News Scrapbook 1958-1961
fRIBUNt SAN DIEGO , CALIFOINIA T UESDAY, NOYIMIIR 10, 1t Sports Sectiof!-.r--_. ---·-=-...;.: McCutcheon Praises His 'Underrated' BuHdogs ByBOaORT.M Hub Mccutcheon, former U eralt · ot M D 1• a o r all coacli wJui now c;alls fore the Union-'!' 1· I bu n e dous. The kid take re~ pride In winning. I'm amatil!d at their caliber of play." McCutcheon, • th<' gteat in- tHest evinced by the towns· folk. ult>, only a er.'' • • •
"We're underi:ated," he added, ''because of thl" leacue we're in. In three or four games, l'm sure we could ha,·e run up 100 points. •·We're probably as fast as most high school teams and the team spirit is tremen•
"l don't anticipate too much trouble in taking the (Southern Prep l league," he stated. The Bulldogs have won seven straight this fall and 18 in, a row overall. One of the fa~ tors, iiceordlng to
Prn team has concluded its sclwdule, said thl" Western- ers ''should bl' fairly tough" in 1960. "W" lose omy 1wo boys," remarkc•d Lewis. "Basic·ally W<''ll play tht> same sched-
Quarterback Club. ''This team lookl harper to me in the execution ol its p I a y s than any l've coachi:d," he reported to 1he • overilow luncheon gathPrlng at Mission Valley Inn.
He said tl1e school has dis.·ussC>d scheduling garnets wltll San Diego State Col- lPgC>, University of San Di• ego and Marine Corps Re• erui\ Depot. Bull Trometter reported thal !<~it~ Rock Athletic Club "played one of the best defensive g a m e :s we've come up,against" in bow- Ing to hi" Marine Corps Re- cruit Depot dub, 21-9, Sun- day. JI<> said he'll start his thlrd-strlng<>1·s at Moffett Fleld Friday to give hi• front-line trQops "a mueh- n<'rclPd rest for San Diego StatC> rNov. 211," c;c>org.., SdnlltP appi!,uded hi~ San Diri.:o Jt.,nior Col• Jege Knight· for tile tremen- dous Joh they did in the sec. ond half or thch· game last we<'k with Los Angeles Har- bor, which thr- Knights won, J8-7 '"It wus ou1· best team ef- fort, ' said Schutte. •·we feel ou1· kids are coming along." Paul Platz said he wel- comed last we<'kend's open d11tl' bPcauHe it gave hl11 University ol San D i e go eripph•s a chance to heal be• fol ' • 'h"Y tackle Montana State h<'1'e Saturday nigJJ~ Bob Skinner, Plttabilrgll outfieldC'r who wor
He said Ramona does not haYe a single 200-pounder 011 the squad and none of the varsity performers scales lflO.
the shots for a.,in~ High, paid high pral e to his un- bPatrn Bulldop yl'sterday in a gue t appea ance hr-
