News Scrapbook 1958-1961

AN DIEGO UNION SAN DIIGO, (ALi,o•NIA a l ov It, 19:!9

THE 16






ov. 14, 1959


Pioneers, Bob...s Hook Up


'REPRESENTATIVE' EAMS SO USD To Mai ain Foo rogram On Reduced Basis II


necr•. whh:h hayc won one I Baker o! rh e game , are hop!'!ul I Gray. tt •an C'omc up with another Gray

top g



gainer with Z'l3 yard generally the havP much hrad\\ay agallll!t op- bren forced to throw for

urf1 a

that a ainst orp< RPrruit De-





pot . Although

San Diegans Drop Curtai n on 1959 Season Tonight Win, lose or draw, Univer- sity o! San Diego end1 lt1 poorest football season to- night in Balboa Stadium at 8. USD's PJoneers take a 1-4 campali,i ark galn•t po- tent ~onta a Sta a ColJPge tonight with the visiting Bob- cats decidt>d ta'vorttes. o\·er th& bring th• Pioneers to a level of the 1956 "pick-up" team which posted a 2-3 record l n the university's first f o o t b a 11 season. Se~ond S.D. Start The Bobcats will be mak- ing a second straight appear- ance In San Diego. Last year the 'Cats cllppPd a s1x-game USD win streak by winning 31-6. In 3957 Montane. won the series Inaugural' at Boze- man, 21-7. MSC coach Herb Agoc1 will start vlrtui,JJy the s a m e team which defeated U last~ ear. The two "luhs had on IJIU• tual opponent in Cal P of San Lui Obispo. Montana StatP defeated Poly In Bozp. m an, 33-14, and US n dropp<'d Its seasonal opener at Cal Poly, 36-14. Local Club Ready Despite Montana State's three setbacks, most observ- ers feel that the Rocky Mountain area'• top inde- pendent is fielding one of it1 top teams this year. The Pioneers, who drew a bye last w are at tu I J strength 1o the first time since the se opened A good show ng in a losing ~aus e again t Marine Corps Recruit DPpot followed by an easy victory over South- ern California BiblP Collegit has USD's fans talking the possibility or an upset vic- tory o,·er the invaders, Bobcllt Line Hefty And it certainly would bit an upsPt It USD'1 troops should defeat the Bob~ts. l\tSC's gigantic line is an. chored by ,·eteran Sonny Holland l212l at center. Hol- land was an All-American mention last year. Other 'Cat starters In the forward wall include Arjay Godston (2081 and B o b Schmitz (227) at guards, Gene Schilling (227) and Bob Biastoch (2Z'lJ at tackles and Dick Nawotczynskl (209) and Bob Surdam (175) at ends.




40 11


po11r11ts th1 ~~d~ 0 r!!a rr,• {l'· B,o,toch l227l LI I Now•rczvn,1 12e•1 RE Alt (16\) QB gc;j 12211 Schmitz R~ T c llllnq 1271 1

(1 om out o[ thr rountrr with 'haµman , who


,~:J'l 1·•s! 1051 1es1 110! l7S \ll

• tatl. tkn1Jy

c· OH!


vo,ev \ o LG W G:~~::'t ?~ 1



I TLe Pioneers arr sl'!ird- ul!'d to open nt San Luis Obispo ngnin~l Cal Poly, ::iept. 24, J!umholdl S(alr. Ill Arcata. Call!., Oct. I, Ca I Poly of Pomona hcrr Od. ' ll, Prppct·dlne here Oct. 15, and ~lontana State Collrgc at Bozeman 0<'t. :.!~. South- !'l'l1 California Rib!!' Collrgc has bren signed but no of- ficial dale has b,,,,n S<'t h<'- rause two oth<'r t<'amR arl' alee being considt'l'ed !or the schcdulP. "\VI' want fo ,li~p.,JI all 1 umors 1hat w,• :11'e giving

