News Scrapbook 1958-1961



la s 'Business as Usual'


lJniVPJ'I basketball looking u . and literally.

B)' Mt:r. ZIKE

ol an Dll'IO offlmai.. i&"norfflS thPlr mo~t a r,n, \\hic-h f'ntlrd In • 17-0 whitewashing, a u~ual'' \\her the rt•xt football campaign

"We'll have eonsiderablP more height th Is si>ason," .says Pioneer <'ourt roach Les Harvey. "We averagPd 62.5 points a gam1, last yPar but stilJ didn't come out too good <5-181. "This Yt>H we have addPd some tall freshmen lno •t of lhem with Pr<'tty good SpPe-d, so thP outleok is bright !or the future, WP'll lose only one man oft this year'• squad by gradua. tlon," added the greyhPad. ed mentor. Lf>ttPrmen bark In th e


l,_N DI Wed.,

Q, High

ock Club to Honor

C'h Paul Platz looklt11t for J:'l"l'l'nf'r


chool Grid Champs

in the near


to nn~

\\Owcln't admll


ta d d b

The Southern California Federation Interscholastic spotllghted Monday at the luncheon meeting or the Union-Tribune Quarter- back Club at Ml~sion Val- ley Inn. Coaches of the area's four championship hirh school teams will peak, At prl'~- ent only Al Gilbert ot Chu- -¾a Vista ,High lteflnltPly is set for an a nee. His SP a rt a M ady have c!m ched th" Metro Ll!ague title. The W e s t e r n Lf>ague Probably Will be represent- ed by Birt Slater of Kearny while the Eastert1 LPagu~ final football playoffs will be

n ar · earer once more

Coronado and Oceanside all ln the running. Coach of th e team which ls selected 1 o rPpres<'nt the circuit wlll app<'ar at the Quarterback Club. Rl'guJ11r panPllsts will be I'auJ GovPrnall, San Dlego State Colll'ge; Biill Tro. rnettC"r, Marlnp Corps Re. <' r ult Depot; George Scl1utte, San Diego Junior CollPge; Paul Platz, Uni- versity of San Diego, and 1 Al Ll'wls, Cal nt,,rn. All . but 'J'romette wll) have ' completed their seasons. , The public is Invited. Only ,qu!llifi~atlon tor "member. ' ship in the dub Is that you 1 bP a football fan J •

be Duane

:iarxpe1~~d A erh~E'. an

ie~i° High.



1 1 k



the Avocado

e Y in


eague, with Mar V-1,;ta,

night' game with University of San

Jim McLeod


<·atche. pass in end zone for touch- Diego in Balboa Stadium. Jan Chap- down during first quarter ~of~S:.a:'.tu~r:::_d:.-::af...y_...:.:.m:::a:::n:....:.:is.:..::d:.:.ef::.:e:.:.n:.:.d_e_r._M_o_n_ta_n_a_S_ta_t_e_v._·_o_n_. I EVENING TRIBUNE \ SAN Dll!GO, CALIFORNI" b9 1:· )Ion.,. ·ov. 16, 1959 •