"There is no bOObter. club in Ramona," he said, "Th<' entire town is a boosters club." • Al Lewi•, whose Cal We~t•
t h e
greate~t quarterback I'H This wa~ an unsolicited· stateml'nt made yesterday coached,"
football scouts in the stands each wrrk try,ng to [ind a "Right now Los Ange• les Rams , Chicago Bears and Pittsburgh Steelers are Trometter added. "I l>elie\'e the Bear· are seeking an eventual replacement f o r (Ed> Brown." Trometter rank~• \'aldez ead o( such former l'ig- ' mll-callers a Brnwn, Gene :.\loor<' and Joe Bartos I la\· Pr \\ith -the Redskins ! who played at hall and quarter. The , r.teran co ch who has handled eight sen·ice clubs and ass1:ted on one other, fits Valdez into an all-lime ;llarine backfield o! Skeet Quinlan Al Hall (currently with the club I and Jimmy Pyles. "Valde.i does c,·er) thing well," Trometter added. "I think he could make t h e pros either a a defensive baek or quarterback. He's a fine passer, good b a I I handler, dead I y tackler ,·ery interested in flaw In \'al by Robert te1·, ~1arine Depot head (Bull> Tromet- s Recruit ll coach. A n d, r isn't • He's \'al," · alone in his o,·. ed.. 11, 1959 '.i) SAN D 90 CM,t,O.NIA Pioneers To F.ace Unlon- partmen ~on , g;1ve a to the meeting. hest '59 F·oe He said hr thought Mil• waukee, San F'randstiQ c1nd Pittsburgh all \\ere good last seasun hut Los Ange• • le, "had good h1ck." REFMOX - Bob McCutcheo11, JeH, former 1:.SD coach.. renewi: acquaint- ance with Bull Trometter of MCRD yeste1·day at ::\fission Valley In11. EV ING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line ·•, ·.;, . ri! J: '~'it \'t:RN YAJ,nt:z Wins Trometter's Prais~ . slf... VI. Ptpperdlne ..~is G1tft!'~>N t'lllt-,~.;i,• ·, HARRI' HACH!:: - - - Son Oles:io - 808 ORTMAN \MCRD QUARTERBACK GEORGE H~RRICK gARL K Lli:R S.n llleeo Ion Ol~ I • PepPerdlne Ue eONSlfNSUS v,. by 3 -. PePperd!nt by 7 San Olfilo MontanO-itote by 2 Son D11110 Trometter Says Valdez Greatest (Continueu) ancl has the confidence ot his teammate~." The fi.foot, 190-p o u n d Palmdale, Calif. athlete otten. But, on the other hand, looking at statistics he's gained 101 yards in 39 carries for a 2.5 average. by 21 by I Montana Ion Olue s.~.1 Stat• Monf'lna S1ote by• Montana Stal~ USO by 6 oy I Montono $1. by J, by 13 Monrono Stolt by It Mon1ono Stote Montono Slolir N.Ccrollna St. by AO UelA bV I use by 12 Montan·o St8'9 by 14' V$. UCLA Baylor UCL4. by l by 10 UCl... by 7 Montono St1Jtt by 30 UCL.e. bv 7 use bv 12 ~CLA V 12 N. Carollno St. UCLA by 7 l•O bV 1 UCl,O. bY 6 Bovlor by 1 vs. use UCL,O. use by I use by 7 use by 3 7-1 use by I ' Washington CgllfornJo vs. b~Sf,, Woshlngfon L'.i:::C Washington Callfornra _7_-1__ by 3 Wabh~n1ron bV 3 Co!Uornla by 1 Orl!ilon W•1,i1j"fton bv 3 vs. Washington WoW"I"'" .Vasnlnoton Oregon by 3 Stanfurd by 8 IN!t All9. TD 213 5.7 2 108 0 80 5.3 1 M -4.7 1 ,. 