News Scrapbook 1958-1961


THE SAN DIEGO UNION d 16 Snt., O<'t. 2j, 19.18 S4 01!00, CAl.l~ORNIA


~ - ------

USD eeks 4th Victory Tonight By ,IOH, 'S '~fr DO.• l.D 'I1 Unlver lty or San Dl-1showcrl Im heels to the oppo. finally reaching It.!! po, s1tion last week. la t we k, will go after Keye~ \\ Ill be at one half, 1 1th victory In five start~ buck po t \,hlle 'l'om Gates, ton 1ht In B lhon Stadium former star ot the Hawaiian It I, ttle olounlo We t• Marines. will be at the other t Coll gr.. half spot. ,\n1lon Wright, an lioff Is sd1eduled for 8 improving fullback, and qua_r. terback Jan Chapman will I' nel"r~. operating round out the backfield. w o elthPr 011 the A conv111clng pei:formance a:rounc or n the air, will bank against the • !ountameers ~o- hcavlly "' the doshing Bobby night might prove that 1;!::,D Keye , u :,.pound Junior who (( ontlnuNI on a-18, Col. d

es Lead Pioneers atart in II tlr

to the ftrllty only --~1u yard llne. weeks ago on the strenttft of Keyes added two points his good showing ln scrim circling the right side. mages.

The Pioneers kept their was wide. .

By JOHNNY McDONALD Gates however has h ad drive on the ground w I th The battling Pioneers plcke It was Freshmen Night for more background. But this, Keyes and Wright carrying up two more touchdowns In the Univel'slty of San Diego too, was his best showing to most of the way. Keyes, who the third quarter and also held at Balboa Stadium last night. date. He played for th e laS t collected 209 ra rd s laS t week the Coloradoans twice when two seasons with the Hawai- against Lewis and Clark, A pair of yearlings-Ron ian Marines. picked up 37 yards in the 14- they moved closed to scoring territory. paced the Pioneers to a con• In 16 carries while Falvo had Colorado West er n was Gates opened the second vlncing 46-14 victory over ~2 yards in 15 trips. pushed deep into its own ter- halt In electrifying fashion by Colorado Western State c o J. Even though the score was ritory near the end of the tlrst sprinting 89 yards for a touch• * • • lopsided, the Pioneers we r e period but soon regained pos- down on the kickoff, Ron STAT1ST1cs,.~ wnt uso forced to dig In on three oc• session on its 40 yard 11 n e Falvo passed to end Ray Yost N cassions and had trouble at when It recovered a Pioneer !or the two extra points. And, ~:;.l.~.':T... ··.:::;;:::: ,r. times holding lightning-! as t tumble. However, the Colora• with only 13 second gone, it 1~~:. r11,ft,,,. . :::"'";::. !\\ ,~; Colorado halfback Ron M i 1- doans were forced to k I ck was 28-6. ..~,/~~- . l t ler, who scored twice. again. RECOVER FUMBLE P'untin1 averGM ·•· v•·J..17.1 .,,.. USO th .__. two Moun Yanl1 ,..,.11,o,1 55 .. war..... . · 90,YARD RUN USD was on the move again * • * talneer touchdown bids m the . d lege before ome J,500 fans. third period by recovering The Pioneers were on h e when it recovered a C?lora o Falvo, a 5 _10 , lOO-pound hall- tumbles on its 18 and one-foot mo~e again m the se,.ond f~mble on the visitors 31. In 1. period, going 74 yards to t11e nme plays, Falvo went around back from ~ellevue, Pa., me. T Colorado four belore the vis!- the left side 1rom the two. The scored twice from the three USD SCORES Fms tors took over. placement missed and th c and one from the tour-yard However, Mllltr was hard Colorado Western closed the score was 34-6. line to cap lone drives. And to brii:ig down when in the gap with 4:02 left in the half Coloraqo was still trying, Gates, a 6-1, 195-pounder open field. He scored on a 90· when halfback Don M 111 c r however. It drove 58 yards ln from Los topl4111, punched yard return Qf a punt in the took a USD kick and returned eight plays only to fumble over from the Oll!III and _g al• second quarter and on a 24. It 90 yards for a toucJ.ctown. away to the Pioneers on the loped 89 yal'dl oil a kickoff yard dash tlu'GUgh the middle A pass for extra point was In- 10 return to open ttl'e illteqod ~alf. in the fourth period. complete. Later the It was an extremely h I g h This was -the Pioneers' USD ftretched thi margin drove J point In the career of Falvo, fourth victory In ilve starts to 14-6 when freshman half- ard run an 18-year old player who was and Colorado'IJ fifth Joss in I~ 1>ack Ron Falvo went around f Two tilling ln for starter Bob b_y games. left end trom tbe three to end 0 -;, the one Keyes, who was hurt early m The Pioneer moved out to a 48-yard drive. A pass trom center Jae Mountaineers• a :f>rilllant 49- o the USD the ball but USD (Continued on Page b-8, Col. U a 20-6 halftime lead on an 83- quarterback Duane O'Conncr ered a.noth r hie and that yard drive, a 48-yard march to Gates for 24 yards ::et up wu It for the third quarter. and a recovered fumble in the the touchdown. Falvo scored again early 1n end zone. The score reached 20-6 wl1en the fourth period when he Gates got San Diego oft to Colorado quarterback Renault skirted left end from the four Falvo and Tdm Gates-played like seaso~ed, seniors as they Gates picked up 117 yards play march.

