News Scrapbook 1958-1961

TRIBUNE . , 1e Title Caps McCoVey's Thrills IFANS DON'T ADVOCATE VIOLATIONS Aztecs Right in_Abiding by Rules By GK'-& (,REL: 'TO. •VENINO TilllUN • • x.cvtlv1 ~m Editor A! a sounding board. the Union-Tribune Quarter ack 1 Club's .\londay noon meeting, ha\'e SPrved a worthy pur- p P in timulatlng lnterP~t in football, letting fans blow of! team and offering tlle coaches an opportunity !or i ebuttal. And "here there Is any IT'lere t whatsoe\·er, a pncP 1or lo Ing Is critic1 m. This Paul GO\ ernali of San D1 go State College can confirm f'mphatirally , ·o OnP. with a prope.r l§('TI'lf! o! p1oport10n w-ould di.c; agree with Governali's tP.nP.t , yet It's pois Ible thP que~- has !Pd him to think thPre Is some di~agrP<'ment. I don't think there is, hoWe\ er. I havt> heard no one rge San Diego State College to break the rules, If n1>cl'S• rnRJI ~hould not e,E'I! !eel compelled l<:> answer them. (;>;or, tor that _matter, has anyon.., aecu ed .-onqu,•rors of San Diego State thi~ sea~on or operating beyond thP re,gulations.) Todd, a member ot th, president's advi~ory board and Rn a rdent eportsman, l!ald yesterday, "But I 1ePI the <"OI• IPge i$ lf'tlmg th" public down by not providing w!thi1' the rulPs an athletic program to match thf' academic program. It is the b•• t publ!c-rrlat10 11 :1 1\\ enuP for th"' l'Oll@ge and a school ot 10,000 should take R.d\"antage or 'it." One e.xample of CCAA rules whic-h the Azle,·.· do not uti!i7e ifi thl' admittam•p of II stade11t 011 "provisional" r SAN DIEGO, CALIPORNIA TUESDAY, NOYIMIER 17, 1959. Sports Section • • Page B-3


•tatu . Paul ,aid yestP1·d«y that othPr 11d100I. In thl' <"On• JerencP @mploy thi ·, ju. t a. UCLA 11.nd many other maJor eolleg@., do. The 11.dvan1age is obvious. The hlgh school or junior college l001ball player who r·an't quitP meet the trnlrancP rPquirement ,;chola~tically can bP admitll'd If a tudy of hi individual <"a,,. lead1 ot!icial~ to believe he's a good prospect a. a college student. The San Diego State athletic polic-y a,; drrnilPrl last fall (( ont!m1f'd B-7, ( 'ol. •)

The harp-polntPd questiom directed at Go, emaU thP past two w eks have a red :Ian~• grie\ances and they al o were asked on occa Ions which permitted Governali to 1 reply directly. Paul ha b<'en ab!P to expound his ph losophy regarding colleg ate football. It 1.1, In short, that amateurism hould prevail without e ·ception. But I detect In the lnterehanges ome confusion a to the principal I ue -1

Dr. Malcolm Lo,·e, the SDSC president, athletic d1reetor Bill Terry and Gove.mall all want an hone5t athletic: pro- &ram, and hould be commended for that attitude. But there are tho •• it•• apparent, who feel that the Aztecs-and, in effect, Tt>rry and Go\''t doing the utmost wahin the n1le.• of the California C0Uegia1e Athletic Association in football "I don't want them to break any rule