3.0 0 ,2 ~-1 0 JJ l' 0 2 2.0 0 1 .JJ 0 -3 -1.0 0 Woshlnoton st. by 6 Wo!hington St. Or~on Stet• Oregon by 2 Woahln;ton St, l•l by 5 Woshbntton ~t. DV 2 Or.:aon bv 6 Oregon b;i: 2 bv 1 vs. oi;~;1n Oreqon Or"W ,51010 Stonford Air Foro Stanford by I Air Fori;;e OrHort Stole •·3 Ornon State ' Oregon Stott by' Ortgon Stote by 6 Orei~ 1 ~tat • bY 7 VS. by 6 Oregon Sfate Afr Fore• by 13 Air Foret bv 10 Arltono Texas Air Foret by 12 H Afr Force bV A Afr- ~orr::e by I< Air Foret Afr Force hy 13 bv 9 TCU by 2 vs. TCU VS. SMU LSU vs. Air Fr-r~ by 8 T1xa1 by I tMU y. LSU by ll TCU by 1 TCU by 2 ~MU oy' LSU by 22: >·O rexas by 7 played Ior eight sea~ons un- der Bob McCuteheon, cur- rent Ramona High coach and former University o! San Diego mentor. •·1 coached him tour seasons at Antelope Valley High, two years at Antelope Val- li'\' JC and another at t:SD," :.\lcCutcheon s a I d. "I'll second Bull's c o m• ments." If there would be any criticism ot Valdez' play, Trometter might agree that he has a tendency to run too The well-conditioned ath- lete hasn't thr0\\n the ball much but has completed 22 of 53 for 457 yards and eight touchdowns. As a punter, \'aldez has kicked 12 for a 36 yard average. On defense, Valdez leads ln pass interceptions with jive and has made several saves as a cornerman. AJ. though a good field goal and extra-point kicker, Valdez generally serres as the holder. It's a big leap from ~er\'• ice ball to the pros. Fellows such as Quinlan, Gene Lips- comb and Maurice Bassett made the grade after show- Ing • well on local service clubs. Although, \'aldez ha been In football gear for several seasons, the pros ha\·e not pursued him until this sea- son. The boys should have a place for Valdez and teammate Hall. lexos ov 12 t'JIU y 1 ,.su by I~ Arkansas Texas bv 12 ~MU bY 12 Texas by A SMU by 2 LSU by 18 Te)l(a.t Arkansas Ark.ansci, $-J by 2 tMU y 5 LSU by I by' L5U bv U S'-'U 1-2 LSU a o lSU by 2:0 Mfsslsslpc,f ~t. Tennessee I.SU by 11 vs. MIISl$Slppl Mfsslulppf Mi!slsslpc,I Ge, Tech Mlulss.,ppJ Mrssls:sippl by 3 bV 1 Mlssls!!lppl by 3 T1nnessH by 2 Mlssls:slpp1 by 1 Mlsslsslppl vs. OY 1 Mluinlppf Go. Te,;:h bv A by 3 Alabarna bY 1 Georgia At(Jbamo Auourn Georgio vs. A.labama by 1 Gtf~la 11 Ga. Tech bv 6 Alc:Jboma by 2 ~a. Terh by 8 Ga. Tech GO', Tech by I Ga. Tetn Auburn by I by 2 bv 3 53 ~uburn by 6 by 2 Auburn by • Yds. A..