r Jan

up foothall," f,'.i I her Murray Kaid. ''In facl, we <'Xpect to fil'ld l'l'\Jl'<'fi'-'lllativl' tram~ In lrnskct•ha ll and baschall , as well. •·we ha\'P 28 g-amrs schl'd- u!Pd fo1• basltcthall t Jt I s Sl'aSOll and 18 baseball gam,.s against sut•h teams as Lo) ola, Biola, Cal West- ern, Wi-stmont, Cal Poly of Pomona a11d Whittier." USD will oifc>r scholar- lllp$ in !hi' form o! tuition 011ly nnd "t pr,•srnt thi~ nmoun t'J lo a S300 yearly saving. At JJl'<'st't1t, 60 such sd1olar ships a t'<' offl'retl ath- ll'les a t th<' school, Father Murray said. REQUJRlll IJ<:NT8 TOLD ''We won't be getting tl1e All-Atner!can type player, hut r lhiuk we'll 1e1 o u 1· ~h•rn of good boys wbo are se<'kllli: a wcll•round._.d cd- Ul'at~," Fathr r Munay added' "A JlT'-'l!en t 16 units o.l c·olleg required subj...cts in high s hool mu~t be fulfille d ,, ilh a C a verage, Nlne of those ul\I ts are or staled subJ,-cts for whlch a student should have nothing below a C, HP may ha.VI' a C aver- ag.- among the other seven unl!s." The USD RooslNs Cluh ls ;;till 11<'ltve 1rnd doing its part to help dl'fray some rxpl'nsex and a,sist in oh- laining jobs, Fatlw1· J\lurray said. Br Jl\alntalning ·uch a program, Fallwr Murray feels USO "ill not h a v e many problems obtaining opponents Pach ye,u, "We won't have to make Ion g t rip~ and offer huge guar- ntees," he added. l ',\ I, WE:-.i'l'.MtN l 'OE Z As to Inter-city r inllrics, those, too, are in the plan- ning stag<'. Dr. William C. Rust, A~ 1'01· San Diego Stale, Bill Tl'l'l'Y, athletic director, told Father .'lflltTay that his s,•hool wanted to sec C a t Western and USD Ill e c t first to drlerm· well an inter-city r ould go. ''Th'ett we ·otlld- a k e the m a tter into con~idel'a- tion, 'i Terry wrote, -Jolmey l lcD011ald Mackay Beats Miyagi TOKYO, No\ 15 1.'Pl Big B,,n·r MacKay's sizzling serv- ·"" am! d) nani: c strol,es "\'erpowcrcd 'liete!W,n Japan l >,n is Cupper At:su.shi 111iyagi, li·'' 6-3. 6-3, t~'4~y 1 the finale uf tl1e Japan atiorrnl singles ! tcnnis champion hip. FOOTBA£l SCORES L~i1:;y Arizona Stote W, Brio. Youns !. New Mexico St. • 2, Hardin-Simmons 13. FAR WIIST Fresno Stofe 2~ Long l!ecch Stat • &. fg~e~re~~ ~fact'~ 1l 8 P~g~h~JJe·,~. Son Francisco State 32, ~hlco State 13. , Montono S1ole -47, Son Diego U. O. , Col Poly (San Luis Obispo) 20, Lewf<- Clork llJ, Pacific 30, Unfleld 7. i~mg~~it:'fj: l~nti~ytc1~~1,~2:." 0 n 7 ~ 4 ~i,ct 0 o'if~~n~rr!at~ 2 20. prNJident o! Cal Western, and ne,. Russ<'ll Wilson, Jll'esidetlt or USO, have dis- ('USSl'd a gam!' bel\l'Cen the two l<'ams next s ca so 11 allhougll Ille \Vl'St('l'll('l'S hav(• ninr• teams sd1cdul<'d.

pa ha

1-'ootball 11ill b" continued at the Univenit,, of San Diego ne,,.t year but on a more realistic l<'vrl, H.rv.. J Walshe Mul'ray, alhlet1c moderator, said yrstnrday. 'l'he cry or "Notre Dame of tl1e \rC'st" ha~ been quietc>d and the foundation of a modc>rate but compll'le athletic program . hould be- come more secure SLx t<'ams hm" hP<'n scheduled nr-xt •<'ason dates are to be worl

"9 of 77

(·onnftc•tf'd 011

Elliott G'JbrleiU Bo.., Chapman Chooooll w111~.::~




for 55; vat·cl~


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·hie! lari:ets Wtil hr.


