News Scrapbook 1958-1961

MARWSTAANDP~LOMA COACHESWILL JOIN PANEL h A .,,__ Coac team is a lead<'t· in t'he Madd ~ague race, an Edens coach at Pt. Loma Hfgh. will be guest panelists at th~· weekly meeting of the_ Union-Tribune Quar.terback Club tomorrow noon at l\llss1on Valley Inn. _ Other coaches on the panel answering fans' questions will be Paul Gon~rnali, San Diego State; Paul Platz, l 'nl\'ersitv a! San Diego; George Schutte, s:in Diego Junior College; Robert

Pion Firs


Diego Diego

11a!d. '•Fresno Stat_P Informed but t?<'Y <'E>rtalnly had the gun u_s they do not wish to con- In !htS mm, Severn hoy. Sev- tmue the series and Fort Car- em played the full 60 min- son Sbrat_en b_y MC~D. 4~•0, utPS as a split end, quarter. las: S~tuuJay .and 42-2• ea1 het· back, :;Jot bar I{ and halfback 1h1s season I will nol b! on th<' ai1d was t1•n-ific on d!'fense We hop<'l<'s~ at this 1ime. But, t11oug-l1t w" wnulrt wear him actually, wi- shouldn't be as out, but he came out as strong i;trong 111 1hP f~lurr bPcausl' ns ev<'r in the sec·ond half. or the, !n<'k nr 2-yc•ar Pnh~t-iWP didn't throw once In the 11tring<'rs most of the time GovPru:ill: "I think Fre~no We hope ouP four firsl-st~i~g has th<> gt'L',tl<•st team sint'r cripples will hr ready fa l936. . We',1·~ e,ijlfiUJ oJ'. tlJC> Montana Sjate, Nov. ]1. We'r~ J>roKpec,;t Air fl!Xl BPnson hRppy tg,havP a we,.k'M rf'st," with 1mch 1 bo 'I a :\lorn~. Art .,..,__, "· v· . 1 King, Symington and Bobby n..._.,.i, mar ista IIlgh: the Avo<'ado L<'ague will J•,ng-J,, Hol'k Athlf'tic Club. have a good d1ance in the A '!'he single wing attaek should group playoffs and I hope our bothPr us 11nd If they have a team ls In ~e .. , I don't pas~~.- we could be in trou- k!1ow what °'er Rigdon told ble. Jus boys, but they overpow- B<'n J•;drn , Polnt Loma 1 <'rr>ct u~ pilysically ln the last High coad1, M-0 vlt-lm• ov1•r half." Clairiemont: "We havP prc>tty ____________, good depth in lhP ha<'ll li,tlle about our next opponent, of the representative

Syracuse Wyotnlng

burgh 0. . . State 0. '?4, Colgate 12.



D outh 12, Yale 8. Princeton 7, Brown O. Army 13, Air Force Acade- my 13, Han al'ct 1~. Penn 0. Cornell 13, Columbia 7. ,\llDW Ohio State 30, St. 24. Minnesota 20, Vanderbilt 6. Jowa 5.1, Kan~as State O. l Notre Dame 25, , 'avy 22. (Continued on h-0. Col. al llh:higan Penn State 28, W. Vir- ginia 10.



thE t e

Gene Greg ·ton, exe<'Utlve sports e 1tor o



Tribune, will be toastmaster.

Pspecially at quar(erha,·k with Don Sada and WinsIon Yet- 1a ••• We have evPrylhlng to win and notlli11g tal' ... Bnk<'rstit•ld haml!Pd thrl'i> o( our mrn with two .. , They JJlny 'Rally Around lhe l•'lag' tn1e of ball u·,•mendous spir. lt." Al Lewi~, Cal We~ tern c-oac-h, 31-7 loser to Pepper. dine: "Pepperdlne wasn't O\ erpowerlng-ly ~trong, but we made mistakes. We fumbled four time~ and had seven passes inten•epted. Normally, WP ai-e a good pass-defense rlub, IJul wr, wrre bunwd Sat- m·day ... We hopP to even our rPcord againsl Clan,mont- Mudd Saturday. This would be our \wst Mason." l'aul Platz, llnl\·ersll of San Diego coach, 38-14 win- n<>i- over Southp1•n California BibIP College: 'They I Bible CollegeJ weren't a machine