-9. m f>i TS TP 2 12 I 14 0 12 I 8 : Northw,stern Mfchlgan H. vs. ~uburn by l Auburn by 3 Geor11ia by 1 Michigan 5t. "-ubJrn Mlchi;on St. H Mlch!~an st. Northwestern by J by 6 Ly a Mlchlgon St. llflnob Nor1hwestern by 6 Nor1hwest • rn bY 5 Northwe5ltrn by 1 vs. NorthNe~t~rn ~ts_ by 3 W!sco,ts.ln by 11!1 Wisconsin WISCOiUfn Wisconsin Wt,consln by 13 by 9 Wisconsin ArmY by 7 Wisconsin by I Wfsconsln bY 5 Wisconsin by 13 Oklahoma hy 1 vs, Wl.!iconsln by 5 Oklahomo a.o OkJ~hrro $yracus. • t,y 30 Olc:lohomo Syracuse Colgate PitfSb'Jrgh v,. 1 Army by 1 Oklahoma by 6 Oklahoma OklohomQI by 7 Oklahoma by < SYracust by 20 by 10 Oklo•v~mm -- -- $yr,cuu 7·1 by 6 i 1 l ' 2 Syroi:ute by 40 by 8 Syrocus- by J2 Svrocust t,y 18 svrac:usa by 25 Syr:1cus1t bY 10 2 Svrocuse bY 24 vs. Nolr• Dome Notr• Dame Norre Dome Pitt by 1 ~~VJ 11•7•2 .611 l,O by I ' 1M Pill by 1 ~~vr 12-5-2 .607 bY 5 Novv by 15 t•2·0-2 Notre Oamt Notre Uome Now -..s. by I r:1~ 11,M Plttsbur•h Notre Dtlme Notre Ocme bY J Olllll U!ITt:U Here the NC!VV by 3 by 2 by 14 Novv by 13 1-.J:i ,• -57-1 .623 Columbia _- 5-3 rundown on N!:lvY t,v 10 1 1 -7-1 .611 Navy by 10 11).!-2 ,556 f6-l5-1 _,3, Last Wee-!<'1 Record lriovy •·• 10-!-2 .;5' '"9-Z .500 D • ., - .w ' "ii..,,., .611 !it-a.son's Record .,,, lOt-42-1 .n, 101-50·1 .122 101-50•1 100·51·1 ..169 100-51 102-,, - 1 I ,662 162 •75 - THE SAN DIEGOUNION Thurs., Nov. U. lt5&. SAN DIEGO, CAllFORNI The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections I I WEEKEND GRID MENU Bolla. Jerry )[agce Johnny ~IcDonald ,~~·t~ 1 .lsi1_'__ lfc:~~a.s 1 -- ~~i;~~3_ 82 ___ ~~d.~~.~3 82 SD Stat• I Pepperdil"le Da\-id Dow Season: 1 Harry 11onahan 1 Phil !Collier '-=eoson: Sl!Oson: Season: !Chuck !Nelson Fisher '\\olUiam~ I Howard Hagen ~l~~:~t 7 JOan, Gallup 1~~1~;~1!14 s I-Jack Warren WIison s~~~"~,. GA.JIBS Consen• 'fawyer Uurphy t1~~~;~-a 7 Seo'!;ort: w:•~i. ~~-ir__ ----- ";.a'.i ,.;?~ Season· l~pJ:,7~ , 03 Friday Loca l Point Loma v1. Miulon lov, L:i Jol1a 3:U I Hoovt!" \IJ. 1an- Diego. dolbo=> Sl..1d1um, c,owto,d vs St. Auqu~.tlne. Haonr, 1 CIClll"tmcnt GI L.e Jolla••. Groumont n. El Colon, ot •1t1c l!owl, I I Hllllo,, Gt Swe~f'l•Oter••• 1-lelhi: ot Chula Vhto, I El ca,1roi, \Ii, Mt. Ml~Utl, Htll.:ic••• Oc:ean,ide ot Vista. • Mor V!,to v1. Cotlsbad, Oceor'lslda, I. Ellewller• ~ , AMtlU Stolt at Ha:'NGU. a11ecn a, Qccldtntol~ ultwrn Cal. Col. ot Santa Barbara. Saturday Local Montano s.tatt "'· use, Bolboa Stadl~ um, I. MCRO ot MoHolt Fltld, !. !an Oler.t> !,tot• ot Pu10:?rdlne, I ltt'o"i':.