News Scrapbook 1958-1961

San Diego Union's Gridiron Sel~ctions


Coni.en- 8118 San J-;;;- by 5 ilorlda-- by 5 Pun:tu•-- by 12 CCII Po1Y by 1' RedlondS- __ by 1_1_ Navy by I c,t~rll_o_ ·Kentt1~ by 1 LSU -- by f Wh Vlrslnlo - y 3 N, Corailno by I Duk9-- by i Kon. St-. - by 4 Pitt -- by U r1nn St-.- by I T,,;;,- by I Oklo.f;:- by 4 Arkonsol by I


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Primed for Clash Tpe University of San Diego will open its fourth season of Intercollegiate football Saturday night in a game against highly regarded California State Polyte<>hn1c College at Se.n Luis Obispo. Kickoff is set for 8:15 p.m. This will be the first meeting betw~en the two schools, but 1 the game is, in a sense, a • home coming game tor USD Pioneers have 13 lettermen re- head coach Paul Platz who turning but have Jost such was graduated from Cal Poly standonts wi Tom Gates (full- 1:t 1950. back), Bob Keyes (halfback) , The Cal Poly Mustangs Duane O'Connor (quarter• have an outstanding line an~ back), Rick Novack (tackle), solid running attack. Coach Bill Frank (tackle), Ray Roy Hughes has entered hi.a Yoast {end) and Vic Gause- professional T formation pohl (halfback). With the around veteran quarterback poelll"ble exception of O'Con- Tom Klosterman and two the six players lost had backfield units. The two boast been billed for starting po. size and speed that even pro- sitlon11 . fessional teams would envy. Veteran Jan Chapman will The atarting backfield fea- start at quarterback for the tores the running or fullback Pioneers and receive support Carl ("Bumper") Bowser from Chu Williams at full- (207) and halfbacks Gary back a.nd two sprinters, Will Van Horn (210) and Claude •ppel and .Joe Gray, at the Turner (205). halfback positions. An under- All-American guard Carlos s USD line will be an- Gonzales (230), center Rich chol:84 by veteran c. G. Wal- Max (225) and tackles Sy!- ker (185) at end, guard vester Cooper (238) and Pat Wayne 'Bourque (200), center Lovell (240) form the nucleus Jack Garofone (205), guard of a strong Mustang line. Mike Gurrola (195) a.nd Cal Poly won nine and lost tackle J. T. Tri!y (225). but one last sea.son and The Pioneers will make figures to be the prime con- their 1959 debut With both a tender for the Clllifom!a Col- new head coach in Platz and legiate Athleti A soc!atton a new offensive attack In the championship Uili! fall. slot-T formation, The Uni- The University of Sad versity of San Diego has won Diego must rate a underdog 16 games and lost eight since because of its smaller and its opening game against the less experienced line. The Air Force Academy in 1956.




PAGE a-39


.. 24 Cal Po y. 36 4 C. 8 USD ....