to cap a 99-yard drive. The placement failed and the score was 46-6. Miller, who was outstanding for his ball club, sparked Colo- rado's on l y other scoring drive midway of the 1 a st period. He picked up 15 and 4 yards and then went through the center ot the Pioneer club for 24 yards and a touchdown. Halfback Ralph Ready added two points with a run an e scoring was complet

tnnt com n111de be• on com• New .\lextco lo t by three


do«n have made trom l,1 t "eek. Ken od-

EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA .:\foil., Oct. 2i, 1958 Y TBALL SCORES g~:gr:•2~,~ ~g,w 1 ~i~ i~· u. FIOf"ido St. 10, ~ennes6tfl O.

Per ect List Slashed; Only 33 Remain

E Stol • woshi~ ~~~1foif\1:':t.-i nio 2Jl,Or..on 6. Stonford 21. 'CLA 19. .£~~f~?n°!it~~ 11 ,lf1:h) 1 dft 0

,~~rrnvrri~gry!~~dJir inla Tech 20. 5t, Au•usftne 18, Fo~etfevellle Slate B. 1~, 1}1~hnt Hopkins I . Ander5on (lnd) 4-4, Bethany 6. wesievon 12, west Llbertv 0. VMI -12,. Davidson 7. Hempton 21 Virginia Stote 18. S•wanoe ... Maryville (Tenn) o. I d ~~~wJ:n


