News Scrapbook 1958-1961
ThP late .1im Tatum had no illusions about lhe function of a football team. "Winning b;n't eveQ·- thing," Tatum used to growl, "it's the only thing." But Paul Dietzel and his Louisana State Tigers have demonstrated it's passible to lose with distinc-
s Didn't Qu·it, GovernaJi Elaims out- did a r<'al job In the second quit against !Pague have im_pnwPd becausP standing for us wPre baeksjhalf. Pc>rtntps the key point here Saturday, thl'y are gettin,r a greater Vrrn Vllldez, Dobby 1,;,,y<'s y,as ln thP third pe,·Jod when G;overnall to Id nu,'?ber of pla~ers than we. and Al llall •.. Our spePdy our quarte>rbac•k Tomlinson -Tribune Quarte~- We never will bP a football bark, Hilly Martin, had a punl<'d 79 yards dead on their at the groups powerhouse becau~e St at p minus yardaJ.;e bPreuse of 3-yard JlnP," weekly meeting :,•esterday at president L'\1alr-olm E.) Love the muddy field And Fagle Al 1 wants athlet!C"s only as II part Roc-k's bl ' R!ngl~-wing backs Lf•wl~._ <:'n1 ,~e_stern,_ con. In answer 10 a w r It ten Of the overall education 11ro- ran Wl'll in the mud. , . We'll clu,~" d .a 3 4 1 ~ca~on with a question from a fan, Gover- grail} withQ t lowertnr or let our third and fourth string- g·;/ th ~\~Ian mont-~ u d d Ir&!' to secure rrs try to do the job against O "ge- was our est of. te•~. football•and Lon1r Beach State or our muddy fl<'ld. Playc>l'S baek Club :!\lission Valley Inn. .Moffett Field there Frid:iy aft- f,•nslve pos Ible we will start emoon, but H tlwv ca11't do ya rd8 on ng again may!M! next It we'll call on ar, but we d~n't want it at Moffl•tt has Jost to llamllton ~all<'d ha,·k · · · We lose onl.l' expense of Jowl'!'lng our Air J/'orce na,e 890." a couplr of play,•rs from thu1 yc•ar's tN1m ,;o 8hould be im. i;howing w I th 258 the grou nd , h 11 t 111 ., otllf'l'S. lour of our touC'hdowns were quit." . d •. d . Other coaehC's' comments: Paul l'latz, University of Answering other questions Marine Corps Refruit Depot'. tfon~ with Eagfo Rock he• S~? Dirgo, Idle last weekend on the overall State football 21-9 wlnnPr over ~<>mi. pm cau~e of thP. sprinkling Jncl- - The open date should rit picture, Governali snld "our1 Eagle Rock "They left the dent. some of ou~ bru!se11. W& ho e qurstlon ls one of mass of 1 \sprinkler. on 'inadvertemly' Grorg S<:huttt•, San Dl<'go quarterback J a n Chapm n players. Los Angeles St ate all night so we play<'d on a Junior Coll<'ge. 18-7 winner will be well enough to run, as --- --- over Harbor 'IJC "Our kids W<'II as 1hrow." . <'r ,t "' ' nie ,:e- prnv<'d l'H•xt season." ; Rohf'.rt (Bull) Trom<>tt.•r ports h~ was scv<'rlng • nali denied his Aztecs " up" and added that "the we movPd the ball throu thP game prove~ they • The Aztecs had to punt only 29-7. State has won only one o! six games this sea on. onee whlli, lo Ing the game, C'd!lcation standards.,, Tromett 1 .
