News Scrapbook 1958-1961

l/AltON USD VS. WESTERN oi./;,..;/t,o City's 1st College Rivalry To Open San Diego collegiate ba~-lclub:< will win? up re_iiu_lar kPthall history will be made season play tomgh\ h~";-' er, tonight when the Unh·ersity'\both have accepte 1 s .; of San Diego and California the Cal Poly (Pomona l 1nv1 · we;tern University rlash al ation;.: Tournament Feb. 26 g o'clock in the Mi~sion Bay and L 1 • High School gym. Sophomore Jim Fleming, The meeting will mark the u D's high scoring guard, llrst between two San Diego, will have another opportunity collego> teams. It is also con-\to set a season'" Individual idered a forerunn!r of a po~- rorin record agamst Cal sible serie th_a~ y.·111 find San ~'e•le~n. He now has a total Die_g? State JO,lmng. ln com- or 398 t,olnts, '2.1 shy ol Ken pclitlon with tonights oppon- Leslie's all-time matk of 421 en~:th coach Boh Kloppen- The l "D ,tarting lineLp berg of Cal We tern and will Include R~~• Cravens, roach Lo>• llarvPy o! l,SD 6-2. and Art W1cal, 6-4, 6 _:t ha...-e lineup: romposed of forward~; John lla~pc-r, _ 11 , pt'omising undPrgrad~. Th e at centf,r and _Fler•un'.\ ;,- i \\ eslcrners will start one a'nd Bob Mamrs, 6- • a freshman and four sopho- guard~ , . . morPs. lJSD will fiPld a squad \ _Kloppenberg s startmg -~~e consisting or ono> freshman, will h~ Joe Trea• t er, d 6 6 2 • threE> sophomores and one and • orns Green,.oo . H ·11' at fon,ard ; Har\'PV a , se~o:- Ploneen ha,e a 10-15 6-5. center and Barry Cun• ,eason record while the West-\nlngham, ;;.n. and Giro Ta- "rner~ arP 10-17 ov<>rall, Both, kahashl, 5-8½. at guards.

HOLLOH il~''S ~ag,,rs' I


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trn:i.,·lou Jjc-fen•<' and hack,bo~1d cuJ'.lllol to dNd 1hr t San Dir•go a 61-49 iJP(Pat Ill the firSl. ltll'elill~ of ,ego coll<'i;late team,; ·at Mission Bay High •·,•hool 11~. r11unr,:ha m, .T I r o hit with Rnolh!'t' 1o rnusr the and J\1 t Johnson Pioneer of!!'nse, t completely lead for good on a hook shot toward, 11,!tc>r 15 min- Jim Flemlnr to four points - utes ot ))lay. Western left the one of his lowrst totals o! the floor at l1alrtime with a. "tl-30 eason lead. 'unnlntham, In addition to In the sreond p<'t'iod, l h" Ill~ fine def en." , p play, was WPstern drfense r o I! e toj ihe evmlng's high corer with greater h<'ig-hls H It 0111- R I oinl Johnson coljtrlhUtPd Pl<'trly bottlPd up the Pio- 14. nr,l.'rs. 'l lw J>olnt 1.onrnns n,e l 11\(•rslt) of Safi Di<':;o h<>ld t•s1! tu '.' mr1 e l'l point b O •l' o t Cf!.tOp a!tcr 1 e f,rst O\/T \he, 20 nunutc span. minu <' 0 :J1t 8 , 0 fhr._ tolll dc-1,:11 1, r_ pl.i~ rcnlPL J ~at Jl<'I took ILS toll a Cal \\ PS\Cl 11 1 c>t wl J mp sho lo t Treast, r and Chet Lt·wis nmgha ~t tie W1>:;t- , '" 1hP foul i·outc>. 3-2, \\ th a lay- Col Wnltr•J•~ P Tuso r,,, y to . (~os•cr i J f ..~.,-..,....01. and. C nnins J'::hs:l 11 1: ti 1 !1~!•;, tmg the .11eorlng h•rn 1 , 1 11 Wical, 11 t ,..._,a -w·a l o O 2 Car•1l0 P <.' UVP"" uv91e 1 2 I , Pod,.,,.k'I 3 d ay of Hall 1 2 1 'Wlcol, C G F P T 1 5 1 7 1 I I I 1 0 0 , ' 0 5 -4 < I 1 9 3 3 l 9 I 0 1 1 2 l O ! 0 0 1 0 t l) a t ~~6 1 ,r, t 2 3 O'Ne 11 I r II. k I I I t w;.,'.1, n"it' I~ ,1 Total, II IS 1Ut of tl.e nl"i t a d ti Cll .IO~olN mo •cort: <•I W I ' USO l'ni- pear defen a Westerner Cal Wl'stern i:r11bbed t l1 e h A bottled UJ> the J? 011l'c1 s' at- bl frei;hman Joe Tr.eastP1, tack. Takahashi held USD'a ,ll 6-2 1 ~