r, , Walkt'r and Lavon


~~~c~av~,\~l 11m

5, TI-4Ul'5DAV, N

r Gr1dders Prep ason Final Satur S11turd&Y nl~ht and h&ll

• USD Seaso

!lion&! lette[" men ACatter~.-\ 11.m.,ng hie ruerTH, Clll ;." y (SLOJ called the M11.ntan11 State team th~ !.SU of I.he • "orthwrst" r~ently t.ner Agoc• thr po\\'l':l'(ul units overpowered the highly r gnrd d Callfomla ttam. k tontan11 St,,te will i tart & veteran. b_ac • 1 1 Ml \I p F llha.rk lto,•r.o p.,rci,nalle, fie I ag ru • ' l I p lett 10 1' 2-poumler rrnnl Le•l"' n e, a., rb B~hc, t In Ing for th1t •e('oru1 atr~l11,ht a as n. 1.ltllt ye11r P,rch, Ile galne,t ti_Ol )1ml• fo 4 9 ) nrtl~ p~r r.any awn,11,e. J11nt0r ~11ar- terb.,ck D ve Alt in guhl the )lontan11 State ottenH1Ve at tack. r\ b Th Hoh 11.ta• glg~ntlc line I• anchM~ y t mlr\-bracktl 1111-Amerir~n Sonny Hol- ~:nll c2'1z l 1!.l center. Other Mi\C line •tartPr• ar., rj· y Godaton (208l and Bob Schmitz (22T) t u rde, Gene Schllllng (22_7 I an.d Bob Bl loch (2271 at t rk\P.ll and Dick r-11.wot- czynel 9 Ac11.demlc All-Ame1Lcan, n eris but " " yards to bre~ k 1,000 yarrl~ re• celvlni: !or thrc" sea11ons. Walker caui:ht 33 pa s,.~ for 452 yard& ln 1957, 17 passes for 269 yards I •t Mason and ln five game,i thls 5ea- aon hM caught 14 passes 1.or 273 yards.

, ' \ " ;\l\'J)O. 'AJ,J)

By J

'1 h • ho,, Nl'd Uni\'crsity of San Diego with an ,\\alanchP or 1ouchdowns Saturday night lo bury the Pioneers in the rui1u o! !heir war t i:<'a~on Ince 195Q. + • • The Montana State back STATISTICS MSC. four SPts of them - ~parklcd us,~ In running up a 47-0 ,·ktor)' lVf before some 1,000 Jans at Bal- ,,.,. hoa Stadium in the season s-4 1 ,3 finale for hoth Sl'hool . ,t The Pioneers flnislwd the • • u rugged rampaign with o n r , icto1y in i;ix start~ Thr Bob- pound junior made 11 ,·uuple cats a team comparahle In of ta<'klcs which held oH im- tale_nt to Marine Coi·p~ ':"· pending touchdown~ from cru1~ Depot-closed out \\1th being ~corecl l' rlil.'i au d a 6-., ~eason. . quickC'r. And :,-et, dn~pne !he long \ , . score, the Pionrr.r,s pt'rfol'mC'd • lo11tana s sto1) "~uld bP lo \\·ell offensil'ely bl'hind th c go down Urn long 11 t in the> heady quarterhn · J lr>r. Halfbacl< Sam Maori? Chapman, a wh d up 97 yards 111 Io u r matchrd the abillti<'s of the es, . ha fback fi\·e signal ,•nllcrs the Bob- :-10Ie11 p1el,cd up . , cats u~ed. l'SD thrl'atcned l\rn trips and iull ck Roc,.o follr time~ b\lt . l(ln't seore ~"rc1 valfc had 20 yards m 1t ,\as to~ped the 5, 15, 4 ft <: ,carr'.c-s as the }Padlng and 17 )'ard !in<' Bobcat g-1 ound galnl'rs for tlw Chapman, altho\lgh hounc a IS liacks us<'d. I hard several time~ hy huge :ftS'"" 0 _s_,. . ·. : ::.. :. 1 ~ 1 : : linemPn, completed ]0 o! 24 M~t~n~l"~ ~\~tePl~~o~l~ 9 \/ 00 P~~~oi~orn pa•ses for 112 yard~ a n d 00,1c,1. Moore m. ~aterol lrom ououl,) added 12 yards on thP ground fci~1i~roJ 5• (l;;n~·unfup~~ 1 ral} 1 ' c2~;c~cci}; \\·ith 13 carrirc:. Th(' 5.,Qp ]70~ tizie:I ~or~fc:nKrskl). PAT- Oavles (run), blizzard bo) s •from lontana ·tale (,:oll<'g



