News Scrapbook 1958-1961
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lig!es on Scholarl,Y Gridders Mickey '.-i!lngham, who is mn.jor1ng in -petroleum engineering at LSU, en-';eren college with~ut an athletic scholarship but by the thirn grune of his sonhomore year had won a b.,rth at end. He caught the touchdown -pass in LSU 0 s 7-0 win , ver Clemson in the 1959 SugR..r Bowlo Mike M~eever, star stunent-athlete at Southern California, plays a gr.,at game at guard whil~ his twln-brothe~ Marlin, is a tough wingman for USC. Don Nc>one, senior guard at Indiana University, had a straight A re,~ord during last footbRll season. He majors in business administration. Merli 1 Olsen of Utah State University, is one of the largest ends :n college foot- ball o.s he ts 6 feet 5 inches in height and weighs 235 pounds. His sp :H d and blocking ability ar ! among his main assets. Charl es Strange, who has a B average in engineering at LSU, is l.'.ght for a tackle n he 11eighe only 200 pounds but his oo.rd-hi tting defensive play has lron the admiration of LSt · opponents. His father, Clarence 11 Poptt Strange of the LSU coacl'dng staff, pl;qed t ckle for the Tigers in the thlrtieso Kn Talkington has an A- average in his nre-med vork at Texas Toch. Last year he wao featured in two of Tech ' s longest nlays - an 80-yard pass to Micl:1e Barron against Ba.rlo Md a 71-ynrd punt ag~inst Tulsa. C ptain Howard Bronson of the Air Force AcM.emy led the Falcons ln playing time l ists •non with 374 minutes of action. Jerry Kulc1nsk1 of the University of 1 -r;sconsin has been given t:-.13 Scott Pauer 1 '.:ompo.ny Foundation Award which goes to the outstanding student in the College of Engineerin Dick Huddleston 1s Wesleyan's outstanding exrunole of the schola::--athlete. In ad- dition to making a htr.,h scr.olastic average and a fine football record, he edited the coller,e naper and lettered on a chamoionship track tean. Deems Allie of Duke University plnyed both halfback and fullbacj: before being hifted to his present nosition of center . Two cembers of the Du're freshman team of last fall make straigh ti A records last year. They Jcibn Tinnell, a fullback, and Rex Ad.runs , a guard. At Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, Alan Fedge, star quarterba ck_ found it more difficult to make the famous Luther Choir than he did the grid tear.1. He threw three l ast-quarter pas es for touchdowns in Luther ' s 26-21 come-from-b~hind victory over Buena Vi sta in tho final gru~e of the 1958 season. Fedge is a ure-med ,tuoent . Jack Delaney. first- string fullback for Brnndeis University., took th:Me courses in an~h1·ouoloQ" last year anil made an A in each course in ad.di tion ·~o his ot.l',er school work. Vince Tesone. star tailback for Colorado Mines, is a senior in petroleum engineering. Last year he completed 60 per cent of his passes, avP.raged more tn?.n 45 yards punting. an 1 ,d. the Rocky Mountain Conference in total offense.
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