- ,( ;lt ai;''t~ Rise Saturday On VSD's Annual Musieal The la.rgl' and colortul tor

.,.;p...zfto Masquers Slate 'Girl' Comedy

'IN/ON CalWes Fiv Fces AIA lest


1· ' Ar 1ounc('cl

Pioneers Open Hoop Rivalry What could becomP one of the m o st ht-althy • rivalries in town . tarts tonight in Mis- sion Bar High gym at R. t that time Cal W<>sll'rn Universit\• and l'nln•rsity of San Diego meet ,n haskrtball ior the fir,t timP. A baseball meeting is ~ched• uled in the :-pring o the pos- s1b1lity of foothall in thP fall i~ vPr)" likeb I But ba~k to tonight's rlash, th.,. (int bPtween two San Di• ego collegiatP has k Pt b a 11 learns, and tho> windup of lhP regular s e a 5 o n for bo h tP;ims. Westerner coach Boh Klop- 'Pl'nberg has nominated, J oc Treaster 16-2 2) and Norns Greenwood (6-2) at forwards, Art Johnson (6-4) at center and Barry Cunningham (5-11) and Giro Takahashi (5-8½ 1 at guards. Pioneer mentor Lc>s Harvey has named Russ Cra\·ens (6-21 and Art Wieal (6-4) to rnan forward slots. with John Harper 16-4) at center and Jim Fleming (5-111 and Bob Maines (6-2) at guards. Both clubs hau• aC'cepted bid~ to the C;a.l Poly < Pn• morn,) Invitational Tourna- •ent Feb. 26-Z7.

USD'a t h l rd annual mu • tca.l "Glri f'rom Hispaniola" a.ready to embark upon the ball car- ibbean for a bnght and Ilv ly week-end of perfol"lnance., The Ma.squPrs will pr~•ent their sa.y offering at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. this Saturday and at 8:30 p.m. thi• Sunday In the More Hall auditorium on the Alcala Park campus. The musical, eully the mut popular production of the y for atudent • ot the combl colleges, Is thl • year a tale 6t a ere>" of pirates-Robin Hoods or the waves. They to use all thei,. ingenuity to outsmart It riY&I, b u t bloody, gang or I rut-throats who are out to aelze the good shtp Moonblood, along \\1th eight comely, shipwrecked senoritas from the seaport town ot Hispaniola. !lfarly Murphy and Don Gies- Ing play the rival pirate chiefs, and Margie Araiza playa the role or the Girl from Hispan- iola. Her senorita amigu played by Karene Lemke, Ma.,,y , Martin, Peggy D'Agostlno, Barbara. Jordan, Lynn Manning, Margy Gillson, and Sandy Cas- !ell, with Janet Na.ldl M their evn-obervant duenna. The jaunty crew or Moon- blood is made up of John CaliAe, Mike .:\farques, Doug :'lfeye1·s, Tom Gentilella, Tom Ragan, I Roger Mehlbrech. Fred Gunther, .Terry O'Dell, Bob \Verden, Ron House, a n d Joe Bryans. The villains of the briney deep are Herb Sullivan, Al Zuniga, Wally Joos, Ned Wilson, Jerry Wil- liams. and Al Notloli. t11e pompous governor of Rico-Rico; I Annette Vanier, his long-suf- fering spouse, and Liz Koran- der, Liz Wilmer, and Mary .Toan Padberg, th e i r party-loving • A motley sextet of prisoners held by the governor jg made up of Ken Soares, B 111 Gerken, Burke Degheri, Richard Ba-,,. [ sell, Hank Acquarelli, and Mike McDevltt. Diane Head J!lnet Beck. and Virginia Diggins l Rico-Rico guests on the Moon• blood. Alex Harper, Masquer presi- dent, u, in ch3.l,ge or pl'Oduc- tion. and Gunther stage manager. Bill Foto l.s the com- pany mMager. Gene De Falco pi a y s daughters.