_, Trojans

Rank No. 2 In Nation WrH!tfl l'Nlm HEW5 5ERVICU Syracuse remained on top or thl' na110,al football poll• todn) a USC'', Tr o J a 11 iumprd to :second in United Pre s International voting. It was S)Tatuse's second !ltralght week a the • 'o. l colleg,. team In the nation. The Orangemen are unbeat. en, untied-and unchallenged.I They have 2.145 points to 1.&59 for Ml lss!ppl In the AssocJ.I ated Pres" poll and lead USC,I 336-291, In the UPI t on 126 o[ the 253 ballots cast b) AP port wrlter• and po~ ca ters for almo t 11. 2-1 •margin o v e r run:ier-up Ole Miss l..oni:-horn ~hp • 115 1 s ppi moYed up from !if'h 1n a sv.ap with Texas after the Longl1orns we re handed their first defeat, 14- '.J, by TCU. U. c.' stayed fourth tn the AP rankings, but the balance o! th ~tandmg~ were I haken up Georgia jumped from 12th to gtxth after its 14-13 win over Auburn, Penn St a t e climbed lrom 10th to eventh and • 'orthwe tern and Wis- co n each drop p@ d I\\0 place to eighth and ninth. rct , aulted from 18th to loth as a reward fat· its win over Texas U C received five 11 r s t- plaCi' -..otes lrom the UPI. Like ")Tacu e, the Trojan~ have an 8-0 record going into thJ:o; \\Pek's te t Vlith UCLA. UPI Poll Teorn P01n,s 1 f:~~;~~:~:tr,\~'.~s:.:;~\i -: s~l~ffet~??~~~;~i:.·:~·;-~;'~\r;,; {f 0 11a~nf~tn9_ ~\h (;te,. 16 W~~1~:: ~l;,~;:,•.~:\'\~~~~:;~; ,3:.,~- otners l ~~:~~;~~~lf!•,"U'l1,\l-1io1 : Hii S)Tacu e wa named fi 1. Srra~• U6l 41,-0 1 AP Poll Ttom I. svroc Pooni• c1u., <8-0> !: l:~:, (1\ '· PeM g,a,e 16> J: ~~~::.'"i?..21 1 1 6- 2 J 6 JB-/i,, 11-1>

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ts' Star s to '60 T11 ha 1,een tt,,. ye<1r or ..n.y c-a, ,old ~an r'r nc•i co hr t mou Iv toda a!I thr. • a

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aid h,. dtdn t heC'aU e

urf! I 1 te " 1! I enn keep playhg the way h ('mt>r-r o1 thf' 24-mar- baU Writer A oc1at.o ,11 lis,e my hlgge

Western; Bob Shank,' San Diego State; Neal Petties, San Diego Junior College; Stan Nelson, San Diego Junior College, and Dick Morris, San Diego State.

ison, Cal Western; Gray Elliott, Univer- sity of San Diego; Vern Valdez, Marine Corps Recruit Depot: Jan Chapman. USD; Boo Y.'hitlow, M'CRD; .Terry Keating, Cal

Football - player

'EM? -


guests of Union-Tribune Quarterback Club yesterday at Mission Valley Inn "·ere, reading clockwi e from left, Al :;\lad-


MCRD Coach

f 00 Hot to Handle? Not for Governali!1Sees Toughie

With Aztecs ! An edgP 1n numbers Is th11 only advantage Marine Corps Recruit Depot will have over San Diego State College Sat- urday afternoon, Bull Tromet- ter, \1:CRD mentor. told thP Union-Tribune Quarterback Club yesterday. "\Ve're looking :for e. real tough game," Trometter said. "Any team that can run and throw-;md they (the Aztecs) can run and throw-can beat any team on a given day. Rough A1te~noon Possible just as l st1•ong up front as our No. 1 ball club,'' he addPd, "but I feel we can outmaneuve,r !them because w@ can substi- tute a little stronger than they can. H State's 1:, or 16 good players stay healthy though, we're In 101· a rough after. noon." "Twill make this brnsh pre• diction,'" said Aztec coach Paul Governali in a "whis• tling-by-the-graveyard" to n e. "We will rout them by 10 touchdowns on Saturday." I Aztecs Disappointed I Governali reported that both he and his p J a ye rs werP !"keenly disappointed" at l thl'ir 14-1'1 tie with Pepper- dine last week "\\'p artuallv dominalBd tile game PXcept for one spo- radic oassing effort by thP PepperdinP quarterback and a long punt return," he said. "I would say therP was a two. touchdown differenee be- tween the teams. The boys gave it all they had. They wanted to win." Trometter r@marked that •undermanned Moffett Naval Air Station was "the f irst Leam T've Pver played that J I a c-tually felr a little sorry for·• 'f hirrl 'trim:: U ~I'd l Lis unlJc-atc-n Devildogii rompc-d to a 46-0 vic tory de, spitr the fact he ~tartl'd his third ~tring and used every- body on the squad . George Schutte sail! h I • (Continued B-7, Col 1) "I think State is