By JOHNNY McDONALD Coach Paul Governail at San Di<'go State told Union, Tribune Quarterback Club members yesterday at the Mis• sion Valley Inn that Joe Duke will be able to play here Saturday night against the University of California at Santa Barbara either at quarterback or halfback. •·x.rays showed today that ------------1 Duke'1 right hand ls not frac- the only natural athlete on tured, only severely bruised," the squad, The one-handed the Aztec coach said. "U he cat~h he made against Fres• can't grip the ball well, we'll no State was unbelievable." move him to halfback and use Governall said he regards Jim Symington at quarter- the Santa Barbara game as back." even if Duke and Jim King Governall said the Aztecs can pllly. will play with five backs and Gene Gregston, Executive all of them can double up on Sports Editor of The Evening assignments so that Duke Tribune, told the group that could ably fill in at halfback. Bob Skinner, outstanding out. Duke's hand was stepped on fielder with the Pittsburgh in the Frenso game last Sat- Pirates, will hP a guest next urday, which the Aztecs lost, week. 38-13. Robert (Bull) Tromettrr, The Aztec coach a g a 1 n h~ad coach of unbc>aten Ma- praised the play of his all- r:ne Corps Recruit Dep?t, In• round halfback, Richard Mor- d1cated that an all-winning ris. season can have its adverse "I"ve worn out all my effects, too. quotes about this boy when I . "We have only three teams said earlier in the year that lin~ up next ye:i,r e.nd ~re he has the potential to play havmg a ~:>ugh tlm~ gettmg defense In the National Foot- opponents, the Manne coach ball League," he said. "He's (Continued on b-7, Col 1)

USD Eyes Open After First Victory . 1 us! The Univen,ity o~ San Dtego:,iee~ beaten four times. niter po ting its first victor> I Even so ol the 9-son Saturday night, to withstand a well-balanced (·an look forward to a week·•attack by the Bible College rnd otf. The Pioneers close~whlch amassed 348 y:i,rds_ to\ ate this season USD had the Pioneers had

WhY do football teams win,

and why do they lo ._.... 0 were the

14 \USD's 285 and




here Nov.

led m


tars In week•

again t Montana State Col- downs, 17-13.


\ leg .

cox, used little at quarte:• po ced by \back tlus seaso:1, scored hIB quarterbacks Dave Cox a nd lirst touchdown m three years Jan Cha man, outscored the\at USD when he rompted 67 The Pioneers,

nd g m rootb !l team



How will they do next Fri•



Sa t d y? ur a


yards. Chapman :figured m a \57-yard touchdown pass to C. ,!; G Walker who lateraled to \J~e Gray. Gray also scored

day nd l The wlll

use Bib!•



and other que s tions I anawer d 1or !ans at V Uey Inn at noon to- the U nion-Tribune t b ck Club a ~embles

Flrll do':':',., !~i~I~: •...,,.::

•• ..

::::.. /

;:!~: Pun11



1• 4

in,.,_1o<1 ·.::::

on a three-yard run.

1 l~

4 _.~


· ..... · • •· •



W'tll Chappell climaxed a . yard drive In the first •


Fumbles -• Yord• ••••h•l


• •


Quur er !or Its I Cucst join Ing.

kly lunche~n meet• Southern Calllornla Bible Co'.- period with a one-yar~ plunge\


le e in Orange, 38-14.

