News Scrapbook 1958-1961
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TR! SAR Dtmo OlfTI71f rl., n. :10, 19-i9 ® 3 SAN 01 0 CAI.IFORNIA a USD TO TRY TO HALT SKID IPitelal t• TM San Dine Union "ORTI!RJDGE, Jan. 29 Unh r tty o1 San Di- ego will attempt to break a nine-game ha ketball losing treak here tomor- row night against a San Fernundo tale College whlch defeat ,1 the Pio• neer earlier. 73-70. From here, USO goe · to Orange Saturday to t t powerful, once- hapmnn Colleg . rd Ken L lie ha, r d point
t thr e gam<' USO a, rage
B b Tom
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, Bob
Rebl'l!O will Le lie tomorrow.
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THE SAN DIEGO UNIO l a 14 t., I 11. 31, 1959 SAN DI 00. C"LIFORNIA Pioneers Halt Skid, 77-68
S~~~tebello tcor no
TO Longo PAT
TO' Mortin 2, M rk
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PAT's-- L tter
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Statist ics
w\onf10t1la MC.RD by t l 15' 218 I' ll . , Ii ,o 111 '2 •• ... 10-14 S·I
P0HH intercePled Rush1n1 yordOH F•r1t downt F11mblu 1051 Yord, penal1Hd Pouln1 yordoH
Pone. Punh
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NIA 1, 1958
SAN Dl!OO, CAI.IFORNIA 'fuesdaY, Dec. 2, 191>8
I 0 e
• ext up wa c-o·s Bob 1\lc- aid. "Yester Cutcheon He
B JILL zm.Es
TherP won't he any chan es
Football fan· w'1o make t he da\' m1 ·take of li terung ~"II coaches wo_uld tend to be• to foot. chance we•;e had to look at Trometter'• MarmP charges too were an 8-2 record to this '
1ps Loss Skein h• TltlBUN lly of l n RA . GE e \ ictorlou~ over ~an D ego ;-an Fernando I a • t ·tale eon , for in that type of gath- e ring the speakers are given a second shot at the truth. • IC'RD coach Bull Tromet- ter wa, the first ''liar" yes- terda\, saying, ··we got only one look at Uni\•ersity of San Diego. That wa. against don· tana ,State Uni ·er,ity I a st , eek and thev were playing agaln~l a . ingie-wing team so we didn't learn a thing." 11.:ht, meet~ Chapman l ol- eek1m: re- }!'ge hne tonh::rt , en~e for a p1 e, iou~ lo• ·. 1 he P10neers ended th!'ir lo ing : USO Cagers Turn To Semester Exams Coach Les Har\'ey's Umvers,ty of San Diego basketball toam )Olnec! with t11e entire tudent bocly today in preparing for ,emeste1· final exam~. The team -Aili be inactive for 11 days. , The Pioneers on the short end of a 2-11 record have nine lou h gitmes ,remaining in the second half of the 1958-1959 eason. Eight of the nine games v.,ll be played on the road- dena and Pepperdine games ,three in the Los· Angeles area, followed the same patt~rn as one in Sanla Barbara a"'ainst last year, when the Pioneers ., lost to the two teams on suc- at cessive nights. The P!onners Fresno State, one game cross• had a good night against• own against the San Diego dena but gave away too much {annes at the Point Loma Gym height before running out of nd two g-ames closing; out the. gas in the second half. eason at Chico state. Leslie sparked a gr~at first The lone home game will be half against Pe~perdine and return match w'.ilh Pasadena helped puRh the Pioneers into a , uso·~ to s to Biota was the lege at Orange the following second Joss of the season to the night. USO lost to San Fernan• Los An!tele! club. The Pasa- do State, 73-70, in an earlier _____________ m.ecUng this season. (Thirtttn G•J!I" ) Won Lost. FGt\ l'G'\l P~l. YT FT~l Pel, Reh•A"(· TP•ATS. USD __ l 11 ~12 331 mary: USD (77) & MtJ n,s Manus h~r 1 o~ Podtrw rops THE SAH DIEGO U110 , Wed.. Der. 3, 1 :; SAN DIEGO, CALIFORtHA MCRD-Uso· Grid Ti n Sale l BASKETBALL SCORES COLLEGE San Oie90 45, Naval 6 rCRD 93, Cal POIY '\son Luis 00 oo) PO tie 91. College of Pocif,c SJ I asn ,,~ton Sbte "'• Eosrern wosri• In on 5J 30 tdland1 IS Claremont Harvev Mudd Nestmor,t as Occidental 75 Boston Col age 8 , Rhed~ Island 67 R pen 65, corro!M 1 ~ls) 62 Klnsis ra) 8~E. Stroxtsburg (Po) 69 lrn" ,,:· A~1or1"'~r.:,- Col 62. I w 1 va WeslevCT1 11s, 11.'heellng 67. M ddle Tenn 79. Ocpid Uoscomo 52 Belmont 9J. Lambvtn 75 Sterl (Kan -'6 Bethrl (Kon) '5. Em~ria St. 'f!J;r"""' 61. !T' WH ern n SJ, Col. EmPO{lO Mc:PMrson 18. Taoor n. Mqrauelt 76, Wi,con5n ,,. t~~o J~• P~u~~n ~hr. 62. O p· ne rfiveTries o End Loss Skein Jan. 16-USll, 'iO '. Puadtn1. Co11eJit, 96 Jan. 17-USD, 67: Pepperdine Colle::&e:;.•..,7:.:1;._ .==-,-~=--~---- -- e first night wertul nge
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