News Scrapbook 1958-1961

7illlOIJ ers' ass ~),b?J F r Colo. Western


• 10



f The sGrowth Pai s y Fn st In San Diego Area st


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// ame

Cancelled By Plane

rn tat unablle to et off the round we of engine t u le. the game v.a c n lied. Th Hev. J. W. 1urray, athle le moder tor, d that b> th tlm lhl' :.3 ,, a able to take off ould ot ha e m d th t In time for the sc:-hed- u d 1 :30 p.m. kickoff. e tern • tate athletic di re tor Paul \\r ght aid the game would not be re hed- d n e timat d 1,200 high ool tudent er m t'1e ern Color do city for band day. Wright aid the band program, S<'hcduled for ha11tlme, v. ould be he at \" C tndlum following downtown Gun-


a parade ni on.

W!oAJ 's-f FACE PEPPERDINE 0 • nn n /tJft

o e Game

aves Trip D, 19-6

"\'ie hope to do some rur.ntng agau t Peppe ha e to chew 'em out and not 1 g 1 to go tor the Jong gainers," bend c.oach Paul Pl t.z of th C'n!versf•y of San Diego PlonePr· admitted }e~terd y Pl I b, ill lookln for Its f, t , 1cton o! the cam- pal n ",11 tangle ,, ti e v; vc~ Ba boa to- morrow ight Ki koff , Int d for , o eloc,- 1 thin • \Y run !or ,, Ort g iners out 1t , 1]1 be nm 1o our back to get a t uch econda y men a, Cla} ton Ta,e "and Bob aniell bo h good •print- . Cl s.' Plnt.z adde-d. Platz said bis bo} bowed I ire b t we'll

Baker Snags Bourque Pass For Late.~:~:,_e~•,~:::1.¥~ P ppcrdme College pleked up thr touchdo\\ns within eight minutl's of the second period to hand the University of San Diego it third straight los , 19-6, last 11ight before 1,000 fans in Balboa Stadium. • The Pioneer forces Were STATISTICS USO Pepp, una le to function for three "' <1ov.ns ts • PR•""'•~~ yYaordrd•••••• •• •• • ••·,., 1?! 1 !! quarters without their

mp10, ement tn pa .· . his ,, ek but adm1tt d that the, '11 haH to be at< their best ai;alI t n which thro\\ th ba n m ch a, Peppenli!le. The Pioneer coa h .h••J\·ecJ hi plan of us ng Jack Garo- fono at tackle and has mt;1,·ed the \'eteran pla) er bark to enter Bill Bnna,ga wlll open at left tackle \\liile either Wayne Bourqu or 11ke Gur- ;ola will be at right guard in other switches. ,Joe Lj)eschnlg' leg has 1mpro\·ed so he . hould 8ee eonsldera't\]e . en lee although Bill Bourque "11! oprJJ at left half. Al o, Chuck Williams hould be ready to pell .Tim De. anti,; at fullback, adding strl'ngth to that spot. Report from Pepperdine are that two p 1-a ye rs are doubttu:. Rav \'\, rl'nn, a top halfback "'ho al!o throw · n good pass and first string guard \'ern \\a ner cuffered injuries in the Whittier game m , not play against u.o '1 e Wq, e also •eeking ,he" 111 ial t iumph ha,·e lost to , ada, 27-12 Los An- gele tale, 14, and Whit- tier, 23-6

dominated the od bu\ failed to get n USO sZ'/.

The 1inai quarter was all USO. In fact, Peppe1·dine con-

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