~:r ~f G~lu•~:~~:ro2~Cld0, 7;30. Pa.l0tnar J( ot AnteloP• vah!!:'f, •- Pacific Caost eavlor 111r use. North Carollna Sta1t ot UCL.A. Sl)utr. Carollna ot Miom1 (Flo.). Season: Nortnwurern at Mi 15,D. s.~t i~a·•··•rdln• si;, i.-11 2 WPit~,J~&J State so Staft by1 '9 SD State___ s·o Stole-- SDstate --- PeDPerdlne-- s.o. StClte-- SDStote___ Pepperdfn-.-- bv 7 By3 by 27 . bv3 I byo Montana; s-,.--- Mont kJ St. 1 I by6 Montano St. --~Y.7 Montono St. .___ ax 6 __ er1 .. _ .. Montonn at. _av , ... , M .. ontona SI. _ _Qy 14 ot USO Montono St. _ bv 12 ..,---- bv 38 By7 Monlnna St by 2 Montana St Montana St. .by 1-4 'Ui;:;-: ., N. Carolina 51. ot UClA ~'~ti1eton St. O~e,,~astw. Sf. Wo 0 1hcln 0 vton. s:~Arit. SI. Notr9Dame Ga. Tech. v,. Boylor at use Montono Stote by 27 by 10 Montana St. _ By 25____ • by 20 - M.Ontona St UCLA lour~:~~ bY 13 ,.l!!-'111'=--- UCLA by 6 St. UCLA by 7 By 13 BY 10 s1ii'Ord UCLA UCLA by 6 stg~f~rd bv 17 Or::op UClA bv 17 ' UCLA by 7 I Sti~f~rd i by 13 .use UCLA UCLA .J Bv 2 . 16':: P,st. lu~.~ UCLA by 1J St, ~ge:02n St. BY 7 stiyt~rd u~~!S stg~f~rd sc or::o6n-Stat• . St, !use ,use 1 usc St~'n'=y-==..,r--- OrJ?O~ St. St. !!!. by 7 by 10 I use ! 'tisc by 6 use • by 7 use BY . us wo 0':!!'11! by t3 wg~h 3 Sf. !Washington - Bv R Ori:0_{1 '1 1 Or~o," B~ H sii:; no~rb .. bf ., Orb~o 7 n .;-___ ,,.i",'.:f,,,.,---7"'e!.,.;....___ J-=-'----- Wi5Yh 7 St, Wosh st. by 6 Washington Ore"son ~!t-,r---ili Wash. st. W='19ron I Wo.'"""ton _by , .,_,"''--'!'c----"" 8 svh, 6 s1, ~,,,,,,,1,.,,_~....,·•,_. 1 . Washington _lly___3_____ ~3 Wosh;ngton bv 7 Wosh. ingfon .Washington bY 6 by 8 Woshlng1on by 6 Woshlccnc--ot~•-n-- Callforn1- 0--- Wo::11 ... wn Ar:· 1 61 -,AtJZ-~Sf.l@ 4rlz. st. by 8 ~-,,. by 7 WaiiiTr ---- ·- 5y··lgtan 1·00me 3 Tech-.-- •rfi.. Sr b 9 • By 1 By 6 y 6 A';!!,-ff. By 1, Ariz, Sf, bv Ariz St. by 3 by 2 Go. Tech Clemson by & by 10 Auburn by 1 by 7 MisslssiDPi Vanderbilt • -~ _ID i •···, Arit Sf by· 26. se'w,P=-~--1 by 7 ii>i#ne Ariz. St. by 7 by 1 Ga. Tech Arlz, St. By 2 Ariz. State av 7 Notre Dom~ By 1 Bv 3 Bv 7 By3 BY 7 Auburn Clemson Mls!hSlpp[ Y~: Ng~\Dome- _(l!_~!.tf:----'""'~'--;--,-----, ___Q!__S Ariz St aY 13' Notre Dame, A I "Pitt rb;· Notr . f'W,Oome Pitt Norre-~ No. tr·•· D~ Noire. Dome bv 1 l,T, oabvTtch Cl~an 6 bv l by 6 Ga. Tech Clem~on bv 10 Aubwm -~3 Notre Dama GobVT:f" Clemson Gab Tjch ;;,._ -.J!y_J0 !Go. Teth Notre Dame • MoA,10,~lo_!!