beat any other team. Governali also pointed out that, while some schools ex- ercise their option of ad- mitting students who do not measure up to specified ~eholastic standards, "we do not." HP said hP is oppobed to a sliding scale of aid to ath- l@tes - more financial as- sistance for a first-stringer than a third-stringer. Governali s a i d he ha~ been charged with being too severe on his players, but "a player who wants to play bad enough will take disci- pline on the field." "In the past," he contin- u.,d. "we ha\'e had several players who wanted to know 'what the deal was.' This bothered me be<'ause I be- lieve in amateur s p o r t s• They can play the amateur game or get the hell out. I will drive them crazy be• fore I will allow them to dictate to me. "I do not like p1·os in an amateur setup. I do not like players who report late for practice because they feel they're above the team. I do not like players who re- port two weeks late aft@r lolling on !hp beach while the other players were work ing out und@r the hot sun. A player must report Aug. 31 and must bP willing to be only 1-33 of th@ squad '' Another fan asked Go\·- ernali: "If athletic scholar- ~hips a1·e the factor. why do coaeh Ziegentuss rba~ket• ball) and coach Smith (base- ball) have good teams while football is suffering?" "Baseball is a natural in this area like tennis and golf," said Governali. "Bas- ketball and f o o t b a I I are tough spm•ts here." He pointed out that bask<'t· ball costs lc>ss and is a non• injury sport: while football "is the onl:v contact ~port at our collegP and kids a re bound to get hm·t.·' Quoting a recent maga- zinP a L·ticle by Col. Red Blaik, Governali said. " A (C-Ontlnned B-7, Col, 6>

In yoar:

fans In the question-answer period, the :Montezuma men- tor emerged from the in- quisition shaken but vn-

By BOB ORT)IA. • Paul Govemah, w h 0 5 •






player talent also?"

2,IJS San Diego State C O 11 e g e football team will conclude _. l:~ a losing season against un- beaten :Marine Corps Re- truit Depot Saturday after- _ .:: ; ::: m CO\trse" at ,esterdav's Un- ion • Tribune Quari:erbaC'k •...• 110 Club luncheon at Mission 86• ~l ~H -m • • noon. was the "'m a i n • •.• : .

I have said be!ore,"


Go\'ernali replied. "every- thing is relative. Our league is stronger all up and down the line. Teams that u~ed to be patsies are no longer He compared the situat10n to thl' National Foot b a 11 League where, on any given paisies. '




The most-barbed

query r e ad

involved -

"Sinre th@ ~tart of thP com. pulsory student body card fee in 1956, why hasn't foot- ball shown the improvement that this extra money should cause? The change Is in

an a tomo-

?: ~ 0 f. J: !~~g~~.< 6 "lJ2 l ~~.,::21m ,6. 1owo 1s1 (S.JJ 0 <;:''s!~?

1" 0 6 /(s.

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" 0 tt to oni- o! my poott•st sturts In ba eball cl d up hav1n"' my be t year," recalled

1 ~: t'fa':::Fls.W cs.1-2> ...:·:·:.:·; 1 ij Valley Inn.

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A_lt_h_o_u_g_h_r_o_a_s_te_d __


• I y

athy Has Big Tennis Ambition

.en takes a back seat to me, • K11thv aid with an air of confidence • Kathy, who reaches her 16th birthday Saturday. was second to Karen in South- ern Calitornia ratings this ye¥. One of her out~tandlng vtctorle~ in 1959 came when shP beat Bakersfield's Sally .Moore, one of the top junior gals 1n the coun• try Kathy' golll tennis is to compPt" at Wimbledon - and she's sure sh• v.'i.ll attn n It "I've ju,t got to ha,e a tlophy from \ 1mbledon on that helf." he remarked, pointing to an area Jammed ...,th tro. phie~ won by th!' Chabot,-; Ralph Trembley, who conducts the Evening Tribune's :-.Ietropolitan tourney. etas ifies the Chabots as "two o! the h,• t c-ompetitor, this town ever has aecn.'' "Kathy aims to be the best in the country," Trembley said, "and \\ith her determination she could be. She not only want& to get to ¼'l.rnbledon hut she'd also like to be the national champion." Being Idle more than a month because of a badly 1pralned anJ

B~ 'RL IHl,1,f,R iood tht.r1i ott n come In J,ttle pack,

could char.,:., Bil y CR i>er ,ado\\ U Ile


a,ul.• 4r' 1]'[


KATHY Al\'D J()AN CHABOT, Rl~E rG TEm,s STARS Trip to Wimbledon tourament i11 No. 1 goal of Ka.thy

h n Kar,

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