tion. The Baton Rouge athletes finallv have the bitter taste of ashes after being beaten for the first time in 20 games. And ihe\''\'e Jost thPir rank as the cou.nlry's No. 1 college football team to Syra,.use. It· s the notion here, that Dietzel & Co. gllln in defeat. I'll alway them beeause 1hPy re to play lt safe and settle or a tie in the fourth quartPr while los- ing to Tennessee, 14-13. It must have been tempting. Dietzel's Tigers had e\'ertthing to gain and ve11• little to lose by going for the comention;il one-paint placement after their d
I, II I.I,
H 111, n fur ~, rtn-. Al Hall Tall In MCRD's Point Saddle
~econd touchdown. Instead, they risked the whole bundle on a two-paint play that sent All-American Billy Cannon smashing into the Tennessee line. Cannon is a counted the nation' mo t talented collegiate running back. but Tenne:-see reared up and thr<>w him back a yard from the goal. \\'1th that, LSU's 19-game winning streak was in ruins. But noboby can fault the courage of the fall<'n champions and their handsome young coach. The Idea of the gamP is to \, not tie. LSU was a cham- and it lost Ii ke one. Tie Makes Hero Of Ben Martin No doubt lhere are many who will fault this r<'a- .soning. It's recalled that· Ren Martin, 9' e Air Force, became something of a hero in 'ork a week ago when the Falcons were glad ept a ~t~s~i;h;1th Army. But I sttli pre ·eJ's Eddie Erdellaz once noted that a tie fa thrilling as kissing your si ter. Cal Western s Ai Lewis insists it's even worse. Lewi and his foot- ballers suffered through a 12-12 tie with Claremont- 1\Iudd over the weekend and the coach couldn't get the bad taste out of his mouth. ing your brother." "A tie," says Lewis, "is about as thrilling as kl~s- it's doubtful that anv charaf'!er builder in the nation could match the· agony endured by Le\\-is at is bitter at officials because thev refused to allow a Hoosier touchdown against Ohio State. Paul Governali, of San Diego Stale. is in shock aftC'r watching the Aztecs lose thi> ball se\'en times on mistakes against Santa But Lewis suffered, bled and almost died as offi- cials called back four-that's right, four-Cal West- ern touchd0\n1s Saturday. Among the casualties was a 103-yard run ,vith an intercepted pass by Larry Claremont. Indiana's Phil Dickens · Barbara. Bv this time Lewis feels somc!hin"' like the Cuban hailed before one of Fidel Castro's firing 'I:fii victim was asked if he'd like to make , ,., who w squads. d · J hn R" k t Slover an a 68-yard scoring pass from o IC e ts lo Pat B1iggs.
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- --- -
!UNDEFEATED RAMONA Mc·C U tche On Says c I b u d t d u n erra e
11 o'c\sn,:.:u,age b-5) .,.,,~
0 ef\e~AdsR •
0 AzJ
Gove,rn, 8
Bob '.frCut~hPOn, former l'nhPrsit~· of i-:an Di<'go football mach now coaching Ramona High, told thP l'nion-Tribune Quarterback Club yesterday that hlq undPfoatcd boys "ac- tuallv are underrated and could have run up 100 point~ on
some of our opponents.'" McCut,;-heon left USO spring alt<>r a stormy two-
lnst thP circulation dPpartment. In a humorous talk, main-
~Pason career. His Ramona ly deprPrating his own base- High outfit has won seven ball ability, Skinni>r :o:aid when season h<> played high ~chool, junior winning strc-ak of 18 eonlests. hasPball hPre h<> wa~ prob- straii:nt games this and Ramona has an ovPrall coll<'ge and Marine Corps
t Jk )
ably "llle leas ccC'ri a• a ma1or ll'aguer. and , .arr, J pinc-h myself P, r.ry nighL to Iind out i! its truP.'' 1 ·e Y 10 sue- sh
.. .
\\" ha\P. a
quarterba ck m Allen Brown, said ;llcCutcheon, "and the team as a who!<>
1 ,.,..,,_M
ex<>cutes L.A. 'HAD LUCK'
! . a ma
play~ helter than any high Skinner "aid Warrr>n school tpam I have seen. The of Milwaukee was his choice
e the reph,·, "Castro is a bum!"