TJnlver~lty or 8rm Dlei;o's \l'O·llme C'alhol1c Kll,Amrrl,•an entl C. G. Walher cloR1•tl out hi~ coli< i:iatc football ,. 11 ,..,.,r in brll- l,ant. fashion but In A losing cau•P. Jnat Saturday night. The Pione!'rs ftnl•hPd the s•a- son losing to Montan11. St.Ate Collei;-e, 47-0. USO ended "ith 11. 1-5 record. ) Walker, Who earned A posi- tion on the 19,~9 Academic All-1 American football team, aluded heavy Montana State coverage lo catch five ptll!$e~ !or 70 yard., and boost hi• season total to/ :14 6 yards, Walker's r e co r ti three-year career total tor pass 1 rec!'pllons fs 1,064, J The Pioneers were hPld scot·e- less for th.. f Ir st time tllls season, but got a great pcrform- anc, from 170-pound quart<"r- back JAn Chapman Chapman, a candidate for 19511 small college All-A merkan honors, complet- ed 10 ot 24 PMMs, attempted for 112 yards and raised his aeason total to 717 yards !nj five g-amcs. Montana Stat.. ColJPge took the openln~ kickoff and moved 67 yards !n 10 plays and scored when halfback Jim Mc Le O d plunged over center from the one. Q11a1·terbark Gary Davies ran for the conversion. I The Bobeats ca me bark two minutes later to ~core on a six yard pass from Davies to Mc- Leod. Montan"- State's Bob I Schmib ~et up the score, Inter- cepting a pass on the Pioneer 23. The Pione.. r11.took ovn 11nd launched their first ottensivpl drive of the first half and drove to the MontanR State 23, but the visitors' gi~anti.- line held .. / Second• later Montana State halfback Sam M o ore took 11. pltchout from quarterback Dar- ryl Dupuis and raced 8~ yards for a touchdown, End B r a, d Lowell kicked the extra point. The Bobcats' fourth touch- down was set up on a. 46 yard run by halfback Tommy Molen, Two plays later, midway In the second quarter, halfback Bob Rudio drove five ya rd s off guard for the ACore. •Quarter- back Dupul scored the fifth Mnntana StRt~ touchdown of the first half nn ll 21 yll rd keep-J er pl"-Y· Dupuis ~eked the ex- tra pnlJlt, Montana. Stat~ opened thP I ~•cond halt by klckini;: oft to USD. The .PlonePr8' Chapman irenerated a 53 yard drive on the O))Pnlng kickoff of the second half to the Montana. State tour yard line-but !he massive Mon- tana. State line staged t h e I r fourth goal line stand. Montana. State and USO ex- changed long drives In the third quarter, but the Bobcats final- ly broke the second halt dead- lock when fultbeak Jack Cam. eron broke lhrougli. c•nter for 10 ya.rd II and a t chdown. LowellR kick was good. A 65 yard punt r<>turn by MolPn to th• usn 25 11.. t up Montan,. fln1tl acor~. Q1111.rt•r- hRck Harry Lopson,e•kl PMRPd 25 yllrd~ to end Bob tor the •ror•. The Bob<"atl! outrushed the Pion•ers 2!l3 tn 109 net, rmt- pa•sPd th• PionPPrs 184-112, and led in first downs, 16-1/i, Guard Wayne Bourque and linebacker Al Zuniga were de- fensive standouts for thP Pio- n<'ers, Sophomore Jo'!/ Gl-ay fin- ished the RCRSC'n wit~ 288 yardR (5..5 yardq per carr.v average) to win the individual rushing championship and won the USD leading scorer title w i th 22 poinls.



Bertha Hodgkinson

James B. Moore Director


Phone OXbow 3-0771



November 30 , 1959 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

1959 NAIA District #3 All-District Team Named The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics District #3 announced the All-District selections for 1959 today . The district-wide balloting of coaches covered 18 district schools in the California-Nevada area. The following men were named: FIRST TEAM:

1 ~!r!a!'J£~!~!BUNE :l i\lOQ., Nov. -30, 1959 b-5 / USO to Face N OYY, OJWJtet' Univer ity of" A l e age r • . /ego . . s, victorious in tw Pl actice games Ia . 0 TraPac at C ' P Y Ph1b- row night at o;o~~do .tomor- the Pioneers .,,jJ,. b arting tor Maines, s. 4 li e 6-1 Bob / Baran, 5-1 r.; 1 • 6-2 Ed- 6-5 CharlH'.1' I: tlpg and USD Will ' W'. / Thursday night. T/te1'9o hitter have beaten Miramar ' S!e,.rs and Unite~ethren, 68-~: •'1'5,

Whittier College Redlands University Occidental College San Diego State College



University of California, Santa Barbara Humboldt State College


Whittier College Cal - Poly Pomona Whittier College

Cal- Poly Pomona Redlands University



George Pepperdine College Cal- Poly Pomona Cal - Poly Pomona University of San Diego Redlands University University of California, Santa Barbara

Steve Johnson Roger Folsam George Swade Jan Chapman Tim furroughs Boyett


Chapman, the nalion'R third leading amRtt coJIPge punter IA11t yeRr with • 4.1,8 averag.., f1n- lshf'd the 11eason With a 40.1 average,

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