Western, USD J QJ11!~?JJ~A) POc\101 :A, Feb. 26 Cal WPslC'rn and t:nlver~ity ot San Di<'go dtopped opening games 1odar and will meet tomOl'l"OW ln• the lose1•'s braek- et of the annual Cal Po l y lnvitational ba ·kethall tom- nam<'nt U~D and lhP WP~lernen, will tangle 1omonow at 9 a.m. will!(' Grand Canyon will oppose •Ri, er ·ide in 1IH! win- ne1··.· bl'Hl'kf'l al 11. Cal We,lern b5'~ P TUC lliv • rsldeG(l8~ T li::J,,er b} 1 1 ;:::ft~wa rd ti i !f li~~t 0a"sh, 3 t 1 8 tr:~:rv i l i cunnlnohm S O 3 JO Kin~ 1 o o • Greenwood .C O O & Foknuhdlny O 2 1 2 Hall 2 0 3 • Kelle/a O 5 2 5 ' Fu~ote 1 0 , l f=~ 8 akelv 3 2 b S w-F.;i, J f 1i s1 Total, 11 ?Z ass Holfflmt: Col Wttte-rn 32, UCR JO. Grand Conyo~ \tlJ T USO (1'! GI' P T Motaon 8 6 3 22 Harper 3 <1 4 10 ~i.ndsey '3 9 • 15 FlelTllnf 1 i lj

1 rs Luck in L.A. Again University ot San Diego's ha kcthall P i o n r. er s, who haHn t v.on a game ..,, t c Lo Ang lcs ar a m more t n a l ear. take another ~tab nt I IC northCrnC'rS this weekend The \\ ho a1 e on the short end o! a 12-10 sr . son, meet Loyola Un.vcrsltl tomorro11 and San Fernando State Coll g Saturday night both a rn e s on the opposi- tions' courts.

Western and Unh ersity o! San Diego will make early ap- pearances here tomorrow m l the Cal Poly of Pomona In- vitational basketball tourna- 1ment and, If successful, will collide later in the day. USD tests Grand Ca yon College of Phoenix at 11 am The \Vesterners r:o a"a nst University of California at Riverside at 1 p.m. Winners ol these games meet at 6; p.m. San Fernando State is top- seeded with Grand Canyon, loser o! only one game ln the last two years, seeded , 'o. 2. Other teams in the meet are Cal Poly of Pomona, Biola and Laverne.

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• • .n ;;z. ·· -;;--~-r,v .6ZiiJc- ---- -- )(:I-;_ A~AWtET: Another promment membCL· of · the Lanphier family is in the news this weekend: Fr. Leo• Lanphier of University of San D:c;: , whose mu- sical, "The Girl From Hispaniola," will be staged tomorrow and Sunday with a USD cast. He's a cousin of Tom Lanphier Jr., who resigned this week as Con- vair vice-president.

2 2, • I 11 t 3 o '2 , i q r 1 3 2 o a

2. 2 0 6 Maines

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Z7 2t 1183 Totol, 28 lt Z5 74 Halftime ; Grand Convon 4.C, USO 38

Pioneers To Get Stadium

LJso Ref~~ 6 ; Plans to Add Grid Stadium By ~IEL ZIKES For an Institution wlrich ha decided to crawl before it walks, the lJmvers!ly of San Diego is taking some large step, !n the near future. Charles F. Budlly, Bi hop of San Diego and pl'e ide:1t of l"SD, la,t night announced plars for new athletic 1acili- t!es on the campus. Opl', a small ,tadium, is expected to be completed in time for next fall s lootbal!, USO acquired 51 acres of I nd adjacent to the campus last fall from the government, with conditions that facilities be started ln the r:ext 18 months. In the plans. announced by Bi hop Budd} at a USO ban- qt1et, are a 3 000-seat 1ootb-all stadium, an athlet.c clubhouse and a swimming pool. Tt-is will take only six acre , lea,·. Ing approximately 43 acres tor future de, clopment Fu- ture plan also call for tennis court and handball area . The stadium, ·eating In

