News Scrapbook 1958-1961

~bt Jitgo llnion SPOTS PAGE a-17 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1958 ong orn • g es ' Ramirez Scores 3 Touchdowns; A&M Held To 39 Rush Yards

F rl! downs Yordl rush .,. '¥'ards PoU n• Poues P ,u tratercepfed lrY '°'' Yenti NDC rid • PYnls Fumb cs


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ere oday the) lost under similar ar- 1 rangemenL~. MCRD lost to Arizona State of Flagstaff, 25-19, and the Tuc,on Rat- tlers, 28-,. The only compari ·on be• t,, ee the two clubs is Eagle Rock Athletic Club. Montebello plit with Erac ,1 h!le MCRD . wamped the ame lub l3-0. ,·em Valdez the former Univemlty of San D i c g o . ignal-caller. once again,, ill ge the starting call at quar- terback for t h e u-ather- neck \\ith Duke Snider go- ing at right half The other two po~Jtions are uncertain with either L C. Taylor or Billy • lar• tin set for left hall and Jim- m}· Pyles or Ernie Merk taking over at !ullback Pyles and ~Ierk have been the important ground gain• ers on the club in the ab• sence of Al H • H0WC\iCr. there is a po ibi i y Hall may c hi fir t a tlon . in e Hamilton 1r Force B e g me • o . 5. e er, guard E me be o t of euon. p ed fly Bob ould be wide- open with Montebello ex- pected to throw plenty of passes. Valdez, a g o o d thrower, will be backed up by .·teady Pete Wal ki and Darryl Roger at the sig- nal-calling pot. Rogers is the hest long thrower of the three.


field , which operate 1 n g I e "'Ing, wUI be Je,,ell Owen . :!o-- m rly of Fullerton Junior College · Jlm Harr} man of the Unlver it} of , a,hlng• ton and Chuck Longo of San Jo e tat . artne coach R o b e r t ( BJ!l) Trometter ha g o o d re on to fear the -'lonteb I- lo club This 1 the fourth club the larine ha, e faced th1 ) ear under free-:ub. ti- tution rul ,. Twice before from th T and

Cal We tern almo. t gained revenge for 11r. earlier defeat but Rtch Gregor, 's ba. ket in the final minute provided. aval Training Center with a :55-53 victor)' Saturday night. The d e f e a t lowered the ------ Westerners' season record to U1e \\'a\ es and led th econd 8-7 although the club has a half com<.'back with J8 7-1 mark against coll<.'giate Palomar J uni or allege competition. used 26 points b? Ja k om- :-, or r i s Greenwood' s 14 bolt to romp mer lmp<'rial points paced Cal We ·tern but Valley in a South Central Con- Bruno Ludncek of • ~r took ference game at El c tro. high-point honors with J6. 74-48. Palomar had a 41-22 Marine Corps Recruit De- margin br halfti~e- pot won its J8th \ictory CALE\\O of San Dl~go against three defeat by ~cor- edged s a_ den a {1nor Ing an 81-77 triumph o ,·er Gl~ze, ,.3:,2, m. a game fe3;- Lockyers of Los Angeles. Fi,·e turl~g. two of_ ::;outhPrn C3;1t- )!arines hit the double Jig- fonua s top-flight A,_\ qum- urcs with Frank AllPn lead- te'.. · Paul Lo11gh 1 •r) I a_st- irg the fiPld \\ it. 1 n point . minute fr c ws d c1ded Cni\ersit. of San Diego the contest stumbled io t 11th defeat Palomar <;t 1F p T i,noer,al C~IIF PT a::ainst only two \ ictm ies as );~~gf,': 1 i g ! 2i ~g;~~:r l n } ~~::r~t~.o~Ol1~g:IZ!: 67 •~t t~\~am i ! 1 \ ~Eit' j i \ \i heJd a 41-27 advantage at ii~•~ fl f l halftime but the \Va really Gustafson I l 1·01led In the econd half. H~~l~T. 3/12 1, ,l Totot• ,, ,, 14" Ken Leslie'. 26 points were Palomar .. •1 ll _,, all in yain for the Pioneers lmt;f~~ten 11 ... MCRD n 1' -


Pioneers Idle For Final Exams Coach Le. Harvey's Uni- ,·ers1ty of • an Diego ba ket- ball wlll e Inactive until Jan. 30 preparing tor the fall seme,;ter final exam~. The Pioneers, on the short end of a 2-11 record, have nine tough game remaining in the second half of the 1938-59 sea on. Eight of the nine game will be played on the road: three in the Los A n g e 1 e s area, one in Santa Barbara against Westman College, one at Fre no State, o n e game at Point Loma l!.galn. t the San Diego a ne and two games clo ·ing out t h e season al Chico State. The single home game will be a return match with Pasadena Colleg on Feb. 14 at ~fission Bay High. Pioneer .·coring: NAME G FGA FTA F Lesli~ , 3 111 Moines, 1 ;3 137 Baran,f •• ,1 .. Podr'ski, 11 • 13 ~2 R~~;:~~, Cf .• I fo RClh, f •• 0 ,Ill Mothls, g • 8 61 Boker, c •••• 10 58 Reth, f •• 5 16 h!OM>n, Iii •• , •• t 5 ,;;. O.:.'N;.:ceo;;.;.l::;11,_c:..-..:.:...:..• ~1 1 TP•AV9 ns-11 J 1 69-1'.4 112-12., 53- ,.o 57- .t.3 56- .4.6 33- 3.3 59· 7.3 -45- ,.s 15- 3.0



n., SAN 01


Knott Oouicos Delpit k6~~:r Winterburn

l 1 " S 1 O 1 2 i i U g ½ 1 a o -' 16

5 ! 15 Stillwell , 1 2 13 Harper A O A J ~ilfn" 17 Smith ~~~•~;:rt ti I~)! !l.: To!ol, i " 14



Tot~l• 34 13 1f ,, Holft1me Seo• ~_RD 44, Loclityers 10. USD Ull Pepperd1ne (171 Bok.:r O r 1 s ?1 r 21 Rebel 10 F ,f, 1 0 9 Turpin 1 21 • J 2 2 6 Leslie 11 1 1 1 3 Maines 7 '2 5 6 3 16 Pdrew?ii

1 0 0 2 2 < 0 8 21 21 13 77 ,,,erdine 27.

'l8 11 11 '7 Totoll


Halftime Score: USD 41,


Mirror GliuF


j g 1 i 3 O 1 6 7 l l 15 3 1 S 7 A 0 3 8

: 1 ! ,! CfJi'!'~~v

f~~ian t~t Davis Donohue

e~J~1~ 1::011 ? g

0-00.0 0-00.0




t ~ls;on

, O o .4 4 2 12

11bert olbot P tt, L~~1;,i;rv

1l n P T S 6 2 14 2 2 73


U 1' f 7Z


It l-71

•• . •

•• •

Mirror Glaie CALEWO

•.. ., .. , • 37 Col Western . II )

do not have In e th 1c urch-

NTC (55) G re;orv Peter!Ofi Os.born


, T

G ,

6 3 3 , s Johnson s A 7 Greenwd l

, Lewis

2 2


il 3 10 O O 2

Ludvicek 6 4 2 16 Hammond 5 O 2 10 Keolh,v

Swavne Henrv ":T'Of01S

5 2 A. I Takahashi 5 1 ? 11

2 3 Fugate

O l

1f 17 ,S S!i Totals '11 5l Halftime Scttre--Cal. Wutern 29, NTC 2'. JV Score-Col. Wt'S1trn Sf, NTC 51. 22

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