USD End Seeks

h Air


Anl11ls Bi1' Hope

MSC's backfield lists fullback Rocco Percia- valle 0921 along with half. backs Tommy Molen (164) and Bob Rudio (170) an d aerial m inded quarterback Dave Alt (165 1. USD's aerial attack, the only consistent part at its of- fense, carries the 1:Jig hope1 of the Pioneers. Quarterback Jan Chapman'!i aerials to ends C. G. Walker and La- von Baker and halfbacks Will Chappell and Joe Gray "figure" to keep the opposi- tion loose. :Probable start- veteran

ing lineups: Montana State Bios1ocn 122ll Surdam Godston Holland Schmitz (175) 208J 212) (127)



LE LT Walker (180 Varley C210 LG w. Bourque (196 Garofono 205 C

Elliott Gabriel Baker Chaornan Cl!"l!r.tJ m wt'llioms 1!5 195 205 185 170

Ii G RT ~.. Q~

Schilling (227) Now'tczvnkl (209) RE

All 1165)


Perciavalle (192) FB

THE SAN DJEGO un • • ov IS, 19~ UN DIIOO, CAL1,ou11a

H G3.______


IN 47-0 ROUT

Montana State Rocks Pioneers By JO~ ·:,.y :llcDO:SALD Bl.'LLJ-:Tl:'\'

COACHES OF PREP C QUARTERBACK CLOB F ootball coaches will discuss weekend predict ir chances for next season at th.e ing of Union-Tribune Quarter tomon-ow· at Mission Valley Inn. !he luncheon is open to all football 1,·111 answer written questi ons during the meeting. Special guests will be coaches o( four high school teams who will enter the Southern California [nterschol- astic Federat~n playoffs this we'ek. They are Bin Slater, Kea rny High, Western League; Duane ;"fale,. /;an Diego High, Eastern League; Al Gi l- lJcn, Uwla \ 1sta High. c\fetro and Ar·t Filson Mar Vista High. A\'o~ado LeaP"ue ' ' , Regular panelists wilt be· Paul Governali, San Diego State; Robert /Bull) Trometter, Marine Corps Recruit D~pot: Al_ Le1,is, Cal Western; George Schutte, San D~e1;0 Jt•nro,· College, and Paul Platz, University of San Diego. Jack l\!u1µh). ~po1ts editor o! The San Diego Union, will be toastmaster. e coaches

tra points With a run around l A pas3 intercept10n set up .:\Iontana touch. !down. Guard Bob Schmit;,: the right side. the second

:\fonta na State College


to u n .. 1


'ictory ov,:r the lini\·er- sit~: '.'' San Dit>i;o .at Bal- boa :Stndium la,t mght.

1p1cked Jan Chapman·!! i1 o n t a n a State College firs_t pa?s on the USD 30 and . retired It to the '.!'.2. ,1rn:ked up two_ quick touch- Four plays later, D a vi e & dm; n m the !1r, 1 cl ·ed to McLeod in the end ,1ght at Balboa one for the touchdown. Da- lead th<' Un verstt:i, of s a n vie~• pa_·s for e ·tra p o in t • D1ego, 11- before 1,()(J(J fans. fail I'd. The Bobe ts drove 66 yard» The Pioneers ;sw·prised the i 1 ;' pays after the Bobe, b) drivmg 61 yards oppning k1ck,iff ,,i'h ha J f to ontana 'tate eight. J m M('Leod ~or1.11g Ho\\e,er, an failed on from rhe one QuariPl back two crucial pa. e~ at the. t Gary Daqe added t\\ o ex- point. of!


t,ug ts for q1

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