f WHIP USD, LAVERNEX c:2-/4 Western Wins Consolation T $ptciol to Thi Son o,••, IJ,,lon •t., .. !r. 1he Leopard• held a"wt't;t off. ,•nding tht'!- PO 10. 'A.Feb. 27 Call/or- ,5-;:il i('d with one minute and period with the score al nia Western WOli thl' con ·ola- se\ en S('Conds )efl to ptar 57-all. , _ . . Joe Treaster who tallt<'d ]6 Against the Un1\· o[ t1on_ champ1011 htp of Cal-Poly olnt: and Cunningham Pach San Dil'go thP \ . Inv1tat10nal TonrnamPnt la t hit from the field 1 0 tie jt up trailed tbrnughoul th I rs t night with a fie-jl ov<'rllme but Jost the kad with 19 $N'-I half, hut ma nag-rd 10 ta'l:e the victory 0 ,-er La,erne C'ollegl'. onds kit as .J. Johnnn~on lead, _44_-41. with r,_ght m11rntes l Earlier in the afternoon. sun!, a two-poin(l'r. rrmammg In thr fma l pC'r1od. the WesterJll't s idC'cisionrd the Jiro Takahashi. tlw West- Forward Clwt Lewis was Unlversit;, ol San D go, 64· erners playmaking g u ."rd, high point _man for th<> win- 53. t? ad_YanCP into thf' ~on- took the hall out .ind cl1·1bblcd nPrs \\Ith 1., an,I _T1:•:ast(''.' 1·011- .1olat1on iinab. the Jeno-th or th(' !1001· to sink trihutrd It to ll:--D s do\\ nfall. Guard Barr) (' mninglrnm th~ t\ -~g basl{C'l RS lh<' f(Ull High scol'in:: PiOllN'I' guard led Western 10 th• , 1rtor~• · .rim Flcmi1r salvag<'d a llC'W with a six-point ~, oring spree sc-11001 scoring n•corrl despite 111 the ovenime period hittin:: the as hr. . nctt<'d 20 on a pair of fiPld goal~ and point~ for a season s high of two free throw~ His total out- 1~. KC'n L<' lie l1<>ld lhe old :rut o,·er the route wa 17, g-ood record of 4:ll points. \ for the, winner·~ i;coring hon- CAL WESTE~i ~·+ USD (}31 i; F P T ors Lewie • • 7 3 lS Crav~ 3 2 2 !\ • fr~::i~ter <1 6 2 1, Har 1.. , 1 -4 :l The Point Lomans gamed Johnson D 1 ' l A. 1 ...1 3 2 1 8 · h L Cunqharn 2 ii 3 10 FlemlnQ' 8 ii~ 20 qmck lead over t l' co- Ta'

(Cont. from Page a-19) Linda Y sta Road. Stadium earthwork starts next month. The program is expected to cost in the neighborhood of a half-million dolla . Dr. PJchard Luther. newly installed president o1 the Booster Club, sa1d, "We hope to ha\ c the Boost111·s foot part of the bill in construction of the ne\\ facilities." Also announeed \\ as this fall's football chcduJe. Seven of the nlne games scheduled for the Pioneer this fall, starting \\ Ith hit tier Sept. 17, and end1ri,g ith Arizona State o! Flagstalf, will be pla.-ed in the new stadium. Former San Diego Padre pitcher Bob Kerr~gan served as ma tcr o! ceremon,es, bi addition to bE: on<' of the Boosters inst:i:tled I\S offie~, ~. Loui · De 'Falco. chairman of the board ot directors, iU• stalled Dr. Luther as presi- dent and named Lawrence A. Sulli,•an, Kerri& l, John Sul- livan and Joseph Williams as \'ice president . Robert Donias wlll br> trca~- urer of the Booster Club and Russell Chartier \\ Ill sc-rve as sec r <>J. a ry, The football scheduJ<,: Seol. 17-~h;uie.r, i~.'• ~~Hue:~5~icg,Jf!st~n. Reddfov Oct. 8-0r,cn for Col v','Hft-rn. · OcU 5 Aiusa College 8ir ¼t:ggl 'Poiv o1 Pomona. ~g;: 1,~P 0 :Ji:i:rd1i?'c.t R~SU(fA~~~i!. r ov. 19 southtrn Cc 1 iforn1a Co Nov. 2~Artzono State ar Flogs1otf.


"hich could he upped to 45 or 50 000, Is to be loeatcd In a m II can)on area ea t of thl' campus and no rt It of ( l 'ont . on Page a-:.!3, (ol, 11) I

r.1mpu or Univet· ity or San Dil'go. Looking on are Dr. Richard Luther, lclt, and John ulllvan.

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