Prevl·lto give USD a lead 1t_ n_ever relinquished. Churck Williams picked up the :final Pioneer touchdown when_ he ran_ 43 1 yards on a pass interception.


coaches, who



coacheq \

I and answer questions

I' n

from rans, will


be Bennie

•• 16 0 11-31 1. •1G!ov O ~1, 4 (O'Connor, , 1•1 ,

s. cam. a1b10 conH• USO-Cho?Pl!.I uso-cox m run) Colloe- Gro! (~ Bibi!


d E d ru ol l't. Loma High, an A t Fil on who e Mar Vista l '\"h ll·am ls a leader In t e J .,. voe do League title race. Regular m mbers o1 the Governall. San Diego State; Robert (Bull) Trometter, Ma- rine Corps Recruit Depot; Al r • h • co ,·hes' panel are Paul




Alsup); Shern (pa,s from AlsuoJ. uso-Grav (57, "°" c(M•mf;om" c~a,;.\ er 10 Gray); Walker PCIS!I uso-GroY (3, run). t w lk






'°" 1n1erceotlonl;\

S•ut'i:\'J.wanoms 143 ,


rrom Chapmon).





Lewi~. Cal Wi CollPge, and p ·ctiutte, n

m; George eao Junior Platz, Uni-

MCRD Team Too Good, 0 ~~~;,~~~~-~:~~H~o~~e)\;.ern ,:ooG~:" Bull Trometter, coach of our tea!'!! will be on a hlgh

versity of San Dlego. Gene Greg ton. executive 1 ports edLtor ot the Evening Tribun~. will be toastmaster•

1 5 ,•j~:\ four


Marine Corps Recruit De-

school level next year and m

think we'll play even if we

lb 11

have games."

the ~·ear·s to come.''




three or







Head coach Paul Platz, left, whose University of San Diego football team defeated Southern Califor- nia Bible College, 38-14, in Orange Saturday is greeted to the winner's circle at yesterday's Union- McCutcheon Learns I Ariwna Slate ti I Bob McCutchcon looked at Flagstaff. The fans ne\'er let 1 . • • him forget his" ords. the ne\\ spapei and I rad Lookin'-[ b~ck, l\lcCutcheon where California coach Pete regrets the two incidents asl Elliott had been chastised for unfortunate. •·r should have airing his charges against kept quie_t," said Bob in his USC's Mike McKeever. small office off the Ramona "You know, Pete shouldn't boys' locker room. ' ham said that. They'll never Career Set Back Jct him forget it," commenl• . . . ed the former University ol ~fcCutcheon figures l11s d1s-r San Diego coach. now head missal as USD coach at the mentor at Ramona IIigh. "I close of last season threw ought to know." I him for about a seven-year loss on his college coaching Fans Don't Forget career. I ~tcCutcheon seemed out of "I'm s tart i 11 g all over! chai-acter criticizing someone again now." s~ys l\lcC~tch-j for being outspoken. In his I eon, with no signs of bitter- two seasons as USD coach ne~s. "I'm just trying to get ! McCutcheo s a controver'. that 'monkey' off my bark." sial figure e was quick :.'lfcCutcheon aspires to be with the rds and twice a c o I l e g e football coach stirred up furors before the again, but he's not restless I Quarterback Club with his in his first high school head criticism of opponents. (He'll coaching job. be guest speaker at next R.

team. voiced the !ear ye ter- day that the Dev1ldogs may ha\lt becomr too good

Spence Gartz, civi ian a letic director al ~ICRD · con- ·

- San Diego Union Staft Pharo Tribune Quarterback Club meeting by, left to right, Marine Depot coach Robert (Bull) Trometter, Mar Vista High coach Art Filson and Point Loma High coach Bennie Edens. It was USD's first victory.