The official in charge of the execution was ap- palled, "Senor," he demanded, . angrily, "are you trying mona, Glenn Forsythe, did a pitcher. to ca oub1e?" great job of teaching funda- mentals to my play<'rs." coach ahead o{ me at Ra- a~ the
ational League • best
"Tl\~ Lo~ AngPles won the penn'llnl, I bl'lieve Mil-
With four touchdowns nullified by the officials, Lewis couldn't find much more trouble even if he Cal Westem, incidentally, is a team to watch ln this area. The Point Loma school has been building low-pressure program worked at it overtime. slowly and oundly with a
Fors,·the was named San waukee was the bes't Nation- Diego ·county's prPp football \al LeaguP. team," he added. "Coach of the Year" last year1"The B1a\'eS had lots of pow- after the Bulldogs won thP <'r, pitching and a good de- championship in their class of fense. San Francisco h.!.d lit- tle depth but had pitch.Ing and thP SCIF playoffs. son, expects to capture the a solid rlub. Los Angeles had Southern Prep League title luck. Pittsburgh has several in and enter the Southern Cali- players ,tho have hit .300 at fornia Interscholastic Federa- some time in their carpers . 11 we all get togetho>r we can tion playoffs. Ramona, with two games power. remaining of the regular s£'a- "We are encouraging. and the resul Westerners Building Rapidly top-drawer coach The Westemers have a Lewis, who was hired on the recommendation of Pappy Waldorf, former California coach. Lewis de- veloped Cal quarterback Joe Kapp while coaching at Newhall High School and Waldorf endorsed him "I regard Lewis as the best high school coach in the state," Waldorf told Cal Western officials. They grabbed him in a hurry and there is no cause for When Lewis took over at Cal \Vestern his players without qualification. regrets. , he tough next year." LIGHT BUT FAST Mccutcheon said "the en- a is (Ramona) town tire booster club. Downtown peo-l plP have built the high school! a field , announcers' booth and ' concession ~tand. I love the place. Got my limit of do,·es e,·ery night this season by walking only three blocks from home. and I li-,e in the The Ramona coach said he has 47 pla, ers on the squad, none weighs more 200. and no player on the first middle of town." The largest gathering of fans this year was on hand: for the club's weekly meeting! at Mission Valle~· Inn. Jack ::\lurphy, sports editor of The 1 San Diego Union, was toast·1 Bob SkinnPr, s1ar outfield- er for the Pittsburgh Pirates, and a La Jolla resident, was a special guest. Skinner i~ an off.season employe of the L'nion-Tribune Publishing Co., doing promotional work for _-c string is heavier speed," he added. "But we have than 190. plenty of h th em ow to were so inexperienced he had to teach put on their equipment. In the Westerners' game three years ago, Lewis was horrified, if not surprised, to discover that two of his athletes had Now Cal Western has completed a 3-4-1 season and Lewis returns all but two of his lettermen for '60. The new school is negotiating for .games with San Diego State and the University of San Diego and some interesting neighborhood rivalries are in pros- If an)'1hing, San Diego State and tJSD may have to step lively to stay ahead of the ambitious West• erners. The Aztecs are in a sad state of repair and USD is in the process of lowering its sights to small school football. The Pioneers. once advertised them• ma st er. selves as "the otre Dame of the west." Now they're satisfied to leave the field to Notre Dame. Joe Kuharich and Notre Dame ha,·e a commitment to excellence. Paul Platz and USD are committed only to finishing the ~eason. They'll make it Satur- day against Montana State-right on schedule. _ _______.:..__ first their helmets on backward. peel. Son Di<'QO Union SlnH Photo BOSSES AND A 'RINGER' Club at Mission Valley Inn. Othrr grid panelists were Paul Platz, ('en- ter, University o( San Diego, and Bob McCutc-heon, former USD coach now at Ramona Hi h. Bob Skinner of I:a .Jolla, lrf1, out- fielder for the Pittsburgh Pira1Ps, was a "l'inger" on the panel of football coaches vcs1erdav at the weeklv m<>e1- ing of ~he Union-Tribune Quarterback
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