__ndrno_____ , By 6 B,y .t Bv 1 By6 By 2 , I I - Bv l~---1 by y x. i..., Go···teC_h___ lAlobamo 'Clemson ,fl - G~Tech. - By 3 Clemson Sy 7 Auburn Mlssls . _ By l~l)p 8y6 -· by 7 I CleMsoA___ OelTISon by 7 Aloui,.a ·-• I ar Clemson AllbUrft- Te!;:t:::~as. 1't fl r-1 bv 8 \ Clemson b'f' Clem b·.;· b~ 4 9 1W 7 A M Auburn br2_ j J,~_19 Auburn __ by2 Auburn 1 by I - 'Mlbss1s,s1pl)f Vobnderbllt Y bv 14 Au·burn so_n___ ,.Auburn , _!1 ,_____ , - Auburn -,,,·,••, by.~. 1. , 'poi M!ssiSSJPPI Vobnderbi/t bY 7 urn___ Ml•• Vao~;1~1~--- . - Michitan bY6 ~•PPI ~~'-,-.--- ' .Mlsslssll>PI I Mississippi Vonderbilt bY 7 bY 2 by l by 6 by 8 Mich. St, Nebraska Indiana bY Mfssisslppl yJ y 7 M1ssls.slppf by 1 t V i I I M bV 10 M~s1,,,.·.-1-- iJond but-- incir·-·---- -+th3 w_·~fftlrn bv $r bvo~a vindyhlff ng~aaa Mich St I v' Vanderbilt v 13 1 VondE'rbift-- Vcin"d-er"b~II-,-- VonCierbllt t I d' l~.8~---1.,.,.;by_!O____ ' VOnderb_n_1__ M Indiana By 6.___-l av TO by l Indiana 0 N~r:i~•-•~?_ C• 0 fraN~ra•k• 10:rohlo St. I Ara1'°oklaho..!.; ..., n 1Gna~ j Mibt:.hlgon • Sy 7 frldiyanla Mit:.higon by 6 I bY 2 bv 6 Indiana Michigan _By l By l By 1 Byl Mfch. St, N-ebraska Iowa Oklahoma av s 'Purdue Wlsc.onsin B v 7 Bv 6 I . ~1nd10no . By I y 7 bY 3 bv 6 t,y 3 N rn M~~. 5 sr. I Nebraska by 1 U'J I by 3 b';' 7 b11 6 by7 Nor1hwestern by -1 • ' Hortb'"··hWHfern ,,~Bc;,-'-------l Northwestern N~rthwestern .,,.'~'-,,---- Northwest~rn DY 4 by 2 bY6 a Northwestern N Colorcdo bV 1 - N c Nebbraska Bv 7 8\1 6 8y1 811 1 Nebra,ko By 7 I Colorado Wo,hlrv~ton oi Callforr'l.c, i':~~~: :: e~-~~n:.1or,. it Stat• ot Chico Stat~ !Ire 1'10 &IOI "' Lon • Btach. 1'1rJf'Jho at C.OP o,.,,.on at wo,ntn;ion!III •• Midwest ::::i~•;~h~J MJc.h19Qrl CIT lndlono Son Jau Stat• at IO;NQ $f('!lt. Olli ! Nebraska y 2 Colorado 1· t •~ Iowa Nebra!lkG By 3 Bv7 By 2 Ohio St, Oklcil,oma ptJ d Ky ul Wlsco11sln By 8 Iowa a,ko I Iowa i Ohio St. bY 2 lowo by2 bv 2 1 Old::ihoma PUrdue bv 10 Wisconsin bv 6 i 0 Iowa __ by7 by' by 8 Iowa bvl Iowa O\fllf'i'3oma __ b lob Oklahama "1ow:::c':c-1~-- ""'-- Oklahoma Pu J Army by 6 ,11 Purdue 1 bv 10 • by' Oklahoma by 13 F>urd1,1e bYJ bv,. -.::~· '. Army by 6 by 13 ; Purdue- ·, W.lsconsln by o I Min,nepsii~ Oklahoma Purdue bY 13 Wisconsin by 14 bY 7 ,i',l~="i--- oi1ahoma-- oi1~\r, ·::.. ·Oklahoma PUi-due By 7 Wisconsin By 7 Purdue by 6 tJe i ,Pubrd ue a UrvUt ,cans 1m,"°w'l. 1 - 7 y l p a;; i:'y 5 by 7 bv 7 la J Wlltons!n by 7 ,if ± Wise.onsin by I • Texas A&M ~p>=fjjc.ccc---- w11,cons'n · tiv a ;,, •·•'~"'••--=---- ~rkan~ -+bv'-'-1___ ·=--"-''--- t fit,c bv 0 ~ a Wblsco7ns Y , ... .In WiSCOl'\Sln 1-Wlscon,rn bv 8 Rice _ by 3 I ArkOl'SCll Tex:GIA&M·;r:-- Rice Rice bv 2 S"G,~ "- Texas. by l by 3 by J by 7 bv I Eagles Browns Roms Colts WISC""•- by,~--- ·1exos A. & M af R:lct ArkGflsos T;~ SMU ~=:" , ,...._ lrW"~~ al T1xas Cal:1 VI. 11 by 6 Te)(a~ A&.M by 5 1 IT~&~ Ric~ IArlcoi,50-,--- SMU by 10 by 7 bv l Rice SMU ·Rice SMU TCU Colts by 1 Arkaneu Rice "SMu SMU I by 2 T'bU 1 bY 7 Eogl~s by J BrowM by j0 ' I I Lion{ I I 'I Colh Rice SMU fC:1r - b~~-, eol7 e by 3 by 2 - .v1zono at Alr Fo,ce. Utah Stole at Oenver. _ Colorado Stot• u. at Utoi'I, By 2 Arkonso.!I BY 7 Sy 1 Arkansas -- py 6 Texas Tebxvo: bv 6 Te~~: bY 6 by 7 by lO •~ by 11 Texas bv 20 Coits by , Eos;iles by 10 ·a-,·0·-wns by 10 Ri~s7 bv 6 by 7 2 BY 6 By I By , BY 2 Eo;leJ BY 3 R°s~s 1 GiCmt9 By l, Texas ·cott1 Redskin• TtMQS By 3 By 6 T-e~oy,1 1· - Te,i:as Colts by a Co!ts co,-ds bv 3 bv 1 b,-- J Rom 5 Giants by 7 er;s, Browns. by 10 ,,_ 'Colts l by 7 cards by 6 erowns bY J Roms 1 Gion1s bv 6 Br: 1, iaf, t w by 7 Colts _by 7 Eagles _bv 10 Browns by ' b~,O R Giants by 7 B~; 1 2 bv • : Eo,gles - "!_ ~II:&----• bv I '' BY 3 BY 7 BY • Colts by r Eagles by 3 -Browns br 7 Rams G--fa~t: by 7 B,:,ovrs3 Colts I Browns bv 3 !+J . IS c,:? ..HJO . . , 1 7 Eagle5____ e·ogles E: I - at R-.-hlt BY 3 e-r""'"' BV"' 7 Ri~s3 G 1 &~ 1 ~ Seers Bv 6 3 ·Rams ---- Lions ·ioles ·- "-'-.C..--...J ~t_ LiOftl BroywJn,- by l I Browns "~----1 By lO -----1 a_by n,s I : _ •~-C-:"-0'----1•-"b"'Y-'7___ Steeler.1 •• G, Gia.".ts . . by 3.____ Giants by 7 Ram~ 6 R_ g$'?, lams 1 8 t;,'"\ GI ..:f'aean ---- j Bt,~\ - s•g~!\i,;.. By Gig~'} I 8 ~;sJ -=-ib~Y..;A,___ J>ie G1g;11 --sea-,-.--- Bears-~;;"' Bears Last wttk: w 11 L ,. Last Wltk: w It L-t l..a~ w-ek:-- w ,, L..t --- · ---- LaS t Wffk1 trv 1 .,~ ~a,.,.,"'a,,-',,'--- L ffkl b .+.,----1.,-- "-•-~--- La1t Week: Lost WHk: ...,:_w.:P:,:c::2?:.,:.:~-1.:;":...-~w..!P:;i•~·..;·~•~i-"_ _.:!.,w_-~"~L~-9!..._ _I_":'.;·" L• 1 2 Pct.•671 Pct., .571 ~o,r Weeks Last WHk: .:l.:P.:~:::'·~·:':.:":...~- ~P:~'::.·..:·"':·:.:.l'___ .__________ · ..;P..;'..;'·..;·;:"..;·2;....__ ....:_r::c•::·_:"::':'_ _ By 6 Last WHk: w,1,, L-12 Pct• .571 b,Y;.;tl~±---l ~b,;.,,.._-- I Last WHIU w.u, l-12 Pct•.57 Lajt W'Nk1 w. 1 L•lO Pc ••641 :,:'{!:;.;c::·l:.;::·io:,'}:.'__ Last WNIU w.11 L·IO Pct• .642
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