GeorgQ Schutte of San Di- ego Junior College and Cal


th e meeting Western·s Al






I.heir own good.

th at th e Recruits have a se• opined that high school foot-

.. L don't know



rious scheduling problem. "Hamilton Air Force a nd

ball in the San Diego area is "down" this season. ''I'm not m·erly impressed with high school football in the area this year." s a I d Schutte. "I don't think there is any truly outstanding play. er at any of the schools." "l behe\'e that this year the Los Angeles area is quite a bit stronger than here," echoed Lewis. "I ha ,·en't seen any boy in San Diego who would be head and shoulders abo\'e the rest." Paul Go\'ernali, San Diego State College mentor. said he is "\'~ry hopeful about next season." He explained there are se\'eral boys in school, but ineligible to play, who should help the cause considerably in 1960. "On paper we should be stronger," he said. I Paul Platz. University of San Diego grid boss, heaped; praise on Bill Severan. all- around star of the Southern \ California B i b I e College team which bowed to the Pi• oneers. 38-14, last week. ..He's a real fine athlete," said Platz. "H's a shame he I isn't playing with an out- standing team. He's fast, strong and tough - slightly sensational." Art Filson, wbo~e .lllar Yis, ta High team is pacing the A,·ocado League, predicted the Avocado win n e r will have "a real good chance" in its division of the SCIF playoffs. "We'd like lo be that rep. resentative." said Filson. B e n n i e Edens said his Point Loma High club "will gi\'e it e\·erything we',•e got" against San Diego H i g h Thursday night. "We're in r ea l good shape," said Edens, "and we ha\'e e\'er~·thing to win and nothing to lose."

"ill be able to field a team

next year," Trometter told San Diego State are the only the Union-Tribune Quarter- definite opponents we have back Club at Mission Valle) for next season," he said. Inn. "Right now we ha\·e "Brooke Medical and Pensa- only three games lined up. cola said they would write "We did-ourselves out of a and we're negotiating \\ith i;:ame (b:, beating Ft. Car- Cal Poly at Pomona." ~on, 40-0. Saturda) l next uamllton is the only other year," he ,aid. "Ft. Carson ~en·ice base on the coa t won't play u, agaln Fresno which fields • ,·arsity" ath- ::itate said no. Jetic teams, according to

cCutcheon Learns ue ol Silence no their SCIF small schools title trouble along these lines at in the playoffs. Ramona. But winning football teams "The superintendent (Per. are not new to Mccutcheon. ry Morris) and vice principal His over-all coaching record (Wayne Burgess) have been stands at 61 wins, 9 losses great to me. And the •whole and one tie. His only previ- town ls behind the team. We ous prep coaching experi- have good equipment to work ence was one year as an as- with and my assistants (Jiml sistant at Antelope Valley Halverson and Glae McDon• High. He went.from there to aid) have given me 100 per the head coachmg job at An• cent cooperation," McCutch- telope Valley Junior College eon advised. where he remained s even The colorful mentor suc- y~ars before mov!ng to San eeeded Glenn Forsythe, who Diego. He compiled a 6-3 built Ram o n a footba!I to record in his first year with charnpionship caliber. the Pioneers. Finishing out "Glenn made my job here last season under lire, Mc- eaaier because he'd taught Cutcheon posted an 8-2 mark. the boys fundamentals " said Mccutcheon disagreed with the new head Bulldog. ' (Continued from A-39) here, but he's having

Gartz, and college clubs, ex• cept for San Diego State, are

"Actually. we'"e been go- Ing downhill," he continued.


his bosses and some o! the USD boosters during his stay

Lots of Subs McCutcheon started out with an inexperienced team, but now the Bulldogs look like a seasoned club. They've scored 103 p o l n t s in two league g a m e s, but their coach says he's tried not to "pour it 011" his opponents. ''I usrd 39 kids in U,e first quarter of both our last two gh-scoring games, • • he ,mmented. Away from t1le tumult and ,outing of college football, cCutcheon Iv with hi s ife, Doro o daugh- rs, Sally, Randeen, , at 1220 near Ra• a lot eat USD. . Coach• lle's work 1d I intend to .stay In It," ys Mccutcheon. Despite his ,parent <'ontentment at Ra. ona, there's a good chance ,Hegp football hasn't seen e last ot Bob Mccutcheon.

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