taoo 12

BY UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL I New • Mexlca Hi;hlands U, ~I LOUISiana State M1ss1ss1pp1, Wh1lworth 28, Brl11sh Columbia 7. Colorado and Rutgers are _the ,~1J,~ 0 ~ngsf· 11~ 1 ie;~if~O!,hv,~eran 7. f~~1e 26 • Mory an only major college football M~~Y~!~fl'.' Hon,ey Mudd 1t El Toro cf.'/'~-b•th City Tchrs 38, Saint Paul teams unbeaten ai;id untied to~ ~l~ift~c~ 0 ~'6~~~~n\~· 1 u. ~~~t~f?vn\ij~e~ls1' i~· day on a list ,~1h1ch i?cludes ~;:s"n~a ~f~t!acf_arr,~to A~g~r~:.. ·sta1e 6. iau~~ul~ :,_~eA~r~:t;;!~r/O. only 33 schools m all with per. La veme 34. Col Western•· uoper Iowa 27, Central (lwol 7. :feet records. e~~ih~x X1~1.J~~r~~ 1~.ontor,a 12 · ,;.~i~u:,~w~Kor.l. SJ~1 ~e~~- ~~-NU~rvn ,: Army and Ohio State, the ~~kr~~ 1 1~.1:1.:;.~~~ 0 f6. 12 • ~0~·1~r&1.NJ~ ~:r:~~~,S 0 'ia~ k'~6:vj1fe nation's top. ranked teams Utoh s1a1e 15, coro s101e Univ. o. Coll. 0. ' Colorado Mines 3, Colo S1ate o. Camp LeJeune so Fort Bragg O. were tied bv Pittsburgh and H,',.fl Scfrool Claflin csc> 2,. Albany CGol 8. • • :r Elorence (Ala) 20, Troy Stael U. Wisconsin, respectively, Sat. Claremon1-Webb 12, Army-Nov-,. •, lvingslon JO, Norfolk 1,, 20 F 1 d h"l T d N th Son Diego 54, Chula Vlslo 6. 82nd Airborne (Ft. Bra••> , or ur ay, WI e exas an or_ . Junior College M~~e t~,:·20, Fort Volley (Ga/ 6. western, the only other maJor Bak.ersfleld 31 san o:e-oo 2. Randolph-Macon 13, Br!dgewo er o. teams on the list last week, le~ct2,nside--Carisbod 27, fmperlal VD~ l~~rrn:~t si~t~o!~·r ~¥~11n Peav o. were beaten in the most no• Palomar JC 83. Santa Barbara JC 0. Morris Brown 20, Kentuckv State O. table form l eversals of the East s1~rttana Coll... 52 • Sou th ern (Arkl weekend. Wl~,~ 0/~~•te".;n"'s'f.7! CF1a1 2. Mldwesf .Mississippi and LSU have Pittsburgh IA, ArmY 1,. l"ll1~~1t 0 rloMi~r9"a°~aJr. lf.· perfect records through six ~;"8o~tmou1h 8. Ohio s101e 7, Wisconsin I. games, \\·bile Colorado and rg;~eTI'fl.S ~f{n~~~~ 0 i. u I. Fo~gcro. 2 ~o~t°~~e~R~~e26. 2 · R t b t d Yale u, Colsole /, Mcracette 27, COP 18. I u gers were un ea en an cort1ord tNYl Tchrs. B, Hofstra 0. Kansas 14, Tulane ,. untied through five. ~~Jf~,~v~,}::: 0 ~~w'o 0 Jt 0 • ~~~~onuci 1 1~~-J.f:'~,{~~To1·,. I Ho\veverlJ th re e small ~~t::r:,:.Cso~edh~Pnh 1\·. ~~1coiro~ :g, ~rr"os~s lto1e ,. l 1 St B d. t' (K ) S . 1· Id 1, A IC t, WeSte-rn Reserve 26 Wayne \Mich) 0. SC lOO S-- · ene lC S an. ' Jt:mt~~~ertl 12: MOsiochuse-11s 0. O~lohoma Stote 19, Cincinnati "· Northeastern Oklahon,a and Moir:e AO, Bates o. Arilona S1ate 21, Detroit 6. I Arizona (Flagstaff) State - ~~01e1i:•~~1.f-12. woshlnolon [Mo) 12, West, & Lee &. top the list, each with seven ~~~w~~~:sh~::~:,nt~Jndeis 8. '" 1 Jf:tb~tt:t~~liiirtrT1-ylor 1J. victories. There are 13 teams (s1-tr~oro (Po) Tchrs. 26, Monsfleld i~~O~f1:i:, 1Jt,Jfr;~~J~ .~-- \~ith six, 16 Wlth ~~~ 1 ~.rstJfg Firc~i-s. 12, Mflfersvllle Denison 39, Copital 8. five a n tl one Wlfu tbree to Tcg~i; itroudsburg 0, Wayresboro 0, t~~~~ 0 P1Jfnf3~rOJla~~rJ1r1 l-s. complete the roll. The perfect Nwq1ti 11oniomo1, 3A 7 •,•Tieu'tt,

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