31 Navy. Boston

Ore o . 28 ex Tech 20 Stanford 27 Tex A-M 14


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Eagles .. 28 , ry on a•iO

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Story on a-17


USD, CAL WESTERN COACHES TO REPORT TO MON AY QBS coaehe! Paul Plat or l nlverslty or u»vis or C I We te1 n Univer~ity w krnd's games at the first meetin Trlbun Quarterback Club at 1i sion Yalley Inn to- ego and Al rt on this the Union- " the Union-Tribune Publishing Co. editor of The San Diego Union, \\ill be toastmas- ter tomon-ow and "ill alternate with Gene Gregston, e e uth e port cdltor o! the E~ ening Tribune, at toJ. low n meel!r g al We tern i: aycd Un!Hr it} o! Redlands yesterday aftempon and USD met Cal Poly in Sun Luis Obispo lust night OthPr to he on the panel w1l. be Paul Go,·ernali, n Diego :eitate; George s~>iutte, ·an Diego Junior Co_l• l ge · Robert IBull rromelter, Marine Corps Recruit D pot , Duane • laley, an Diego High; Tom Parker. wectwater lh<>h, and Bob (Chick) Embrey, Escondido High. Footb II rans are ,nv1ted to attend the weekly lunch- om1 t the $:.! fee Includes ta. and gratuity), and hear th.. local coaches tell of their past games and coming onte ts. The coaches also will answer \\Tltten question! rrom the Ian TBALL ORES Wake Foresl 22 Redlands ½est- Stare 20. em 6. The Citadel 48 lal Poly36, USD 1 4. ·c S t 1- u 27 0 S . . . ta e a, . , reg~n tate 6. Tech 13 _ Cah!ornl :.!O, W a s h. . h ct uregon 28 St nford 27. DaJton 6, Ric mon .,_ Lo ng1•le tale 60, s a C· ;:'IIID\\EST ram to ·t. 12 Penn State 19, '.\li~so r! Whlttl<'!' 21 V of al (Da- \ 1 ) o \\'1chita 19. Kansa~ Sta 0 IWl "' \\ aba~h 27 Kalamazoo 7. Jack :Murphy, port morrow noon It y, lll be the fir t in a eMe• of lunchE'ons sponsored hy

lnexpe · ed USD Backfield In Stern est ,·eteran Jan Chapman is ,scheduled to open at quarter- back and t\\'o -sprinters will be at halfback when the Uni. ,·ersity ol San Die o opens its 1959 foot b a lJ campaign against highly - egarded Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo Saturday nie}lt Chapma will be the only starter last year in the backlield. Will Chappell and, Joe Gra~• will have to rely on speed to offset their lack of experience at e halfback posts, while Chuck Wllliams, third string last season, will be at fullback USD wiU rate as an under- dog because o! its smallet· and less exp·erienced line. The Pioneers have 13 lettermen returning but have lost such standouts as fullback To m Gates, halfbacks Bob Keyes and Vic Gasusepohl, quarter- back Duane O'Connor, tackles Ric-k Novack and Bill Frank and end Rav Yoast. Cal Poly ·won nine and Jost but one last season and figures to be the prime contender for the California Collegiate Ath- letic As. oclation champjonship this fall. The ,Pioneer. Y< 111 ma k e their 1959 debut with b'oth a new head coach in Paul Platz a nd a new offens1Ye attack in the slot-T formation.


THE SAN DIEGO UNION Fri.• Sept. 13, l 95~ '.D 15 SAi>( DIEGO, CALIFORNIA a

THREE PREP COACHES NAMED FOR .........UL.TERBACK MEE NG The une Q'liar uncheon meeting ot t ion-Trib- ~b w1][ be held l\fo•y noon at th Duane Maley, To~Parker and elucidating on the local high mon-Tribune. The Quarterback group foi· merly was sponsored by Sait Diego State's Aztec Club • Mal.ey's San Diego High squad i defending champioi; and pre-season favorite in the Eastern Prep League Parker l? coach of Sweetwater High which shares the Metropolltan League title with Embrcy's Escondido eleYen . Sweetwater advanced ro the semifinals of the South- ern California Interscholastic Federation I · fall. c iamp1onshlps l\la!ey, Pa1·ker and Embrey will join five regular panelists for Moncfay's tirst Club session. Weekly speakers will he Paul Governali of San Diego State, George Sc_hutte ot San Dlego Junior Collete, Paul P)atz of Umvers1ty of San Diego, Al Lewis ot California \\ estern and Bull Trometter of Marine Corps Recruit Depot. All football fans in the area are mvited ro attend. Mission Val Bob [Ch~ school S~ons over by of the l_~c?t!on meetings has been taken

Knox b Lawren~e 7. Cornell rTa l H Carleton 0. xa,ier 28. Loui~\ Ille 13. Colorado State 9, COP 6 OliTH\VLST Arkan as 28. Tu! a O. Te ·as 20, 'ebraska 0 Texa. Tech 20, Texa~ 14 Texas Christian sa 7.

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Arizona exa~ 22, Texa~ Western 43. co 8.

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Coo tttern 7.

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