entuckv 19, Tenne "51 Duke 78, Maryland 61.1, Novv 62. Am•rican Un1Y, ll I SOUTH

(two over•


!Po) 57, Boldwln-Wollace


rn '6.

e .n




) New Mexico Stat ortlt Ccirollna itat. +4, wa.,_• Fonat j .aGramblln• 113, Arkanaos AltM ,a. ,1, Hardin-Simmons

l V ry older , ar second

UTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1959 First Round Finals

, an



m e r i c a n

})jpgo, J Rl;!Jt>

ers lpvading

umpirt> the past livt> . eason , l1as

lo,t !.II pound • , , lei , tt>iner and Emmett A hrord, Pa<•ifie Con t League ump , are call- in '11m in 'en zuela this "inter. na ehall lo t a real friend when Bert Stratton di cl here Thur day night. He kept the game ali\·e in n Diego for a number of years with his famed tratton' Pia. terers sand Io t team and wa in rumenta] in sendin<; . everal local player to organized ba eball. ... Colle 0 e of Pacific's . tar halfb, ck, DiC'k Ba , who lead!; the nation in points cored, ru hin"' nncl total of fen. e. is regardrd as a hot pro dnb pro nect when he graduates a year he1we. Rut we wonder if he i. n't a little too brittle for th p, id-to-olay hoy ·. He has been hothered by I • lnjude. all through his collegiate career, in- ·lurlin thi. . ea on. ·o , ( RPRISI,: It wa to b expected that UCLA nnd t 'niver lty of Southern California would ra t the di nting vot that kept Washington State from n · pting a po ible post-season football bowl hid. Washington State, it will be remembered, is on of the Pudfic.• C'..oa t Conference . chools which vot d to kl.lock U C and UCLA to their h,1ees for player eligibility violations three years ago. The Trojans and Rruins have long memorie , but it ap- pear to th! corn •r that they were being rather selfi h in th ir t'md. t hand is tlu• final n tional , mall <'OllPge Lting nm! no ,hrre in the Ii. t or 20 io; Uniwr- sit~· of · n lJi<' o ,~ith it 8-1 rec•ord.. la~ be lhi \\ft II o\ f'r-.i~ht or po,.sihly the folks who m11cl1• up tlw ratin~ regard the Pioneer. a a 111ajor collt>gl'.

Tough Games

The lJruvers1ty ot San DI• ego's undenilzed basketball squad will close out the first round ot ,ts 1958-59 .eason this weekend agamst favored Pasadena and Pepperdine College The first halt of the Los Angeles weekend double• header will begin Friday night at 8:15 in :Pasadena's :Memorial Auditorium, 11ite ot Pasadena·s 83-70 win Ja.,t era ·ent on record last

Paudena :A. Cartwright has coached~ Crusader teams to a b l!iafi t 74-20 record and helped Jim Bond become a two-time bec11.use of semester exam!. The Pioneers resume play January 30, meeting San Fernando State at North• ridge. unanimous small college All• ,------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ American selection. Bond is now director of intramural athletics at Pasadena Col· lege. Cartwright v.ill start five veterans against the Pio- neers, and all five plenty of altitude. The start- eryi include Chuck Bailey Season • 1oneers Sign Five Gr·d

(6-5) and Jim Davia (6-4) at forward!!. John Rieken (6-0) and Jer Tester l:'i-11) at rµ rsf• d Ron 8.Uer (6-7) lit , Rieken and Tester th starters .sea.- the Pio- neers will move across Los Angeles to meet Duck Dow• ell's powerful Pepperdine club, Sterling Forbes, 6-6 center, has averaged better than 21 points in 11 games and has contrib11ted greatly to the Waves' 7-4 record. Forbes was named to the All-West Coast Athletic Con- ference team last year as a sophomore and led the con- ference in scoring with 16 points a game. The former Los Angeles Jordan - 1956 "City Player of the Year"- has good sconng support from teammates Bobby Blue 113.0 points a game) and Bobby Sim~ 112.1 ). USD will start its two leading scorers. Ken Leslie C14.1 lUld Bob Mames (11,7) at forwards, Freshmen John Rebello and Tom Mathia at guarda, and Lavon Baker at center. After the P e pp e rd In e game, the Pioneers will sus- pend activity for two weeks n. Saturday night

Five games have been cai-ded thus far for the University of San Diego's 1959 football sea- son, university official~ an- nounced this week. The Pioneers will open the season eptember 19 In a clash with Cal Poly in San Luis Ob po, The chmax of the grid season will come on November 28 when the USD gridders clash with the l-farlne Corps Recruit Depot eleven In the annual Poinsettia Bowl ·game in Balboa Stadium. Another game already sched- uled Will send the Pioneers against New Mexico Western in Silver City, N"M., September 26, in the second outing of the see.- son: The USD gridders will meet Colorado Western October 24 at a s1te still to be decided, and ....111 clash with :Montana State here • ·ovember 4. The Pioneers' i;:-ame with West Texas State ha• been canceled a the request of officials of the Texas school. They requested the cancellation because of schedule difficulties.

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